public static void SpawnChunks(Vector3 position) { Index index = Engine.PositionToChunkIndex(position); Engine.ChunkManagerInstance.TrySpawnChunks(index); }
// ==== initialization ==== public void Awake() { Engine.EngineInstance = this; Engine.ChunkManagerInstance = GetComponent<ChunkManager>(); WorldName = lWorldName; UpdateWorldPath(); BlocksPath = lBlocksPath; Engine.Blocks = lBlocks; TargetFPS = lTargetFPS; MaxChunkSaves = lMaxChunkSaves; MaxChunkDataRequests = lMaxChunkDataRequests; TextureUnit = lTextureUnit; TexturePadding = lTexturePadding; GenerateColliders = lGenerateColliders; ShowBorderFaces = lShowBorderFaces; EnableMultiplayer = lEnableMultiplayer; MultiplayerTrackPosition = lMultiplayerTrackPosition; SaveVoxelData = lSaveVoxelData; GenerateMeshes = lGenerateMeshes; ChunkSpawnDistance = lChunkSpawnDistance; HeightRange = lHeightRange; ChunkDespawnDistance = lChunkDespawnDistance; SendCameraLookEvents = lSendCameraLookEvents; SendCursorEvents = lSendCursorEvents; ChunkSideLength = lChunkSideLength; SquaredSideLength = lChunkSideLength * lChunkSideLength; ChunkDataFiles.LoadedRegions = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(); ChunkDataFiles.TempChunkData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (lChunkTimeout <= 0.00001f) { EnableChunkTimeout = false; } else { EnableChunkTimeout = true; ChunkTimeout = lChunkTimeout; } if (Application.isWebPlayer) { lSaveVoxelData = false; SaveVoxelData = false; } // set layer if (LayerMask.LayerToName (26) != "" && LayerMask.LayerToName (26) != "UniblocksNoCollide") { Debug.LogWarning ("Uniblocks: Layer 26 is reserved for Uniblocks; it is automatically set to ignore collision with all layers."); } for (int i=0; i<31; i++) { Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision (i, 26); } // check block array if (Engine.Blocks.Length < 1) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: The blocks array is empty! Use the Block Editor to update the blocks array."); Debug.Break(); } if (Engine.Blocks[0] == null) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: Cannot find the empty block prefab (id 0)!"); Debug.Break(); } else if (Engine.Blocks[0].GetComponent<Voxel>() == null) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: Voxel id 0 does not have the Voxel component attached!"); Debug.Break(); } // check settings if (Engine.ChunkSideLength < 1) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: Chunk side length must be greater than 0!"); Debug.Break(); } if (Engine.ChunkSpawnDistance < 1) { Engine.ChunkSpawnDistance = 0; Debug.LogWarning ("Uniblocks: Chunk spawn distance is 0. No chunks will spawn!"); } if (Engine.HeightRange < 0) { Engine.HeightRange = 0; Debug.LogWarning ("Uniblocks: Chunk height range can't be a negative number! Setting chunk height range to 0."); } if (Engine.MaxChunkDataRequests < 0) { Engine.MaxChunkDataRequests = 0; Debug.LogWarning ("Uniblocks: Max chunk data requests can't be a negative number! Setting max chunk data requests to 0."); } // check materials GameObject chunkPrefab = GetComponent<ChunkManager>().ChunkObject; int materialCount = chunkPrefab.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length-1; for (ushort i=0; i<Engine.Blocks.Length; i++) { if (Engine.Blocks[i] != null) { Voxel voxel = Engine.Blocks[i].GetComponent<Voxel>(); if (voxel.VSubmeshIndex < 0) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: Voxel "+i+" has a material index lower than 0! Material index must be 0 or greater."); Debug.Break(); } if (voxel.VSubmeshIndex > materialCount) { Debug.LogError ("Uniblocks: Voxel "+i+" uses material index "+voxel.VSubmeshIndex +", but the chunk prefab only has "+(materialCount+1)+ " material(s) attached. Set a lower material index or attach more materials to the chunk prefab."); Debug.Break(); } } } // check anti-aliasing if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 0) { Debug.LogWarning ("Uniblocks: Anti-aliasing is enabled. This may cause seam lines to appear between blocks. If you see lines between blocks, try disabling anti-aliasing, switching to deferred rendering path, or adding some texture padding in the engine settings."); } Engine.Initialized = true; }
public static void SpawnChunks(float x, float y, float z) { // take world pos, convert to chunk index Index index = Engine.PositionToChunkIndex(new Vector3(x, y, z)); Engine.ChunkManagerInstance.TrySpawnChunks(index); }