public bool HasSpace(LayerMask mask, BuildingPiece placedPiece) { // Get the objects that overlap this socket. var overlappingStuff = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, Radius, mask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); foreach (var col in overlappingStuff) { if (m_Piece != placedPiece) { if (!m_Piece.Building.HasCollider(col) && col as TerrainCollider == null) { return(false); } } else { if (!m_Piece.HasCollider(col) && col as TerrainCollider == null) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void Awake() { var sphere = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); sphere.isTrigger = true; sphere.radius = Radius; m_Piece = GetComponentInParent <BuildingPiece>(); }
public void AddPiece(BuildingPiece piece) { if (!m_Pieces.Contains(piece)) { m_Pieces.Add(piece); piece.GetComponent <EntityEventHandler>().Death.AddListener(() => OnPieceDeath(piece)); } }
private void HandleSnapPreview(Collider[] buildingPieces) { // m_LastOverlappingPieces = buildingPieces; Camera cam = Camera.main; Ray ray = cam.ViewportPointToRay( * 0.5f); float smallestAngleToSocket = Mathf.Infinity; Socket targetSocket = null; for (int bp = 0; bp < buildingPieces.Length; bp++) { BuildingPiece buildingPiece = buildingPieces[bp].GetComponent <BuildingPiece>(); if (buildingPiece == null || buildingPiece.Sockets.Length == 0) { continue; } for (int s = 0; s < buildingPiece.Sockets.Length; s++) { Socket socket = buildingPiece.Sockets[s]; if (socket.SupportsPiece(m_CurrentPreviewPiece)) { if ((socket.transform.position - m_Transform.position).sqrMagnitude < Mathf.Pow(m_BuildRange, 2)) { float angleToSocket = Vector3.Angle(ray.direction, socket.transform.position - ray.origin); if (angleToSocket < smallestAngleToSocket && angleToSocket < 35f) { smallestAngleToSocket = angleToSocket; targetSocket = socket; } } } } } if (targetSocket != null) { Socket.PieceOffset pieceOffset; if (targetSocket.GetPieceOffsetByName(m_CurrentPrefab.Name, out pieceOffset)) { m_CurrentPreview.transform.position = targetSocket.transform.position + targetSocket.transform.TransformVector(pieceOffset.PositionOffset); m_CurrentPreview.transform.rotation = targetSocket.transform.rotation * pieceOffset.RotationOffset; m_LastValidSocket = targetSocket; m_HasSocket = true; return; } } if (!RaycastAndPlace()) { HandleFreePreview(); } }
public void ClearPreview() { if (m_CurrentPreview != null) { GameObject.Destroy(m_CurrentPreview.gameObject); m_CurrentPreview = null; m_CurrentPreviewPiece = null; } }
private void OnChanged_SelectedBuildable() { // If we have the building plan in our hands.. if (m_Player.EquippedItem.Get() != null && m_Player.EquippedItem.Get().HasProperty("Allows Building")) { m_SelectedPiece = m_Player.SelectedBuildable.Get(); } UpdatePreview(); }
public void SpawnPreview(GameObject prefab) { m_CurrentPreview = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab); m_CurrentPreview.transform.position = * 10000f; //m_CurrentPreview.transform.SetParent(m_Transform); m_CurrentPreviewPiece = m_CurrentPreview.GetComponent <BuildingPiece>(); m_CurrentPreviewPiece.SetState(PieceState.Preview); m_CurrentPrefab = prefab.GetComponent <BuildingPiece>(); }
public void OnPieceDeath(BuildingPiece piece) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Occupiers.Count; i++) { if (piece == m_Occupiers[i].Occupier) { m_OccupiedSpaces.RemoveAt(i); m_Occupiers.RemoveAt(i); } } }
public void OccupySpaces(BuildingSpace[] spacesToOccupy, BuildingPiece piece) { for (int i = 0; i < spacesToOccupy.Length; i++) { if (!m_OccupiedSpaces.Contains(spacesToOccupy[i])) { m_OccupiedSpaces.Add(spacesToOccupy[i]); m_Occupiers.Add(new SpaceOccupier(spacesToOccupy[i], piece)); } } }
public bool SupportsPiece(BuildingPiece piece) { for (int i = 0; i < m_PieceOffsets.Count; i++) { if (m_PieceOffsets[i] != null && m_PieceOffsets[i].Piece != null && m_PieceOffsets[i].Piece.Name == piece.Name && !m_OccupiedSpaces.Contains(piece.NeededSpace)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void OnPieceDeath(BuildingPiece piece) { m_Pieces.Remove(piece); for (int p = 0; p < m_Pieces.Count; p++) { for (int s = 0; s < m_Pieces[p].Sockets.Length; s++) { m_Pieces[p].Sockets[s].OnPieceDeath(piece); } } }
