/// <summary>
        /// Draw the line
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(BackgroundTemplate parent, Graphics g, Rectangle r)
            PointF newS, newD, oldP1,oldP2;

            oldP1 = this.m_Line.P1;
            oldP2 = this.m_Line.P2;

            //Update P1 P2 if the line is repeated

            newS = this.m_Line.P1;
            newD = this.m_Line.P2;

            switch (this.m_Line.LineType)
                case LineType.LINE: GetLineRectIntersections(parent, ref newS, ref newD); break;
                case LineType.RAY: GetRayRectIntersections(parent, ref newD); break;
                case LineType.SEGMENT: break;

            SerializablePen pen = parent.GetPrimitivePenByIndex(this.m_Line.PenIndex);
                g.DrawLine(pen.GetPen(), newS, newD);

            this.m_Line.P1 = oldP1;
            this.m_Line.P2 = oldP2;
        public BackgroundTemplate Clone()
            BackgroundTemplate bkgTemplate = new BackgroundTemplate();

            bkgTemplate.Name   = this.Name;
            bkgTemplate.CNName = this.CNName;
            bkgTemplate.FRName = this.FRName;
            bkgTemplate.ESName = this.ESName;
            bkgTemplate.PTName = this.PTName;
            if (this.BackgroundBrush != null)
                bkgTemplate.BackgroundBrush = (SerializableBrush)this.BackgroundBrush.Clone();
            bkgTemplate.GeometryTransform = this.GeometryTransform;
            bkgTemplate.Height            = this.Height;
            bkgTemplate.Width             = this.Width;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.PrimitivePens.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Geometry.Count; i++)

        public void UpdateValue(BackgroundTemplate template)
            if (this == template)

            if (template.BackgroundBrush != null)
                this.BackgroundBrush = template.BackgroundBrush.Clone();

            this.Name              = template.Name;
            this.CNName            = template.CNName;
            this.ESName            = template.ESName;
            this.FRName            = template.FRName;
            this.PTName            = template.PTName;
            this.Height            = template.Height;
            this.Width             = template.Width;
            this.GeometryTransform = template.GeometryTransform;

            for (int i = 0; i < template.PrimitivePens.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < template.Geometry.Count; i++)
        /// <summary>
        /// Construction for Form
        /// </summary>
        public BackgroundPropertiesForm(PresenterModel model)
            this.m_Model = model;

            this.ClientSize = new Size(320, 320);
            this.Font = ViewerStateModel.FormFont;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            this.MaximizeBox = false;
            this.Name = "BackgroundPropertiesForm";
            this.Text = Strings.BackgroundPropertiesFormTitle;

            //Get the BackgroundTemplate Model
            using (this.m_Model.Workspace.Lock())
                DeckTraversalModel traversal = this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal;
                if (traversal != null)
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(traversal.SyncRoot))
                        if (this.m_ApplyToCurrentSlideOnly)
                            SlideModel current = traversal.Current.Slide;
                            if (current != null)
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(traversal.Current.Slide.SyncRoot))
                                    if (traversal.Current.Slide.BackgroundTemplate != null)
                                        this.m_Template = traversal.Current.Slide.BackgroundTemplate.Clone();
                            DeckModel deck = traversal.Deck;
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(deck.SyncRoot))
                                if (deck.DeckBackgroundTemplate != null)
                                    this.m_Template = deck.DeckBackgroundTemplate.Clone();

            this.m_BkgTemplateSelectionGroup = new BkgTemplateSelectionGroup(this, this.m_Template, new Point(20, 10), new Size(280, 50), 0);

            this.m_BkgTemplatePreviewGroup = new BkgTemplatePreviewGroup(this, new Point(20, 70), new Size(280, 210), 1);

            this.Controls.Add(new PropertiesOKButton(this, this.m_Model, new Point(80, 285), 2));
            this.Controls.Add(new PropertiesCancelButton(this, this.m_Model, this.m_Template, new Point(180, 285), 3));

