private void Save_Game(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //add game to games list
            Game newGame = new Game(OpponentBox.Text,LocationBox.Text,TournamentBox.Text, Convert.ToInt32(CapBox.Text));

            //navigate to active game page
            NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Pages/ActiveGamePage.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
        public void createGame(Game newGame)
            //create a new game instance
               //set current game to newly created game
               App.Manager.currentGame = App.Manager.teams[App.Manager.currentTeam].seasons[App.Manager.currentSeason].games.Count - 1;
               //for every player on the team, for this season, add him to the specific game instance.
               foreach (Player player in App.Manager.teams[App.Manager.currentTeam].seasons[App.Manager.currentSeason].players)

               update(); //sets current game instance to the one we just created