        void RefreshMapsForGroupChildren(string projectPath, string realPath, PBXSourceTree realPathTree, PBXGroupData parent)
            var children = new List <string>(parent.children);

            foreach (string guid in children)
                PBXFileReferenceData fileRef = fileRefs[guid];
                string        pPath;
                string        rPath;
                PBXSourceTree rTree;

                if (fileRef != null)
                    pPath = PBXPath.Combine(projectPath, fileRef.name);
                    PBXPath.Combine(realPath, realPathTree, fileRef.path, fileRef.tree, out rPath, out rTree);

                    if (!m_ProjectPathToFileRefMap.ContainsKey(pPath))
                        m_ProjectPathToFileRefMap.Add(pPath, fileRef);
                    if (!m_FileRefGuidToProjectPathMap.ContainsKey(fileRef.guid))
                        m_FileRefGuidToProjectPathMap.Add(fileRef.guid, pPath);
                    if (!m_RealPathToFileRefMap[rTree].ContainsKey(rPath))
                        m_RealPathToFileRefMap[rTree].Add(rPath, fileRef);
                    if (!m_GuidToParentGroupMap.ContainsKey(guid))
                        m_GuidToParentGroupMap.Add(guid, parent);


                PBXGroupData gr = groups[guid];
                if (gr != null)
                    pPath = PBXPath.Combine(projectPath, gr.name);
                    PBXPath.Combine(realPath, realPathTree, gr.path, gr.tree, out rPath, out rTree);

                    if (!m_ProjectPathToGroupMap.ContainsKey(pPath))
                        m_ProjectPathToGroupMap.Add(pPath, gr);
                    if (!m_GroupGuidToProjectPathMap.ContainsKey(gr.guid))
                        m_GroupGuidToProjectPathMap.Add(gr.guid, pPath);
                    if (!m_GuidToParentGroupMap.ContainsKey(guid))
                        m_GuidToParentGroupMap.Add(guid, parent);

                    RefreshMapsForGroupChildren(pPath, rPath, rTree, gr);
        // Creates a directory structure with "provides namespace" attribute.
        // First, retrieves or creates the directory at relativeBasePath, creating parent
        // directories if needed. Effectively calls OpenFolder(relativeBasePath).
        // Then, relative to this directory, creates namespacePath directories with "provides
        // namespace" attribute set. Fails if the attribute can't be set.
        public AssetFolder OpenNamespacedFolder(string relativeBasePath, string namespacePath)
            var folder    = OpenFolder(relativeBasePath);
            var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(namespacePath);

            foreach (var pathItem in pathItems)
                folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem);
                folder.providesNamespace = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the modifications to the project file, entitlements file and
 /// the Info.plist file. Any external changes to these files after
 /// the ProjectCapabilityManager instance has been created and before
 /// the call to WriteToFile() will be overwritten.
 /// </summary>
 public void WriteToFile()
     File.WriteAllText(m_PBXProjectPath, project.WriteToString());
     if (m_Entitlements != null)
         m_Entitlements.WriteToFile(PBXPath.Combine(m_BuildPath, m_EntitlementFilePath));
     if (m_InfoPlist != null)
         m_InfoPlist.WriteToFile(PBXPath.Combine(m_BuildPath, "Info.plist"));
        AssetFolder OpenFolderForResource(string relativePath)
            var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(relativePath).ToList();

            // remove path filename
            pathItems.RemoveAt(pathItems.Count - 1);

            AssetFolder folder = root;

            foreach (var pathItem in pathItems)
                folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem);
        // Checks if a folder with given path exists and returns it if it does.
        // Otherwise, creates a new folder. Parent folders are created if needed.
        public AssetFolder OpenFolder(string relativePath)
            if (relativePath == null)
            var pathItems = PBXPath.Split(relativePath);

            if (pathItems.Length == 0)
            AssetFolder folder = root;

            foreach (var pathItem in pathItems)
                folder = folder.OpenFolder(pathItem);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an external project dependency to the project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the external Xcode project (the .xcodeproj file).</param>
        /// <param name="projectPath">The project path to the new project.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceTree">The source tree the path is relative to. The [[PBXSourceTree.Group]] tree is not supported.</param>
        internal static void AddExternalProjectDependency(this PBXProject proj, string path, string projectPath, PBXSourceTree sourceTree)
            if (sourceTree == PBXSourceTree.Group)
                throw new Exception("sourceTree must not be PBXSourceTree.Group");
            path        = PBXPath.FixSlashes(path);
            projectPath = PBXPath.FixSlashes(projectPath);

            // note: we are duplicating products group for the project reference. Otherwise Xcode crashes.
            PBXGroupData productGroup = PBXGroupData.CreateRelative("Products");

            proj.GroupsAddDuplicate(productGroup); // don't use GroupsAdd here

            PBXFileReferenceData fileRef = PBXFileReferenceData.CreateFromFile(path, Path.GetFileName(projectPath),

            proj.FileRefsAdd(path, projectPath, null, fileRef);

            proj.project.project.AddReference(productGroup.guid, fileRef.guid);
        /** This function must be called only after the project the library is in has
         *  been added as a dependency via AddExternalProjectDependency. projectPath must be
         *  the same as the 'path' parameter passed to the AddExternalProjectDependency.
         *  remoteFileGuid must be the guid of the referenced file as specified in
         *  PBXFileReference section of the external project
         *  TODO: what. is remoteInfo entry in PBXContainerItemProxy? Is in referenced project name or
         *  referenced library name without extension?
        internal static void AddExternalLibraryDependency(this PBXProject proj, string targetGuid, string filename,
                                                          string remoteFileGuid, string projectPath,
                                                          string remoteInfo)
            PBXNativeTargetData target = proj.nativeTargets[targetGuid];

            filename    = PBXPath.FixSlashes(filename);
            projectPath = PBXPath.FixSlashes(projectPath);

            // find the products group to put the new library in
            string projectGuid = proj.FindFileGuidByRealPath(projectPath);

            if (projectGuid == null)
                throw new Exception("No such project");

            string productsGroupGuid = null;

            foreach (var projRef in proj.project.project.projectReferences)
                if (projRef.projectRef == projectGuid)
                    productsGroupGuid = projRef.group;

            if (productsGroupGuid == null)
                throw new Exception("Malformed project: no project in project references");

            PBXGroupData productGroup = proj.GroupsGet(productsGroupGuid);

            // verify file extension
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename);

            if (!FileTypeUtils.IsBuildableFile(ext))
                throw new Exception("Wrong file extension");

            // create ContainerItemProxy object
            var container = PBXContainerItemProxyData.Create(projectGuid, "2", remoteFileGuid, remoteInfo);


            // create a reference and build file for the library
            string typeName = FileTypeUtils.GetTypeName(ext);

            var libRef = PBXReferenceProxyData.Create(filename, typeName, container.guid, "BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR");

            PBXBuildFileData libBuildFile = PBXBuildFileData.CreateFromFile(libRef.guid, false, null);

            proj.BuildFilesAdd(targetGuid, libBuildFile);
            proj.BuildSectionAny(target, ext, false).files.AddGUID(libBuildFile.guid);

            // add to products folder