 public DeckMessage(DeckModel deck)
     : base(deck.Id)
     this.AddLocalRef( deck );
     using(Synchronizer.Lock(deck.SyncRoot)) {
         this.Group = deck.Group;
         this.HumanName = deck.HumanName;
         this.Disposition = deck.Disposition;
         this.DeckBackgroundColor = deck.DeckBackgroundColor;
         this.DeckBackgroundTemplate = deck.DeckBackgroundTemplate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set BackgroundBrush of the template into xml document
        /// </summary>
        private void SetBackgroundBrush(XmlDocument doc, XmlElement newTemplate, BackgroundTemplate template)
            XmlElement backgroundBrushNode = doc.CreateElement("BakcgroundBrush");

            if (template.BackgroundBrush != null)
                if (template.BackgroundBrush.BrushType == BrushType.SolidBrush)
                    XmlElement solidBrushNode = doc.CreateElement("SolidBrush");

                    XmlAttribute color = doc.CreateAttribute("color");
                    color.InnerText = template.BackgroundBrush.SolidBrushColor.Name;

                else if (template.BackgroundBrush.BrushType == BrushType.LinearGradientBrush)
                    XmlElement linearGradientBrushNode = doc.CreateElement("LinearGradientBrush");

                    XmlAttribute color1 = doc.CreateAttribute("color1");
                    color1.InnerText = template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientBrushColor1.Name;

                    XmlAttribute color2 = doc.CreateAttribute("color2");
                    color2.InnerText = template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientBrushColor2.Name;

                    XmlAttribute point1 = doc.CreateAttribute("point1");
                    point1.InnerText = "( "+template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientPoint1.X+","+template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientPoint1.Y+")";

                    XmlAttribute point2 = doc.CreateAttribute("point2");
                    point2.InnerText="( "+template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientPoint2.X+","+template.BackgroundBrush.LinearGradientPoint2.Y+")";


        /// <summary>
        /// Set all the PrimitivePens into xml document
        /// </summary>
        private void SetPrimitivePens(XmlDocument doc, XmlElement newTemplate, BackgroundTemplate template)
            XmlElement primitivePens = doc.CreateElement("PrimitivePens");

            for (int i = 0; i < template.PrimitivePens.Count; i++)
                SerializablePen pen = (SerializablePen) template.PrimitivePens[i];

                XmlElement penElement = doc.CreateElement("Pen");

                XmlAttribute index = doc.CreateAttribute("index");
                index.InnerText =""+ pen.Index;

                XmlAttribute width = doc.CreateAttribute("width");
                width.InnerText =""+ pen.Width;

                XmlAttribute color = doc.CreateAttribute("color");
                color.Value = pen.Color.Name;

                XmlAttribute dashstyle = doc.CreateAttribute("dashstyle");
                dashstyle.Value = pen.DashStyle.ToString();


        /// <summary>
        /// Parse all the pens, and add them into the PrimitivePens List in BackgroundTemplate
        /// </summary>
        private void ParsePrimitivePens(XmlNode primitivePensNode, BackgroundTemplate template)
            for (int i = 0; i < primitivePensNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                XmlNode penNode = primitivePensNode.ChildNodes[i];
                SerializablePen pen;

                //Get the pen color
                Color color = Color.Black;

                XmlAttribute attribute = penNode.Attributes["color"];

                if (attribute != null)
                    String colorStr = attribute.Value;
                    color = ParseColor(colorStr);

                pen = new SerializablePen(color);

                //Get the pen dashstyle
                attribute = penNode.Attributes["dashstyle"];
                    switch (attribute.Value)
                        case "Solid": pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; break;
                        case "Dot": pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot; break;
                        case "Dash": pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; break;
                        case "DashDot": pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot; break;
                        case "DashDotDot": pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; break;
                        default: pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; break;

                //get the pen width
                float width = 1f;
                attribute = penNode.Attributes["width"];
                if (attribute != null)
                        width = float.Parse(attribute.Value);
                    catch { width = 1f; }
                pen.Width = width;

