internal static void ConvertProxyToGroup(Proxy proxy) { var proxyTransform = proxy.transform; // RuleSet added to group object because the RuleSet drawer only draws for RuleSet objects var group = new GameObject("New Group", typeof(ProxyRuleSet)) .AddComponent <ProxyGroup>(); var groupTransform = group.transform; groupTransform.parent = proxyTransform.parent; groupTransform.position = proxyTransform.position; proxyTransform.parent = groupTransform; var newProxy = new GameObject("Surface", typeof(IsPlaneCondition)).AddComponent <Proxy>(); newProxy.gameObject.AddComponent <SetPoseAction>(); newProxy.gameObject.AddComponent <ShowChildrenOnTrackingAction>(); var newProxyTransform = newProxy.transform; newProxyTransform.parent = groupTransform; newProxyTransform.localPosition = Vector3.right * k_GroupObjectSceneOffset; RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_ConvertToGroupAnalyticsLabel }); }
internal override void Select() { if (m_Entity == null) { Debug.LogWarning("MARSEntity missing; rebuilding list."); RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); return; } base.Select(m_Entity, m_Entity.transform, BackingReplicator.gameObject); m_Foldout.value = true; }
internal static void DeleteSelectedRuleNode() { if (SelectedRuleNode == null) { return; } if (ParentRuleSet != null) // Don't allow deletion within a group. { return; } Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(SelectedRuleNode); RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }
void OnEnable() { minSize = k_MinSize; if (m_SerializedActiveRuleSet != null) { RulesModule.RuleSetInstance = m_SerializedActiveRuleSet; } RulesDrawer.Init(rootVisualElement); EditorEvents.WindowUsed.Send(new UiComponentArgs { label = k_RulesWindowName, active = true }); }
internal static void ReplaceGameObject(GameObject replacement, Transform currentTransform, bool reParentChildren = true) { // `replacement` would be null when the user has selected 'None' from the object picker. // A content row represents a Transform, so setting a row to 'None' is undefined. // Deleting the row in this situation is the wrong move, because it would feel like broken behavior, // and would prevent the workflow of removing an object from the row without providing a replacement. // Therefore, we create an empty object. This object has no effect and will be replaced when any other object // is assigned to the field via drag+drop or picker. if (replacement == null) { replacement = new GameObject(k_EmptyObjectName); } var isPrefab = PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(replacement); var newTransform = replacement.transform; if (isPrefab) { newTransform = UnityObject.Instantiate(replacement).transform; } newTransform.parent = currentTransform.parent; newTransform.localPosition =; if (reParentChildren) { ReParentChildren(currentTransform, newTransform); } else { UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(currentTransform.gameObject); } var cloneIdx ="(Clone)", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (cloneIdx > -1) { =, cloneIdx); } RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }
void OnGUI() { if (!MARSEntitlements.instance.EntitlementsCheckGUI(position.width)) { return; } if (Event.current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorClosed" && !RulesModule.WasPicked) { RulesModule.PickedObject = EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject(); } RulesDrawer.OnGUI(); if (GUIDispatch != null) { GUIDispatch(); GUIDispatch = null; } m_SerializedActiveRuleSet = RulesModule.RuleSetInstanceExisting; }
static void OnSelectionChanged() { var go = Selection.activeGameObject; if (go == null) { return; } var ruleSet = go.GetComponent <ProxyRuleSet>(); if (ruleSet != null) { RuleSetInstance = ruleSet; RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); return; } var entity = go.GetComponent <MARSEntity>(); if (entity == null) { return; } var moduleLoaderCore = ModuleLoaderCore.instance; var simulatedObjectsManager = moduleLoaderCore.GetModule <SimulatedObjectsManager>(); var originalSimTransform = simulatedObjectsManager.GetOriginalTransform(go.transform); if (originalSimTransform == null) { return; } FrameObject(originalSimTransform); }
protected void CreateAddContentButton() { if (m_Entity is ProxyGroup) { var groupButton = new Button { text = k_EditGroupContent }; = 160; = 30; groupButton.clicked += () => { EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_EditGroupButtonAnalyticsLabel }); var ruleset = m_Entity.GetComponent <ProxyRuleSet>(); Selection.activeGameObject = m_Entity.gameObject; RulesModule.RuleSetInstance = ruleset; RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }; m_ContentContainer.Add(groupButton); } }
