        /// <summary>
        /// 订单佣金 上一行/下一行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO GetBrokerageInfo(UpDownLineBrokerage bpObj)
            ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO dto = new ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO();

            if (bpObj.SoID != null)//销售订单ID不为空
                if (bpObj.SoLineRow != 0)
                    int    Row = bpObj.SoLineRow;//当前行号
                    string sql = string.Empty;
                    if (bpObj.Type == 1)
                        sql = "select MAX( DocLineNo) as DocLineNo ,SO from SM_SOLine where DocLineNo<" + bpObj.SoLineRow + " and SO='" + bpObj.SoID.ID + "' group by so";
                        sql = "select Min( DocLineNo) as DocLineNo ,SO from SM_SOLine where DocLineNo>" + bpObj.SoLineRow + " and SO='" + bpObj.SoID.ID + "' group by so";
                    DataSet ds = null;
                    UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql.ToString(), null, out ds);
                    if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DocLineNo"] + ""))
                                Row = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DocLineNo"]);
                    SOLine line = SOLine.Finder.Find(string.Format("SO.ID={0} and DocLineNo={1}", bpObj.SoID.ID, Row));
                    if (line != null)
                        dto.SoID              = line.SO.Key;                                           //销售单ID
                        dto.RowNo             = line.DocLineNo;                                        //行号
                        dto.SoLineID          = line.Key;                                              //销售单行ID
                        dto.ItemInfo_Item     = line.ItemInfo.ItemIDKey;                               //料号
                        dto.ItemInfo_ItemName = line.ItemInfo.ItemID.Name;                             //品名
                        dto.Qty           = decimal.Round(line.OrderByQtyTU, line.TU.Round.Precision); //数量
                        dto.ItemInfo_Code = line.ItemInfo.ItemCode;                                    //料品code
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg5))
                            dto.FinallyPriceTC = decimal.Parse(decimal.Parse(line.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg5).ToString("F" + line.SO.TC.PriceRound.Precision.ToString()));
                        dto.TotalMoney = decimal.Round(line.TotalMoneyTC, line.SO.TC.MoneyRound.Precision);
                        dto.Currecy    = line.SO.TC.Name;
                        if (line.TU != null)
                            dto.Uom           = line.TU.Name;                                        //单位
                            dto.Precision_Qty = line.TU.Round == null ? 2 : line.TU.Round.Precision; //精度

        /// <summary>
        /// 订单佣金 上一行/下一行
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bpObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO GetShipLineBrokerageInfo(UpDownLineBrokerage bpObj)
            ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO dto = new ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO();

            if (bpObj.ShipPlanID != null)//出运明细订单ID不为空
                if (bpObj.ShipLineRow != 0)
                    int    Row = bpObj.ShipLineRow;//当前行号
                    string sql = string.Empty;
                    if (bpObj.Type == 1)
                        sql = "select MAX( RowNo) as DocLineNo ,ShipPlanDetailHead from GS_FT_ShipPlanDetailLine where RowNo<" + bpObj.ShipLineRow + " and ShipPlanDetailHead='" + bpObj.ShipPlanID.ID + "' group by ShipPlanDetailHead";
                        sql = "select Min( RowNo) as DocLineNo ,ShipPlanDetailHead from GS_FT_ShipPlanDetailLine where RowNo>" + bpObj.ShipLineRow + " and ShipPlanDetailHead='" + bpObj.ShipPlanID.ID + "' group by ShipPlanDetailHead";
                    DataSet ds = null;
                    UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql.ToString(), null, out ds);
                    if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RowNo"] + ""))
                                Row = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DocLineNo"]);
                    ShipPlanDetailLine line = ShipPlanDetailLine.Finder.Find(string.Format("ShipPlanDetailHead.ID={0} and RowNo={1}", bpObj.ShipPlanID.ID, Row));
                    if (line != null)
                        dto.ShipPlanID        = line.ShipPlanDetailHead.Key;                          //销售单ID
                        dto.RowNo             = line.RowNo;                                           //行号
                        dto.ShipPlanLineID    = line.Key;                                             //销售单行ID
                        dto.ItemInfo_Item     = line.ItemKey;                                         //料号
                        dto.ItemInfo_ItemName = line.Item.Name;                                       //品名
                        dto.ItemInfo_Code     = line.Item.Code;
                        dto.Qty            = decimal.Round(line.Qty, line.NumberUom.Round.Precision); //数量
                        dto.Uom            = line.NumberUom.Name;                                     //单位
                        dto.ItemInfo_Code  = line.Item.Code;                                          //料品code
                        dto.Currecy        = line.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.Name;
                        dto.TotalMoney     = decimal.Round(line.TotalTax, line.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.MoneyRound.Precision);
                        dto.ExportSales    = decimal.Round(line.ExportSales, line.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.PriceRound.Precision);
                        dto.FinallyPriceTC = decimal.Round(line.Ultimately, line.ShipPlanDetailHead.Currency.PriceRound.Precision);

        public override object Do(object obj)
            UpDownLineBrokerage bpObj = (UpDownLineBrokerage)obj;

            ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO dto = new ReturnUpDownBrokerageDTO();

            if (bpObj != null)
                if (bpObj.OperateType == 1)
                    dto = GetShipLineBrokerageInfo(bpObj);
                    dto = GetBrokerageInfo(bpObj);