                //get the pen index
                int index=i;

                attribute = penNode.Attributes["index"];
                        index = i;
                pen.Index = index;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all the templates in BackgroundTemplate.xml
        /// </summary>
        public void GetTemplates(ArrayList templates)
            //Create XmlDocument and Load BackgroundTemplate.xml

            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.m_BackgroundTemplateXmlPath);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            string language = null;
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_ViewerStateModel.SyncRoot))
                language = m_ViewerStateModel.Language;

            //Get all the BackgroundTemplate Nodes, and parse each template node
            XmlNodeList list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("BackgroundTemplate");
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                BackgroundTemplate template = new BackgroundTemplate(language);
                XmlNode templateNode = list[i];

                XmlAttribute temp;

                //Get the name of the BackgroundTemplate
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.Name = temp.Value;

                //Get the chinese name
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name.zh-CN"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.CNName = temp.Value;

                //Get the spanish name
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name.es-ES"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.ESName = temp.Value;

                //Get the french name
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name.fr-FR"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.FRName = temp.Value;

                //Get the portuguese name
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name.pt-BR"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.PTName = temp.Value;

                //Get the width of the BackgroundTemplate
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["width"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.Width = Int32.Parse(temp.Value);

                //Get the height of the BackgroundTemplate
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["height"];
                if (temp != null)
                    template.Height = Int32.Parse(temp.Value);

                //Get the childnode of PrimitivePens, BackgroundBrush, GeomrtryTransform, Geometry
                XmlNodeList childnodes = templateNode.ChildNodes;
                for (int j = 0; j < childnodes.Count; j++)
                    XmlNode subNode = childnodes[j];
                    switch (subNode.Name)
                        case "PrimitivePens": ParsePrimitivePens(subNode, template); break;
                        case "BackgroundBrush": ParseBackgroundBrush(subNode, template); break;
                        case "GeometryTransform": template.GeometryTransform=ParseGeometryTransform(subNode); break;
                        case "Geometry": ParseGeometry(subNode, template.Geometry); break;

        /// <summary>
        /// Save the BackgroundTemplate into xml file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        public void SaveTemplate(BackgroundTemplate template)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode templatesNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("BackgroundTemplates");
            //Create a new BackgroundTemplate node
            XmlElement newTemplateNode = doc.CreateElement("BackgroundTemplate");

            //Add name attribute to BackgroundTemplate
            XmlAttribute name = doc.CreateAttribute("name");
            name.InnerText = template.Name;

            //Add chinese name of the template
            if (template.CNName != null)
                XmlAttribute cnname = doc.CreateAttribute("name.zh-CN");
                cnname.Value = template.CNName;

            //add french name of the template
            if (template.FRName != null)
                XmlAttribute frname = doc.CreateAttribute("name.fr-FR");
                frname.Value = template.FRName;

            //add spanish name of the template
            if (template.ESName != null)
                XmlAttribute esname = doc.CreateAttribute("name.es-ES");
                esname.Value = template.ESName;

            //add portaugust name of the template
            if (template.PTName != null)
                XmlAttribute ptname = doc.CreateAttribute("name.pt-BR");
                ptname.Value = template.PTName;

            //add width
            if (template.Width != 0)
                XmlAttribute width = doc.CreateAttribute("width");
                width.InnerText = "" + template.Width;

            //add height
            if (template.Height != 0)
                XmlAttribute height = doc.CreateAttribute("height");
                height.InnerText = "" + template.Height;

            SetPrimitivePens(doc, newTemplateNode, template);

            SetBackgroundBrush(doc, newTemplateNode, template);

            SetGeometryTransform(doc, newTemplateNode, template.GeometryTransform);

            SetGeometry(doc, newTemplateNode, template.Geometry);


        /// <summary>
        /// Parse BackgroundBrush for the template from BackgroundBrush Node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backgroundBrushNode">XmlNode for the BackgroundBrush</param>
        /// <param name="template"> BackgroundTemplate model</param>
        private void ParseBackgroundBrush(XmlNode backgroundBrushNode, BackgroundTemplate template)
            if (backgroundBrushNode.HasChildNodes)
                XmlNode brushNode = backgroundBrushNode.ChildNodes[0];

