public ContentNodeKitSerializer(ContentDataSerializer contentDataSerializer = null) { _contentDataSerializer = contentDataSerializer; if (_contentDataSerializer == null) { _contentDataSerializer = s_defaultDataSerializer; } }
public static BPlusTree <int, ContentNodeKit> GetTree(string filepath, bool exists, NuCacheSettings settings, ContentDataSerializer contentDataSerializer = null) { var keySerializer = new PrimitiveSerializer(); var valueSerializer = new ContentNodeKitSerializer(contentDataSerializer); var options = new BPlusTree <int, ContentNodeKit> .OptionsV2(keySerializer, valueSerializer) { CreateFile = exists ? CreatePolicy.IfNeeded : CreatePolicy.Always, FileName = filepath, // read or write but do *not* keep in memory CachePolicy = CachePolicy.None, // default is 4096, min 2^9 = 512, max 2^16 = 64K FileBlockSize = GetBlockSize(settings), //HACK: Forces FileOptions to be WriteThrough here:, // as the reflection uses otherwise will failed in .NET Core as the "_handle" field in FileStream is renamed to "_fileHandle". StoragePerformance = StoragePerformance.CommitToDisk, // other options? }; var tree = new BPlusTree <int, ContentNodeKit>(options); // anything? //btree. return(tree); }