public string ShowName(object o, int i) { string temp = string.Empty; string uid = o.ToString().Split('-')[2].ToString(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(uid)); if (tmm != null) { switch (i) { case 1: temp = tmm.m_login; break; case 2: temp = tmm.m_name; break; case 3: temp = Tunnel.Data.DESEncrypt.Decrypt(tmm.m_password); break; default: break; } } return(temp); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string user = username.Value.Trim(); string pass = password.Value.Trim(); int userId = 0; Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); ul.UserLoginCheck(user, Tunnel.Data.DESEncrypt.Encrypt(pass), Tunnel.Common.Common.GetIp(), ref userId); if (userId > 0) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Common.GetValue.OnLine(userId); Response.Redirect("Index.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('账号或密码错误!');location.href='default.aspx';</script>"); Response.End(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string showShengRi() { string str2 = string.Empty; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> tmList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); tmList = tm.GetModelList("1=1"); for (int i = 0; i < tmList.Count; i++) { string shengRi = tmList[i].m_birth.ToString(); string userName = tmList[i].m_name; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (DateTime.Compare(Convert.ToDateTime(shengRi).AddYears(j), DateTime.Today) == 0) { str2 += userName + "<br/>"; } } } if (str2.Length > 0) { str2 = str2.Substring(0, str2.Length - 1); } return(str2); }
void ShowInit(string sql) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string where = "b_sort=" + int.Parse(Request.Params["Flow"]); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber bm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); ul.UsbnLogin = bm.GetModel(ul.LoginID); if ("search".Equals(sql)) { if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue != "") { where += " and b_state=" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue; } if (TextBox1.Text.Trim() != "") { where += " and b_time>='" + TextBox1.Text + "'"; } if (TextBox2.Text.Trim() != "") { where += " and b_time<='" + TextBox2.Text + "'"; } if (TextBox4.Text.Trim() != "") { where += " and b_title like '%" + TextBox4.Text + "%'"; } if (ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID) != "系统管理员") { where += " and b_user="******" order by b_state asc,b_time desc"; ds = tb.GetList(where); //对用于分页的类的引用 } else { if (ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID) != "系统管理员") { where = "b_user="******" order by b_state asc,b_time desc"; ds = tb.GetList(where); } PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource(); pds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;//设置数据源(DataTable类型) pds.AllowPaging = true; //每页显示的行数 //pds.PageSize = 12; AspNetPager1.RecordCount = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; pds.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1; pds.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize; Repeater1.DataSource = pds; Repeater1.DataBind(); } catch { Tunnel.Common.Message.back("不正确的ID"); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote t = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote tt = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); tt = t.GetModel(id); voteTitle = tt.vote_Title; voteUserName = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(tt.vote_userId)).m_name; voteDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tt.vote_startDate).ToShortDateString(); voteMark = tt.vote_mark; voteMax = tt.vote_max.ToString(); voteType = tt.vote_Type.ToString(); max.Value = voteMax; tvList = tv.GetModelList("ivote_voteId=" + id + ""); Repeater1.DataSource = tvList; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (voteType == "0") { foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater1.Items) { ((CheckBox)item.FindControl("CheckBox1")).Visible = false; } } else { foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater1.Items) { ((RadioButton)item.FindControl("RadioButton1")).Visible = false; } } Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); bool b = false; foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Votei item in tvList) { string[] temp = item.ivote_yesUserId.Split(','); foreach (string item1 in temp) { if (ul.LoginID.ToString() == item1) { b = true; } } } if (b) { //Button1.Text = "查看结果"; Response.Redirect("VoteShow.aspx?id=" + Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 页面数据绑定 /// </summary> public void PageBind() { PageBase pb = new PageBase(); pb.TblName = "Tunnel_Vote"; pb.FldName = "vote_Id"; pb.ProcedureName = "pagination"; pb.PageSize = pageSize; if (cuttentPage == 0) { cuttentPage = pb.PageIndex; } pb.PageIndex = cuttentPage; Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); if (ul.LoginID == 1) { pb.StrWhere = ""; } else { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(ul.LoginID)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(tmm.m_bum))) { pb.StrWhere = "(vote_bumGroup like '%" + tmm.m_bum + "%' or vote_bumgroup = '|' or vote_bumgroup ='') and (getdate()>vote_startDate and getdate()<vote_endDate) and vote_state=0"; } else { pb.StrWhere = "(vote_bumGroup like '%adfadfadfadfadfa%' or vote_bumgroup = '|' or vote_bumgroup ='') and (getdate()>vote_startDate and getdate()<vote_endDate) and vote_state=0"; } } int count = 0; List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote> modelList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote>(); modelList = tbll.GetList(pb, ref count); //获取分页结果 pb.DoCount = 1; tbll.GetList(pb, ref count); //获取总条数 //数据绑定 Repeater1.DataSource = modelList; Repeater1.DataBind(); //数据分页 MTCPager1.PageSize = pageSize; MTCPager1.RecordCount = count; MTCPager1.PageIndex = cuttentPage; if (count <= pb.PageSize) { MTCPager1.Visible = false; } else { MTCPager1.Visible = true; } }
