public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (_renderedTexture == null) { Color[] data = new Color[Width * Height]; for (int h = 0; h < Height; h++) { int i = h % 2; for (int w = 0; w < Width; w++) { if (i++ >= 1) { data[h * Width + w] = Color.Black; i = 0; } else { data[h * Width + w] = Color.Transparent; } } } _renderedTexture = new Texture2D(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, Width, Height); _renderedTexture.SetData<Color>(data); } // spriteBatch.Flush(); // spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.None); !!! spriteBatch.Draw2D(_renderedTexture, new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Area.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, Area.Width, Area.Height), 0, false, false); // spriteBatch.Flush(); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpBar[0], Position, 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_gumpBar[1], new Rectangle(Area.X + _gumpBar[0].Width, Area.Y, BarWidth - _gumpBar[2].Width - _gumpBar[0].Width, _gumpBar[1].Height), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpBar[2], new Point2D(Area.X + BarWidth - _gumpBar[2].Width, Area.Y), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpSlider, new Point2D(Area.X + _sliderX, Area.Y), 0, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (_texture == null) { _texture = Data.Art.GetStaticTexture(_item.DisplayItemID); Size = new Point2D(_texture.Width, _texture.Height); } spriteBatch.Draw2D(_texture, Position, _item.Hue, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (_texture == null) { if (IsFemale) _texture = Data.Gumps.GetGumpXNA(Item.ItemData.Animation + 60000); if (_texture == null) _texture = Data.Gumps.GetGumpXNA(Item.ItemData.Animation + 50000); Size = new Point2D(_texture.Width, _texture.Height); } spriteBatch.Draw2D(_texture, Position, Item.Hue & 0x7FFF, (Item.Hue & 0x8000) == 0x8000 ? true : false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { int centerWidth = Width - _bgGumps[0].Width - _bgGumps[2].Width; int centerHeight = Height - _bgGumps[0].Height - _bgGumps[2].Height; int line2Y = Y + _bgGumps[0].Height; int line3Y = Y + Height - _bgGumps[6].Height; spriteBatch.Draw2D(_bgGumps[0], new Point2D(X, Y), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGumps[1], new Rectangle(X + _bgGumps[0].Width, Y, centerWidth, _bgGumps[0].Height), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_bgGumps[2], new Point2D(X + Width - _bgGumps[2].Width, Y), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGumps[3], new Rectangle(X, line2Y, _bgGumps[0].Width, centerHeight), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGumps[4], new Rectangle(X + _bgGumps[0].Width, line2Y, centerWidth, centerHeight), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGumps[5], new Rectangle(X + Width - _bgGumps[2].Width, line2Y, _bgGumps[2].Width, centerHeight), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_bgGumps[6], new Point2D(X, line3Y), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGumps[7], new Rectangle(X + _bgGumps[0].Width, line3Y, centerWidth, _bgGumps[6].Height), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_bgGumps[8], new Point2D(X + Width - _bgGumps[2].Width, line3Y), 0, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { // up button spriteBatch.Draw2D(_btnUpClicked ? _gumpUpButton[1] : _gumpUpButton[0], new Point2D(X, Y), 0, false, false); // scrollbar background spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpBackground[0], new Point2D(X, Y + _gumpUpButton[0].Height), 0, false, false); int middlewidth = BarHeight - _gumpUpButton[0].Height - _gumpDownButton[0].Height - _gumpBackground[0].Height - _gumpBackground[2].Height; spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_gumpBackground[1], new Rectangle(X, Y + _gumpUpButton[0].Height + _gumpBackground[0].Height, _gumpBackground[0].Width, middlewidth), 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpBackground[2], new Point2D(X, Y + BarHeight - _gumpDownButton[0].Height - _gumpBackground[2].Height), 