                //if the brush is solid brush, then create SerializableBrush, and set it to BackgroundTemplate
                if (brushNode.Name.Equals("SolidBrush"))
                    XmlAttribute attribute=brushNode.Attributes["color"];
                    if (attribute != null)
                        String colorStr = attribute.Value;
                        Color color = ParseColor(colorStr);
                        if (color != Color.Empty)
                            SerializableBrush brush = new SerializableBrush(color);
                            template.BackgroundBrush = brush;
                //if the brush is LinearGradientBrush, then create SerializableBrush, and set it to BackgroundTemplate
                else if (brushNode.Name.Equals("LinearGradientBrush"))

                    XmlAttribute attribute = brushNode.Attributes["color1"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    String value = attribute.Value;
                    Color color1 = ParseColor(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["color2"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    Color color2=ParseColor(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["point1"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    PointF point1 = ParsePoint(value);

                    attribute = brushNode.Attributes["point2"];
                    if (attribute == null) return;
                    value = attribute.Value;
                    PointF point2 = ParsePoint(value);

                    if (color1 != Color.Empty && color2 != Color.Empty && (point1 != Point.Empty || point2 != Point.Empty))
                        SerializableBrush brush = new SerializableBrush(point1, point2, color1, color2);
                        template.BackgroundBrush = brush;
        public void UpdateValue(BackgroundTemplate template)
            if (this == template) return;

            if (template.BackgroundBrush != null)
                this.BackgroundBrush = template.BackgroundBrush.Clone();

            this.Name = template.Name;
            this.CNName = template.CNName;
            this.ESName = template.ESName;
            this.FRName = template.FRName;
            this.PTName = template.PTName;
            this.Height = template.Height;
            this.Width = template.Width;
            this.GeometryTransform = template.GeometryTransform;

            for (int i = 0; i < template.PrimitivePens.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < template.Geometry.Count; i++)
 /// <summary>
 /// Construction
 /// </summary>
 public BackgroundTemplateRenderer(BackgroundTemplate backgroundTemplate)
     this.m_BackgroundTemplate = backgroundTemplate;
     this.m_Zoom = 1f;
 // NOTE: Eventually this code should be converted to use SlideRenderer instead of each SheetRenderer. There were some issues with doing
 // this initially so for the time being we will keep it like this.
 public static Bitmap DrawSlide(TableOfContentsModel.Entry currentEntry, BackgroundTemplate template, System.Drawing.Color background, SheetDisposition dispositions)
     return PPTDeckIO.DrawSlide(currentEntry, template, background, dispositions, 0, 0, 1.0f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the iterator primitives
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(BackgroundTemplate parent, Graphics g, Rectangle r)
            Matrix old = g.Transform.Clone();

            //if the repeatAmount==0 (infinitely), then compute the repeat times for both directions

            if (this.m_Iterator.RepeatAmount== 0)
                int totalRepeatTimes = this.GetRepeatTimesForInfinite((int)(parent.Width / this.m_Zoom), (int)(parent.Height / this.m_Zoom));

                //draw as offset direction
                for (int i = 0; i < totalRepeatTimes; i++)
                    Matrix current = g.Transform.Clone();

                    foreach (IBackgroundPrimitive p in this.m_Iterator.Geometry)
                        PrimitiveRenderer render = PrimitiveRenderer.GetRenderer(p, this.m_Zoom);
                        if (render == null) continue;

                        //For Line, compute the Transform when rendering
                        if (render is LinePrimitiveRenderer)
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).HasIterator = true;
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).IteratorIndex = i;
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).OffsetTransform = this.m_Iterator.OffsetTransform.GetMatrix();
                            g.Transform = old;
                            render.Draw(parent, g, r);
                        else render.Draw(parent, g, r);