public string showuid(string uname) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); if (tm.GetModelList(" m_name = '" + ren.Trim() + "'").Count > 0) { return(tm.GetModelList(" m_name = '" + ren.Trim() + "'")[0].m_id.ToString()); } else { return("-1"); } }
public string showname(object uid) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); if (tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(uid.ToString())) != null) { return(tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(uid.ToString())).m_name); } else { return(""); } }
public string ShowName(object o) { string a = string.Empty; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(o.ToString())); if (tmm != null) { a = tmm.m_name; } return(a); }
/// <summary> /// 显示用户真实姓名 /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">用户Id</param> /// <returns></returns> public string ShowUserName(string UserId) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber mbll = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber model = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); model = mbll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(UserId)); string strTemp = string.Empty; if (model != null) { strTemp = model.m_name; } return(strTemp); }
public static string GetName(object o) { string temp = ""; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(o))) { Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(o.ToString())); if (tmm != null) { temp = tmm.m_name; } } return(temp); }
private void BindLinkman() { lbxlinkman.Items.Clear(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); DataSet das = new DataSet(); das = tm.GetList("m_mail <> ''"); foreach (DataRow rows in das.Tables[0].Rows) { ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = rows["m_name"].ToString().Trim(); item.Value = rows["m_mail"].ToString().Trim() + "[" + rows["m_name"].ToString().Trim() + "];"; lbxlinkman.Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// 得到所有权限 /// </summary> public Dictionary <int, string> getAllPermission() { Dictionary <int, string> allDic = new Dictionary <int, string>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_quanxian tq = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_quanxian(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian> tqList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian>(); if (ul.JiaoSe(ul.LoginID) == "系统管理员") { tqList = tq.GetModelList("1=1 order by q_rId asc "); foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian item in tqList) { allDic.Add(item.q_id, item.q_mark + "-->>" + item.q_name); } } else { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(ul.LoginID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(tmm.m_bum))) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_byingshe tb = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_byingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe tbb = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe> tbList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe>(); tbList = tb.GetModelList("by_bid = " + tmm.m_bum + ""); if (tbList.Count > 0) { tbb = tbList[0]; string byList = tbb.by_list; if (byList.Length > 0) { string[] temp = byList.Split('|'); foreach (string item in temp) { Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian tqq = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian(); tqq = tq.GetModel(int.Parse(item)); if (tqq != null) { allDic.Add(tqq.q_id, tqq.q_mark + "-->>" + tqq.q_name); } } } } } } return(allDic); }
public void BindSource() { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); string sid = null == Request.QueryString["uid"] ? "" : Request.QueryString["uid"].ToString().Trim(); if (sid != "") { sid = sid.Substring(0, sid.Length - 1); DataSet ds = tm.GetList(string.Format("m_id in ({0})", sid)); cbListUser.DataSource = ds; cbListUser.DataTextField = "m_name"; cbListUser.DataValueField = "m_id"; cbListUser.