0, false, false); // down button spriteBatch.Draw2D(_btnDownClicked ? _gumpDownButton[1] : _gumpDownButton[0], new Point2D(X, Y + Height - _gumpDownButton[0].Height), 0, false, false); // slider spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpSlider, new Point2D(X + (_gumpBackground[0].Width - _gumpSlider.Width) / 2, Y + _gumpUpButton[0].Height + 1 + (int)_sliderY), 0, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (_isAnOpenSwatch) { spriteBatch.Draw2D(_huesTexture, Area, 0, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_selectedIndicator, new Point2D( (int)(X + (float)(Width / _hueSize.X) * ((Index % _hueSize.X) + 0.5f) - _selectedIndicator.Width / 2), (int)(Y + (float)(Height / _hueSize.Y) * ((Index / _hueSize.X) + 0.5f) - _selectedIndicator.Height / 2) ), 0, false, false); } else { if (!_isSwatchOpen) spriteBatch.Draw2D(_huesTexture, Area, 0, false, false); } base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (_background) { if (_backgroundTexture == null) { _backgroundTexture = new Texture2D(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); _backgroundTexture.SetData<Color>(new Color[] { Color.White }); } spriteBatch.Draw2D(_backgroundTexture, new Rectangle(OwnerX + Area.X, OwnerY + Area.Y, Width, Height), 0, false, false); } _textRenderer.ActiveHREF = _hrefOver; _textRenderer.ActiveHREF_UseDownHue = _clicked; _textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(X, Y, Size.X, Size.Y), ScrollX, ScrollY); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { _textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, Position); if (_caratBlinkOn) _caratRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, new Point2D(X + _textRenderer.Width, Y)); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatchUI sb, Rectangle destRectangle, int xScroll, int yScroll) { checkRender(sb.GraphicsDevice); Rectangle sourceRectangle; if (xScroll > _texture.Width) return; else if (xScroll < -MaxWidth) return; else sourceRectangle.X = xScroll; if (yScroll > _texture.Height) return; else if (yScroll < - Height) return; else sourceRectangle.Y = yScroll; int maxX = sourceRectangle.X + destRectangle.Width; if (maxX <= _texture.Width) sourceRectangle.Width = destRectangle.Width; else { sourceRectangle.Width = _texture.Width - sourceRectangle.X; destRectangle.Width = sourceRectangle.Width; } int maxY = sourceRectangle.Y + destRectangle.Height; if (maxY <= _texture.Height) { sourceRectangle.Height = destRectangle.Height; } else { sourceRectangle.Height = _texture.Height - sourceRectangle.Y; destRectangle.Height = sourceRectangle.Height; } sb.Draw2D(_texture, destRectangle, sourceRectangle, hueButNotIfHTML, false, _hueTransparent); foreach (HTMLRegion r in _href.Regions) { Point2D position; Rectangle sourceRect; if (clipRectangle(new Point2D(xScroll, yScroll), r.Area, destRectangle, out position, out sourceRect)) { // only draw the font in a different color if this is a HREF region. // otherwise it is a dummy region used to notify images that they are // being mouse overed. if (r.HREFAttributes != null) { int hue = 0; if (r.Index == _activeHREF) if (_activeHREF_usedownhue) hue = r.HREFAttributes.DownHue; else hue = r.HREFAttributes.OverHue; else hue = r.HREFAttributes.UpHue; sb.Draw2D(_texture, position, sourceRect, hue, false, false); } } } foreach (HTMLImage image in _images.Images) { Point2D position; Rectangle sourceRect; if (clipRectangle(new Point2D(xScroll, yScroll), image.Area, destRectangle, out position, out sourceRect)) { // are we mouse over this image? sourceRect.X = 0; sourceRect.Y = 0; Texture2D texture = null; if (image.RegionIndex == _activeHREF) { if (_activeHREF_usedownhue) texture = image.ImageDown; if (texture == null) texture = image.ImageOver; } if (texture == null) texture = image.Image; sb.Draw2D(texture, position, sourceRect, 0, false, false); } } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw2D(_texture, Position, 0, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (!Visible) return; // don't draw