internal Dictionary <string, byte[]> GenerateDrawableResourcesForExport() { var icons = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); foreach (var res in TrackedResourceAssets) { if (!res.Verify()) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed exporting: '{0}' Android notification icon because:\n {1} ", res.Id, DrawableResourceData.GenerateErrorString(res.Errors)) ); continue; } var textXhdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessAndResizeTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type, ImageSize.XHDPI); var textHdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessAndResizeTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type, ImageSize.HDPI); var textMdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessAndResizeTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type, ImageSize.MDPI); var textLdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessAndResizeTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type, ImageSize.LDPI); icons[string.Format("drawable-xhdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textXhdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-hdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textHdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-mdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textMdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-ldpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textLdpi.EncodeToPNG(); if (res.Type == NotificationIconType.LargeIcon) { var textXxhdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessAndResizeTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type, ImageSize.XXHDPI); icons[string.Format("drawable-xxhdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textXxhdpi.EncodeToPNG(); } } return(icons); }
internal Dictionary <string, byte[]> GenerateDrawableResourcesForExport() { var icons = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>(); foreach (var res in TrackedResourceAssets) { if (!res.Verify()) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed exporting: '{0}' AndroidSettings notification icon because:\n {1} ", res.Id, DrawableResourceData.GenerateErrorString(res.Errors)) ); continue; } var texture = TextureAssetUtils.ProcessTextureForType(res.Asset, res.Type); var scale = res.Type == NotificationIconType.SmallIcon ? 0.375f : 1; var textXhdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ScaleTexture(texture, (int)(128 * scale), (int)(128 * scale)); var textHdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ScaleTexture(texture, (int)(96 * scale), (int)(96 * scale)); var textMdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ScaleTexture(texture, (int)(64 * scale), (int)(64 * scale)); var textLdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ScaleTexture(texture, (int)(48 * scale), (int)(48 * scale)); icons[string.Format("drawable-xhdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textXhdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-hdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textHdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-mdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textMdpi.EncodeToPNG(); icons[string.Format("drawable-ldpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textLdpi.EncodeToPNG(); if (res.Type == NotificationIconType.LargeIcon) { var textXxhdpi = TextureAssetUtils.ScaleTexture(texture, (int)(192 * scale), (int)(192 * scale)); icons[string.Format("drawable-xxhdpi-v11/{0}.png", res.Id)] = textXxhdpi.EncodeToPNG(); } } return(icons); }
static void DrawIconTextureSlot(Rect elementRect, int row, DrawableResourceData data, ImageSize size, NotificationIconType newType, string newId, UnityEngine.Object target) { Rect elementContentRect = GetContentRect(elementRect, 6f, 12f); float errorMsgWidth = elementRect.width - kSlotSize * 3; var textureRect = new Rect(elementContentRect.width - (kMaxPreviewSize * 2 - kIconSpacing * 5), elementContentRect.y + kIconSpacing * row + kSlotSize * row, kMaxPreviewSize, kSlotSize); var errorBoxRect = GetContentRect( new Rect(elementContentRect.x, elementContentRect.y + kIconSpacing * row + kSlotSize * row, errorMsgWidth, kSlotSize), 4f, 4f); Rect previewTextureRect = new Rect(elementContentRect.width - (kMaxPreviewSize - kIconSpacing * 5), elementContentRect.y + kIconSpacing * row + kSlotSize * row, kMaxPreviewSize, kSlotSize); Texture2D assetTexture = null; if (size == ImageSize.XXHDPI) { assetTexture = data.AssetXXHDPI; } if (size == ImageSize.XHDPI) { assetTexture = data.AssetXHDPI; } if (size == ImageSize.HDPI) { assetTexture = data.AssetHDPI; } if (size == ImageSize.MDPI) { assetTexture = data.AssetMDPI; } if (size == ImageSize.LDPI) { assetTexture = data.AssetLDPI; } var newAsset = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField( textureRect, assetTexture, typeof(Texture2D), false); // --- bool updatePreviewTexture = (newId != data.Id || newType != data.Type || newAsset != data.Asset); if (updatePreviewTexture) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(target, "Update icon data."); data.Id = newId; data.Type = newType; data.Asset = newAsset; if (size == ImageSize.XXHDPI) { data.AssetXXHDPI = newAsset; } if (size == ImageSize.XHDPI) { data.AssetXHDPI = newAsset; } if (size == ImageSize.HDPI) { data.AssetHDPI = newAsset; } if (size == ImageSize.MDPI) { data.AssetMDPI = newAsset; } if (size == ImageSize.LDPI) { data.AssetLDPI = newAsset; } data.previewTexture = data.GetPreviewTexture(updatePreviewTexture); data.Clean(); data.Verify(); } // TODO Allocates a lot of memory for some reason, cache. if (data.Asset != null && !data.Verify()) { EditorGUI.HelpBox( errorBoxRect, "Specified texture can't be used because: \n" + (errorMsgWidth > 145 ? DrawableResourceData.GenerateErrorString(data.Errors) : "...expand to see more..."), MessageType.Error ); if (data.Type == NotificationIconType.SmallIcon) { GUIStyle helpBoxMessageTextStyle = new GUIStyle(; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.fontSize = 8; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.wordWrap = true; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.Box(previewTextureRect, "Preview not available. \n Make sure the texture is readable!", helpBoxMessageTextStyle); } } else { if (data.previewTexture != null) { GUIStyle previewLabelTextStyle = new GUIStyle(; previewLabelTextStyle.fontSize = 8; previewLabelTextStyle.wordWrap = true; previewLabelTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; EditorGUI.LabelField(previewTextureRect, "Preview", previewLabelTextStyle); Rect previewTextureRectPadded = GetContentRect(previewTextureRect, 6f, 6f); previewTextureRectPadded.y += 8; data.previewTexture.alphaIsTransparency = false; GUI.DrawTexture(previewTextureRectPadded, data.previewTexture); } } }
void DrawIconDataElement(Rect rect, int index, bool selected, bool focused) { var drawableResourceDataRef = m_ResourceAssets.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); var elementRect = rect; int slotHeight = kSlotSize; if (drawableResourceDataRef != null) { var idProperty = drawableResourceDataRef.FindPropertyRelative("Id"); var typeProperty = drawableResourceDataRef.FindPropertyRelative("Type"); var assetProperty = drawableResourceDataRef.FindPropertyRelative("Asset"); float width = Mathf.Min(elementRect.width, EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth + 4 + kSlotSize + kIconSpacing + kMaxPreviewSize); float idPropWidth = Mathf.Min(kMaxPreviewSize, width - kSlotSize - kIconSpacing); float typePropWidth = Mathf.Min(kMaxPreviewSize, width - kSlotSize - kIconSpacing); float assetPropWidth = kMaxPreviewSize; float errorMsgWidth = elementRect.width - kPadding * 2; //(elementRect.width - (assetPropWidth * 2 + kIconSpacing *2 )) - (elementRect.x + kSlotSize + typePropWidth); Rect elementContentRect = GetContentRect(elementRect, 6f, 12f); Rect previewTextureRect = new Rect(elementContentRect.width - (assetPropWidth - kIconSpacing * 5), elementContentRect.y - 6, assetPropWidth, slotHeight); Rect textureRect = new Rect(elementContentRect.width - (assetPropWidth * 2 - kIconSpacing * 5), elementContentRect.y, assetPropWidth, slotHeight); Rect errorBoxRect = GetContentRect( new Rect(elementContentRect.x, elementContentRect.y + kSlotSize, errorMsgWidth, slotHeight), 4f, 4f); EditorGUI.LabelField( new Rect(elementContentRect.x, elementContentRect.y, idPropWidth, 20), "Identifier" ); EditorGUI.LabelField( new Rect(elementContentRect.x, elementContentRect.y + 25, idPropWidth, 20), "Type" ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var data = GetElementData(index); var newId = EditorGUI.TextField( new Rect(elementContentRect.x + kSlotSize, elementContentRect.y, idPropWidth, 20), data.Id); var newType = (NotificationIconType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup( new Rect(elementContentRect.x + kSlotSize, elementContentRect.y + 25, typePropWidth, 20), (NotificationIconType)(int)data.Type ); var newAsset = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField( textureRect, data.Asset, typeof(Texture2D), false); bool updatePreviewTexture = (newId != data.Id || newType != data.Type || newAsset != data.Asset); if (updatePreviewTexture) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(target, "Update icon data."); data.Id = newId; data.Type = newType; data.Asset = newAsset; data.Clean(); data.Verify(); } Texture2D previewTexture = data.GetPreviewTexture(updatePreviewTexture); if (previewTexture != null) { GUIStyle previewLabelTextStyle = new GUIStyle(; previewLabelTextStyle.fontSize = 8; previewLabelTextStyle.wordWrap = true; previewLabelTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; EditorGUI.LabelField(previewTextureRect, "Preview", previewLabelTextStyle); Rect previewTextureRectPadded = GetContentRect(previewTextureRect, 6f, 6f); previewTextureRectPadded.y += 8; previewTexture.alphaIsTransparency = false; GUI.DrawTexture(previewTextureRectPadded, previewTexture); } if (data.Asset != null && !data.IsValid) { EditorGUI.HelpBox( errorBoxRect, "Specified texture can't be used because: \n" + (errorMsgWidth > 145 ? DrawableResourceData.GenerateErrorString(data.Errors) : "...expand to see more..."), MessageType.Error ); if (data.Type == NotificationIconType.SmallIcon) { GUIStyle helpBoxMessageTextStyle = new GUIStyle(; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.fontSize = 8; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.wordWrap = true; helpBoxMessageTextStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.Box(previewTextureRect, "Preview not available. \n Make sure fthe texture is readable!", helpBoxMessageTextStyle); } } } }