 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the current value for one or more theming parameters, depending on the given arguments. <ul> <li>If no parameter is given a key-value map containing all parameters is returned</li> <li>If a <code>string</code> is given as first parameter the value is returned as a <code>string</code></li> <li>If an <code>array</code> is given as first parameter a key-value map containing all parameters from the <code>array</code> is returned</li> </ul> <p>The returned key-value maps are a copy so changing values in the map does not have any effect</p>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vName">the (array with) CSS parameter name(s)</param>
 /// <param name="oElement">Element / control instance to take into account when looking for a parameter value. This can make a difference when a parameter value is overridden in a theme scope set via a CSS class.</param>
 /// <returns>the CSS parameter value(s)</returns>
 public extern static Union <string, object> get(Union <string, string[]> vName, sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends a generic success, warning or error message to the given tooltip text if the given Element has a property "valueState" with one of these three states.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">the Element of which the tooltip needs to be modified</param>
 /// <param name="sTooltipText">the original tooltip text (may be null)</param>
 /// <returns>the given text, with appended success/warning/error text, if appropriate</returns>
 public extern static string enrichTooltip(sap.ui.core.Element oElement, string sTooltipText);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds some notifier to the aggregation {@link #getNotifiers notifiers}.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oNotifier">The notifier to add; if empty, nothing is inserted</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.ux3.NotificationBar addNotifier(sap.ui.core.Element oNotifier);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for the provided <code>sap.ui.core.Element</code> in the aggregation {@link #getNotifiers notifiers}. and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oNotifier">The notifier whose index is looked for</param>
 /// <returns>The index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise</returns>
 public extern virtual int indexOfNotifier(sap.ui.core.Element oNotifier);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the aggregated {@link #getMessageNotifier messageNotifier}.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oMessageNotifier">The messageNotifier to set</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.ux3.NotificationBar setMessageNotifier(sap.ui.core.Element oMessageNotifier);
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserts a notifier into the aggregation {@link #getNotifiers notifiers}.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oNotifier">The notifier to insert; if empty, nothing is inserted</param>
 /// <param name="iIndex">The <code>0</code>-based index the notifier should be inserted at; for a negative value of <code>iIndex</code>, the notifier is inserted at position 0; for a value greater than the current size of the aggregation, the notifier is inserted at the last position</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.ux3.NotificationBar insertNotifier(sap.ui.core.Element oNotifier, int iIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes necessary invisible control/element placeholder data into the HTML.
 /// Controls should use this method only if the standard implementation of the RenderManager doesn't fit their needs. That standard implementation renders an invisible &lt;span&gt; element for controls with <code>visible:false</code> to improve re-rendering performance. Due to the fault tolerance of the HTML5 standard, such &lt;span&gt; elements are accepted in many scenarios and won't appear in the render tree of the browser, However, in some cases, controls may need to write a different element when the &lt;span&gt; is not an allowed element (e.g. within the &lt;tr&gt; or &lt;li&gt; group).
 /// The caller needs to start an opening HTML tag, then call this method, then complete the opening and closing tag.
 /// <pre>
 ///   oRenderManager.write("&lt;tr");
 ///   oRenderManager.writeInvisiblePlaceholderData(oControl);
 ///   oRenderManager.write("&gt;&lt;/tr");
 /// </pre>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">An instance of sap.ui.core.Element</param>
 /// <returns>This render manager instance to allow chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.core.RenderManager writeInvisiblePlaceholderData(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for the provided <code>sap.ui.core.Element</code> in the aggregation {@link #getSpecialDates specialDates}. and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oSpecialDate">The specialDate whose index is looked for</param>
 /// <returns>The index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise</returns>
 public extern virtual int indexOfSpecialDate(sap.ui.core.Element oSpecialDate);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the accessibility state (see WAI-ARIA specification) of the provided element into the HTML based on the element's properties and associations.
 /// The ARIA properties are only written when the accessibility feature is activated in the UI5 configuration.
