/// <summary> /// Opens a file in preparation for writing a series of image entries /// should load the manifest so we can add / remove entries from it /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool OpenSceneFile(string scenefilename) { try { mZip = ZipFile.Read(scenefilename); //open the manifest file string xmlname = "manifest.xml"; ZipEntry manifestentry = mZip[xmlname]; //get memory stream MemoryStream manistream = new MemoryStream(); //extract the stream manifestentry.Extract(manistream); //read from stream manistream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // rewind the stream for reading //create a new XMLHelper to load the stream into mManifest = new XmlHelper(); //load the stream mManifest.LoadFromStream(manistream, "manifest"); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogError(ex); } return false; }
public bool Load(String filename) { try { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "ApplicationConfig"); XmlNode ac = xh.m_toplevel; m_LastModelFilename = xh.GetString(ac, "LastModelName",""); m_cursliceprofilename = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_PathProfiles + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + xh.GetString(ac, "SliceProfileName", "default.slicing"); m_curmachineeprofilename = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_PathMachines + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + xh.GetString(ac, "MachineProfileName", "NullMachine.machine"); m_autoconnect = xh.GetBool(ac, "AutoConnect", false); m_loadlastmodel = xh.GetBool(ac, "LoadLastModel", true); m_slic3rloc = xh.GetString(ac, "Slic3rLocation", ""); m_foregroundcolor = xh.GetColor(ac, "ForegroundColor", Color.White); m_backgroundcolor = xh.GetColor(ac, "BackgroundColor", Color.Black); m_previewslicesbuilddisplay = xh.GetBool(ac, "PreviewSlices", false); if (!fileExist) { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// This allows for retrieve arbitrary variables from the machine XML configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="varname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetStringVar(string varname) { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); XmlNode mc = xh.m_toplevel; string retstr = xh.GetString(mc, varname,""); return retstr; }
public bool Load(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode xnode) { Name = xh.GetString(xnode, "Name", "Default"); ZThick = xh.GetDouble(xnode, "SliceHeight", 0.05); layertime_ms = xh.GetInt(xnode, "LayerTime", 1000); firstlayertime_ms = xh.GetInt(xnode, "FirstLayerTime", 5000); numfirstlayers = xh.GetInt(xnode, "NumberofBottomLayers", 3); resinprice = xh.GetDouble(xnode, "ResinPriceL", 0.0); return true; }
public bool Save(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) // use new xml system -SHS { XmlNode cps = xh.FindSection(parent, "ComPortSettings"); xh.SetParameter(cps, "PortName", comname); xh.SetParameter(cps, "Speed", speed); xh.SetParameter(cps, "Databits", databits); xh.SetParameter(cps, "Parity", parity); xh.SetParameter(cps, "Stopbits", stopbits); xh.SetParameter(cps, "Handshake", handshake); return true; }
public bool Load(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) // use new xml system -SHS { bool retval = false; XmlNode mdc = xh.FindSection(parent, "MotorsDriverConfig"); m_drivertype = (eDriverType)xh.GetEnum(mdc, "DriverType", typeof(eDriverType), eDriverType.eGENERIC); if (m_connection.Load(xh, mdc)) { retval = true; } return retval; }
public bool Save(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) { XmlNode xnode = xh.AddSection(parent, "InkConfig"); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "Name", Name); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "SliceHeight", ZThick); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "LayerTime", layertime_ms); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "FirstLayerTime", firstlayertime_ms); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "NumberofBottomLayers", numfirstlayers); xh.SetParameter(xnode, "ResinPriceL", resinprice); return true; }
public bool Load(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) // use new xml system -SHS { XmlNode cps = xh.FindSection(parent, "ComPortSettings"); comname = xh.GetString(cps, "PortName", "Com1"); speed = xh.GetInt(cps, "Speed", 115200); databits = xh.GetInt(cps, "Databits", 8); parity = (Parity)xh.GetEnum(cps, "Parity", typeof(Parity), Parity.None); stopbits = (StopBits)xh.GetEnum(cps, "Stopbits", typeof(StopBits), StopBits.One); handshake = (Handshake)xh.GetEnum(cps, "Handshake", typeof(Handshake), Handshake.None); return true; }