                    //Compute new offset transform
                    g.Transform = current;

                //Get reverse matrix of offsetTransform
                g.Transform = old.Clone();
                Matrix reverseTransform = this.m_Iterator.OffsetTransform.GetMatrix();

                if (reverseTransform.IsInvertible)

                //draw as reverse offset direction
                for (int i = 0; i < totalRepeatTimes; i++)
                    Matrix current = g.Transform.Clone();

                    foreach (IBackgroundPrimitive p in this.m_Iterator.Geometry)
                        PrimitiveRenderer render = PrimitiveRenderer.GetRenderer(p, this.m_Zoom);
                        if (render == null) continue;

                        //For Line, compute the Transform when rendering
                        if (render is LinePrimitiveRenderer)
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).HasIterator = true;
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).IteratorIndex = i;
                            ((LinePrimitiveRenderer)render).OffsetTransform = reverseTransform;
                            g.Transform = old;
                            render.Draw(parent, g, r);
                        else render.Draw(parent, g, r);

                    //Compute new offset transform
                    g.Transform = current;
                //the repeat number is non indifinited, ao draw primitive as defined
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Iterator.RepeatAmount; i++)
                    foreach (IBackgroundPrimitive p in this.m_Iterator.Geometry)
                        PrimitiveRenderer.GetRenderer(p, this.m_Zoom).Draw(parent, g, r);

                    Matrix current = g.Transform.Clone();
                    g.Transform = current;
            g.Transform = old;
 public PropertiesCancelButton(BackgroundPropertiesForm parent, PresenterModel model, BackgroundTemplate template, Point location, int tabIndex)
     this.m_Parent = parent;
     this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
     this.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
     this.Font = ViewerStateModel.StringFont;
     this.Location = location;
     this.Name = "propertiesCancelButton";
     this.TabIndex = tabIndex;
     this.Text = Strings.Cancel;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the intersections between ray and template boundary rect.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetRayRectIntersections(BackgroundTemplate parent, ref PointF dstPoint)
            float recWidth, recHeight;

            PointF p1, p2;
            p1 = this.m_Line.P1;
            p2 = this.m_Line.P2;

            recWidth = parent.Width;
            recHeight = parent.Height;

            ArrayList points = new ArrayList();
            if (p1.X == p2.X)
                dstPoint = (p1.Y - p2.Y > 0) ? new PointF(p1.X, 0) : new PointF(p1.X, recHeight - 1);
            else if (p1.Y == p2.Y)
                dstPoint = (p1.X - p2.X > 0) ? new PointF(0, p1.Y) : new PointF(parent.Width - 1, p1.Y);
                float slope = (p1.Y - p2.Y) / (p1.X - p2.X);

                if (p1.X > p2.X)
                    float leftY = p1.Y - slope * p1.X;
                    if (leftY >= 0 && leftY <= recHeight - 1)
                        points.Add(new PointF(0, leftY));
                    float rightY = p1.Y + slope * (recWidth - 1 - p1.X);
                    if (rightY >= 0 && rightY <= recHeight - 1)
                        points.Add(new PointF(recWidth - 1, rightY));

                if (p1.Y > p2.Y)
                    float topX = p1.X - p1.Y / slope;
                    if (topX >= 0 && topX <= recWidth - 1)
                        points.Add(new PointF(topX, 0));
                    float bottomX = p1.X + (recHeight - 1 - p1.Y) / slope;
                    if (bottomX >= 0 && bottomX <= recWidth - 1)
                        points.Add(new PointF(bottomX, recHeight - 1));
            if (points.Count > 0)
                dstPoint = (PointF)points[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the intersections between line and template boundary rect.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetLineRectIntersections(BackgroundTemplate parent, ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2)
            float recWidth, recHeight;

            PointF p1, p2;
            p1 = this.m_Line.P1;
            p2 = this.m_Line.P2;

            recWidth = parent.Width/this.m_Zoom;
            recHeight = parent.Height/this.m_Zoom;

