/// <summary> /// Execute method. /// </summary> /// <param name="pipe">NamedPipeServerStream</param> public override void execute(NamedPipeServerStream pipe) { ReturnCode returnCode = ReturnCode.Success; ConfigSerializer configSerializer = new ConfigSerializer(); byte[] messagebuffer = new byte[100]; byte[] originalbuffer = new byte[100]; int i = 0; do { pipe.Read(messagebuffer, 0, messagebuffer.Length); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(messagebuffer, 0, originalbuffer, i, messagebuffer.Length); Array.Resize(ref originalbuffer, originalbuffer.Length + 100); messagebuffer = new byte[100]; i = i + 100; }while (!pipe.IsMessageComplete); try { TypeCobolConfiguration config = new TypeCobolConfiguration(); config = configSerializer.Deserialize(originalbuffer); config.Format = TypeCobolOptionSet.CreateFormat(config.EncFormat, ref config); returnCode = CLI.runOnce(config); //Try to run TypeCobol ad get status in returnCode } catch { returnCode = ReturnCode.FatalError; } finally { //Write a "reponse" to the client which is waiting pipe.WriteByte((byte)returnCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Execute method. /// </summary> /// <param name="pipe">NamedPipeServerStream</param> public override void execute(NamedPipeServerStream pipe) { ConfigSerializer configSerializer = new ConfigSerializer(); byte[] messagebuffer = new byte[100]; byte[] originalbuffer = new byte[100]; int i = 0; do { pipe.Read(messagebuffer, 0, messagebuffer.Length); System.Buffer.BlockCopy(messagebuffer, 0, originalbuffer, i, messagebuffer.Length); Array.Resize(ref originalbuffer, originalbuffer.Length + 100); messagebuffer = new byte[100]; i = i + 100; }while (!pipe.IsMessageComplete); Config config = new Config(); config = configSerializer.Deserialize(originalbuffer); config.Format = CLI.CreateFormat(config.EncFormat, ref config); CLI.runOnce(config); //Write a "reponse" to the client which is waiting pipe.WriteByte(68); }
static int Main(string[] argv) { bool help = false; bool version = false; bool once = false; StartClient startClient = StartClient.No; var config = new TypeCobolConfiguration(); config.CommandLine = string.Join(" ", argv); var pipename = "TypeCobol.Server"; var p = TypeCobolOptionSet.GetCommonTypeCobolOptions(config); //Add custom options for CLI p.Add(string.Format("USAGE\n {0} [OPTIONS]... [PIPENAME]\n VERSION:\n {1} \n DESCRIPTION: \n Run the TypeCObol parser server", PROGNAME, PROGVERSION)); p.Add("k|startServer:", "Start the server if not already started, and executes commandline.\n" + "By default the server is started in window mode\n" + "'{hidden}' hide the window.", v => { if ("hidden".Equals(v, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { startClient = StartClient.HiddenWindow; } else { startClient = StartClient.NormalWindow; } }); p.Add("1|once", "Parse one set of files and exit. If present, this option does NOT launch the server.", v => once = (v != null)); p.Add("h|help", "Output a usage message and exit.", v => help = (v != null)); p.Add("V|version", "Output the version number of " + PROGNAME + " and exit.", v => version = (v != null)); //Add DefaultCopies to running session var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName); config.CopyFolders.Add(folder + @"\DefaultCopies\"); try { List <string> args; try { args = p.Parse(argv); } catch (OptionException ex) { return(exit(ReturnCode.FatalError, ex.Message)); } if (help) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return(0); } if (version) { Console.WriteLine(PROGVERSION); return(0); } if (config.Telemetry) { AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.DisableTelemetry = false; //If telemetry arg is passed enable telemetry } if (config.OutputFiles.Count == 0 && config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Generate) { config.ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck; //If there is no given output file, we can't run generation, fallback to SemanticCheck } if (config.OutputFiles.Count > 0 && config.InputFiles.Count != config.OutputFiles.Count) { return(exit(ReturnCode.OutputFileError, "The number of output files must be equal to the number of input files.")); } if (args.Count > 0) { pipename = args[0]; } //"startClient" will be true when "-K" is passed as an argument in command line. if (startClient != StartClient.No && once) { pipename = "TypeCobol.Server"; using (NamedPipeClientStream namedPipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(pipename)) { try { namedPipeClient.Connect(100); } catch (TimeoutException tEx) { System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); if (startClient == StartClient.NormalWindow) { startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; } else { startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; } startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = @"/c " + folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "TypeCobol.CLI.exe"; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); namedPipeClient.Connect(1000); } namedPipeClient.WriteByte(68); ConfigSerializer configSerializer = new ConfigSerializer(); var configBytes = configSerializer.Serialize(config); namedPipeClient.Write(configBytes, 0, configBytes.Length); //Wait for the response "job is done" var returnCode = namedPipeClient.ReadByte(); //Get running server ReturnCode return(exit((ReturnCode)returnCode, "")); } } //option -1 else if (once) { var returnCode = CLI.runOnce(config); if (returnCode != ReturnCode.Success) { return(exit(returnCode, "Operation failled")); } } else { runServer(pipename); } } catch (Exception e) { AnalyticsWrapper.Telemetry.TrackException(e); return(exit(ReturnCode.FatalError, e.Message)); } return(exit((int)ReturnCode.Success, "Success")); }
