public static string AssertGetFirstMessageText(string accountName, string accountPassword) { // Wait for the message to appear. POP3Simulator pop3 = new POP3Simulator(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { if (pop3.GetMessageCount(accountName, accountPassword) > 0) { break; } Thread.Sleep(20); } // Download it. string text = pop3.GetFirstMessageText(accountName, accountPassword); if (text.Length == 0) { Assert.Fail("Message was found but contents could not be received"); } return(text); }
public static void AssertMessageCount(string accountName, string accountPassword, int expectedCount) { if (expectedCount == 0) { // just in case. Utilities.AssertRecipientsInDeliveryQueue(0); } int timeout = 100; int actualCount = 0; while (timeout > 0) { POP3Simulator oPOP3 = new POP3Simulator(); actualCount = oPOP3.GetMessageCount(accountName, accountPassword); if (actualCount == expectedCount) return; if (actualCount > expectedCount) Assert.Fail(string.Format("Actual count exceeds expected count. Account name: {2}, Actual: {0}, Expected: {1}.", actualCount, expectedCount, accountName)); timeout--; Thread.Sleep(50); } Assert.Fail(string.Format("Wrong number of messages in inbox for {0}. Actual: {1}, Expected: {2}", accountName, actualCount, expectedCount)); }
public static void AssertMessageCount(string accountName, string accountPassword, int expectedCount) { if (expectedCount == 0) { // just in case. Utilities.AssertRecipientsInDeliveryQueue(0); } int timeout = 100; int actualCount = 0; while (timeout > 0) { POP3Simulator oPOP3 = new POP3Simulator(); actualCount = oPOP3.GetMessageCount(accountName, accountPassword); if (actualCount == expectedCount) { return; } if (actualCount > expectedCount) { Assert.Fail(string.Format("Actual count exceeds expected count. Account name: {2}, Actual: {0}, Expected: {1}.", actualCount, expectedCount, accountName)); } timeout--; Thread.Sleep(50); } Assert.Fail(string.Format("Wrong number of messages in inbox for {0}. Actual: {1}, Expected: {2}", accountName, actualCount, expectedCount)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // Determine message count POP3Simulator pop3sim = new POP3Simulator(); int count = pop3sim.GetMessageCount("*****@*****.**", "test"); // Fetch them.. pop3sim.ConnectAndLogon("*****@*****.**","test"); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { pop3sim.RETR(i); } for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { pop3sim.DELE(i); } pop3sim.QUIT(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60 * 60); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Passed time: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString()); }
public static string AssertGetFirstMessageText(string accountName, string accountPassword) { // Wait for the message to appear. POP3Simulator pop3 = new POP3Simulator(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { if (pop3.GetMessageCount(accountName, accountPassword) > 0) break; Thread.Sleep(20); } // Download it. string text = pop3.GetFirstMessageText(accountName, accountPassword); if (text.Length == 0) Assert.Fail("Message was found but contents could not be received"); return text; }
private void DownloadFromExternalAccount(hMailServer.Account account, hMailServer.FetchAccount fa) { if (!_backupMessages) { return; } // Download messages from the external account. List <string> messages = new List <string>(); messages.Add("Subject: Message 1\r\n"); messages.Add("Subject: Message 2\r\n"); messages.Add("Subject: Message 3\r\n"); int port = 1110; POP3Server pop3Server = new POP3Server(1, port, messages); pop3Server.StartListen(); fa.DownloadNow(); pop3Server.WaitForCompletion(); Utilities.AssertRecipientsInDeliveryQueue(0); POP3Simulator.AssertMessageCount(account.Address, "test", 5); }
private void SetupAccountObject(hMailServer.Domain domain) { hMailServer.Account account = SingletonProvider <Utilities> .Instance.AddAccount(domain, "*****@*****.**", "test"); // Make sure the inbox contains two messages which should be backed up. Assert.IsTrue(SMTPClientSimulator.StaticSend(account.Address, account.Address, "Message 1 Subject", "Message 1 Body")); POP3Simulator.AssertMessageCount(account.Address, "test", 1); Assert.IsTrue(SMTPClientSimulator.StaticSend(account.Address, account.Address, "Message 2 Subject", "Message 2 Body")); POP3Simulator.AssertMessageCount(account.Address, "test", 2); Assert.IsTrue(SMTPClientSimulator.StaticSend(account.Address, account.Address, "Message 3 Subject", "Message 3 Body")); POP3Simulator.AssertMessageCount(account.Address, "test", 3); IMAPSimulator sim = new IMAPSimulator(); Assert.IsTrue(sim.ConnectAndLogon(account.Address, "test")); Assert.IsTrue(sim.SelectFolder("Inbox")); Assert.IsTrue(sim.SetDeletedFlag(2)); Assert.IsTrue(sim.Expunge()); sim.Disconnect(); _folderCreationTime = account.IMAPFolders.get_ItemByName("INBOX").CreationTime; account.Active = true; account.ADDomain = "AD"; account.AdminLevel = hMailServer.eAdminLevel.hAdminLevelDomainAdmin; account.ADUsername = "******"; account.ForwardAddress = "FA"; account.ForwardEnabled = false; account.ForwardKeepOriginal = true; account.IsAD = false; account.MaxSize = 1250; account.PersonFirstName = "First"; account.PersonLastName = "Last"; account.SignatureEnabled = true; account.SignatureHTML = "HTML"; account.SignaturePlainText = "PLAIN"; account.VacationMessage = "VAC"; account.VacationMessageExpires = true; account.VacationMessageExpiresDate = "2020-01-01"; account.VacationMessageIsOn = true; account.VacationSubject = "SUBJ"; account.Password = "******"; account.Save(); // Set up fetch account hMailServer.FetchAccount fa = account.FetchAccounts.Add(); fa.DaysToKeepMessages = 5; fa.Enabled = true; fa.MinutesBetweenFetch = 10; fa.Name = "test"; fa.Port = 1110; fa.ProcessMIMEDate = true; fa.ProcessMIMERecipients = true; fa.ServerAddress = ""; fa.Username = "******"; fa.UseSSL = false; fa.UseAntiSpam = true; fa.UseAntiVirus = true; fa.Save(); DownloadFromExternalAccount(account, fa); hMailServer.Rule rule = account.Rules.Add(); rule.Name = "MyRule"; hMailServer.RuleCriteria criteria = rule.Criterias.Add(); criteria.MatchType = hMailServer.eRuleMatchType.eMTGreaterThan; criteria.PredefinedField = hMailServer.eRulePredefinedField.eFTMessageSize; criteria.MatchValue = "0"; criteria.Save(); hMailServer.RuleAction action = rule.Actions.Add(); action.Type = hMailServer.eRuleActionType.eRAForwardEmail; action.To = "*****@*****.**"; action.Body = "Test"; action.Filename = "File"; action.FromAddress = "T"; action.FromName = "N"; action.HeaderName = "H"; action.IMAPFolder = "Folder"; action.ScriptFunction = "Script"; action.Subject = "Subj"; action.Value = "Value"; action.Save(); rule.Save(); }
public void TestPortOpening() { hMailServer.Application oApp = SingletonProvider<Utilities>.Instance.GetApp(); oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.SetDefault(); SMTPClientSimulator pSMTPSimulator = new SMTPClientSimulator(); POP3Simulator pPOP3Simulator = new POP3Simulator(); IMAPSimulator pIMAPSimulator = new IMAPSimulator(); oApp.Stop(); hMailServer.TCPIPPorts oPorts = oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts; for (int i = 0; i < oPorts.Count; i++) { hMailServer.TCPIPPort oTestPort = oPorts[i]; if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTIMAP) oTestPort.PortNumber = 14300; else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP) oTestPort.PortNumber = 11000; else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTPOP3) oTestPort.PortNumber = 2500; oTestPort.Save(); } oApp.Start(); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(2500)); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(11000)); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(14300)); oApp.Stop(); hMailServer.TCPIPPort oPort = oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.Add(); oPort.Protocol = hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP; oPort.PortNumber = 25000; oPort.Save(); oApp.Start(); // Try to connect to the new port Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(25000)); oApp.Stop(); // Delete the port again oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.DeleteByDBID(oPort.ID); // Change back the ports for (int i = 0; i < oPorts.Count; i++) { hMailServer.TCPIPPort oTestPort = oPorts[i]; if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTIMAP) oTestPort.PortNumber = 143; else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP) oTestPort.PortNumber = 25; else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTPOP3) oTestPort.PortNumber = 110; oTestPort.Save(); } oApp.Start(); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(25)); Assert.IsTrue(pPOP3Simulator.TestConnect(110)); Assert.IsTrue(pPOP3Simulator.TestConnect(143)); }
public void TestPortOpening() { hMailServer.Application oApp = SingletonProvider <Utilities> .Instance.GetApp(); oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.SetDefault(); SMTPClientSimulator pSMTPSimulator = new SMTPClientSimulator(); POP3Simulator pPOP3Simulator = new POP3Simulator(); IMAPSimulator pIMAPSimulator = new IMAPSimulator(); oApp.Stop(); hMailServer.TCPIPPorts oPorts = oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts; for (int i = 0; i < oPorts.Count; i++) { hMailServer.TCPIPPort oTestPort = oPorts[i]; if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTIMAP) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 14300; } else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 11000; } else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTPOP3) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 2500; } oTestPort.Save(); } oApp.Start(); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(2500)); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(11000)); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(14300)); oApp.Stop(); hMailServer.TCPIPPort oPort = oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.Add(); oPort.Protocol = hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP; oPort.PortNumber = 25000; oPort.Save(); oApp.Start(); // Try to connect to the new port Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(25000)); oApp.Stop(); // Delete the port again oApp.Settings.TCPIPPorts.DeleteByDBID(oPort.ID); // Change back the ports for (int i = 0; i < oPorts.Count; i++) { hMailServer.TCPIPPort oTestPort = oPorts[i]; if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTIMAP) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 143; } else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTSMTP) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 25; } else if (oTestPort.Protocol == hMailServer.eSessionType.eSTPOP3) { oTestPort.PortNumber = 110; } oTestPort.Save(); } oApp.Start(); Assert.IsTrue(pSMTPSimulator.TestConnect(25)); Assert.IsTrue(pPOP3Simulator.TestConnect(110)); Assert.IsTrue(pPOP3Simulator.TestConnect(143)); }