public void OnFooterGUI(Rect position) { var hasSummary = !StringUtility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summary); var hasIcon = icon != null; var hasPorts = footerPorts.Any(); var y = position.y; y += FooterStyles.padding; position.x += FooterStyles.padding; position.width -= FooterStyles.padding * 2; if (hasSummary) { if (hasIcon) { var iconPosition = new Rect ( position.x, y, FooterStyles.unitIconSize, FooterStyles.unitIconSize ); var summaryWidth = position.width - iconPosition.width - FooterStyles.spaceAfterUnitIcon; var summaryPosition = new Rect ( iconPosition.xMax + FooterStyles.spaceAfterUnitIcon, y, summaryWidth, GetFooterSummaryHeight(summaryWidth) ); GUI.DrawTexture(iconPosition, icon ? [FooterStyles.unitIconSize]); OnFooterSummaryGUI(summaryPosition); y = Mathf.Max(iconPosition.yMax, summaryPosition.yMax); } else { OnFooterSummaryGUI(position.VerticalSection(ref y, GetFooterSummaryHeight(position.width))); } } if (hasSummary && hasPorts) { y += FooterStyles.spaceBetweenDescriptionAndPorts; } foreach (var port in footerPorts) { OnFooterPortGUI(position.VerticalSection(ref y, GetFooterPortHeight(position.width, port)), port); y += FooterStyles.spaceBetweenPorts; } if (hasPorts) { y -= FooterStyles.spaceBetweenPorts; } y += FooterStyles.padding; }
public static void GenerateLicenseFile(string path) { var acknowledgements = PluginContainer.plugins .SelectMany(plugin => plugin.resources.acknowledgements) .Distinct() .ToArray(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("The Unity Asset Store policy requires that all third-party"); sb.AppendLine("licenses be contained in a single LICENSES files."); sb.AppendLine("This file is auto-generated for this purpose."); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("However, you can find a more readable version of each product's"); sb.AppendLine("acknowledgements in its About window, found in the Tools menu."); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Acknowledgements below:"); foreach (var acknowledgement in acknowledgements) { sb.AppendLine(" - " + acknowledgement.title); } foreach (var acknowledgement in acknowledgements) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("============================="); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(acknowledgement.title); var hasAuthor = !StringUtility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(; var hasCopyright = acknowledgement.copyrightYear != null; if (hasAuthor && hasCopyright) { sb.AppendLine($"Copyright \u00a9 {acknowledgement.copyrightYear} {}"); } else if (hasAuthor) { sb.AppendLine($"Author: {}"); } else if (hasCopyright) { sb.AppendLine($"Copyright \u00a9 {acknowledgement.copyrightYear}"); } if (!StringUtility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acknowledgement.url)) { sb.AppendLine(acknowledgement.url); } if (!StringUtility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acknowledgement.licenseName)) { sb.AppendLine("License: " + acknowledgement.licenseName.Trim()); } if (!StringUtility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acknowledgement.licenseText)) { var licenseText = string.Join("\n\n", acknowledgement.licenseText.Split(new[] { "\r\n\r\n", "\n\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\n", "")).ToArray()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(licenseText); } } if (path == null) { path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("License File", "LICENSES", "txt", null); } if (path != null) { File.WriteAllText(path, sb.ToString()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
public static void Run(IEnumerable <string> paths, IEnumerable <ScriptReferenceReplacement> replacements, Mode mode) { if (!canRun) { var message = "Cannot run missing script resolver with the current serialization mode.\nSet the project serialization mode to 'Force Text' and try again."; if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Reference Resolver", message, "OK"); } else if (mode == Mode.Console) { Debug.LogWarning(message); } return; } // Doing a naive approach here: replacing the exact string by regex instead of parsing the YAML, // since Unity sometimes breaks YAML specifications. This is whitespace dependant, but it should work. var newContents = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(); var _paths = paths.ToArray(); var pathIndex = 0; var regexes = new Dictionary <ScriptReferenceReplacement, Regex>(); foreach (var replacement in replacements) { var regex = new Regex($@"\{{fileID: {replacement.previousReference.fileID}, guid: {replacement.previousReference.guid}, type: 3\}}", RegexOptions.Compiled); regexes.Add(replacement, regex); } foreach (var path in _paths) { if (newContents.ContainsKey(path)) { // Duplicate path continue; } var replaced = false; var fileContents = new List <string>(); if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Script Reference Resolver", $"Analyzing '{path}'...", pathIndex++ / (float)_paths.Length); } foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(path)) { var newLine = line; foreach (var replacement in replacements) { newLine = regexes[replacement].Replace ( newLine, (match) => { replaced = true; return($@"{{fileID: {replacement.newReference.fileID}, guid: {replacement.newReference.guid}, type: 3}}"); } ); } fileContents.Add(newLine); } if (replaced) { newContents.Add(path, fileContents.ToArray()); } } pathIndex = 0; if (newContents.Count > 0) { var pathMaxLength = 40; var fileLimit = 15; var fileList = newContents.Keys.Select(p => StringUtility.PathEllipsis(PathUtility.FromProject(p), pathMaxLength)).Take(fileLimit).ToLineSeparatedString(); if (newContents.Count > fileLimit) { fileList += "\n..."; } var replace = true; if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { var message = $"Missing script references have been found in {newContents.Count} file{(newContents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "")}: \n\n{fileList}\n\nProceed with replacement?"; replace = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Reference Resolver", message, "Replace References", "Cancel"); } if (replace) { foreach (var newContent in newContents) { if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { ProgressUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Script Reference Resolver", $"Fixing '{newContent.Key}'...", pathIndex++ / (float)_paths.Length); } VersionControlUtility.Unlock(newContent.Key); File.WriteAllLines(newContent.Key, newContent.Value); } if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Reference Resolver", "Script references have been successfully replaced.\nRestarting Unity is recommended.", "OK"); } else if (mode == Mode.Console) { Debug.Log($"Missing script references have been replaced in {newContents.Count} file{(newContents.Count > 1 ? "s" : "")}.\nRestarting Unity is recommended.\n{fileList}\n"); } } } else { var message = "No missing script reference was found."; if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Script Reference Resolver", message, "OK"); } else if (mode == Mode.Console) { // Debug.Log(message); } } if (mode == Mode.Dialog) { ProgressUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }