        public bool Subtrator(bool A, bool B, bool Bi, ref bool Bo)
            // Bi = Borrow in - Bo Borrow out

            NOT not = new NOT();
            AND and = new AND();
            OR  or  = new OR();
            XOR xor = new XOR();

            bool A_xor_B                               = xor.Xor(A, B);                              // (A XOR B)
            bool A_xor_B_xor_Bi                        = xor.Xor(A_xor_B, Bi);                       // ((A XOR B) XOR Bi)
            bool notA_and_B                            = and.And(not.Not(A), B);                     // (NOT(A) AND B)
            bool notA_and_Bi                           = and.And(not.Not(A), Bi);                    // (NOT(A) AND Bi)
            bool B_and_Bi                              = and.And(B, Bi);                             // (B AND Bi)
            bool notA_and_B_or_notA_and_Bi             = or.Or(notA_and_B, notA_and_Bi);             // ((NOT(A) AND Bi) OR (NOT(A) AND Bi))
            bool notA_and_B_or_notA_and_Bi_or_B_and_Bi = or.Or(notA_and_B_or_notA_and_Bi, B_and_Bi); // ((NOT(A) AND B) OR (NOT(A) AND Bi) OR (B AND Bi))

            bool Saida = A_xor_B_xor_Bi;                                                             // ((A XOR B) XOR Bi)

            Bo = notA_and_B_or_notA_and_Bi_or_B_and_Bi;                                              // ((NOT(A) AND B) OR (NOT(A) AND Bi) OR (B AND Bi))