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// 得到 类型ID 和 ID /// </summary> public void getIdtypeId(ref int tmpId, ref int typeId) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["uid"])) { tmpId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["uid"].ToString()); tempName = "用户管理"; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber menberBLL = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber menberModel = menberBLL.GetModel(tmpId); tempName_TypeName = menberModel.m_name; typeId = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["uid"])) { GetUserAllPermission(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["uid"])); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["jid"])) { tmpId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["jid"].ToString()); tempName = "角色管理"; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_jiaose jiaoseBLL = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose jiaoseModel = jiaoseBLL.GetModel(tmpId); tempName_TypeName = jiaoseModel.j_name; this.tmpSet.Visible = false; typeId = 2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["did"])) { tmpId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["did"].ToString()); tempName = "职位管理"; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_duty dutyBLL = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_duty(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_duty dutyModel = dutyBLL.GetModel(tmpId); tempName_TypeName = dutyModel.d_name; this.tmpSet.Visible = false; typeId = 3; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["bid"])) { tmpId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["bid"].ToString()); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum bumBLL = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bum bumModels = bumBLL.GetModel(tmpId); tempName_TypeName = bumModels.b_name; tempName = "部门管理"; this.tmpSet.Visible = false; typeId = 4; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { voteId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote t = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote tt = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); tt = t.GetModel(voteId); voteTitle = tt.vote_Title; voteMark = tt.vote_mark; PageBind(); } } }
private void PageBind(int mailId) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_mail mail = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_mail(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_mail model = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_mail(); model = mail.GetModel(mailId); tb_Title.Text = "回复:" + model.m_title; tb_content.Text = "原信息内容:\n" + model.m_content.Replace(@"<br \>", "\n") + "\n" + model.m_time.ToString() + "\n-------------------------------\n"; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber menb = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber mmol = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); mmol = menb.GetModel(model.m_from); tb_toname.Text = mmol.m_name + ","; id_toValue.Value = model.m_from.ToString() + ","; string priv_name = mmol.m_name; long priv_id = mmol.m_id; char d = '"'; td_tomail.InnerHtml = priv_name + "<IMG id=" + priv_name + priv_id + " onclick=" + "'" + "removeimg(" + d + priv_name + d + "," + d + priv_id + d + ");" + "'" + " src=" + d + "../../image/remove.png" + d + ">,"; }
/// <summary> /// 办理中的用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="ulist">用户ID列表</param> /// <returns></returns> private string getallUname(string ulist) { ulist = ulist.Substring(0, ulist.Length - 1); string unamelist = ""; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber bm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); DataSet ds = bm.GetList("m_id in(" + ulist + ")"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { unamelist += dr["m_name"].ToString() + ","; } unamelist = unamelist.Substring(0, unamelist.Length - 1); } return(unamelist); }
public void UserSave() { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_jiaose tj = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose tjj = new Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_uyingshe tu = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_uyingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_uyingshe tuu = new Tunnel_uyingshe(); tmm.m_login = txtName.Value.Trim(); tmm.m_name = txtName.Value.Trim(); tmm.m_password = Tunnel.Data.DESEncrypt.Encrypt(txtPwd.Text.Trim()); //tmm.m_mail = txtMail.Text.Trim(); //if (Tunnel.Common.RegexComm.IsValidEmail(tmm.m_mail)) //{ if (tm.GetModelList("m_login='******'").Count == 0) { tmm.m_spassword = Tunnel.Data.DESEncrypt.Encrypt("123456"); int i = tm.Add(tmm); if (i > 0) { tuu.uy_uid = i.ToString(); tuu.uy_list = ""; tu.Add(tuu); Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("添加用户成功,请继续完善资料,审批密码默认为123456,请尽快修改!", "tunnel_userupd.aspx?updid=" + i.ToString() + ""); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("注册失败"); } } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("用户名已占用"); } //} //else //{ // Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("不是有效的邮箱名"); //} }
public string GetBum(object o) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(o.ToString())); string strTemp = string.Empty; if (tmm != null) { Tunnel_bum tbb = new Tunnel_bum(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum tb = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum(); tbb = tb.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(tmm.m_bum.ToString())); if (tbb != null) { strTemp = tbb.b_name; } } return(strTemp); }
