public static World InitializeWorld(string worldName) { var world = new World(worldName); World.Active = world; // Entity manager must be first so that other things can find it. world.AddManager(new EntityManager()); return(world); }
public static void InitializeSystems(World world) { var allSystemTypes = TypeManager.GetSystems(); var allSystemNames = TypeManager.SystemNames; if (allSystemTypes.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("DefaultTinyWorldInitialization: No Systems found."); } // Create top level presentation system and simulation systems. InitializationSystemGroup initializationSystemGroup = new InitializationSystemGroup(); world.AddManager(initializationSystemGroup); SimulationSystemGroup simulationSystemGroup = new SimulationSystemGroup(); world.AddManager(simulationSystemGroup); PresentationSystemGroup presentationSystemGroup = new PresentationSystemGroup(); world.AddManager(presentationSystemGroup); // Create the working set of systems. int nSystems = 0; Type[] systemTypes = new Type[allSystemTypes.Length]; ComponentSystem[] systems = new ComponentSystem[allSystemTypes.Length]; #if WRITE_LOG Console.WriteLine("--- Adding systems:"); #endif for (int i = 0; i < allSystemTypes.Length; i++) { if (TypeManager.GetSystemAttributes(allSystemTypes[i], typeof(DisableAutoCreationAttribute)).Length > 0) { continue; } if (allSystemTypes[i] == initializationSystemGroup.GetType() || allSystemTypes[i] == simulationSystemGroup.GetType() || allSystemTypes[i] == presentationSystemGroup.GetType()) { continue; } if (world.GetExistingManager(allSystemTypes[i]) != null) { continue; } #if WRITE_LOG Console.WriteLine(allSystemNames[i]); #endif systemTypes[nSystems] = allSystemTypes[i]; systems[nSystems] = TypeManager.ConstructSystem(allSystemTypes[i]); world.AddManager(systems[nSystems]); nSystems++; } #if WRITE_LOG Console.WriteLine("--- Adding systems Done."); #endif for (int i = 0; i < nSystems; ++i) { var sysType = systemTypes[i]; var system = systems[i]; var groups = TypeManager.GetSystemAttributes(sysType, typeof(UpdateInGroupAttribute)); if (groups.Length == 0) { simulationSystemGroup.AddSystemToUpdateList(system); } for (int g = 0; g < groups.Length; ++g) { var groupType = groups[g] as UpdateInGroupAttribute; var groupSystem = world.GetExistingManager(groupType.GroupType) as ComponentSystemGroup; if (groupSystem == null) { throw new Exception("DefaultTinyWorldInitialization failed to find existing SystemGroup."); } groupSystem.AddSystemToUpdateList(system); } } }