public int DisableCurrentShare() { try { ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from win32_share"); ManagementBaseObject outParams; ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_Share"); foreach (ManagementObject mo in mc.GetInstances()) { if (mo["Name"].ToString() == "EAImages") { outParams = mo.InvokeMethod("Delete", null, null); if (Convert.ToInt32(outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value) == 0) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Successfully removed existing EAImages share."); return(0); } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Could not remove EAImages share. Error code:" + outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value); return(1); } } //EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Could not remove EAImages share - share EAImages does not exist or could not be found."); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Could not remove EAImages share. Exception:" + ex.Message); } return(1); }
private EA.Element AddDataObjectToSwimlane(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strInfoExchanged, string strActorName) { string strLogInfo = "Actor: " + strActorName + " info: " + strInfoExchanged; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); Swimlane oSwimlane = (Swimlane)m_Swimlanes[strActorName]; int iL = (iActivityHorizDistBetweenActivities * (m_NoActivities - 1)) + iActivityHorizOffset; int iR = iL + iActivityWidth; int iT = (((oSwimlane.m_iB - oSwimlane.m_iT) / 2) + oSwimlane.m_iT) - (iActivityHeight / 2); int iB = iT + iActivityHeight; string strPos = "l=" + iL.ToString() + ";r=" + iR.ToString() + ";t=" + iT.ToString() + ";b=" + iB.ToString() + ";"; EA.Element eElObj = AddDataObject(diagram, thePackage, strInfoExchanged, strActorName, strPos); if (eElObj == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "Could not add actor \"" + strActorName + "\" info \"" + strInfoExchanged + "\" to activity diagram"); return(null); } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(eElObj); }
public int ParseAndValidateFields(string strParsingElementNote) { int iErrorCount = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry deFieldIndo in m_Fields) { FieldInfo oFieldInfo = (FieldInfo)deFieldIndo.Value; //string strErrorInfo = strParsingElementNote + " field: " + oFieldInfo.ValueName; string strCurrElement = ""; if (!oFieldInfo.ParseAndValidateField()) { if (oFieldInfo.XElement != null) { strCurrElement = " (" + EAImporter.Recurse(oFieldInfo.XElement) + ")"; } else { //strErrorInfo = strErrorInfo + " in: EMPTY"; } iErrorCount++; EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "\"" + oFieldInfo.ValueName + "\" missing or empty from " + strParsingElementNote + strCurrElement); } } m_ImportErrCnt = iErrorCount; return(m_ImportErrCnt); }
private int AddConnector(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Element eaElSource, EA.Element eaElDest, string strText, string strControlType, string strPath = "") { string strLogInfo = "Connector for operation: " + strText; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.Connector eConnector = eaElSource.Connectors.AddNew(strText, strControlType); if (eConnector == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(0); } // eConnector.Notes = strNotes; eConnector.SupplierID = eaElDest.ElementID; eConnector.Width = 2; eConnector.Update(); EA.DiagramLink eDiagramLink = diagram.DiagramLinks.AddNew(strText, strControlType); if (eDiagramLink == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(0); } eDiagramLink.ConnectorID = eConnector.ConnectorID; if (strPath != "") { eDiagramLink.Path = strPath; } eDiagramLink.Update(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(0); }
public EA.Package Add(string strNewPackageName, EA.Package eaPackage) { if (strNewPackageName == "") { string strErrInfo = "Package name is empty."; EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strErrInfo); return(null); } if (eaPackage == null) { string strErrInfo = "Must provide package."; EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strErrInfo); return(null); } string strLogInfo = "Package: " + strNewPackageName; EA.Package oNewPackage = (EA.Package)m_Packages[strNewPackageName]; if (oNewPackage != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(oNewPackage); } m_Packages[strNewPackageName] = eaPackage; return(eaPackage); }
private EA.DiagramObject AddDiagramInteractionFragment(EA.Diagram diagram, int iLinkedElementID, int iFirstObject, int iLastObject, int iFirstStep, int iLastStep) { string strLogInfo = "Diagram InteractionFragment for link ID: " + iLinkedElementID.ToString(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); int iLeft = (iFirstObject * m_iObjCenterOffset) - m_iLOffsetFromObjCenter; if (iLeft < 10) { iLeft = 10; } int iRight = (iLastObject * m_iObjCenterOffset) + m_iROffsetFromObjCenter; int iTop = m_iTopOffset + (m_iHeightOneStep * iFirstStep); int iBottom = m_iTopOffset + (m_iHeightOneStep * (iLastStep + 1)); string strPos = "l=" + iLeft.ToString() + ";r=" + iRight.ToString() + ";t=" + iTop + ";b=" + iBottom + ";"; EA.DiagramObject diagramObj = diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew(strPos, ""); diagramObj.ElementID = iLinkedElementID; diagramObj.Update(); diagram.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); return(diagramObj); }