protected void Repeater2_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { Repeater rptSub = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("Repeater3"); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bum model = (e.Item.DataItem as Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bum); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber userBll = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> userModelList = new List <Tunnel_menber>(); if (Convert.ToInt32(model.b_id) == 0) { userModelList = userBll.GetModelList(" m_bum = 0 "); } else { userModelList = userBll.GetModelList(" m_bum = " + model.b_id); } rptSub.DataSource = userModelList; rptSub.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); GridViewE.DataSource = tm.GetModelList("1=1"); GridViewE.DataBind(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); this.GridViewE.RenderControl(hw); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.Charset = ""; GridViewE.Page.EnableViewState = true; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"txl.xls"); Response.Write("<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; charset=UTF8\"><title> adsf</title></head><body><table><tr><td> 帐号</td><td>姓名</td><td>电话</td><td>电子邮件</td></tr>"); Response.Write(sw.ToString()); Response.Write("</table></body></html>"); Response.End(); }
public static string GetName(object o) { string[] temp = null; string temp1 = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(o))) { temp = o.ToString().Split(','); foreach (string item in temp) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(item.ToString())); temp1 += tmm.m_name + ","; } } } return(temp1); }
/// <summary> /// 用户角色名称 /// </summary> public string JiaoSe(int userId) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(userId.ToString())); string jiaose = "无角色"; if (userId == 1) { jiaose = "系统管理员"; } if (tmm.m_jiao != 0) { Tunnel_jiaose tj = new Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose tjj = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose(); tjj = tj.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(tmm.m_jiao.ToString())); if (tjj != null) { jiaose = tjj.j_name; } } return(jiaose); }
public void ListBind() { nianyue = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> tmList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_work tw = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_work(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_work tww = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_work(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_work> twList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_work>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_grade tg = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_grade(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_grade tgg = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_grade(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_grade> tgList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_grade>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_items ti = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_items(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_items tii = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_items(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_items> tiList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_items>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_check tc = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_check(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check tcc = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check> tcList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check>(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_ReadCheckList> trList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_ReadCheckList>(); tcList = tc.GetModelList("c_date='" + nianyue + "'"); foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check itemCheck in tcList) { Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_ReadCheckList tr = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_ReadCheckList(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check> clist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_check>(); tr.ItemsID = Convert.ToInt32(itemCheck.c_itemsId); tr.ItemsName = ti.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(itemCheck.c_itemsId)).i_name; tr.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(itemCheck.c_userId); tr.UserName = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(itemCheck.c_userId.ToString())).m_name; tgList = tg.GetModelList("g_checkid=" + itemCheck.c_id + ""); tr.AqscCent = 0; tr.CbkzCent = 0; tr.ClglCent = 0; tr.DzbgzCent = 0; tr.GbgzCent = 0; tr.GczlCent = 0; tr.SbglCent = 0; tr.ScjhCent = 0; tr.WmsgCent = 0; tr.XcgzCent = 0; tr.XnzhCent = 0; tr.XxgzCent = 0; tr.ZhzlCent = 0; if (tgList.Count > 0) { foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_grade item in tgList) { if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "成本控制") { tr.CbkzCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "虚拟账户") { tr.XnzhCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "生产计划") { tr.ScjhCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "文明施工") { tr.WmsgCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "安全生产") { tr.AqscCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "工程质量") { tr.GczlCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "设备管理") { tr.SbglCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "材料管理") { tr.ClglCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "综合治理") { tr.ZhzlCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "贯标工作") { tr.GbgzCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "宣传工作") { tr.XcgzCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "党支部工作") { tr.DzbgzCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } if (tw.