public bool Save(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) // use new xml system -SHS { bool retval = false; XmlNode mdc = xh.FindSection(parent, "MotorsDriverConfig"); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "DriverType", m_drivertype); if (m_connection.Save(xh, mdc)) { retval = true; } return retval; }
// save to xml file -SHS public bool Save(String filename) { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); xh.StartNew(filename, "ProjectorCmdList"); foreach (ProjectorCommand pc in m_commands) { XmlNode nd = xh.AddSection(null, "Command"); xh.SetParameter(nd, "Name", pc.name); xh.SetParameter(nd, "IsHex", pc.hex); xh.SetParameter(nd, "Cmd", pc.command); } return xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); }
public void Save(String filename) { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); xh.Start(filename, "SupportConfig"); XmlNode sc = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(sc, "XSpace", xspace); xh.SetParameter(sc, "YSpace", yspace); xh.SetParameter(sc, "HeadTopRadiusMM", htrad); xh.SetParameter(sc, "HeadBottomRadiusMM", hbrad); xh.SetParameter(sc, "FootTopRadiusMM", ftrad); xh.SetParameter(sc, "FootBottomRadiusMM", fbrad); xh.SetParameter(sc, "FootBottomIntraRadiusMM", fbrad2); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); }
public bool Load(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode thisnode) { XmlNode mdc = thisnode;// xh.FindSection(parent, "MonitorDriverConfig"); m_XDLPRes = xh.GetDouble(mdc, "DLP_X_Res", 1024.0); m_YDLPRes = xh.GetDouble(mdc, "DLP_Y_Res", 768.0); m_monitorid = xh.GetString(mdc, "MonitorID", ""); m_displayconnectionenabled = xh.GetBool(mdc, "DisplayCommEnabled", false); m_displayconnection.Load(xh, mdc); m_monitorrect.top = (float)xh.GetDouble(mdc, "MonitorTop", 0.0); m_monitorrect.left = (float)xh.GetDouble(mdc, "MonitorLeft", 0.0); m_monitorrect.right = (float)xh.GetDouble(mdc, "MonitorRight", 1.0); m_monitorrect.bottom = (float)xh.GetDouble(mdc, "MonitorBottom", 1.0); return true; }
// load from xml file -SHS public bool Load(String filename) { m_commands.Clear(); XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); xh.Start(filename, "ProjectorCmdList"); List<XmlNode> ndlist = xh.GetAllSections(null, "Command"); foreach (XmlNode nd in ndlist) { ProjectorCommand pc = new ProjectorCommand(); pc.name = xh.GetString(nd, "Name", "none"); pc.hex = xh.GetBool(nd, "IsHex", false); pc.command = xh.GetString(nd, "Cmd", ""); m_commands.Add(pc); } return true; }
public bool Save(XmlHelper xh, XmlNode parent) // use new xml system -SHS { // XmlNode mdc = xh.FindSection(parent, "MonitorDriverConfig"); XmlNode mdc = xh.AddSection(parent, "MonitorDriverConfig"); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "DLP_X_Res", m_XDLPRes); // gotta make this auto.. xh.SetParameter(mdc, "DLP_Y_Res", m_YDLPRes); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "MonitorID", m_monitorid); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "DisplayCommEnabled", m_displayconnectionenabled); m_displayconnection.Save(xh, mdc); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "MonitorTop", m_monitorrect.top); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "MonitorLeft", m_monitorrect.left); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "MonitorRight", m_monitorrect.right); xh.SetParameter(mdc, "MonitorBottom", m_monitorrect.bottom); return true; }
public void Load(String filename) { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "SupportConfig"); XmlNode sc = xh.m_toplevel; xspace = xh.GetDouble(sc, "XSpace", 5.0); yspace = xh.GetDouble(sc, "YSpace", 5.0); htrad = xh.GetDouble(sc, "HeadTopRadiusMM", 0.2); hbrad = xh.GetDouble(sc, "HeadBottomRadiusMM", 0.5); ftrad = xh.GetDouble(sc, "FootTopRadiusMM", 0.5); fbrad = xh.GetDouble(sc, "FootBottomRadiusMM", 2.0); fbrad2 = xh.GetDouble(sc, "FootBottomIntraRadiusMM", 0.2); if (!fileExist) { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } }
public bool Load(String filename) { try { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "ApplicationConfig"); XmlNode ac = xh.m_toplevel; m_LastModelFilename = xh.GetString(ac, "LastModelName",""); m_cursliceprofilename = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_PathProfiles + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + xh.GetString(ac, "SliceProfileName", "default.slicing"); m_curmachineeprofilename = UVDLPApp.Instance().m_PathMachines + UVDLPApp.m_pathsep + xh.GetString(ac, "MachineProfileName", "NullMachine.machine"); m_autoconnect = xh.GetBool(ac, "AutoConnect", false); m_loadlastmodel = xh.GetBool(ac, "LoadLastModel", true); m_slic3rloc = xh.GetString(ac, "Slic3rLocation", ""); m_slic3rparameters = xh.GetString(ac,"Slic3rParams",""); m_foregroundcolor = xh.GetColor(ac, "ForegroundColor", Color.White); m_backgroundcolor = xh.GetColor(ac, "BackgroundColor", Color.Black); m_previewslicesbuilddisplay = xh.GetBool(ac, "PreviewSlices", false); m_viewslice3d = xh.GetBool(ac, "Preview3dSlice", false); m_viewslice3dheight = xh.GetBool(ac, "Preview3dSliceHeight", false); m_driverdebuglog = xh.GetBool(ac, "DriverLogging", false); m_ignoreGCrsp = xh.GetBool(ac, "IgnoreGCRsp", false); m_showBoundingBox = xh.GetBool(ac, "ShowBoundingBox", true); m_showShaded = xh.GetBool(ac, "ShowShaded", false); m_showOutline = xh.GetBool(ac, "ShowOutline", false); m_licensekey = xh.GetString(ac, "LicenseKey", "00000000000000000000"); m_serveraddress = xh.GetString(ac,"ServerAddress","www.buildyourownsla.com"); m_contactform = xh.GetString(ac,"ContactForm","cwupdate.php"); if (!fileExist) { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); return false; } }
public bool Save(string filename) { bool retval = false; m_filename = filename; m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); XmlNode mc = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformXSize", m_PlatXSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformYSize", m_PlatYSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformZSize", m_PlatZSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxXFeedRate", m_XMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxYFeedRate", m_YMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxZFeedRate", m_ZMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MachineType", m_machinetype); if (m_driverconfig.Save(xh, mc)) { retval = true; } m_monitorconfig.Save(xh, mc); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); return retval; }
public bool Load(string filename) { m_filename = filename; m_lstMonitorconfigs.Clear(); // clear any previously loaded monitors m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); bool retval = false; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); XmlNode mc = xh.m_toplevel; m_PlatXSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformXSize", 102.0); m_PlatYSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformYSize", 77.0); m_PlatZSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformZSize", 100.0); m_XMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxXFeedRate", 100.0); m_YMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxYFeedRate", 100.0); m_ZMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxZFeedRate", 100.0); XRenderSize = xh.GetInt(mc, "XRenderSize", 1024); YRenderSize = xh.GetInt(mc, "YRenderSize", 768); MachineControls = xh.GetString(mc, "DisplayedControls", "XYZPG"); m_machinetype = (eMachineType)xh.GetEnum(mc, "MachineType", typeof(eMachineType), eMachineType.UV_DLP); m_multimontype = (eMultiMonType)xh.GetEnum(mc, "MultiMonType", typeof(eMultiMonType), eMultiMonType.eHorizontal); if (m_driverconfig.Load(xh, mc)) { retval = true; } //m_monitorconfig.Load(xh, mc); List<XmlNode> monitornodes = xh.FindAllChildElement(mc, "MonitorDriverConfig"); m_lstMonitorconfigs = new List<MonitorConfig>(); foreach (XmlNode node in monitornodes) { MonitorConfig monc = new MonitorConfig(); monc.Load(xh, node); m_lstMonitorconfigs.Add(monc); } if (m_lstMonitorconfigs.Count > 0) { // we need at least 1 monitor //m_monitorconfig = m_lstMonitorconfigs[0]; } else { DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("No monitor configurations found!"); } CalcPixPerMM(); if (!fileExist) { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } CorrectMonitorConfig(); return retval; }