private EA.Element AddActivityToSwimlane(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strActivityName, string strActorName, ImportFieldsValidator oFields) { string strLogInfo = "Add activity to swimlane. Actor: " + strActorName + " activity: " + strActivityName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); Swimlane oSwimlane = (Swimlane)m_Swimlanes[strActorName]; int iL = (iActivityHorizDistBetweenActivities * m_NoActivities) + iActivityHorizOffset; int iR = iL + iActivityWidth; int iT = (((oSwimlane.m_iB - oSwimlane.m_iT) / 2) + oSwimlane.m_iT) - (iActivityHeight / 2); int iB = iT + iActivityHeight; string strPos = "l=" + iL.ToString() + ";r=" + iR.ToString() + ";t=" + iT.ToString() + ";b=" + iB.ToString() + ";"; EA.Element eElObj = AddActivity(diagram, thePackage, strActivityName, strActorName, strPos, oFields); if (eElObj == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(null); } m_NoActivities++; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(eElObj); }
/// <summary> /// AddInformationClass /// </summary> /// <param name="strPackageName"></param> /// <param name="strInfoClassName"></param> /// <param name="strInfoClassDescription"></param> private int AddInformationClass(EA.Package eaPackage, string strInfoClassName, string strInfoClassDescription, string strRequirements) { string strLogInfo = "Information Class: " + strInfoClassName; int iErrorCount = 0; EA.Element element1 = null; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); if (eaPackage == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "cannot add infomation class- package does not exist " + strInfoClassName); iErrorCount++; return(iErrorCount); } if (m_InfoClasses[strInfoClassName] != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(iErrorCount); } try { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.GetByName(strInfoClassName); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); // EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, m_Repository.Stereotypes.GetLastError() + " : " + ex.Message); } if (element1 == null) { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.AddNew(strInfoClassName, "Class"); element1.Notes = strInfoClassDescription; element1.Update(); EA.TaggedValue eaTgVal = element1.TaggedValues.AddNew("requirements", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = strRequirements; eaTgVal.Update(); eaPackage.Elements.Refresh(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); m_InfoClasses[strInfoClassName] = element1; } else { m_InfoClasses[strInfoClassName] = element1; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); } return(iErrorCount); }
/// <summary> /// Import /// </summary> /// <param name="el"></param> public int Import(XElement el) { int iErrorCount = 0; if (el == null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "No actors to import "); return(iErrorCount); } foreach (XElement elDomain in el.Elements("Domain")) { ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidatorDomain = new ImportFieldsValidator(); oFieldsValidatorDomain.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elDomain)); int iErrCnt = oFieldsValidatorDomain.ParseAndValidateFields("Actor Category"); if (iErrCnt != 0) { iErrorCount = iErrorCount + iErrCnt; } else { IEnumerable <XElement> elActors = elDomain.Elements("Actor"); foreach (XElement elActor in elActors) { Application.DoEvents(); ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidator = new ImportFieldsValidator(); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elActor)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("type", elActor)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("description", elActor, "", false, false, true)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("furtherInformation", elActor, "", false)); iErrCnt = oFieldsValidator.ParseAndValidateFields("Actor"); if (iErrCnt == 0) { oFieldsValidator.ReplaceImageLinks("UseCaseRepository/ActorLibrary" + "/" + oFieldsValidatorDomain["name"].Value + "/" + oFieldsValidator["name"].Value); AddStereotype(elActor.Element("type").Value); iErrorCount = iErrorCount + AddActor(EAImporter.m_Packages["UseCaseRepository/ActorLibrary" + "/" + oFieldsValidatorDomain["name"].Value], oFieldsValidator); } else { iErrorCount = iErrorCount + iErrCnt; } } } } return(iErrorCount); }
public bool ParseAndValidateField() { if (m_XElement == null) { return(true); } bool bSuccess = false; try { bool bFoundDoc = false; Value = ""; if (!bFoundDoc) { if (m_bIsArray) { IEnumerable <XElement> elValues = m_XElement.Elements(ValueName); bSuccess = true; foreach (XElement elValue in elValues) { AddArrayValue(elValue.Value); if (elValue.Value == "") { bSuccess = false; } } } else { Value = m_XElement.Element(ValueName).Value; } } if (Value != "") { bSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); } if ((!bSuccess) && (!m_bRequired)) { bSuccess = true; } return(bSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// AddConnector /// </summary> /// <param name="diagram"></param> /// <param name="eElement"></param> /// <param name="strFullOpName"></param> /// <param name="strEvent"></param> /// <param name="iSupplierID"></param> /// <param name="iSeqNo"></param> private void AddConnector(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Element eElement, string strFullOpName, string strEvent, int iSupplierID, int iSeqNo, string strNotes) { string strLogInfo = "Connector for operation: " + strFullOpName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.Connector eConnector = null; //for (short i = 0; i < eElement.Connectors.Count; i++) //{ // Application.DoEvents(); // eConnector = eElement.Connectors.GetAt(i); // if (eConnector.Name == strFullOpName) // { // break; // } // else // { // eConnector = null; // } //} if (eConnector == null) { eConnector = eElement.Connectors.AddNew(strFullOpName, "Sequence"); eConnector.Notes = strNotes; eConnector.SequenceNo = iSeqNo; eConnector.SupplierID = iSupplierID; eConnector.TransitionAction = "Call"; eConnector.TransitionEvent = "Synchronus"; eConnector.TransitionGuard = "params=;paramsDlg=param1;"; eConnector.Update(); eConnector.StartPointY = eConnector.StartPointY + 1; eConnector.Update(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); } else { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); } EA.DiagramLink eDiagramLink = diagram.DiagramLinks.AddNew(strEvent, "sequence"); eDiagramLink.ConnectorID = eConnector.ConnectorID; eDiagramLink.Update(); diagram.Update(); }