static int Main(string[] argv) { bool help = false; bool version = false; bool once = false; StartClient startClient = StartClient.No; var config = new Config(); var pipename = "TypeCobol.Server"; var p = new OptionSet() { "USAGE", " " + PROGNAME + " [OPTIONS]... [PIPENAME]", "", "VERSION:", " " + PROGVERSION, "", "DESCRIPTION:", " Run the TypeCobol parser server.", { "k|startServer:", "Start the server if not already started, and executes commandline.\n" + "By default the server is started in window mode\n" + "'{hidden}' hide the window.", v => { if ("hidden".Equals(v, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { startClient = StartClient.HiddenWindow; } else { startClient = StartClient.NormalWindow; } } }, { "1|once", "Parse one set of files and exit. If present, this option does NOT launch the server.", v => once = (v != null) }, { "i|input=", "{PATH} to an input file to parse. This option can be specified more than once.", v => config.InputFiles.Add(v) }, { "o|output=", "{PATH} to an ouput file where to generate code. This option can be specified more than once.", v => config.OutputFiles.Add(v) }, { "d|diagnostics=", "{PATH} to the error diagnostics file.", v => config.ErrorFile = v }, { "s|skeletons=", "{PATH} to the skeletons files.", v => config.skeletonPath = v }, { "a|autoremarks", "Enable automatic remarks creation while parsing and generating Cobol", v => config.AutoRemarks = true }, { "hc|haltonmissingcopy=", "HaltOnMissingCopy will generate a file to list all the absent copies", v => config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath = v }, { "ets|exectostep=", "ExecToStep will execute TypeCobol Compiler until the included given step (Scanner/0, Preprocessor/1, SyntaxCheck/2, SemanticCheck/3, Generate/4)", v => Enum.TryParse(v.ToString(), true, out config.ExecToStep) }, // { "p|pipename=", "{NAME} of the communication pipe to use. Default: "+pipename+".", (string v) => pipename = v }, { "e|encoding=", "{ENCODING} of the file(s) to parse. It can be one of \"rdz\"(this is the default), \"zos\", or \"utf8\". " + "If this option is not present, the parser will attempt to guess the {ENCODING} automatically.", v => config.Format = CLI.CreateFormat(v, ref config) }, { "y|intrinsic=", "{PATH} to intrinsic definitions to load.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => config.Copies.Add(v) }, { "c|copies=", "Folder where COBOL copies can be found.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => config.CopyFolders.Add(v) }, { "dp|dependencies=", "Path to folder containing programs to load and to use for parsing a generating the input program.", v => config.Dependencies.Add(v) }, { "h|help", "Output a usage message and exit.", v => help = (v != null) }, { "V|version", "Output the version number of " + PROGNAME + " and exit.", v => version = (v != null) }, }; //Add DefaultCopies to running session var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName); config.CopyFolders.Add(folder + @"\DefaultCopies\"); try { List <string> args; try { args = p.Parse(argv); } catch (OptionException ex) { return(exit(1, ex.Message)); } if (help) { p.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return(0); } if (version) { Console.WriteLine(PROGVERSION); return(0); } if (config.OutputFiles.Count == 0 && config.ExecToStep >= ExecutionStep.Generate) { config.ExecToStep = ExecutionStep.SemanticCheck; //If there is no given output file, we can't run generation, fallback to SemanticCheck } if (config.OutputFiles.Count > 0 && config.InputFiles.Count != config.OutputFiles.Count) { return(exit(2, "The number of output files must be equal to the number of input files.")); } if (args.Count > 0) { pipename = args[0]; } //"startClient" will be true when "-K" is passed as an argument in command line. if (startClient != StartClient.No && once) { pipename = "TypeCobol.Server"; using (NamedPipeClientStream namedPipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(pipename)) { try { namedPipeClient.Connect(100); } catch (TimeoutException tEx) { System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); if (startClient == StartClient.NormalWindow) { startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; } else { startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; } startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = @"/c " + folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "TypeCobol.CLI.exe"; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); namedPipeClient.Connect(1000); } namedPipeClient.WriteByte(68); ConfigSerializer configSerializer = new ConfigSerializer(); var configBytes = configSerializer.Serialize(config); namedPipeClient.Write(configBytes, 0, configBytes.Length); //Wait for the response "job is done" namedPipeClient.ReadByte(); } } //option -1 else if (once) { CLI.runOnce(config); } else { runServer(pipename); } } catch (Exception e) { return(exit(1, e.Message)); } return(0); }