public AuthorizeTwitter()
            TwitterClientInfo twitterClientInfo = new TwitterClientInfo();
            twitterClientInfo.ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey; //Read ConsumerKey out of the app.config
            twitterClientInfo.ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret; //Read the ConsumerSecret out the app.config

            TwitterService twitterService = new TwitterService(twitterClientInfo);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessToken) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccessTokenSecret))
                //Now we need the Token and TokenSecret

                //Firstly we need the RequestToken and the AuthorisationUrl
                OAuthRequestToken requestToken = twitterService.GetRequestToken();
                Uri authUrl = twitterService.GetAuthorizationUri(requestToken);

                //authUrl is just a URL we can open IE and paste it in if we want
                Console.WriteLine("Please Allow This App to send Tweets on your behalf");
                Process.Start(authUrl.ToString()); //Launches a browser that'll go to the AuthUrl.

                //Allow the App
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the PIN from the Browser:");
                string pin = Console.ReadLine();

                OAuthAccessToken accessToken = twitterService.GetAccessToken(requestToken, pin);

                string token = accessToken.Token; //Attach the Debugger and put a break point here
                string tokenSecret = accessToken.TokenSecret; //And another Breakpoint here

                Console.WriteLine("Write Down The AccessToken: " + token);
                Console.WriteLine("Write Down the AccessTokenSecret: " + tokenSecret);


            twitterService.AuthenticateWith(AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret);
            //twitterService.SendTweet("A Simple Tweet from a Simple Twitter Client");
            //Console.WriteLine("Enter a Tweet");
            //string tweetMessage;

            //while (true)
            //    tweetMessage = Console.ReadLine();
            //    if (tweetMessage.ToLower() == "exit")
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }
            //    twitterService.SendTweet(tweetMessage);

            var x = twitterService.ListFollowerIdsOf("_glynster_",-1);