public bool Save(string filename) { bool retval = false; m_filename = filename; m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); // bool fileExist = xh.Start(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); //bool fileExist = false; xh.StartNew(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); XmlNode mc = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformXSize", m_PlatXSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformYSize", m_PlatYSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "PlatformZSize", m_PlatZSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxXFeedRate", m_XMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxYFeedRate", m_YMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MaxZFeedRate", m_ZMaxFeedrate); xh.SetParameter(mc, "XRenderSize", XRenderSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "YRenderSize", YRenderSize); xh.SetParameter(mc, "DisplayedControls", MachineControls); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MachineType", m_machinetype); xh.SetParameter(mc, "MultiMonType", m_multimontype); if (m_driverconfig.Save(xh, mc)) { retval = true; } // save all the monitor configurations foreach (MonitorConfig monc in m_lstMonitorconfigs) { monc.Save(xh, mc); } //m_monitorconfig.Save(xh, mc); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); return retval; }
public bool Load(String filename) { m_filename = filename; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "SliceBuildConfig"); LoadInternal(ref xh); if (!fileExist) { return xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Load the slice and build profile from a Stream /// This is used when we're serializing / deserializing from the /// Memory stream pulled from a zip file /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Load(Stream stream, String filename) { m_filename = filename; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.LoadFromStream(stream, "SliceBuildConfig"); LoadInternal(ref xh); return true; }
public bool Save(MemoryStream stream, string filename) { m_filename = filename; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "SliceBuildConfig"); SaveInternal(ref xh); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION, ref stream); return true; }
public bool Save(String filename) { m_filename = filename; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); xh.StartNew(filename, "SliceBuildConfig"); SaveInternal(ref xh); try { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); return false; } return true; }
public void CreateFromStream(Stream stream) { XmlHelper manifest = new XmlHelper(); }
/// <summary> /// This function assumes that the file has already been saved /// after setting the variable, it will re-save the file /// </summary> /// <param name="varname"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> public void SetStringVar(string varname, string value) { //m_filename = filename; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); xh.StartNew(m_filename, "SliceBuildConfig"); SaveInternal(ref xh); //save the var XmlNode sbc = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(sbc, varname, value); try { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); } }
public bool Save(String filename) { try { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "ApplicationConfig"); XmlNode ac = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(ac, "LastModelName", m_LastModelFilename); xh.SetParameter(ac, "SliceProfileName", Path.GetFileName(m_cursliceprofilename)); xh.SetParameter(ac, "MachineProfileName", Path.GetFileName(m_curmachineeprofilename)); xh.SetParameter(ac, "AutoConnect", m_autoconnect ? "True" : "False"); xh.SetParameter(ac, "LoadLastModel", m_loadlastmodel ? "True" : "False"); xh.SetParameter(ac, "Slic3rLocation", m_slic3rloc); xh.SetParameter(ac, "ForegroundColor", m_foregroundcolor); xh.SetParameter(ac, "BackgroundColor", m_backgroundcolor); xh.SetParameter(ac, "PreviewSlices", m_previewslicesbuilddisplay); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); return true; }catch(Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); return false; } }