 /// The following properties/values to ARIA attribute mappings are done (if the element does have such properties): <ul> <li><code>editable===false</code> => <code>aria-readonly="true"</code></li> <li><code>enabled===false</code> => <code>aria-disabled="true"</code></li> <li><code>visible===false</code> => <code>aria-hidden="true"</code></li> <li><code>required===true</code> => <code>aria-required="true"</code></li> <li><code>selected===true</code> => <code>aria-selected="true"</code></li> <li><code>checked===true</code> => <code>aria-checked="true"</code></li> </ul>
 /// In case of the required attribute also the Label controls which referencing the given element in their 'for' relation are taken into account to compute the <code>aria-required</code> attribute.
 /// Additionally, the association <code>ariaDescribedBy</code> and <code>ariaLabelledBy</code> are used to write the ID lists of the ARIA attributes <code>aria-describedby</code> and <code>aria-labelledby</code>.
 /// Label controls that reference the given element in their 'for' relation are automatically added to the <code>aria-labelledby</code> attributes.
 /// Note: This function is only a heuristic of a control property to ARIA attribute mapping. Control developers have to check whether it fulfills their requirements. In case of problems (for example the RadioButton has a <code>selected</code> property but must provide an <code>aria-checked</code> attribute) the auto-generated result of this function can be influenced via the parameter <code>mProps</code> as described below.
 /// The parameter <code>mProps</code> can be used to either provide additional attributes which should be added and/or to avoid the automatic generation of single ARIA attributes. The 'aria-' prefix will be prepended automatically to the keys (Exception: Attribute 'role' does not get the prefix 'aria-').
 /// Examples: <code>{hidden : true}</code> results in <code>aria-hidden="true"</code> independent of the presence or absence of the visibility property. <code>{hidden : null}</code> ensures that no <code>aria-hidden</code> attribute is written independent of the presence or absence of the visibility property. The function behaves in the same way for the associations <code>ariaDescribedBy</code> and <code>ariaLabelledBy</code>. To append additional values to the auto-generated <code>aria-describedby</code> and <code>aria-labelledby</code> attributes the following format can be used: <code>{describedby : {value: "id1 id2", append: true}}</code> => <code>aria-describedby="ida idb id1 id2"</code> (assuming that "ida idb" is the auto-generated part based on the association <code>ariaDescribedBy</code>).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">the element whose accessibility state should be rendered</param>
 /// <returns>this render manager instance to allow chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.core.RenderManager writeAccessibilityState(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the elements data into the HTML. Element Data consists at least of the id of an element
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">the element whose identifying information should be written to the buffer</param>
 /// <returns>this render manager instance to allow chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.core.RenderManager writeElementData(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the ID to be used for the invisible Placeholder DOM element. This method can be used to get direct access to the placeholder DOM element. Also statically available as RenderManager.createInvisiblePlaceholderId()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">The Element instance for which to create the placeholder ID</param>
 /// <returns>The ID used for the invisible Placeholder of this element</returns>
 public extern static string createInvisiblePlaceholderId(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for the provided <code>sap.ui.core.Element</code> in the aggregation {@link #getPanes panes}. and returns its index if found or -1 otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oPane">The pane whose index is looked for</param>
 /// <returns>The index of the provided control in the aggregation if found, or -1 otherwise</returns>
 public extern virtual int indexOfPane(sap.ui.core.Element oPane);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds some pane to the aggregation {@link #getPanes panes}.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oPane">The pane to add; if empty, nothing is inserted</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to <code>this</code> in order to allow method chaining</returns>
 public extern virtual sap.ui.layout.PaneContainer addPane(sap.ui.core.Element oPane);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns <code>true</code> when the given control is required (property 'required') or one of its referencing labels, <code>false</code> otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">The element which should be checked for its required state</param>
 /// <returns><code>true</code> when the given control is required (property 'required') or one of its referencing labels, <code>false</code> otherwise</returns>
 public extern static bool isRequired(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of IDs of the labels referencing the given element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oElement">The element whose referencing labels should be returned</param>
 /// <returns>an array of ids of the labels referencing the given element</returns>
 public extern static string[] getReferencingLabels(sap.ui.core.Element oElement);