 /** <summary>
  *  For all subtrees that match the pattern, execute the visit action.
  *  The implementation uses the root node of the pattern in combination
  *  with visit(t, ttype, visitor) so nil-rooted patterns are not allowed.
  *  Patterns with wildcard roots are also not allowed.
  *  </summary>
 public void Visit( object t, string pattern, IContextVisitor visitor )
     // Create a TreePattern from the pattern
     TreePatternLexer tokenizer = new TreePatternLexer( pattern );
     TreePatternParser parser =
         new TreePatternParser( tokenizer, this, new TreePatternTreeAdaptor() );
     TreePattern tpattern = (TreePattern)parser.Pattern();
     // don't allow invalid patterns
     if ( tpattern == null ||
          tpattern.IsNil ||
          tpattern.GetType() == typeof( WildcardTreePattern ) )
     IDictionary<string, object> labels = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // reused for each _parse
     int rootTokenType = tpattern.Type;
     Visit( t, rootTokenType, new VisitTreeWizardContextVisitor( this, visitor, labels, tpattern ) );
 /** <summary>Return a List of subtrees matching pattern.</summary> */
 public virtual IList Find( object t, string pattern )
     IList subtrees = new List<object>();
     // Create a TreePattern from the pattern
     TreePatternLexer tokenizer = new TreePatternLexer( pattern );
     TreePatternParser parser =
         new TreePatternParser( tokenizer, this, new TreePatternTreeAdaptor() );
     TreePattern tpattern = (TreePattern)parser.Pattern();
     // don't allow invalid patterns
     if ( tpattern == null ||
          tpattern.IsNil ||
          tpattern.GetType() == typeof( WildcardTreePattern ) )
         return null;
     int rootTokenType = tpattern.Type;
     Visit( t, rootTokenType, new FindTreeWizardContextVisitor( this, tpattern, subtrees ) );
     return subtrees;
 /** <summary>
  *  Given a pattern like (ASSIGN %lhs:ID %rhs:.) with optional labels
  *  on the various nodes and '.' (dot) as the node/subtree wildcard,
  *  return true if the pattern matches and fill the labels Map with
  *  the labels pointing at the appropriate nodes.  Return false if
  *  the pattern is malformed or the tree does not match.
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  If a node specifies a text arg in pattern, then that must match
  *  for that node in t.
  *  TODO: what's a better way to indicate bad pattern? Exceptions are a hassle
  *  </remarks>
 public bool Parse( object t, string pattern, IDictionary<string, object> labels )
     TreePatternLexer tokenizer = new TreePatternLexer( pattern );
     TreePatternParser parser =
         new TreePatternParser( tokenizer, this, new TreePatternTreeAdaptor() );
     TreePattern tpattern = (TreePattern)parser.Pattern();
     bool matched = ParseCore( t, tpattern, labels );
     return matched;
 /** <summary>
  *  Create a tree or node from the indicated tree pattern that closely
  *  follows ANTLR tree grammar tree element syntax:
  *      (root child1 ... child2).
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  You can also just pass in a node: ID
  *  Any node can have a text argument: ID[foo]
  *  (notice there are no quotes around foo--it's clear it's a string).
  *  nil is a special name meaning "give me a nil node".  Useful for
  *  making lists: (nil A B C) is a list of A B C.
  *  </remarks>
 public virtual object Create( string pattern )
     TreePatternLexer tokenizer = new TreePatternLexer( pattern );
     TreePatternParser parser = new TreePatternParser( tokenizer, this, adaptor );
     object t = parser.Pattern();
     return t;