any server gumps until we're in the world. if (IsServerGump && !ClientVars.EngineVars.InWorld) return; if (_renderFullScreen) { InputMultiplier = (float)spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float)Width; if (_gumpTexture == null) { // the render target CANNOT be larger than the viewport. int w = Width < _manager.Width ? Width : _manager.Width; int h = Height < _manager.Height ? Height : _manager.Height; _gumpTexture = new RenderTarget2D(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, w, h, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16); } spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(_gumpTexture); spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Transparent); base.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.Flush(); spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); if (_renderFullScreen) { spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(Width * InputMultiplier), (int)(Height * InputMultiplier)), 0, false, false); } else spriteBatch.Draw2D(_gumpTexture, Position, 0, false, false); } else { spriteBatch.Flush(); base.Draw(spriteBatch); } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatchUI sb, Point2D position) { Point2D cursorOffset; Rectangle sourceRect = Rectangle.Empty; int cursorTextureID = 0; int cursorHue = 0; Texture2D cursorTexture = null; if (IsHolding) { // Draw the item you're holding first. cursorOffset = new Point2D(holdingOffset.X, holdingOffset.Y); cursorTexture = HoldingTexture; sourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, cursorTexture.Width, cursorTexture.Height); sb.Draw2D(cursorTexture, position - cursorOffset, sourceRect, holdingItem.Hue, false, false); // then set the data for the hang which holds it. cursorOffset = new Point2D(1, 1); cursorTextureID = 8305; cursorTexture = Data.Art.GetStaticTexture(cursorTextureID); sourceRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, cursorTexture.Width - 2, cursorTexture.Height - 2); } else if (IsTargeting) { cursorOffset = new Point2D(13, 13); sourceRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, 46, 34); cursorTextureID = 8310; if (_targetingMulti != -1) { // !!! Draw a multi } } else { if (ClientVars.EngineVars.InWorld && (!_manager.IsMouseOverUI && !_manager.IsModalMsgBoxOpen)) { switch (ClientVars.EngineVars.CursorDirection) { case Direction.North: cursorOffset = new Point2D(29, 1); cursorTextureID = 8299; break; case Direction.Right: cursorOffset = new Point2D(41, 9); cursorTextureID = 8300; break; case Direction.East: cursorOffset = new Point2D(36, 24); cursorTextureID = 8301; break; case Direction.Down: cursorOffset = new Point2D(14, 33); cursorTextureID = 8302; break; case Direction.South: cursorOffset = new Point2D(4, 28); cursorTextureID = 8303; break; case Direction.Left: cursorOffset = new Point2D(2, 10); cursorTextureID = 8304; break; case Direction.West: cursorOffset = new Point2D(1, 1); cursorTextureID = 8305; break; case Direction.Up: cursorOffset = new Point2D(4, 2); cursorTextureID = 8298; break; default: cursorOffset = new Point2D(2, 10); cursorTextureID = 8309; break; } } else { // Over the interface or not in world. Display a default cursor. cursorOffset = new Point2D(1, 1); cursorTextureID = 8305; } } // Hue the cursor if in warmode. if (ClientVars.EngineVars.WarMode) cursorTextureID -= 23; else if (TrammelHue) cursorHue = 2412; cursorTexture = Data.Art.GetStaticTexture(cursorTextureID); sourceRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, cursorTexture.Width - 2, cursorTexture.Height - 2); sb.Draw2D(cursorTexture, position - cursorOffset, sourceRect, cursorHue, false, false); }
