private static Tweet CreateTweet(TwitterSearchResult result) { return new Tweet { ImageSource = result.ProfileImageLocation, Name = string.Format("@{0}, {1:dd.MMM HH:mm} via {2}", result.FromUserScreenName, result.CreatedDate, ExtractApplicationName(result.Source)), Text = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(result.Text) }; }
public static void RespondToTweet(TwitterSearchResult tweet) { var arrive_or_depart = ""; if (tweet.Text.Contains("arrive")) { arrive_or_depart = "arrive"; } else if(tweet.Text.Contains("leave") || tweet.Text.Contains("depart")) { arrive_or_depart = "depart"; } else { // we're not sure - respond to both... arrive_or_depart = "either"; } if (tweet.CreatedDate > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SchedulePeriod"]))) { if (arrive_or_depart != "depart") { foreach (var a in GetArrivals()) { var tweetWords = tweet.Text.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); foreach (var w in tweetWords.Where(w => (w == a.flight_number) || (w == a.from))) { var arrivaltime = DateTime.Parse( + " " + a.scheduled_arrival_time); var bodyText = "will be arriving"; if (arrivaltime < DateTime.Now) { bodyText = "arrived"; } Tweet(string.Format("@{4}: Flight {0} from {3} {2} at {1}.", a.flight_number, a.scheduled_arrival_time, bodyText, a.from, tweet.FromUserScreenName)); } } } if (arrive_or_depart != "arrive") { foreach (var d in GetDepartures()) { var tweetWords = tweet.Text.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); foreach (var w in tweetWords.Where(w => (w == d.flight_number) || (w == d.destination))) { var arrivaltime = DateTime.Parse( + " " + d.scheduled_departure_time); var bodyText = "will be leaving"; if (arrivaltime < DateTime.Now) { bodyText = "left"; } Tweet(string.Format("@{4}: Flight {0} to {3} {2} at {1}.", d.flight_number, d.scheduled_departure_time, bodyText, d.destination, tweet.FromUserScreenName)); } } } } }
protected string getTweetFormated(TwitterSearchResult tweet) { return string.Format(@"<div style=""color:#666; background-color: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;""><p><b style=""color:#000;""><a target=""_blank"" href=""!/{0}""></b>{0}</b></a>: {1}</p></div>", tweet.FromUserScreenName, this.LinkifyText(tweet.Text)); }