protected sealed override void SetupUI() { var replicatorRowAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <VisualTreeAsset>(k_ReplicatorRowPath); replicatorRowAsset.CloneTree(this); base.SetupUI(); m_ContentContainer = this.Q <VisualElement>(k_ContentContainerName); m_Foldout = this.Q <Foldout>(k_RowFoldoutName); m_Foldout.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => { var expanded = evt.newValue; = expanded ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; if (expanded) { RulesModule.CollapsedNodes.Remove(BackingObject); } else { RulesModule.CollapsedNodes.Add(BackingObject); } RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }); m_Foldout.RegisterCallback <ExecuteCommandEvent>(RulesModule.PickObject); if (IsGroup) { m_Foldout.visible = false; } else { var expanded = !RulesModule.CollapsedNodes.Contains(BackingObject); m_Foldout.value = expanded; = expanded ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; } m_MatchCountEnum = this.Q <EnumField>(k_MatchCountEnum); m_MatchCountEnum.Init(RulesModule.ReplicatorCountOption.Every); m_MatchCountEnum.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <System.Enum> >(OnChangeMatchCountDropdown); m_MaxCountField = this.Q <IntegerField>(k_MaxInstancesName); m_MaxCountField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(OnMaxInstanceChanged); m_MaxCountField.RegisterCallback <ExecuteCommandEvent>(RulesModule.PickObject); SetupProxyPresetUI(m_Entity); m_GroupDrillInButton = this.Q <Button>(k_GroupDrillIn); m_GroupDrillInButton.clicked += () => { var ruleSet = m_Entity.GetComponent <ProxyRuleSet>(); RulesModule.RuleSetInstance = ruleSet; RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }; if (!IsGroup) { = DisplayStyle.None; } m_SimMatchCount = this.Q <Label>(k_SimMatchCountName); SetupReplicatorRow(); if (IsGroup) { m_AddButtonHoverElement.SetEnabled(false); } CreateAddContentButton(); RegisterCallback <KeyDownEvent>(OnKeyDown); }
static void OnSceneChanged(Scene oldScene, Scene newScene) { RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); }
void DisplayContextMenu(Vector2 mousePosition) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); var backingTransform = BackingObject.transform; if (this is ReplicatorRow || this is ProxyRow || this is ContentRow) { Transform proxyTransform = null; switch (this) { case ReplicatorRow _: menu.AddItem(Styles.AddNewRuleContent, false, () => { RulesModule.DoAddRule(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_AddRuleAnalyticsLabel }); }); proxyTransform = ((ReplicatorRow)this).Entity.transform; break; case ProxyRow _: proxyTransform = ((ProxyRow)this).ContainerObject; break; case ContentRow _: { var container = ((ContentRow)this).ContainerObject; var proxy = container.GetComponent <Proxy>(); if (proxy != null) { proxyTransform = proxy.transform; } else { proxy = container.GetComponentInParent <Proxy>(); if (proxy != null) { proxyTransform = proxy.transform; } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat(BackingObject, Styles.NoProxyFormat, name); return; } } break; } } if (proxyTransform == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find Proxy"); return; } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(string.Format(Styles.AddContentFormat,, false, () => { EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_AddContentToProxyAnalyticsLabel }); RulesModule.AddContent(proxyTransform, mousePosition); }); if (this is ReplicatorRow || this is ProxyRow) { menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); var simulatedObjectsManager = ModuleLoaderCore.instance.GetModule <SimulatedObjectsManager>(); if (simulatedObjectsManager == null) { menu.AddDisabledItem(Styles.SelectSimulatedObjectsContent); } else { if (this is ReplicatorRow) { var replicatorRow = (ReplicatorRow)this; if (replicatorRow.SimulatedReplicator == null) { menu.AddDisabledItem(Styles.SelectSimulatedObjectsContent); } else { menu.AddItem(Styles.SelectSimulatedObjectsContent, false, () => { SelectSimulatedReplicatorChildren(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_SelectSimulatedObjectsAnalyticsLabel }); }); } } else if (this is ProxyRow) { var sceneObject = ((ProxyRow)this).BackingObject.transform; var simulatedProxy = simulatedObjectsManager.GetCopiedTransform(sceneObject); if (simulatedProxy == null) { menu.AddDisabledItem(Styles.SelectSimulatedObjectsContent); } else { menu.AddItem(Styles.SelectSimulatedObjectsContent, false, () => { SelectSimulatedGroupChildren(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_SelectSimulatedGroupAnalyticsLabel }); }); } } } } } if (this is ContentRow || this is ActionRow) { var contentTransform = this is ContentRow ? BackingObject.transform : ContainerObject; var contentName =; var contentSupportsActions = true; if (this is ContentRow) { if (!((ContentRow)this).ContentSupportsActions) { contentSupportsActions = false; } } if (contentSupportsActions) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(string.Format(Styles.AddActionFormat, contentName)), false, () => { RulesModule.AddAction(contentTransform, mousePosition); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_AddActionToContentButtonAnalyticsLabel }); }); } } menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); var siblingIndex = backingTransform.GetSiblingIndex(); if (siblingIndex > 0) { menu.AddItem(Styles.MoveUpContent, false, () => { backingTransform.SetSiblingIndex(siblingIndex - 1); RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_MoveUpAnalyticsLabel }); }); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(Styles.MoveUpContent); } var backingParent = backingTransform.parent; if (backingParent == null || siblingIndex == backingParent.childCount - 1) { menu.AddDisabledItem(Styles.MoveDownContent); } else { menu.AddItem(Styles.MoveDownContent, false, () => { backingTransform.SetSiblingIndex(siblingIndex + 1); RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_MoveDownAnalyticsLabel }); }); } menu.AddItem(Styles.DeleteContent, false, () => { Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(BackingObject); RulesDrawer.BuildReplicatorsList(); EditorEvents.RulesUiUsed.Send(new RuleUiArgs { label = k_DeleteAnalyticsLabel }); }); menu.ShowAsContext(); }