void drawLargePaperdoll_Noninteractable(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { EquipSlots[] slotsToDraw = new EquipSlots[6] { EquipSlots.Body, EquipSlots.Footwear, EquipSlots.Legging, EquipSlots.Shirt, EquipSlots.Hair, EquipSlots.FacialHair }; for (int i = 0; i < slotsToDraw.Length; i++) { int bodyID = 0, hue = hueSlot(slotsToDraw[i]); bool hueGreyPixelsOnly = true; switch (slotsToDraw[i]) { case EquipSlots.Body: if (_isElf) bodyID = (_isFemale ? 1893 : 1894); else bodyID = (_isFemale ? 1888 : 1889); break; case EquipSlots.Footwear: bodyID = (_isFemale ? 1891 : 1890); hue = 900; break; case EquipSlots.Legging: bodyID = (_isFemale ? 1892 : 1848); hue = 348; break; case EquipSlots.Shirt: bodyID = (_isFemale ? 1812 : 1849); hue = 792; break; case EquipSlots.Hair: if (equipmentSlot(EquipSlots.Hair) != 0) { bodyID = _isFemale ? Data.HairStyles.FemaleGumpIDForCharacterCreationFromItemID(equipmentSlot(EquipSlots.Hair)) : Data.HairStyles.MaleGumpIDForCharacterCreationFromItemID(equipmentSlot(EquipSlots.Hair)); hueGreyPixelsOnly = false; } break; case EquipSlots.FacialHair: if (equipmentSlot(EquipSlots.FacialHair) != 0) { bodyID = _isFemale ? 0 : Data.HairStyles.FacialHairGumpIDForCharacterCreationFromItemID(equipmentSlot(EquipSlots.FacialHair)); hueGreyPixelsOnly = false; } break; } if (bodyID != 0) spriteBatch.Draw2D(Data.Gumps.GetGumpXNA(bodyID), Position, hue, hueGreyPixelsOnly, false); } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { base.Draw(spriteBatch); // DEBUG !!! Draws a dragon // Data.FrameXNA[] f = Data.AnimationsXNA.GetAnimation(59, 0, 0, 0, false); // spriteBatch.Draw(f[0].Texture, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(10, 10), 0, false); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { drawLargePaperdoll_Noninteractable(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { Texture2D texture = getTextureFromMouseState(); if (Caption != string.Empty) _textRenderer.Text = Caption; spriteBatch.Draw2D(texture, new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height), 0, false, false); if (DoDrawBounds) DrawBounds(spriteBatch, Color.Black); if (Caption != string.Empty) { int yoffset = MouseDownOnThis ? 1 : 0; _textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, new Point2D(X + (Width - _textRenderer.Width) / 2, Y + yoffset + (Height - _textRenderer.Height) / 2)); } base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw2DTiled(_bgGump, new Rectangle(X, Y, Area.Width, Area.Height), 0, false, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { bool hueOnlyGreyPixels = (_hue & 0x8000) == 0x8000; spriteBatch.Draw2D(_texture, Position, _hue & 0x7FFF, hueOnlyGreyPixels, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
protected void DrawBounds(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch, Color color) { int hue = Data.HuesXNA.GetWebSafeHue(color); Rectangle drawArea = _area; if (_owner == null) { _area.X -= X; _area.Y -= Y; } spriteBatch.Draw2D(BoundsTexture, new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, 1), hue, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(BoundsTexture, new Rectangle(X, Y + Height - 1, Width, 1), hue, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(BoundsTexture, new Rectangle(X, Y, 1, Height), hue, false, false); spriteBatch.Draw2D(BoundsTexture, new Rectangle(X + Width - 1, Y, 1, Height), hue, false, false); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { _texture = Data.ASCIIText.GetTextTexture(Text, FontID); spriteBatch.Draw2D(_texture, Position, Hue, true, false); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { _textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(X, Y, Size.X, Size.Y), 0, 0); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { _textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, Position); base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatchUI sb, Point2D position) { Draw(sb, new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y, Width, Height), 0, 0); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { base.Draw(spriteBatch); }
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatchUI spriteBatch) { if (!_isInitialized) return; if (!Visible) return; #if DEBUG // DrawBounds(spriteBatch); #endif foreach (Control c in Controls) { if ((c.Page == 0) || (c.Page == ActivePage)) { if (c.IsInitialized) { c.Position += Position; c.Draw(spriteBatch); c.Position -= Position; } } } }