        public SerializableBrush Clone()
            SerializableBrush sbrush = null;

            if (this.BrushType == BrushType.SolidBrush)
                sbrush = new SerializableBrush(this.SolidBrushColor);
            else if (this.BrushType == BrushType.LinearGradientBrush)
                sbrush = new SerializableBrush(this.m_LinearGradientPoint1, this.m_LinearGradientPoint2, this.LinearGradientBrushColor1, this.LinearGradientBrushColor2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse BackgroundBrush for the template from BackgroundBrush Node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backgroundBrushNode">XmlNode for the BackgroundBrush</param>
        /// <param name="template"> BackgroundTemplate model</param>
        private void ParseBackgroundBrush(XmlNode backgroundBrushNode, BackgroundTemplate template)
            if (backgroundBrushNode.HasChildNodes)
                XmlNode brushNode = backgroundBrushNode.ChildNodes[0];

                //if the brush is solid brush, then create SerializableBrush, and set it to BackgroundTemplate
                if (brushNode.Name.Equals("SolidBrush"))
                    XmlAttribute attribute=brushNode.Attributes["color"];
                    if (attribute != null)
                        String colorStr = attribute.Value;
                        Color color = ParseColor(colorStr);
                        if (color != Color.Empty)
                            SerializableBrush brush = new SerializableBrush(color);
                            template.BackgroundBrush = brush;
                //if the brush is LinearGradientBrush, then create SerializableBrush, and set it to BackgroundTemplate
                else if (brushNode.Name.Equals("LinearGradientBrush"))

                    XmlAttribute attribute = brushNode.Attributes["color1"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    String value = attribute.Value;
                    Color color1 = ParseColor(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["color2"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    Color color2=ParseColor(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["point1"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    PointF point1 = ParsePoint(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["point2"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    PointF point2 = ParsePoint(value);

                    if (color1 != Color.Empty && color2 != Color.Empty && (point1 != Point.Empty || point2 != Point.Empty))
                        SerializableBrush brush = new SerializableBrush(point1, point2, color1, color2);
                        template.BackgroundBrush = brush;
        public SerializableBrush Clone()
            SerializableBrush sbrush=null;

            if (this.BrushType == BrushType.SolidBrush)
                sbrush = new SerializableBrush(this.SolidBrushColor);
            else if (this.BrushType == BrushType.LinearGradientBrush)
                sbrush = new SerializableBrush(this.m_LinearGradientPoint1,this.m_LinearGradientPoint2, this.LinearGradientBrushColor1, this.LinearGradientBrushColor2);
            return sbrush;