/// <summary>
        /// This function tokenizes the string(content of each document one by one). It tokenize by using regular expressions
        /// Also, StopWords will also be removed here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns>it returns a string array whose each index contains a token.</returns>
        public string[] Tokenize(string documentContents)
            string pattern = "[ ۔،؛:)(!؟/؎{}‘’0123456789]"; //it will match space and other punctuation marks.
            Regex  _regex  = new Regex(pattern);

            string[] tokens = _regex.Split(documentContents);

            List <string> processedList = new List <string>(); // this list will contain words after punctuation removal and stopword removal

            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                //Below line further checks if any character in RE is still in content, maybe a space character, which will be removed in if condition
                MatchCollection mc = _regex.Matches(tokens[i]); //Represents the set of successful matches found by iteratively applying a regular

                //expression pattern to the input string.
                if (mc.Count <= 0 && tokens[i].Trim().Length > 0 && !StopWordsHandler.IsStopWord(tokens[i]))
 public Tokeniser()
     StopWordsHandler stopWordHandler = new StopWordsHandler();