            ArrayList points = new ArrayList();
            if (p1.X == p2.X)
                point1 = new PointF(p1.X, 0);
                point2 = new PointF(p1.X, recHeight - 1);
            else if (p1.Y == p2.Y)
                point1 = new PointF(0, p1.Y);
                point2 = new PointF(recWidth - 1, p1.Y);
                float slope = (p1.Y - p2.Y) / (p1.X - p2.X);

                float leftY = p1.Y - slope * p1.X;
                if (leftY >= 0 && leftY <= recHeight - 1)
                    points.Add(new PointF(0, leftY));

                float rightY = p1.Y + slope * (recWidth - 1 - p1.X);
                if (rightY >= 0 && rightY <= recHeight - 1)
                    points.Add(new PointF(recWidth-1, rightY));

                float topX = p1.X - p1.Y / slope;
                if (topX >= 0 && topX <= recWidth - 1)
                    points.Add(new PointF(topX, 0));

                float bottomX = p1.X + (recHeight - 1 - p1.Y) / slope;
                if (bottomX >= 0 && bottomX <= recWidth - 1)
                    points.Add(new PointF(bottomX, recHeight - 1));
            if (points.Count >= 2)
                point1 = (PointF)points[0];
                point2 = (PointF)points[1];
                if (point2.Equals(point1) && points.Count > 2)
                    point2 = (PointF)points[2];
            public BkgTemplateSelectionGroup(BackgroundPropertiesForm parent, BackgroundTemplate template, Point location, Size size, int tabIndex)

                this.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
                this.Location = location;
                this.Size = size;
                this.TabIndex = tabIndex;
                this.Name = "BkgTemplateSelectionGroup";
                this.TabStop = false;
                this.Text = Strings.BkgChooseTemplate;

                this.m_BkgTemplateSelectionComboBox = new BkgTemplateSelectionComboBox(parent, new Point(20, 20), new Size(180, 30), 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether there is a template with the same name in xml file 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"> the name of the template</param>
        /// <returns>true for exist</returns>
        public bool IsTemplateExist(string name)
            bool result = false;

            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.m_BackgroundTemplateXmlPath);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //Get all the BackgroundTemplate Nodes, and parse each template node
            XmlNodeList list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("BackgroundTemplate");
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                BackgroundTemplate template = new BackgroundTemplate();
                XmlNode templateNode = list[i];

                XmlAttribute temp;

                //Get the name of the BackgroundTemplate
                temp = templateNode.Attributes["name"];
                if (name.Equals(temp.Value))
                    result = true;

            return result;
        // NOTE: Eventually this code should be converted to use SlideRenderer instead of each SheetRenderer. There were some issues with doing
        // this initially so for the time being we will keep it like this.
        public static Bitmap DrawSlide(TableOfContentsModel.Entry currentEntry, BackgroundTemplate template, System.Drawing.Color background, SheetDisposition dispositions, int width, int height, float scale )
            // Save the old state
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState oldState;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(currentEntry.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                Rectangle rect;
                int boundsWidth = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds.Width;
                int boundsHeight = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds.Height;
                int exportWidth = width;
                int exportHeight = height;

                if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
                    // Do Nothing
                else if (width > 0) {
                    exportHeight = (int)Math.Round( ( (float)width / (float)boundsWidth ) * (float)boundsHeight );
                else if (height > 0) {
                    exportWidth = (int)Math.Round( ( (float)height / (float)boundsHeight ) * (float)boundsWidth );
                else {
                    exportWidth = boundsWidth;
                    exportHeight = boundsHeight;

                // Scale the size
                exportWidth = (int)Math.Round( exportWidth * scale );
                exportHeight = (int)Math.Round( exportHeight * scale );
                rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, exportWidth, exportHeight);

                //Note: Uses DibGraphicsBuffer from TPC SDK to do antialiasing
                //See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dntablet/html/tbconprintingink.asp
                /// create the bitmap we're exporting to
                Bitmap toExport = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
                /// create what we will be drawing on to the export
                Graphics toSave = Graphics.FromImage(toExport);

                /// draw the slide data on a temporary graphics object in a temporary form
                System.Windows.Forms.Form tempForm = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
                Graphics screenGraphics = tempForm.CreateGraphics();
                DibGraphicsBuffer dib = new DibGraphicsBuffer();
                Graphics tempGraphics = dib.RequestBuffer(screenGraphics, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                //Add the background color
                //First see if there is a Slide BG, if not, try the Deck.  Otherwise, use transparent.