internal int AddInformationClass(EA.Package eaPackage, string strRequirementID, string strDescription) { string strLogInfo = "Requirement: " + strRequirementID; int iErrorCount = 0; EA.Element element1 = null; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); if (eaPackage == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "cannot add requirement- package does not exist " + strRequirementID); iErrorCount++; return(iErrorCount); } if (m_Requirements[strRequirementID] != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(iErrorCount); } try { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.GetByName(strRequirementID); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); // EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, m_Repository.Stereotypes.GetLastError() + " : " + ex.Message); } if (element1 == null) { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.AddNew(strRequirementID, "Class"); element1.Notes = strDescription; element1.Update(); eaPackage.Elements.Refresh(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); m_Requirements[strRequirementID] = element1; } else { m_Requirements[strRequirementID] = element1; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); } return(iErrorCount); }
private int AddSwimlane(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strActorName) { string strLogInfo = "Swimlane: " + strActorName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); Swimlane oSwimlane = (Swimlane)m_Swimlanes[strActorName]; if (oSwimlane != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(0); } EA.Element eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActorName, "ActivityPartition"); if (eElObj == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(1); } eElObj.Update(); thePackage.Elements.Refresh(); oSwimlane = new Swimlane(); m_Swimlanes[strActorName] = oSwimlane; oSwimlane.m_iL = m_iSwimlaneHorizOffset; oSwimlane.m_iR = 500; oSwimlane.m_iT = (Swimlane.m_NoSwimlanes * m_iSwimlaneHeight) + m_iSwimlaneVertOffset; oSwimlane.m_iB = oSwimlane.m_iT + m_iSwimlaneHeight; string strPos = "l=" + oSwimlane.m_iL.ToString() + ";r=" + oSwimlane.m_iR.ToString() + ";t=" + oSwimlane.m_iT.ToString() + ";b=" + oSwimlane.m_iB.ToString() + ";"; oSwimlane.m_eaDiagramObject = AddDiagramObject(diagram, eElObj.ElementID, strPos); if (oSwimlane.m_eaDiagramObject == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(1); } Swimlane.m_NoSwimlanes++; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(0); }
/// <summary> /// AddOperation /// </summary> /// <param name="eElement"></param> /// <param name="strOperationName"></param> /// <param name="strParamType"></param> private static void AddOperation(EA.Element eElement, string strOperationName, string strParamType) { string strLogInfo = "Operation: " + strOperationName + ":" + strParamType; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); // first see if operation name already exits bool bFound = false; for (short i = 0; i < eElement.Methods.Count; i++) { Application.DoEvents(); EA.Method eOperationTst = eElement.Methods.GetAt(i); for (short j = 0; j < eOperationTst.Parameters.Count; j++) { Application.DoEvents(); EA.Parameter eParamTst = eOperationTst.Parameters.GetAt(j); if (eParamTst.Type == strParamType) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); bFound = true; return; } } } if (!bFound) { EA.Method eOperation = eElement.Methods.AddNew(strOperationName, ""); eOperation.Update(); eElement.Methods.Refresh(); EA.Parameter eParam = eOperation.Parameters.AddNew(strParamType, ""); eParam.Name = strParamType; eParam.Kind = "in"; eParam.Type = strParamType; eParam.Update(); eOperation.Update(); eElement.Update(); eElement.Methods.Refresh(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); } }
/// <summary> /// ImportDomains /// </summary> /// <param name="el"></param> public int Import(XElement el) { int iErrorCount = 0; if (el == null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "No domains to import"); return(0); } IEnumerable <XElement> elDomains = el.Elements("Domain"); foreach (XElement elDomain in elDomains) { Application.DoEvents(); ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidator = new ImportFieldsValidator(); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elDomain, "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("description", elDomain, "description", false, false, true)); int iErrCnt = oFieldsValidator.ParseAndValidateFields("Actor Grouping/Domain"); if (iErrCnt == 0) { oFieldsValidator.ReplaceImageLinks("UseCaseRepository/DomainLibrary" + "/" + oFieldsValidator["name"].Value); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Importing domain: " + oFieldsValidator["name"].Value); if (EAImporter.m_Packages.Add("UseCaseRepository/DomainLibrary", oFieldsValidator["name"].Value, oFieldsValidator["description"].Value, elDomain) == null) { iErrorCount++; } ; if (EAImporter.m_Packages.Add("UseCaseRepository/ActorLibrary", oFieldsValidator["name"].Value, "", elDomain) == null) { iErrorCount++; } ; } iErrorCount = iErrorCount + iErrCnt; } return(iErrorCount); }