public bool Save(String filename) { try { XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(filename, "ApplicationConfig"); XmlNode ac = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(ac, "LastModelName", m_LastModelFilename); xh.SetParameter(ac, "SliceProfileName", Path.GetFileName(m_cursliceprofilename)); xh.SetParameter(ac, "MachineProfileName", Path.GetFileName(m_curmachineeprofilename)); xh.SetParameter(ac, "AutoConnect", m_autoconnect ? "True" : "False"); xh.SetParameter(ac, "LoadLastModel", m_loadlastmodel ? "True" : "False"); xh.SetParameter(ac, "Slic3rLocation", m_slic3rloc); xh.SetParameter(ac, "Slic3rParams", m_slic3rparameters); xh.SetParameter(ac, "ForegroundColor", m_foregroundcolor); xh.SetParameter(ac, "BackgroundColor", m_backgroundcolor); xh.SetParameter(ac, "PreviewSlices", m_previewslicesbuilddisplay); xh.SetParameter(ac, "Preview3dSlice", m_viewslice3d); xh.SetParameter(ac, "Preview3dSliceHeight", m_viewslice3dheight); xh.SetParameter(ac, "DriverLogging", m_driverdebuglog); xh.SetParameter(ac, "IgnoreGCRsp", m_ignoreGCrsp); xh.SetParameter(ac, "ShowBoundingBox", m_showBoundingBox); xh.SetParameter(ac, "LicenseKey", m_licensekey); xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); return true; }catch(Exception ex) { DebugLogger.Instance().LogRecord(ex.Message); return false; } }
private void SaveInternal(ref XmlHelper xh) { XmlNode sbc = xh.m_toplevel; xh.SetParameter(sbc, "DotsPermmX", dpmmX); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "DotsPermmY", dpmmY); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "XResolution", xres); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "YResolution", yres); //xh.SetParameter(sbc, "SliceHeight", ZThick); //xh.SetParameter(sbc, "LayerTime", layertime_ms); //xh.SetParameter(sbc, "FirstLayerTime", firstlayertime_ms); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "BlankTime", blanktime_ms); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "PlatformTemp", plat_temp); // xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ExportGCode", exportgcode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ExportSVG", exportsvg); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "Export", export); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ExportPNG", exportpng); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "XOffset", XOffset); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "YOffset", YOffset); //xh.SetParameter(sbc, "NumberofBottomLayers", numfirstlayers); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "Direction", direction); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "LiftDistance", liftdistance); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "SlideTiltValue", slidetiltval); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "AntiAliasing", antialiasing); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "UseMainLiftGCode", usemainliftgcode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "AntiAliasingValue", aaval); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "LiftFeedRate", liftfeedrate); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "BottomLiftFeedRate", bottomliftfeedrate); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "LiftRetractRate", liftretractrate); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ExportOption", m_exportopt); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "RenderOutlines", m_createoutlines); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "OutlineWidth_Inset", m_outlinewidth_inset); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "OutlineWidth_Outset", m_outlinewidth_outset); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "FlipX", m_flipX); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "FlipY", m_flipY); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "Notes", m_notes); //xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ResinPriceL", m_resinprice); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "GCodeHeader", m_headercode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "GCodeFooter", m_footercode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "GCodePreslice", m_preslicecode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "GCodeLift", m_liftcode); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "SelectedInk", selectedInk); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InkConfig> entry in inks) { inks[entry.Key].Save(xh, sbc); } xh.SetParameter(sbc, "MinTestExposure", minExposure); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "TestExposureStep", exposureStep); xh.SetParameter(sbc, "ExportPreview", exportpreview); xh.SaveUserParamList(userParams); }