/// <summary> /// Is this point stable? /// </summary> public bool IsStable(BuildingPiece piece, LayerMask mask) { var hits = Physics.RaycastAll(piece.transform.position + piece.transform.TransformVector(m_Position), piece.transform.TransformDirection(m_Direction), m_Distance, mask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { if (!piece.HasCollider(hits[i].collider)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void PlacePiece() { if (m_CurrentPreview == null) { return; } GameObject placedPiece = GameObject.Instantiate(m_CurrentPrefab.gameObject, m_CurrentPreview.transform.position, m_CurrentPreview.transform.rotation); placedPiece.transform.SetParent(null); BuildingPiece piece = placedPiece.GetComponent <BuildingPiece>(); piece.SetState(PieceState.Preview); bool isFreeObject = !piece.RequiresSockets && !piece.TerrainProtection; if (isFreeObject) { //Debug.Log("Is free object!"); bool placed = false; Collider[] overlappingStuff = Physics.OverlapBox(, m_CurrentPreviewPiece.Bounds.size / 2f, m_CurrentPreviewPiece.transform.rotation, m_FreePlacementMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); /*Debug.Log(m_CurrentPreviewPiece.Bounds.size); * var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); * cube.transform.position =; * cube.transform.rotation = CurrentPreviewPiece.transform.rotation; * cube.transform.localScale = CurrentPreviewPiece.Bounds.size;*/ foreach (var col in overlappingStuff) { var bp = col.GetComponent <BuildingPiece>(); if (bp != null && bp != m_CurrentPreviewPiece) { piece.transform.SetParent(bp.Building.transform, true); piece.AttachedOn = bp; piece.SetState(PieceState.Placed); piece.Building = bp.Building; piece.Building.AddPiece(piece); //Debug.Log("attached on something"); placed = true; break; } } if (!placed) { var newBuilding = new GameObject("Building", typeof(BuildingHolder)); piece.transform.SetParent(newBuilding.transform, true); piece.Building = newBuilding.GetComponent <BuildingHolder>(); piece.Building.AddPiece(piece); Collider[] colliders; if (piece.HasSupport(out colliders)) { if (colliders.Length > 0) { var colPiece = colliders [0].GetComponent <BuildingPiece> (); if (colPiece != null) { piece.AttachedOn = colPiece; } } } piece.SetState(PieceState.Placed); } } else { if (m_LastValidSocket && m_LastValidSocket.Piece.Building != null) { //m_LastPlacedPiece = piece; piece.transform.SetParent(m_LastValidSocket.Piece.Building.transform, true); piece.AttachedOn = m_LastValidSocket.Piece; piece.SetState(PieceState.Placed); m_LastValidSocket.OccupyNeighbours(m_FreePlacementMask, m_BuildingPieceMask, piece); piece.Building = m_LastValidSocket.Piece.Building; piece.Building.AddPiece(piece); } else { var newBuilding = new GameObject("Building", typeof(BuildingHolder)); piece.transform.SetParent(newBuilding.transform, true); piece.Building = newBuilding.GetComponent <BuildingHolder>(); piece.Building.AddPiece(piece); Collider[] colliders; if (piece.HasSupport(out colliders)) { if (colliders.Length > 0) { var colPiece = colliders [0].GetComponent <BuildingPiece> (); if (colPiece != null) { piece.AttachedOn = colPiece; } } } piece.SetState(PieceState.Placed); } } m_RotationOffset = 0f; if (piece.PlacementFX) { GameObject.Instantiate(piece.PlacementFX, piece.transform.position, piece.transform.rotation); } m_LastValidSocket = null; m_HasSocket = false; }
public SpaceOccupier(BuildingSpace occupiedSpace, BuildingPiece occupier) { OccupiedSpace = occupiedSpace; Occupier = occupier; }
public void OccupyNeighbours(LayerMask freePlacementMask, LayerMask buildingMask, BuildingPiece placedPiece) { Collider[] overlappingStuff = Physics.OverlapBox(, placedPiece.Bounds.extents, placedPiece.transform.rotation, freePlacementMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); //Debug.DrawRay(, Vector3.up * 5f, Color.yellow, 5f); for (int i = 0; i < overlappingStuff.Length; i++) { Socket s = overlappingStuff[i].GetComponent <Socket>(); if (s && s.SupportsPiece(placedPiece) && !s.HasSpace(freePlacementMask, placedPiece)) { s.OccupySpaces(placedPiece.SpacesToOccupy, placedPiece); } } }
public void OnDrawGizmosSelected(BuildingPiece piece) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawRay(piece.transform.position + piece.transform.TransformVector(m_Position), piece.transform.TransformDirection(m_Direction).normalized *m_Distance); }