private static void initBot() { irc.meebyIrc.OnError += MeebyIrc_OnError; irc.meebyIrc.OnErrorMessage += MeebyIrc_OnErrorMessage; irc.meebyIrc.OnConnecting += MeebyIrc_OnConnecting; irc.meebyIrc.OnConnected += MeebyIrc_OnConnected; irc.meebyIrc.OnAutoConnectError += MeebyIrc_OnAutoConnectError; irc.meebyIrc.OnDisconnecting += MeebyIrc_OnDisconnecting; irc.meebyIrc.OnDisconnected += MeebyIrc_OnDisconnected; irc.meebyIrc.OnRegistered += MeebyIrc_OnRegistered; irc.meebyIrc.OnPart += MeebyIrc_OnPart; irc.meebyIrc.OnJoin += MeebyIrc_OnJoin; irc.meebyIrc.OnChannelAction += MeebyIrc_OnChannelAction; irc.meebyIrc.OnReadLine += MeebyIrc_OnReadLine; irc.meebyIrc.OnChannelMessage += MeebyIrc_OnChannelMessage; irc.meebyIrc.OnOp += MeebyIrc_OnOp; irc.meebyIrc.OnDeop += MeebyIrc_OnDeop; if (irc.checkForUpdates) CheckForUpdate(); irc.meebyIrc.WriteLine("CAP REQ"); _ask = new Ask(); _quotes = new Quotes(); _blacklist = new Blacklist(irc); _coins = new Coins(); _slots = new Slots(_coins); _bet = new Bet(_coins); _customCvars = new CustomCvars(); _votes = new Votes(); _intervals = new Intervals(); _viewerPB = new ViewerPB(irc); _jsonStatus = new Json_status(irc, _viewerPB); _statusCheckTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); _timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); _leaderboards = new Leaderboards(); _fortuneTeller = new FortuneTeller(); _quotes.loadQuotesFromFile(); _jsonStatus.SendChannel(; _statusCheckTimer.Interval = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes _statusCheckTimer.Start(); _statusCheckTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(_jsonStatus.TimerTick); _timer.Interval = 60 * 1000; _leaderboards.SendJsonPointer(_jsonStatus); }
internal void SendJsonPointer(Json_status _jsonStatus) { json = _jsonStatus; }
public void createHighlight(ReadMessage msg, Json_status _jsonStatus) { string highlightFile = "highlights.txt"; List<string> highlightList = new List<string>(); string line = ""; if (File.Exists(highlightFile)) { StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(highlightFile); while ((line = SR.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line != "") { highlightList.Add(line); } } SR.Close(); SR.Dispose(); } line = _jsonStatus.getStreamTime(); if(line != "") { highlightList.Add(line); sendChatMessage("Added highlight times to a file - \"" + line + "\""); File.WriteAllLines(highlightFile, highlightList); } else { sendChatMessage("Failed to add new highlight to a file " + line); } }
public void sendIrc(oldIRCClient _irc, Json_status _json) { irc = _irc; json = _json; }