 private static FrameXNA[] checkCache(int body, int action, int direction)
     // Make sure the cache is complete.
     // max number of bodies is about 0x1000
     if (_Cache == null) _Cache = new FrameXNA[0x1000][][][];
     if (_Cache[body] == null)
         _Cache[body] = new FrameXNA[35][][];
     if (_Cache[body][action] == null)
         _Cache[body][action] = new FrameXNA[8][];
     if (_Cache[body][action][direction] == null)
         _Cache[body][action][direction] = new FrameXNA[1];
     if (_Cache[body][action][direction][0] != null)
         return _Cache[body][action][direction];
         return null;
        public static FrameXNA[] GetAnimation(BinaryReader bin)
            uint[] palette = getPalette(bin); // 0x100 * 2 = 0x0200 bytes
            int lookupStart = (int)bin.BaseStream.Position;
            int frameCount = bin.ReadInt32(); // 0x04 bytes

            int[] lookups = new int[frameCount]; // frameCount * 0x04 bytes
            for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) { lookups[i] = bin.ReadInt32(); }

            FrameXNA[] frames = new FrameXNA[frameCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
                if (lookups[i] < lookups[0])
                    frames[i] = FrameXNA.Empty; // Fix for broken animations, per issue13
                    bin.BaseStream.Seek(lookupStart + lookups[i], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    frames[i] = new FrameXNA(_graphics, palette, bin);
            return frames;
 private static void getWidthHeight(FrameXNA[] frames, out int width, out int height, out int maxXoffset, out int maxYoffset)
     // get the offsets
     maxXoffset = 0;
     maxYoffset = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
         if (frames[i].Center.X > maxXoffset)
             maxXoffset = frames[i].Center.X;
         if (frames[i].Center.Y < maxYoffset)
             maxYoffset = frames[i].Center.Y;
     // get height/width using these offsets
     width = 0;
     height = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
         int thiswidth = frames[i].Texture.Width + (maxXoffset - frames[i].Center.X);
         if (thiswidth > width) { width = thiswidth; }
         int thisheight = frames[i].Texture.Height - (maxYoffset - frames[i].Center.Y);
         if (thisheight > height) { height = thisheight; }
        private static void transform(BinaryReader bin)
            FrameXNA[] frames = AnimationsXNA.GetAnimation(bin);

            BitStream CellMatrixStream = new BitStream();
            BitStream CellDeltaEncodingStream = new BitStream();
            BitStream CellDataStream = new BitStream();

            int width, height, xoffset, yoffset;
            getWidthHeight(frames, out width, out height, out xoffset, out yoffset);

            uint[][] pixeldata = new uint[frames.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
                pixeldata[i] = getPixelData(frames[i], width, height,
                    xoffset - frames[i].Center.X,
                    (height + (yoffset - frames[i].Center.Y)) - frames[i].Texture.Height);

            uint[] palette = new uint[0x100];
            uint[] palettesortvalues = new uint[0x100];
            uint[] paletteSimilars = new uint[0x100];
            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
                getPalette(pixeldata[i], palette, palettesortvalues);
            palettesortvalues[0] = int.MaxValue;
            sortPalette(palette, palettesortvalues);
            // findSimilarShadesInPalette(palette, ref paletteSimilars);
            // combinePalette(palette, paletteSimilars, palettesortvalues);
            // sortPalette(palette, palettesortvalues, paletteSimilars);

            // debug = count num of pixels using top 16 colors.
            int topsixteen = 0; int others = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < 17; i++)
                topsixteen += (int)palettesortvalues[i];
            for (int i = 17; i < 256; i++)
                others += (int)palettesortvalues[i];

            byte[][] framedata = new byte[frames.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
                framedata[i] = palettedFrame(pixeldata[i], palette, paletteSimilars);

            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
                byte[][] framecells = getCells(framedata[i], width);
                byte[][] lastFrameCells;
                if (i > 0)
                    lastFrameCells = getCells(buildFrame(width, height, CellMatrixStream, CellDeltaEncodingStream, CellDataStream), width);
                    lastFrameCells = new byte[0][];
                getStreams(framecells, lastFrameCells, i, width, palette, CellMatrixStream, CellDeltaEncodingStream, CellDataStream);
                byte[] newframedata = buildFrame(width, height, CellMatrixStream, CellDeltaEncodingStream, CellDataStream);
                FrameXNA frame = new FrameXNA(AnimationsXNA.DEBUG_GFX, palette, newframedata, width, height, 0, 0);
                frame.Texture.Save("test.bmp", Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.ImageFileFormat.Bmp);
            int size =
                (int)(CellMatrixStream.Length >> 3) +
                (int)(CellDeltaEncodingStream.Length >> 3) +
                (int)(CellDataStream.Length >> 3);
 private static uint[] getPixelData(FrameXNA f, int width, int height, int xoffset, int yoffset)
     uint[] outdata = new uint[width * height];
     uint[] pixeldata = new uint[f.Texture.Height * f.Texture.Width];
     for (int y = 0; y < f.Texture.Height; y++)
         Array.Copy(pixeldata, y * f.Texture.Width, outdata, xoffset + (y + yoffset) * width, f.Texture.Width);
     return outdata;