internal static string Recurse(XElement XelCurr) { string strErrorInfo = ""; bool bRecurse = true; while (bRecurse) { string strElName = ""; try { strElName = XelCurr.Element("Name").Value; } catch (Exception ex2) { EAImporter.LogMsg(LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex2.Message); } if (strElName != "") { strErrorInfo = XelCurr.Name + "(" + strElName + ")/" + strErrorInfo; } else { strErrorInfo = XelCurr.Name + "/" + strErrorInfo; } if (XelCurr.Parent == null) { bRecurse = false; } else { XelCurr = XelCurr.Parent; } } if (strErrorInfo.Contains("{")) { strErrorInfo = strErrorInfo.Remove(strErrorInfo.IndexOf("{"), strErrorInfo.IndexOf("}") - strErrorInfo.IndexOf("{") + 1); } return(strErrorInfo); }
private int CreateUseCaseDigram(string strUseCaseName, EA.Package eaPackage, XElement elUseCase, EA.Element eaElUCClassElement) { int iErrorCount = 0; EA.Diagram UCdiagram = EAImporter.AddDiagram(eaPackage, "Use Case Diagram", "Use Case"); Hashtable UCRefActors = EAImporter.m_Actors.GetActorUseCaseRefs(); EA.Element eaElUseCase = eaPackage.Elements.AddNew(strUseCaseName, "Use Case"); int iErrCnt = AddUCToUCDiagram(eaPackage, UCdiagram, eaElUseCase.ElementID, eaElUCClassElement.ElementID, UCRefActors.Count / 2); EA.Connector con2 = eaElUCClassElement.Connectors.AddNew("describes", "Dependancy"); con2.SupplierID = eaElUseCase.ElementID; con2.Update(); eaElUCClassElement.Connectors.Refresh(); m_NoUseCaseActors = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry deActorRef1 in UCRefActors) { string strActorName = (string)deActorRef1.Key; EA.Element eaElActor = EAImporter.m_Actors.GetActor(strActorName); iErrorCount = iErrorCount + AddActorToUCDiagram(eaPackage, UCdiagram, eaElActor.ElementID); EA.Connector con1 = eaElUseCase.Connectors.AddNew("", "UseCase"); con1.SupplierID = eaElActor.ElementID; con1.Update(); EA.ConnectorTag eaTgVal = con1.TaggedValues.AddNew("furtherInformation", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = ((ImportFieldsValidator)deActorRef1.Value)["furtherInformation"].Value; eaTgVal.Update(); con1.Update(); eaElUseCase.Connectors.Refresh(); } return(iErrorCount); }
private EA.DiagramObject AddDiagramObject(EA.Diagram diagram, int iLinkedElementID, int iObjNo) { string strLogInfo = "diagram object for link ID: " + iLinkedElementID.ToString(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.DiagramObject diagramObj; int iL = iObjNo * m_iObjCenterOffset; int iR = iL + m_iObjWidth; string strPos = "l=" + iL.ToString() + ";r=" + iR.ToString() + ";t=50;b=400;"; diagramObj = diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew(strPos, ""); diagramObj.ElementID = iLinkedElementID; diagramObj.Update(); diagram.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); return(diagramObj); }
/// <summary> /// AddStereotype /// </summary> /// <param name="strName"></param> private void AddStereotype(string strName) { string strLogInfo = "Stereotype: " + strName; EA.Stereotype Stereotype; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); try { // cannot lookup stereotypes by name so iterate through list for (short i = 0; i < EAImporter.m_Repository.Stereotypes.Count; i++) { Application.DoEvents(); Stereotype = EAImporter.m_Repository.Stereotypes.GetAt(i); if (Stereotype.Name == strName) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, EAImporter.m_Repository.Stereotypes.GetLastError() + " : " + ex.Message); } try { Stereotype = EAImporter.m_Repository.Stereotypes.AddNew(strName, "actor"); Stereotype.Notes = "UseCaseRepository"; Stereotype.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { string strTemp = ex.Message; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return; } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); }
private EA.DiagramObject AddDiagramObject(EA.Diagram diagram, int iLinkedElementID, string strPos) { string strLogInfo = "diagram object for link ID: " + iLinkedElementID.ToString(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.DiagramObject diagramObj = diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew(strPos, ""); if (diagramObj == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(null); } diagramObj.ElementID = iLinkedElementID; diagramObj.Update(); diagram.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(diagramObj); }
private EA.Element AddDataObject(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strInfoExchanged, string strActorName, string strPos) { string strLogInfo = "Activity Info Exchanged: " + strInfoExchanged; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.Element eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strInfoExchanged, "Object"); if (eElObj == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(null); } try { eElObj.ClassifierID = EAImporter.m_InfoModels.Get(strInfoExchanged).ElementID; } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "Information exchanged \"" + strInfoExchanged + "\" used in a sequence step is not defined in the Use Case or in the Repository"); string Temp = ex.Message; return(null); } EA.TaggedValue eaTgVal = eElObj.TaggedValues.AddNew("ActorName", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = strActorName; eaTgVal.Update(); eElObj.Update(); if (AddDiagramObject(diagram, eElObj.ElementID, strPos) == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(null); } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(eElObj); }
