        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a range proof that compares a UProve attribute to a target date.
        /// Target attribute MUST NOT be hashed.
        /// Value MUST be generated via RangeProofParameterFactory.EncodeYearAndDayAsUProveAttribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Token information.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver">1-based index of target attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="proofType">Range proof type</param>
        /// <param name="targetDate">Compare token attribute to this date.  (Time component is ignored).</param>
        /// <param name="minYear">Minimum year for attribute and target date.</param>
        /// <param name="maxYear">Maximum year for attribute and target date.</param>
        public RangeProof(
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover1,
            int attributeIndexForProver1,
            VerifierRangeProofParameters.ProofType proofType,
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover2,
            int attributeIndexForProver2,
            int minValue,
            int maxValue)
            // make sure target attribute is not hashed
            if ((prover1.IP.E[attributeIndexForProver1 - 1] == 0x01) || ((prover2.IP.E[attributeIndexForProver2 - 1]) == 0x01))
                throw new ArgumentException("UProve attributes used in Range Proof must not be hashed.");

            // generate Pedersen Commitments to token attributes
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover1, prover2 };
            int[] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver1, attributeIndexForProver2 };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create range proof
            ProverRangeProofParameters rangeProver = new ProverRangeProofParameters(
                new CryptoParameters(prover1.IP),


            // Add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a list of Pedersen Commitments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Array of tokens</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndices">target attribute for each token</param>
        /// <param name="commitmentsToAttribute">Pedersen commitment to target attribute in token.  Generated via method
        /// Proof.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes</param>
        public UProveIntegrationProof(ProverPresentationProtocolParameters [] prover, int [] attributeIndices, PedersenCommitment [] commitmentsToAttribute)
            if ((prover == null) || (prover.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("First argument should be an array of at least one element.");

            if (!UProveIntegrationProof.AreTokensCompatible(prover))
                throw new ArgumentException("All tokens must use same group.");

            if ((attributeIndices == null) || (attributeIndices.Length != prover.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Second argument must be an array of the same length as first argument.");

            if ((commitmentsToAttribute == null) || (commitmentsToAttribute.Length != prover.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Third argument must be an array of the same length as first argument.");

            // copy Pedersen Commitment values
            this.PedersenCommitmentValues = new GroupElement[prover.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < PedersenCommitmentValues.Length; ++i)
                this.PedersenCommitmentValues[i] = commitmentsToAttribute[i].Value;

            // Create Equality Proof between Pedersen Commitments and tokens.
            EqualityMap map = new EqualityMap();

            IWitness []       witnesses = new IWitness[prover.Length * 2];
            OpenUProveToken[] tokens    = new OpenUProveToken[prover.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; ++i)
                // create uprove token and add target attribute to map
                witnesses[2 * i] = new OpenUProveToken(prover[i]);
                map.Add(new PrettyName("token", 2 * i), new DoubleIndex(i, attributeIndices[i]));

                // add pedersen commitment to witness list, and add to map
                witnesses[2 * i + 1] = commitmentsToAttribute[i];
                map.Add(new PrettyName("token", 2 * i + 1), new DoubleIndex(i, 0));

            ProverEqualityParameters eqProver = new ProverEqualityParameters(witnesses, map, new CryptoParameters(prover[0].IP));

            this.TokenCommitmentEqualityProof = new EqualityProof(eqProver);
            this.TokenCommitmentEqualityProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Creates a proof that a token attribute is in a given set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Token description.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver">1-based attribute index in token.</param>
        /// <param name="setValues">Set of attributes to compare to token attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="smRandom">Random data for set membership proof.</param>
        /// <returns>Inequality proof.</returns>
        public SetMembershipProof(ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover, int attributeIndexForProver, byte[][] setValues, SetMembershipProofGenerationRandomData smRandom = null)
            // generate Pedersen Commitments to token attribute
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover };
            int[] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create set membership proof using Pedersen Commitment
            FieldZqElement[] memberSet = VerifierSetMembershipParameters.GenerateMemberSet(prover.IP, attributeIndexForProver, setValues);
            ProverSetMembershipParameters setProver = new ProverSetMembershipParameters(attributeCommitments[0], memberSet, new CryptoParameters(prover.IP));

            ConstructorHelper(setProver, smRandom);

            // add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Creates an inequality proof that a token attribute is not equal to some value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Token description.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver">1-based attribute index in token.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeValue">Attribute value to compare actual token attribute.</param>
        /// <returns>Inequality proof.</returns>
        public InequalityProof(ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover, int attributeIndexForProver, byte[] attributeValue)
            // generate Pedersen Commitments to attributes
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover };
            int[] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create inequality proof using Pedersen Commitmetns
            FieldZqElement committedAttribute         = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(prover.IP, attributeIndexForProver - 1, attributeValue);
            ProverInequalityProofParameters ieqProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(attributeCommitments[0], committedAttribute, new CryptoParameters(prover.IP));


            // add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Creates an inequality proof that an attribute in one token is not equal to an attribute in another token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover1">Token.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver1">Target attribute in first token, uses 1-based index.</param>
        /// <param name="prover2">Token</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver2">Target attribute in second token, uses 1-based index</param>
        /// <returns>Proof of inequality.</returns>
        public InequalityProof(
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover1,
            int attributeIndexForProver1,
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover2,
            int attributeIndexForProver2)
            // generate Pedersen Commitments to attributes
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover1, prover2 };
            int [] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver1, attributeIndexForProver2 };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create inequality proof using Pedersen Commitmetns
            ProverInequalityProofParameters ieqProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(attributeCommitments[0], attributeCommitments[1], new CryptoParameters(prover1.IP));


            // add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies this proof that the committed values are valid Pedersen Commitments to token attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verifier">Array of verifier token parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndices">Target attribute in each token.</param>
        /// <param name="committedValues">Array of Pedersen Commitment values.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Verify(VerifierPresentationProtocolParameters [] verifier, int [] attributeIndices)
            if ((verifier == null) || (verifier.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("First argument should be an array of at least one element.");
            if (!UProveIntegrationProof.AreTokensCompatible(verifier))
                throw new ArgumentException("All tokens must use same group.");

            if ((attributeIndices == null) || (attributeIndices.Length != verifier.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Second argument must be an array of the same length as first argument.");

            if ((this.PedersenCommitmentValues == null) || (this.PedersenCommitmentValues.Length != verifier.Length))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Third argument must be an array of the same length as first argument.");

            EqualityMap map = new EqualityMap();

            IStatement[]        statements = new IStatement[verifier.Length * 2];
            ClosedUProveToken[] tokens     = new ClosedUProveToken[verifier.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; ++i)
                // create uprove token and add target attribute to map
                statements[2 * i] = new ClosedUProveToken(verifier[i]);
                map.Add(new PrettyName("token", 2 * i), new DoubleIndex(i, attributeIndices[i]));

                // add pedersen commitment to witness list, and add to map
                statements[2 * i + 1] = new ClosedPedersenCommitment(verifier[i].IP, this.PedersenCommitmentValues[i]);
                map.Add(new PrettyName("token", 2 * i + 1), new DoubleIndex(i, 0));

            VerifierEqualityParameters eqVerifier = new VerifierEqualityParameters(statements, map, new CryptoParameters(verifier[0].IP));
