/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildContext"></param>
        public void Build( Parameters param )
            //	Get combinations :
            var combDecl	=	param.DefineEnum;

            var defineList = new List<string>();

            foreach ( var comb in combDecl ) {
                var ue = new UbershaderEnumerator( comb.Trim(), "" );
                defineList.AddRange( ue.DefineList );

            //	Start listing builder :
            ListingPath	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName( AssetPath, ".html", true );
            var htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            htmlBuilder.AppendLine("<b>Ubershader assembly listing</b>");
            htmlBuilder.AppendLine("<b>Source:</b> <i>" + AssetPath + "</i>" );

            foreach ( var comb in combDecl ) {
                htmlBuilder.AppendLine("  <i>" + comb + "</i>");

            var usdb = new List<UsdbEntry>();

            //	Build all :
            foreach ( var defines in defineList ) {

                var id		=	defineList.IndexOf( defines );

                var psbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".PS.dxbc", true );
                var vsbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".VS.dxbc", true );
                var gsbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".GS.dxbc", true );
                var hsbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".HS.dxbc", true );
                var dsbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".DS.dxbc", true );
                var csbc	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".CS.dxbc", true );

                var pshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".PS.html", true );
                var vshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".VS.html", true );
                var gshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".GS.html", true );
                var hshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".HS.html", true );
                var dshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".DS.html", true );
                var cshtm	=	buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, "." + id.ToString("D4") + ".CS.html", true );

                var ps = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "ps_5_0", PSEntryPoint, defines, psbc, pshtm );
                var vs = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "vs_5_0", VSEntryPoint, defines, vsbc, vshtm );
                var gs = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "gs_5_0", GSEntryPoint, defines, gsbc, gshtm );
                var hs = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "hs_5_0", HSEntryPoint, defines, hsbc, hshtm );
                var ds = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "ds_5_0", DSEntryPoint, defines, dsbc, dshtm );
                var cs = Compile( buildContext, SourceFile, "cs_5_0", CSEntryPoint, defines, csbc, cshtm );

                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (vs.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">vs</a> ", Path.GetFileName(vshtm) );
                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (ps.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">ps</a> ", Path.GetFileName(pshtm) );
                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (hs.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">hs</a> ", Path.GetFileName(hshtm) );
                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (ds.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">ds</a> ", Path.GetFileName(dshtm) );
                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (gs.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">gs</a> ", Path.GetFileName(gshtm) );
                htmlBuilder.AppendFormat( (cs.Length==0) ? ".. " : "<a href=\"{0}\">cs</a> ", Path.GetFileName(cshtm) );

                htmlBuilder.Append( "[" + defines + "]<br>" );

                usdb.Add( new UsdbEntry( defines, ps, vs, gs, hs, ds, cs ) );

            File.WriteAllText( buildContext.GetTempFileName(AssetPath, ".html", true), htmlBuilder.ToString() );

            //	Write ubershader :
            using ( var fs = buildContext.TargetStream( this ) ) {

                using ( var bw = new BinaryWriter( fs ) ) {

                    bw.Write( new[]{'U','S','D','B'});

                    bw.Write( usdb.Count );

                    foreach ( var entry in usdb ) {

                        bw.Write( entry.Defines );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'P','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.PSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.PSBytecode );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'V','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.VSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.VSBytecode );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'G','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.GSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.GSBytecode );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'H','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.HSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.HSBytecode );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'D','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.DSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.DSBytecode );

                        bw.Write( new[]{'C','S','B','C'});
                        bw.Write( entry.CSBytecode.Length );
                        bw.Write( entry.CSBytecode );
 public IncludeHandler( Parameters buildContext )
     this.buildContext	=	buildContext;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildContext"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceFile"></param>
        /// <param name="profile"></param>
        /// <param name="entryPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="defines"></param>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <param name="listing"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        byte[] Compile( Parameters buildContext, string sourceFile, string profile, string entryPoint, string defines, string output, string listing )
            //Log.Debug("{0} {1} {2} {3}", sourceFile, profile, entryPoint, defines );

            var	flags	=	FX.ShaderFlags.None;

            if ( DisableOptimization)	flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.OptimizationLevel0;
            // (!DisableOptimization)	flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.OptimizationLevel3;
            if ( PreferFlowControl)		flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.PreferFlowControl;
            if ( AvoidFlowControl)		flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.AvoidFlowControl;

            if ( MatrixPacking==ShaderMatrixPacking.ColumnMajor )	flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.PackMatrixColumnMajor;
            if ( MatrixPacking==ShaderMatrixPacking.RowMajor )		flags |= FX.ShaderFlags.PackMatrixRowMajor;

            var defs = defines.Split(new[]{' ','\t'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                        .Select( entry => new SharpDX.Direct3D.ShaderMacro( entry, "1" ) )

            sourceFile	=	buildContext.Resolve( sourceFile );

            try {

                var result = FX.ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile( sourceFile, entryPoint, profile, flags, FX.EffectFlags.None, defs, new IncludeHandler(buildContext) );

                if ( result.Message!=null ) {
                    Log.Warning( result.Message );

                File.WriteAllText( listing, result.Bytecode.Disassemble( FX.DisassemblyFlags.EnableColorCode, "" ) );

                return result.Bytecode.Data;

            } catch ( Exception ex ) {

                if (ex.Message.Contains("error X3501")) {
                    Log.Debug("No entry point '{0}'. It's ok", entryPoint );
                    return new byte[0];

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile"></param>
        /// <param name="profile"></param>
        /// <param name="entryPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="defines"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        byte[] RunFxc( Parameters param, string sourceFile, string profile, string entryPoint, string defines, string output, string listing )
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("/Cc" + " ");
            sb.Append("/T" + profile + " ");
            sb.Append("/E" + entryPoint + " ");
            sb.Append("/Fo\"" + output + "\" ");
            sb.Append("/Fc\"" + listing + "\" ");
            sb.Append("/nologo" + " ");
            sb.Append("/O" + OptimizationLevel.ToString() + " ");

            if ( DisableOptimization)	sb.Append("/Od ");
            if ( PreferFlowControl)	sb.Append("/Gfp ");
            if ( AvoidFlowControl)	sb.Append("/Gfa ");

            if ( MatrixPacking==ShaderMatrixPacking.ColumnMajor )	sb.Append("/Zpc ");
            if ( MatrixPacking==ShaderMatrixPacking.RowMajor )	sb.Append("/Zpr ");

            foreach ( var def in defines.Split(new[]{' ','\t'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) ) {
                sb.AppendFormat("/D{0}=1 ", def);

            sb.Append("\"" + buildContext.Resolve( sourceFile ) + "\"");

            try {

                buildContext.RunTool("fxc_1.exe", sb.ToString());

            } catch ( ToolException tx ) {
                ///	entry point not fount - that is ok.
                if (tx.Message.Contains("error X3501")) {
                    Log.Debug("No entry point '{0}'. That is ok.", entryPoint );
                    return new byte[0];


            return File.ReadAllBytes( output );
        static int Main( string[] args )
            Trace.Listeners.Add( new ColoredTraceListener2() );

            var param  = new Parameters();
            var parser = new CommandLineParser( param );

            if (!parser.ParseCommandLine( args )) {
                return 1;

            if (!param.NoLogo) {
                Log.Message("Fusion Framework Ubershader Compiler");

            return 0;