private EA.Element AddObjIntfcInstance(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strActorIntcName, int iActorIntefaceElID, ref int iDiagObjNo) { string strLogInfo = "Object for actor: " + strActorIntcName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.Element eElObj = null; try { eElObj = thePackage.Elements.GetByName(strActorIntcName); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); } if (eElObj == null) { eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActorIntcName, "Object"); //eElObj.Stereotype = "interface"; eElObj.ClassifierID = iActorIntefaceElID; eElObj.Update(); thePackage.Elements.Refresh(); AddDiagramObject(diagram, eElObj.ElementID, iDiagObjNo); iDiagObjNo++; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); } else { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); } return(eElObj); }
public int CreateFolderForShare(string strTargetPath) { DisableCurrentShare(); DirectoryInfo di; try { if (!Directory.Exists(strTargetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strTargetPath); } di = new DirectoryInfo(strTargetPath); DirectorySecurity dSecurity = di.GetAccessControl(); dSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone", FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit | InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, PropagationFlags.NoPropagateInherit, AccessControlType.Allow)); di.SetAccessControl(dSecurity); if (di != null) { if (ShareFolder(strTargetPath, "EAImages", "Storage for EA image links") != 0) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Successfully created EAImages share."); return(1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(LogErrorLevel.A, "Error sharing folders. Please make sure you run as Administrator. ERROR: " + ex.Message); return(1); } return(0); }
private int ProcessLoadedSteps(EA.Package theStepsPackage, EA.Diagram diagram) { string strActorForNextActivity = ""; string strActorForThisActivity = ""; string strActorForInfoObj = ""; string strTypeForNextConnector = ""; string strOperationNameforNextTransition = ""; EA.Element eaElActivityA = null; EA.Element eaElActivityB = null; EA.Element eaElInfoObj = null; if (AddSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, ((Step)m_LoadedSteps[1]).m_strPrimaryActor) != 0) { return(1); } eaElActivityA = AddActivityToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, "ActivityInitial", ((Step)m_LoadedSteps[1]).m_strPrimaryActor, null); if (eaElActivityA == null) { return(1); } strTypeForNextConnector = "ControlFlow"; strActorForNextActivity = ((Step)m_LoadedSteps[1]).m_strPrimaryActor; strOperationNameforNextTransition = ""; for (int iStep = 1; iStep < Step.m_noSteps - 1; iStep++) { Step oStep = (Step)m_LoadedSteps[iStep]; Step oNextStep = (Step)m_LoadedSteps[iStep + 1]; strActorForThisActivity = strActorForNextActivity; if (AddSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, strActorForThisActivity) != 0) { return(1); } if ((oStep.m_strOperationName != "REPEAT") && (oStep.m_strOperationName != "TIMER")) { eaElActivityB = AddActivityToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, oStep.m_oFields["name"].Value, strActorForThisActivity, oStep.m_oFields); if (eaElActivityB == null) { return(1); } oStep.m_eaElActivity = eaElActivityB; } else if (oStep.m_strOperationName == "REPEAT") { eaElActivityB = AddActivityToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, "Repeat till: " + oStep.m_oFields["event"].Value, strActorForThisActivity, oStep.m_oFields); if (eaElActivityB == null) { return(1); } } else if (oStep.m_strOperationName == "TIMER") { eaElActivityB = AddActivityToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, "Wait till: " + oStep.m_oFields["InformationExchanged"].Value + " name=" + oStep.m_oFields["name"].Value, strActorForThisActivity, oStep.m_oFields); if (eaElActivityB == null) { return(1); } } if (oStep.m_oFields["InformationExchanged"] != null) { strActorForInfoObj = oStep.m_strSecondaryActor; if (oStep.m_strOperationName != "TIMER") { if (AddSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, strActorForInfoObj) != 0) { return(1); } eaElInfoObj = AddDataObjectToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, oStep.m_oFields["InformationExchanged"].Value, strActorForInfoObj); if (eaElInfoObj == null) { return(1); } } } // Make connector 1 string strMsg = "Make connector 1 from Activity: " + eaElActivityA.Name + " to Activity: " + eaElActivityB.Name + " operation: " + strOperationNameforNextTransition; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, strMsg); if (AddConnector(diagram, eaElActivityA, eaElActivityB, "", strTypeForNextConnector) != 0) { return(1); } // Make connector 2 if ((oStep.m_strOperationName != "TIMER") && (oStep.m_strOperationName != "REPEAT")) { if (oStep.m_oFields["InformationExchanged"] != null) { strMsg = "Make connector 2 from Activity: " + eaElActivityB.Name + " to InfoObj: " + eaElInfoObj.Name + " operation: " + oStep.m_strOperationName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, strMsg); string strOperation = oStep.m_strOperationName + "(" + oStep.m_oFields["InformationExchanged"].Value + ")"; if ((oStep.m_strOperationName == "READ") || (oStep.m_strOperationName == "GET")) { if (AddConnector(diagram, eaElInfoObj, eaElActivityB, strOperation, "ObjectFlow") != 0) { return(1); } } else { if (AddConnector(diagram, eaElActivityB, eaElInfoObj, strOperation, "ObjectFlow") != 0) { return(1); } } } } if (oStep.m_strOperationName == "REPEAT") { int iFirstStep = Convert.ToInt16(oStep.m_strFirstStep); int iLastStep = Convert.ToInt16(oStep.m_strLastStep); Step oFirstStep = ((Step)m_LoadedSteps[iFirstStep]); int iLastPosition = (((iLastStep + 