private void CreateWellKnownFileSystems()
            var macroPartialFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MacroPartials);
            var partialViewsFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.PartialViews);
            var macroScriptsFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MacroScripts);
            var userControlsFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.UserControls);
            var stylesheetsFileSystem       = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Css);
            var scriptsFileSystem           = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Scripts);
            var xsltFileSystem              = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Xslt);
            var masterPagesFileSystem       = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Masterpages);
            var mvcViewsFileSystem          = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MvcViews);
            var javaScriptLibraryFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(Path.Combine(SystemDirectories.Umbraco, "lib"));

            _macroPartialFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(macroPartialFileSystem, "Views/MacroPartials", ScopeProvider);
            _partialViewsFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(partialViewsFileSystem, "Views/Partials", ScopeProvider);
            _macroScriptsFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(macroScriptsFileSystem, "macroScripts", ScopeProvider);
            _userControlsFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(userControlsFileSystem, "usercontrols", ScopeProvider);
            _stylesheetsFileSystem       = new ShadowWrapper(stylesheetsFileSystem, "css", ScopeProvider);
            _scriptsFileSystem           = new ShadowWrapper(scriptsFileSystem, "scripts", ScopeProvider);
            _xsltFileSystem              = new ShadowWrapper(xsltFileSystem, "xslt", ScopeProvider);
            _masterPagesFileSystem       = new ShadowWrapper(masterPagesFileSystem, "masterpages", ScopeProvider);
            _mvcViewsFileSystem          = new ShadowWrapper(mvcViewsFileSystem, "Views", ScopeProvider);
            _javaScriptLibraryFileSystem = new ShadowWrapper(javaScriptLibraryFileSystem, "Lib", ScopeProvider);

            // filesystems obtained from GetFileSystemProvider are already wrapped and do not need to be wrapped again
            MediaFileSystem = GetFileSystemProvider <MediaFileSystem>();
        // need to return something to LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized
        // but it does not really matter what we return - here, null
        private object CreateWellKnownFileSystems()
            var macroPartialFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MacroPartials);
            var partialViewsFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.PartialViews);
            var stylesheetsFileSystem  = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Css);
            var scriptsFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Scripts);
            var masterPagesFileSystem  = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Masterpages);
            var mvcViewsFileSystem     = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MvcViews);

            _macroPartialFileSystem = new ShadowWrapper(macroPartialFileSystem, "Views/MacroPartials", IsScoped);
            _partialViewsFileSystem = new ShadowWrapper(partialViewsFileSystem, "Views/Partials", IsScoped);
            _stylesheetsFileSystem  = new ShadowWrapper(stylesheetsFileSystem, "css", IsScoped);
            _scriptsFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(scriptsFileSystem, "scripts", IsScoped);
            _masterPagesFileSystem  = new ShadowWrapper(masterPagesFileSystem, "masterpages", IsScoped);
            _mvcViewsFileSystem     = new ShadowWrapper(mvcViewsFileSystem, "Views", IsScoped);

            // fixme locking?

        // note
        // shadowing is thread-safe, but entering and exiting shadow mode is not, and there is only one
        // global shadow for the entire application, so great care should be taken to ensure that the
        // application is *not* doing anything else when using a shadow.

        internal ICompletable Shadow()
            if (Volatile.Read(ref _wkfsInitialized) == false)

            var id = ShadowWrapper.CreateShadowId();

            return(new ShadowFileSystems(this, id)); // will invoke BeginShadow and EndShadow
 private ShadowWrapper CreateShadowWrapper(IFileSystem filesystem, string shadowPath)
     lock (_shadowLocker)
         var wrapper = new ShadowWrapper(filesystem, shadowPath, IsScoped);
         if (_shadowCurrentId != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a strongly-typed filesystem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TFileSystem">The type of the filesystem.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="fallback">A fallback creator for the inner filesystem.</param>
        /// <returns>A strongly-typed filesystem of the specified type.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The fallback creator is used only if nothing is configured.</para>
        /// <para>Ideally, this should cache the instances, but that would break backward compatibility, so we
        /// only do it for our own MediaFileSystem - for everything else, it's the responsibility of the caller
        /// to ensure that they maintain singletons. This is important for singletons, as each filesystem maintains
        /// its own shadow and having multiple instances would lead to inconsistencies.</para>
        /// <para>Note that any filesystem created by this method *after* shadowing begins, will *not* be
        /// shadowing (and an exception will be thrown by the ShadowWrapper).</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public TFileSystem GetFileSystemProvider <TFileSystem>(Func <IFileSystem> fallback)
            where TFileSystem : FileSystemWrapper
            var alias = GetFileSystemAlias <TFileSystem>();

            return((TFileSystem)_filesystems.GetOrAdd(alias, _ =>
                // gets the inner fs, create the strongly-typed fs wrapping the inner fs, register & return
                // so we are double-wrapping here
                // could be optimized by having FileSystemWrapper inherit from ShadowWrapper, maybe
                var innerFs = GetUnderlyingFileSystemNoCache(alias, fallback);
                var shadowWrapper = new ShadowWrapper(innerFs, "typed/" + alias, ScopeProvider);
                var fs = (IFileSystem2)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TFileSystem), shadowWrapper);
                _wrappers.Add(shadowWrapper); // keeping a reference to the wrapper
                return fs;
        internal ICompletable Shadow(Guid id)
            var typed    = _wrappers.ToArray();
            var wrappers = new ShadowWrapper[typed.Length + 9];
            var i        = 0;

            while (i < typed.Length)
                wrappers[i] = typed[i++];
            wrappers[i++] = _macroPartialFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _macroScriptsFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _partialViewsFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _stylesheetsFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _scriptsFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _userControlsFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _xsltFileSystem;
            wrappers[i++] = _masterPagesFileSystem;
            wrappers[i]   = _mvcViewsFileSystem;

            return(new ShadowFileSystems(id, wrappers));
        // need to return something to LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized
        // but it does not really matter what we return - here, null
        private object CreateWellKnownFileSystems()
            var macroPartialFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MacroPartials);
            var partialViewsFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.PartialViews);
            var stylesheetsFileSystem  = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Css);
            var scriptsFileSystem      = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.Scripts);
            var mvcViewsFileSystem     = new PhysicalFileSystem(SystemDirectories.MvcViews);

            _macroPartialFileSystem = new ShadowWrapper(macroPartialFileSystem, "macro-partials", IsScoped);
            _partialViewsFileSystem = new ShadowWrapper(partialViewsFileSystem, "partials", IsScoped);
            _stylesheetsFileSystem  = new ShadowWrapper(stylesheetsFileSystem, "css", IsScoped);
            _scriptsFileSystem      = new ShadowWrapper(scriptsFileSystem, "scripts", IsScoped);
            _mvcViewsFileSystem     = new ShadowWrapper(mvcViewsFileSystem, "views", IsScoped);

            // TODO: do we need a lock here?
