public static bool CircleLineIntersection(Circle2D c, Line2D l)
            var a1 = new Vector2D(c.Point.X - c.Radius, c.Point.Y - c.Radius);
            var a2 = new Vector2D(c.Point.X + c.Radius, c.Point.Y + c.Radius);

            if (BoundingBoxIntersection(a1, a2, l.A, l.B))
                var slope = l.Slope;
                double inverseSlope;

                if (slope == null || (double) slope == 0)
                    // the bounding box already determined that an intersection has been made.
                    return true;

                // slightly more complicated... need to create a tangent line. and find the distance.
                inverseSlope = 1 / (double)slope;

                // y= mx+b
                // b = circle.y, x = circle .x
                Line2D l2 = new Line2D();
                l2.A  = new Vector2D(c.Point.X, c.Point.Y);
                l2.B.X = c.Point.X + c.Radius;
                l2.B.Y = c.Point.Y + inverseSlope * (c.Point.X + c.Radius);
                var p = LineLineIntersection(l, l2);

                if (p != null)
                    var d = new Line2D(c.Point, p);
                    if (d.Length < c.Radius)
                        return true;
                    return false;

                Line2D l3 = new Line2D();
                l2.A = new Vector2D(c.Point.X, c.Point.Y);
                l2.B.X = c.Point.X - c.Radius;
                l2.B.Y = c.Point.Y + inverseSlope * (c.Point.X - c.Radius);
                var q = LineLineIntersection(l, l2);

                if (q != null)
                    var d = new Line2D(c.Point, q);
                    if (d.Length < c.Radius)
                        return true;
                    return false;


            return false;
 public static bool CircleCircleIntersection(Circle2D a, Circle2D b)
     var l = new Line2D(a.Point, b.Point);
     return l.Length < (a.Radius + b.Radius);
 public static bool CircleContainsVertex(Circle2D a, Vector2D b)
     var l = new Line2D(a.Point, b);
     return l.Length < a.Radius;
        //    private static int FindLineCircleIntersections(double cx, double cy, double radius,
        //Vector2D point1, Vector2D point2)
        //    {
        //        double dx, dy, A, B, C, det;
        //        dx = point2.X - point1.X;
        //        dy = point2.Y - point1.Y;
        //        A = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        //        B = 2 * (dx * (point1.X - cx) + dy * (point1.Y - cy));
        //        C = (point1.X - cx) * (point1.X - cx) + (point1.Y - cy) * (point1.Y - cy) - radius * radius;
        //        det = B * B - 4 * A * C;
        //        if ((A <= 0.0000001) || (det < 0))
        //        {
        //            return 0;
        //        }
        //        else if (det == 0)
        //        {
        //            return 1;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            return 2;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    public static bool CirclePolygonIntersecton(Circle2D c, Polygon2D p)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var l in p.Lines)
        //        {
        //            var count = FindLineCircleIntersections(c.Point.X, c.Point.Y, c.Radius, l.A, l.B);
        //            if (count == 2)
        //                return true;
        //            else if (count == 1 && IsPointInPolygon(p, c.Point))
        //                return true;
        //        }
        //        if (IsPointInPolygon(p, c.Point))
        //            return true;
        //        return false;
        //    }
        public static bool CirclePolygonIntersection(Circle2D c, Polygon2D p)
            if (IsPointInPolygon(p, c.Point))
                return true;

            foreach (var l in p.Lines)
                if (CircleLineIntersection(c, l))
                    return true;

            return false;