1) * iActivityHorizDistBetweenActivities) + iActivityHorizOffset) + iActivityWidth / 2; int iFirstPosition = ((iFirstStep * iActivityHorizDistBetweenActivities) + iActivityHorizOffset) + iActivityWidth / 2; string strPath = iLastPosition.ToString() + ":" + "-30;" + iFirstPosition.ToString() + ":-30;";; if (AddConnector(diagram, eaElActivityB, oFirstStep.m_eaElActivity, "", "ControlFlow", strPath) != 0) { return(1); } } // now setup for next iteration //default: eaElActivityA = eaElActivityB; strTypeForNextConnector = "ControlFlow"; strActorForNextActivity = oNextStep.m_strPrimaryActor; strOperationNameforNextTransition = oStep.m_strOperationName; if (oStep.m_strOperationName == "CREATE") { if (oStep.m_oFields["Receiver"].Value == oNextStep.m_strPrimaryActor) { eaElActivityA = eaElInfoObj; strTypeForNextConnector = "ObjectFlow"; } } if (oNextStep.m_strOperationName == "TIMER") { strActorForNextActivity = oNextStep.m_oFields["Producer"].Value; } if (oNextStep.m_strOperationName == "REPEAT") { strActorForNextActivity = strActorForThisActivity; } } eaElActivityB = AddActivityToSwimlane(diagram, theStepsPackage, "ActivityFinal", strActorForThisActivity, null); if (eaElActivityB == null) { return(1); } string strMsg2 = "Make connector 1 from Activity: " + eaElActivityA.Name + " to Activity: " + eaElActivityB.Name + " operation: " + strOperationNameforNextTransition; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, strMsg2); if (AddConnector(diagram, eaElActivityA, eaElActivityB, "", strTypeForNextConnector) != 0) { return(1); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// ProcessSequences /// </summary> /// <param name="strParentPackageName"></param> /// <param name="el"></param> public int Import(string strParentPackageName, XElement el) { int iErrorCount = 0; if (el == null) { return(iErrorCount); } IEnumerable <XElement> elSequences = el.Elements("Scenario"); foreach (XElement elSequence in elSequences) { Swimlane.m_NoSwimlanes = 0; Step.m_noSteps = 0; m_NoActivities = 0; m_LoadedSteps = new Hashtable(); m_Swimlanes = new Hashtable(); Application.DoEvents(); ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidator = new ImportFieldsValidator(); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elSequence)); int iErrCnt = oFieldsValidator.ParseAndValidateFields("Scenario"); iErrorCount = iErrorCount + iErrCnt; if (iErrCnt != 0) { // assign temporary name to sequence to process steps for error reporting oFieldsValidator["name"].Value = "DUMMY"; } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Importing Activity: " + oFieldsValidator["name"].Value); EA.Package theActivityPackage = EAImporter.m_Packages.Add(strParentPackageName, oFieldsValidator["name"].Value, "", elSequence); string strPackageName = strParentPackageName + "/" + oFieldsValidator["name"].Value; EA.Package theStepsPackage = EAImporter.m_Packages.Add(strPackageName, "Activity", ""); if (theStepsPackage != null) { EA.Diagram diagram = EAImporter.AddDiagram(theStepsPackage, "Activity Diagram", "Activity"); IEnumerable <XElement> elSteps = elSequence.Elements("Step"); Step oStep = new Step(); oStep.m_strOperationName = "INITIALSTATE"; m_LoadedSteps[Step.m_noSteps] = oStep; Step.m_noSteps++; foreach (XElement elStep in elSteps) { Application.DoEvents(); iErrorCount = iErrorCount + LoadStep(elStep); } if (iErrorCount == 0) { oStep = new Step(); oStep.m_strOperationName = "FINALSTATE"; m_LoadedSteps[Step.m_noSteps] = oStep; Step.m_noSteps++; iErrorCount = iErrorCount + ProcessLoadedSteps(theStepsPackage, diagram); // now extend swimlanes to cover all activities foreach (DictionaryEntry deSwimlane in m_Swimlanes) { Swimlane oSwimlane = (Swimlane)deSwimlane.Value; oSwimlane.m_eaDiagramObject.right = iActivityHorizOffset + (iActivityHorizDistBetweenActivities * (m_NoActivities - 1)) + iActivityWidth; oSwimlane.m_eaDiagramObject.Update(); diagram.Update(); } } } else { iErrorCount++; } } return(iErrorCount); }
private ImportFieldsValidator LoadFields(XElement elStep, ref string strOperationName, ref string strPrimaryActor, ref string strSecondaryActor, ref string strFirstStep, ref string strLastStep) { ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidator = new ImportFieldsValidator(); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("service", elStep)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("number", elStep)); // oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Requirement", elStep.Element("Requirement"),"id",false)); string strRequirements = ""; EA.Package oRequirements = EAImporter.m_Packages.Add("UseCaseRepository", "RequirementLibrary"); IEnumerable <XElement> elRequirements = elStep.Elements("Requirement"); foreach (XElement elRequirement in elRequirements) { string strID = elRequirement.Element("id").Value; strRequirements = strRequirements + "," + strID; EAImporter.m_Requirements.AddInformationClass(oRequirements, strID, ""); } if (strRequirements != "") { strRequirements = strRequirements.Remove(0, 1); } oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("requirements", strRequirements)); if (oFieldsValidator.ParseAndValidateFields("Scenario") != 0) { // "Service" is required return(oFieldsValidator); } if (oFieldsValidator["service"].Value.StartsWith("REPEAT")) { strOperationName = "REPEAT"; string strServiceStripped = oFieldsValidator["service"].Value; strServiceStripped = strServiceStripped.Replace("REPEAT", ""); strServiceStripped = strServiceStripped.Replace("(", ""); strServiceStripped = strServiceStripped.Replace(")", ""); string[] strSteps = strServiceStripped.Split('-'); if (strSteps.Length != 2) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "REPEAT invalid arguments : " + oFieldsValidator["service"].Value); return(oFieldsValidator); } else { strFirstStep = strSteps[0]; strLastStep = strSteps[1]; } } else { strOperationName = oFieldsValidator["service"].Value; } oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("event", elStep, "", false)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("description", elStep)); if (strOperationName == "REPEAT") { // no other fields required } else if (strOperationName == "TIMER") { oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elStep)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Producer", elStep.Element("InformationProducer"), "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("InformationExchanged", elStep.Element("InformationModel"), "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Step", elStep, "number")); // oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("TechRequirementsID", elStep.Element("Requirement"), "name", false)); } else { oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("name", elStep)); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Producer", elStep.Element("InformationProducer"), "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Receiver", elStep.Element("InformationReceiver"), "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("InformationExchanged", elStep.Element("InformationModel"), "name")); oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("Step", elStep, "number")); // oFieldsValidator.Add(new FieldInfo("TechRequirementsID", elStep.Element("Requirement"), "name", false)); } if (oFieldsValidator.ParseAndValidateFields("Scenario") == 0) { if (strOperationName == "CREATE") { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if ((strOperationName == "READ") || (strOperationName == "GET")) { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; } else if ((strOperationName == "UPDATE") || (strOperationName == "CHANGE")) { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if (strOperationName == "EXECUTE") { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if (strOperationName == "DELETE") { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if ((strOperationName == "REPORT") || (strOperationName == "REPLY")) { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if (strOperationName == "TIMER") { strPrimaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Producer"].Value; //strSecondaryActor = oFieldsValidator["Receiver"].Value; } else if (strOperationName == "REPEAT") { strPrimaryActor = ""; } } return(oFieldsValidator); }
private EA.Element AddActivity(EA.Diagram diagram, EA.Package thePackage, string strActivityName, string strActorName, string strPos, ImportFieldsValidator oFields) { string strLogInfo = "Activity: " + strActivityName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); EA.Element eElObj = null; if (strActivityName.StartsWith("Repeat till")) { eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActivityName, "Decision"); } else if (strActivityName.StartsWith("Wait till")) { eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActivityName, "Event"); } else if (strActivityName == "ActivityInitial") { // eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew("", "ActivityInitial"); // hmm does not seem to work eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActivityName, "Activity"); } else if (strActivityName == "ActivityFinal") { //eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew("", "ActivityFinal"); // hmm does not seem to work eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActivityName, "Activity"); } else { eElObj = thePackage.Elements.AddNew(strActivityName, "Activity"); } if (AddDiagramObject(diagram, eElObj.ElementID, strPos) == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strLogInfo); return(null); } if (oFields != null) { eElObj.Notes = oFields["description"].Value; EA.TaggedValue eaTgVal = eElObj.TaggedValues.AddNew("event", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = oFields["event"].Value; eaTgVal.Update(); eaTgVal = eElObj.TaggedValues.AddNew("number", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = oFields["number"].Value; eaTgVal.Update(); eaTgVal = eElObj.TaggedValues.AddNew("requirements", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = oFields["requirements"].Value; eaTgVal.Update(); eaTgVal = eElObj.TaggedValues.AddNew("ActorName", "TaggedValue"); eaTgVal.Value = strActorName; eaTgVal.Update(); eElObj.Update(); } EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); return(eElObj); }
public bool ReplaceImageLinks(string strImagePackagePath) { if (m_bIsNote) { while (Value.IndexOf("<img ") > 0) { Regex rgx1 = new Regex(@"<img.*?>"); MatchCollection matches1 = rgx1.Matches(Value); foreach (Match match1 in matches1) { Regex rgxSrc = new Regex(@"(?<=src="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesSrc = rgxSrc.Matches(match1.Value); Regex rgxWidth = new Regex(@"(?<=width="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesWidth = rgxWidth.Matches(match1.Value); Regex rgxHeight = new Regex(@"(?<=height="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesHeight = rgxHeight.Matches(match1.Value); Regex rgxId = new Regex(@"(?<=id="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesId = rgxId.Matches(match1.Value); Regex rgxAlign = new Regex(@"(?<=align="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesAlign = rgxAlign.Matches(match1.Value); Regex rgxStyle = new Regex(@"(?<=style="").*?(?