private void LoadInternal(ref XmlHelper xh) { XmlNode sbc = xh.m_toplevel; dpmmX = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "DotsPermmX", 102.4); dpmmY = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "DotsPermmY", 76.8); xres = xh.GetInt(sbc, "XResolution", 1024); yres = xh.GetInt(sbc, "YResolution", 768); //ZThick = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "SliceHeight", 0.05); //layertime_ms = xh.GetInt(sbc, "LayerTime", 1000); // 1 second default //firstlayertime_ms = xh.GetInt(sbc, "FirstLayerTime", 5000); blanktime_ms = xh.GetInt(sbc, "BlankTime", 2000); // 2 seconds blank plat_temp = xh.GetInt(sbc, "PlatformTemp", 75); //exportgcode = xh.GetBool(sbc, "ExportGCode")); exportsvg = xh.GetInt(sbc, "ExportSVG", 0); // the problem is this was previously a boolean variable if ((exportsvg < 0) || (exportsvg > 4)) exportsvg = 0; export = xh.GetBool(sbc, "Export", false); ; exportpng = xh.GetBool(sbc, "ExportPNG", false); ; XOffset = xh.GetInt(sbc, "XOffset", 0); YOffset = xh.GetInt(sbc, "YOffset", 0); //numfirstlayers = xh.GetInt(sbc, "NumberofBottomLayers", 3); direction = (eBuildDirection)xh.GetEnum(sbc, "Direction", typeof(eBuildDirection), eBuildDirection.Bottom_Up); liftdistance = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "LiftDistance", 5.0); slidetiltval = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "SlideTiltValue", 0.0); antialiasing = xh.GetBool(sbc, "AntiAliasing", false); usemainliftgcode = xh.GetBool(sbc, "UseMainLiftGCode", false); aaval = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "AntiAliasingValue", 1.5); liftfeedrate = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "LiftFeedRate", 50.0); // 50mm/s bottomliftfeedrate = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "BottomLiftFeedRate", 25.0); // 50mm/s liftretractrate = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "LiftRetractRate", 100.0); // 100mm/s m_exportopt = xh.GetString(sbc, "ExportOption", "SUBDIR"); // default to saving in subdirectory m_flipX = xh.GetBool(sbc, "FlipX", false); m_flipY = xh.GetBool(sbc, "FlipY", false); m_notes = xh.GetString(sbc, "Notes", ""); m_createoutlines = xh.GetBool(sbc, "RenderOutlines", false); m_outlinewidth_inset = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "OutlineWidth_Inset", 2.0); m_outlinewidth_outset = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "OutlineWidth_Outset", 0.0); //m_resinprice = xh.GetDouble(sbc, "ResinPriceL", 0.0); m_headercode = xh.GetString(sbc, "GCodeHeader", DefGCodeHeader()); m_footercode = xh.GetString(sbc, "GCodeFooter", DefGCodeFooter()); m_preslicecode = xh.GetString(sbc, "GCodePreslice", DefGCodePreslice()); m_liftcode = xh.GetString(sbc, "GCodeLift", DefGCodeLift()); selectedInk = xh.GetString(sbc, "SelectedInk", "Default"); inks = new Dictionary<string, InkConfig>(); List<XmlNode> inkNodes = xh.FindAllChildElement(sbc, "InkConfig"); foreach (XmlNode xnode in inkNodes) { string name = xh.GetString(xnode, "Name", "Default"); InkConfig ic = new InkConfig(name); ic.Load(xh, xnode); inks[name] = ic; } if (!inks.ContainsKey(selectedInk)) { InkConfig ic = new InkConfig(selectedInk); ic.Load(xh, sbc); // try loading legacy settings from parent inks[selectedInk] = ic; } SetCurrentInk(selectedInk); minExposure = xh.GetInt(sbc, "MinTestExposure", 500); exposureStep = xh.GetInt(sbc, "TestExposureStep", 200); exportpreview = (PreviewGenerator.ePreview)xh.GetEnum(sbc, "ExportPreview", typeof(PreviewGenerator.ePreview), PreviewGenerator.ePreview.None); xh.LoadUserParamList(userParams); }
public bool Load(string filename) { m_filename = filename; m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); bool retval = false; XmlHelper xh = new XmlHelper(); bool fileExist = xh.Start(m_filename, "MachineConfig"); XmlNode mc = xh.m_toplevel; m_PlatXSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformXSize", 102.0); m_PlatYSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformYSize", 77.0); m_PlatZSize = xh.GetDouble(mc, "PlatformZSize", 100.0); m_XMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxXFeedRate", 100.0); m_YMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxYFeedRate", 100.0); m_ZMaxFeedrate = xh.GetDouble(mc, "MaxZFeedRate", 100.0); m_machinetype = (eMachineType)xh.GetEnum(mc, "MachineType", typeof(eMachineType), eMachineType.UV_DLP); if (m_driverconfig.Load(xh, mc)) { retval = true; } m_monitorconfig.Load(xh, mc); CalcPixPerMM(); if (!fileExist) { xh.Save(FILE_VERSION); } return retval; }