        void buildGumpling(int x, int y, int width, int index, int itemsVisible, string[] items, bool canBeNull)
            Position = new Point2D(x, y);
            _items = new List<string>(items);
            _width = width;
            Index = index;
            _visibleItems = itemsVisible;
            _canBeNull = canBeNull;

            _resize = new ResizePic(_owner, Page, X, Y, 3000, _width, Data.ASCIIText.Fonts[1].Height + 8);
            _resize.OnMouseClick = onClickClosedList;
            _resize.OnMouseOver = onMouseOverClosedList;
            _resize.OnMouseOut = onMouseOutClosedList;
            _label = new TextLabelAscii(_owner, Page, X + 4, Y + 5, hue_Text, 1, string.Empty);
            ((Gump)_owner).AddControl(new GumpPic(_owner, Page, X + width - 22, Y + 5, 2086, 0));
        public CreateCharSkillsGump()
            : base(0, 0)
            _renderFullScreen = false;
            // backdrop
            AddControl(new GumpPicTiled(this, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480, 9274));
            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0, 5500, 0));
            // center menu with fancy top
            AddControl(new ResizePic(this, 1, 100, 80, 2600, 470, 372));
            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 1, 291, 42, 1417, 0));
            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 1, 214, 58, 1419, 0));
            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 1, 300, 51, 5545, 0));
            // title text
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 148, 132, 841, 2, Data.StringList.Entry(3000326)));

            // strength, dexterity, intelligence
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 170, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000111)));
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 250, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000112)));
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 330, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000113)));
            // sliders for attributes
            sliderAttributes = new Slider[3];
            sliderAttributes[0] = new Slider(this, 1, 164, 196, 93, 10, 60, 60);
            sliderAttributes[1] = new Slider(this, 1, 164, 276, 93, 10, 60, 10);
            sliderAttributes[2] = new Slider(this, 1, 164, 356, 93, 10, 60, 10);
            // labels for attributes
            lblAttributes = new TextLabelAscii[3];
            lblAttributes[0] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 284, 170, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            lblAttributes[1] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 284, 250, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            lblAttributes[2] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 284, 330, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (i != j)

            // sliders for skills
            sliderSkills = new Slider[3];
            sliderSkills[0] = new Slider(this, 1, 344, 204, 93, 0, 50, 50);
            sliderSkills[1] = new Slider(this, 1, 344, 284, 93, 0, 50, 50);
            sliderSkills[2] = new Slider(this, 1, 344, 364, 93, 0, 50, 0);
            // labels for skills
            lblSkills = new TextLabelAscii[3];
            lblSkills[0] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 494, 200, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            lblSkills[1] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 494, 280, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            lblSkills[2] = new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 494, 360, 2430, 1, string.Empty);
            // drop downs for skills
            listSkills = new DropDownList[3];
            string[] skillList = Data.Skills.ListNames;
            listSkills[0] = new DropDownList(this, 1, 344, 172, 182, -1, 8, skillList, true);
            listSkills[1] = new DropDownList(this, 1, 344, 252, 182, -1, 8, skillList, true);
            listSkills[2] = new DropDownList(this, 1, 344, 332, 182, -1, 8, skillList, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (i != j)
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 170, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000111)));
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 250, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000112)));
            AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 1, 158, 330, 2430, 1, Data.StringList.Entry(3000113)));

            // back button
            AddControl(new Button(this, 1, 586, 435, 5537, 5539, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.BackButton));
            ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 5538;
            // forward button
            AddControl(new Button(this, 1, 610, 435, 5540, 5542, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.ForwardButton));
            ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 5541;
            // quit button
            AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 554, 2, 5513, 5515, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.QuitButton));
            ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 5514;
 void onClickClosedList(int x, int y, MouseButton button)
     _listOpen = true;
     _openResizePic = new ResizePic(_owner, Page, X, Y, 3000, _width, Data.ASCIIText.Fonts[1].Height * _visibleItems + 8);
     _openResizePic.OnMouseClick = onClickOpenList;
     _openResizePic.OnMouseOver = onMouseOverOpenList;
     _openResizePic.OnMouseOut = onMouseOutOpenList;
     // only show the scrollbar if we need to scroll
     if (_visibleItems < _items.Count)
         _openScrollBar = new ScrollBar(_owner, Page, X + _width - 20, Y + 4, Data.ASCIIText.Fonts[1].Height * _visibleItems, (_canBeNull ? -1 : 0), _items.Count - _visibleItems, Index);
     _openLabels = new TextLabelAscii[_visibleItems];
     for (int i = 0; i < _visibleItems; i++)
         _openLabels[i] = new TextLabelAscii(_owner, Page, X + 4, Y + 5 + Data.ASCIIText.Fonts[1].Height * i, 1107, 1, string.Empty);