="")"); MatchCollection matchesStyle = rgxStyle.Matches(match1.Value); string strAlign = ""; if (matchesAlign.Count > 0) { strAlign = matchesAlign[0].Value; } string strStyle = ""; if (matchesStyle.Count > 0) { strStyle = matchesStyle[0].Value; } strStyle = strStyle.Replace(':', '#'); string strTargetPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"\\\EAImages", strImagePackagePath); string sourceFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(EAImporter.m_strImportFilePath, matchesSrc[0].Value); string strNewFileName = "W" + matchesWidth[0].Value + "_H" + matchesHeight[0].Value + "_ID" + matchesId[0].Value + "_AL" + strAlign + "_ST" + strStyle + "_" + matchesSrc[0].Value.Split('/')[1]; string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(strTargetPath, strNewFileName); try { if (!Directory.Exists(strTargetPath)) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(strTargetPath); } } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "Could not create directory for images: " + ex.Message); return(false); } sourceFile = sourceFile.Replace("%20", " "); System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true); string strReplacement = " <a href=\"" + destFile + "\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><u>" + "<Ctl Left Click with Mouse to View Image>" + "</u></font></a> "; Value = Value.Replace(match1.Value, strReplacement); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Replacing image ref: " + match1.Value); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Info, "Replacing image ref with: " + strReplacement); } } } return(true); }
private int AddActor(EA.Package eaPackage, ImportFieldsValidator oFieldsValidator) { string strName = oFieldsValidator["name"].Value; string strStereotype = oFieldsValidator["type"].Value; string strNotes = oFieldsValidator["description"].Value; string strLogInfo = "Actor: " + strName; int iErrorCount = 0; EA.Element element1 = null; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); if (m_ActorsStruct[strName] != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(0); } if (eaPackage == null) { EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, "cannot add actor- package does not exist " + strName); return(1); } try { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.GetByName(strName); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); } if (element1 == null) { element1 = eaPackage.Elements.AddNew(strName, "Actor"); eaPackage.Update(); eaPackage.Elements.Refresh(); element1.Notes = strNotes; element1.StereotypeEx = strStereotype; //EA.Element eIntfc = element1.Elements.AddNew(strName, "Interface"); EA.Element eIntfc = element1.Elements.AddNew(strName, "Class"); eIntfc.Update(); element1.Update(); element1.Elements.Refresh(); EA.Element source = eIntfc; EA.Element target = element1; EA.Connector con = source.Connectors.AddNew("realizes", "Realization"); con.SupplierID = target.ElementID; con.Update(); source.Connectors.Refresh(); EA.Connector con2 = source.Connectors.AddNew("", "Generalization"); con2.SupplierID = EAImporter.m_iActorBaseClsID; con2.Update(); source.Connectors.Refresh(); ActorInformation oActorInfo = new ActorInformation(); oActorInfo.m_eaEl = element1; oActorInfo.m_oFieldsValidator = oFieldsValidator; m_ActorsStruct[strName] = oActorInfo; element1.Update(); eIntfc.Update(); EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); } else { ActorInformation oActorInfo = new ActorInformation(); oActorInfo.m_eaEl = element1; oActorInfo.m_oFieldsValidator = oFieldsValidator; m_ActorsStruct[strName] = oActorInfo; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); } return(iErrorCount); }
public EA.Package Add(string parentPackageName, string strNewPackageName, string strNotes = "", XElement CurrXEl = null) { string strLogInfo = "Package: " + strNewPackageName; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Adding, strLogInfo); if (parentPackageName == "") { string strErrInfo = "Parent package name is empty."; if (CurrXEl != null) { strErrInfo = strErrInfo + "Processing element: " + EAImporter.Recurse(CurrXEl); } EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strErrInfo); return(null); } if (strNewPackageName == "") { string strErrInfo = "Package name is empty."; if (CurrXEl != null) { strErrInfo = strErrInfo + "Processing element: " + EAImporter.Recurse(CurrXEl); } EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strErrInfo); return(null); } EA.Package oNewPackage = (EA.Package)m_Packages[parentPackageName + "/" + strNewPackageName]; if (oNewPackage != null) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); return(oNewPackage); } if ((EA.Package)m_Packages[parentPackageName] == null) { string strErrInfo = "Add Failed- parent package does not exist"; if (CurrXEl != null) { strErrInfo = strErrInfo + "Processing element: " + EAImporter.Recurse(CurrXEl); } EAImporter.LogError(EAImporter.LogErrorLevel.A, strErrInfo); return(null); } try { oNewPackage = ((EA.Package)m_Packages[parentPackageName]).Packages.GetByName(strNewPackageName); } catch (Exception ex) { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.MiscExceptions, ex.Message); } if (oNewPackage == null) { oNewPackage = ((EA.Package)m_Packages[parentPackageName]).Packages.AddNew(strNewPackageName, "Nothing"); oNewPackage.Notes = strNotes; oNewPackage.Update(); m_Packages[parentPackageName + "/" + strNewPackageName] = oNewPackage; EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Added, strLogInfo); } else { EAImporter.LogMsg(EAImporter.LogMsgType.Exists, strLogInfo); m_Packages[parentPackageName + "/" + strNewPackageName] = oNewPackage; return(oNewPackage); } return(oNewPackage); }