                //Add the background template
                if (template != null)
                    using (BackgroundTemplateRenderer bkgRender = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(template))
                        bkgRender.DrawAll(tempGraphics, rect);

                //Get the Slide content and draw it
                oldState = tempGraphics.Save();

                Model.Presentation.SlideModel.SheetCollection sheets = currentEntry.Slide.ContentSheets;
                for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++)
                    Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel display = new Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel(tempGraphics, null);

                    Rectangle slide = rect;
                    float zoom = 1f;
                    if (currentEntry.Slide != null)
                        slide = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds;
                        zoom = currentEntry.Slide.Zoom;

                    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                    display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot))
                        display.SheetDisposition = dispositions;
                        display.Bounds = slide;
                        display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                        display.InkTransform = ink;

                    Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet(display, sheets[i]);
                    if ((r.Sheet.Disposition & dispositions) != 0)
                        r.Paint(new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(tempGraphics, rect));

                //Restore the Old State
                oldState = tempGraphics.Save();

                //Get the Annotation content and draw it
                sheets = currentEntry.Slide.AnnotationSheets;
                for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++)
                    Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel display = new Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel(tempGraphics, null);

                    Rectangle slide = rect;
                    float zoom = 1f;
                    if (currentEntry.Slide != null)
                        slide = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds;
                        zoom = currentEntry.Slide.Zoom;

                    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                    display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot))
                        display.SheetDisposition = dispositions;
                        display.Bounds = slide;
                        display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                        display.InkTransform = ink;

                    Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet(display, sheets[i]);
                    if ((r.Sheet.Disposition & dispositions) != 0)
                        r.Paint(new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(tempGraphics, rect));

                //Restore the Old State

                //Export the image
                //Merge the graphics
                dib.PaintBuffer(toSave, 0, 0);

                //Dispose all the graphics

                return toExport;
 public SlideMessage( SlideModel slide, bool localRef )
     : base(slide.Id)
     if( localRef )
         this.AddLocalRef( slide );
     this.LocalId = slide.LocalId;
     using( Synchronizer.Lock( slide.SyncRoot ) ) {
         this.Zoom = slide.Zoom;
         this.Bounds = slide.Bounds;
         this.Title = slide.Title;
         this.SlideBackgroundColor = slide.BackgroundColor;
         this.SlideBackgroundTemplate = slide.BackgroundTemplate;
         this.SubmissionSlideGuid = slide.SubmissionSlideGuid;
         this.SubmissionStyle = slide.SubmissionStyle;
         this.Visited = slide.Visited;
         this.AssociationSlideId = slide.AssociationId;
         if (!this.AssociationSlideId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) {
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw the current Primitive
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void Draw(BackgroundTemplate parent, Graphics g, Rectangle r);
        public BackgroundTemplate Clone()
            BackgroundTemplate bkgTemplate = new BackgroundTemplate();

            bkgTemplate.Name = this.Name;
            bkgTemplate.CNName = this.CNName;
            bkgTemplate.FRName = this.FRName;
            bkgTemplate.ESName = this.ESName;
            bkgTemplate.PTName = this.PTName;
            if (this.BackgroundBrush != null)
                bkgTemplate.BackgroundBrush = (SerializableBrush)this.BackgroundBrush.Clone();
            bkgTemplate.GeometryTransform = this.GeometryTransform;
            bkgTemplate.Height = this.Height;
            bkgTemplate.Width = this.Width;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.PrimitivePens.Count; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Geometry.Count; i++)

            return bkgTemplate;