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(item.g_workId)).w_workName == "信息工作") { tr.XxgzCent = Convert.ToSingle(item.g_cent.ToString()); } } } tr.AllCent = tr.AqscCent + tr.CbkzCent + tr.ClglCent + tr.DzbgzCent + tr.GbgzCent + tr.GczlCent + tr.SbglCent + tr.ScjhCent + tr.WmsgCent + tr.XcgzCent + tr.XnzhCent + tr.XxgzCent + tr.ZhzlCent; trList.Add(tr); } GridView1.DataSource = trList; GridView1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 查看是否有权限 /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">用户ID</param> /// <param name="XreqestStr">小类</param> /// <param name="BreqestStr">大类</param> /// <returns>true有权限</returns> public static bool IfHasPrimision(string userID, string XreqestStr, string BreqestStr, bool IfRead) { string tmpUid = string.Empty; string tmpBid = string.Empty; string tmpDid = string.Empty; string tmpJid = string.Empty; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> tmlist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_jiaose tj = new Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose tjj = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_jiaose(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_quanxian qx = new Tunnel_quanxian(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian qxx = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian> qxlist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_quanxian>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_yingshe tyj = new Tunnel_yingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_yingshe tyjj = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_yingshe(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_yingshe> tyjlist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_yingshe>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_uyingshe tyu = new Tunnel_uyingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_uyingshe tyuu = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_uyingshe(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_uyingshe> tyulist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_uyingshe>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_byingshe tyb = new Tunnel_byingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe tybb = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe> tyblist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_byingshe>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_dyingshe tyd = new Tunnel_dyingshe(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_dyingshe tydd = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_dyingshe(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_dyingshe> tydlist = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_dyingshe>(); UserLogin ul = new UserLogin(); bool b = false; string qxStr = string.Empty; tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(userID)); tmpBid = tmm.m_bum.ToString(); tmpJid = tmm.m_jiao.ToString(); tmpDid = tmm.m_duty.ToString(); tmpUid = userID; tyulist = tyu.GetModelList("uy_uid='" + tmpUid + "'"); if (tyulist.Count > 0) { if (tyulist[0].uy_list.Length > 0) { qxStr += tyulist[0].uy_list + "|"; } } tyjlist = tyj.GetModelList("y_jsid=" + tmpJid + ""); if (tyjlist.Count > 0) { if (tyjlist[0].y_qxlist.Length > 0) { qxStr += tyjlist[0].y_qxlist + "|"; } } tyblist = tyb.GetModelList("by_bid='" + tmpBid + "'"); if (tyblist.Count > 0) { if (tyblist[0].by_list.Length > 0) { qxStr += tyblist[0].by_list + "|"; } } tydlist = tyd.GetModelList("dy_did='" + tmpDid + "'"); if (tydlist.Count > 0) { if (tydlist[0].dy_list.Length > 0) { qxStr += tydlist[0].dy_list + "|"; } } if (qxStr.Length > 0) { qxStr = qxStr.Substring(0, qxStr.Length - 1); } if (userID != "1" && ul.JiaoSe(int.Parse(userID)) != "系统管理员") { if (IfRead) { if (tmpJid != "0") { if (ul.JiaoSe(int.Parse(userID)) == "总经理") { b = true; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qxStr)) { qxlist = qx.GetModelList("q_name='" + XreqestStr + "' and q_mark='" + BreqestStr + "'"); if (qxlist.Count > 0) { foreach (string item in qxStr.Split('|')) { if (qxlist[0].q_id.ToString().Equals(item.ToString())) { b = true; } } } } } else { b = true; } return(b); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote t = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote tt = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); tt = t.GetModel(id); voteTitle = tt.vote_Title; voteUserName = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(tt.vote_userId)).m_name; voteDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tt.vote_startDate).ToShortDateString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tt.vote_mark)) { voteMark = "<img src=../image/info.png width=20px />" + tt.vote_mark; } voteMax = tt.vote_max.ToString(); voteType = tt.vote_Type.ToString(); max.Value = voteMax; tvList = tv.GetModelList("ivote_voteId=" + id + ""); Repeater1.DataSource = tvList; Repeater1.DataBind(); if (voteType == "0") { for (int i = 0; i < Repeater1.Items.Count; i++) { ((CheckBox)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("CheckBox1")).Visible = false; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Repeater1.Items.Count; i++) { ((RadioButton)Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("RadioButton1")).Visible = false; } } Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); bool b = false; for (int i = 0; i < tvList.Count; i++) { string[] temp = tvList[i].ivote_yesUserId.Split(','); for (int j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++) { if (ul.LoginID.ToString() == temp[j]) { b = true; } } } if (b) { Button1.Text = "查看结果"; } } else { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote tv = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote> tvList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote>(); tvList = tv.GetModelList("(getdate()>vote_startDate and getdate()<vote_endDate) and vote_state=0 and vote_top =1 order by vote_startDate desc"); if (tvList.Count > 0) { Response.Redirect("indexvote.aspx?id=" + tvList[0].vote_Id + ""); } } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote tv = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote tvv = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_Vote(); Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin ul = new Tunnel.BLL.UserLogin(); tvv.vote_userId = Convert.ToInt32(ul.LoginID.ToString()); tvv.vote_bumGroup = TextbumId.Value; tvv.vote_startDate = TextBox1.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text) : DateTime.Now; tvv.vote_endDate = TextBox2.Text.Trim().Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox2.Text) : Convert.ToDateTime(tvv.vote_startDate).AddYears(1); tvv.vote_mark = txtText.Text; tvv.vote_state = 0; tvv.vote_Title = txtTitle.Text; tvv.vote_top = 0; tvv.vote_Type = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue); tvv.vote_max = 1; if (tvv.vote_Type == 1) { if (TextBox3.Text.Length > 0) { tvv.vote_max = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox3.Text.Trim()); } else { tvv.vote_max = 1; } } int relf = tv.Add(tvv); if (relf > 0) { if (CheckBox1.Checked) { #region 发消息给大家////////////////////////////////////// //获得所需参数 string strToIds = tvv.vote_bumGroup; string strTitle = "投票:" + tvv.vote_Title; //写入数据库 if (strToIds != "" && strToIds != "|") { strToIds = strToIds.Split('|')[0].ToString(); if (strToIds.LastIndexOf(',') > 0) { strToIds = strToIds.Remove(strToIds.LastIndexOf(','), 1); } string[] arr = strToIds.Split(','); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> tmList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); foreach (string item in arr) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); tmList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); tmList = tm.GetModelList("m_bum=" + item + ""); for (int j = 0; j < tmList.Count; j++) { call(strTitle, relf.ToString(), DateTime.Now, tmList[j].m_id); } } } else { List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber> tmList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber>(); Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); tmList = tm.GetModelList(""); foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber item in tmList) { call(strTitle, relf.ToString(), DateTime.Now, item.m_id); } } #endregion } Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("添加成功!", "VoteItemsAdd.aspx?id=" + relf + ""); } else { Tunnel.Common.Message.Show("添加失败!"); } }
public void showHtml(int d) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_MingXing tmx = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_MingXing(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_MingXing tmxx = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_MingXing(); List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_MingXing> tmxxList = new List <Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_MingXing>(); if (d == -1) { tmxxList = tmx.GetModelList(" 1=1 order by Convert(datetime,str(m_year)+'-'+str(M_moon)+'-'+'01') desc"); if (tmxxList.Count > 0) { d = tmxxList[0].m_id; } } tmxxList = tmx.GetModelList("m_id = " + d + ""); for (int i = 0; i < tmxxList.Count; i++) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber tm = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber tmm = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_menber(); tmm = tm.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(tmxxList[i].m_uid)); if (tmm != null) { name = tmm.m_name; Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum tb = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_bum(); Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bum tbb = new Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_bum(); tbb = tb.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(tmm.m_bum)); if (tbb != null) { bum = tbb.b_name; } } title = tmxxList[i].Title.ToString(); year = tmxxList[i].m_year.ToString(); moon = tmxxList[i].m_moon.ToString(); img = "../N_MyWork/N_Star/" + tmxxList[i].m_img; content = tmxxList[i].m_content; } lblcontent.Text = content; string dateStr = string.Empty; string tempYear = year; string tempMoon = moon; string tempSql = @" select * from (select top 4 * from (select top 4 * from tunnel_mingxing where Convert(datetime,lTRIM(str(m_year))+'-'+ltrim(str(m_moon))+'-'+'01') <substring(Convert(varchar,'" + year + "-" + (moon.Length == 1 ? "0" + moon : moon) + "-01" + @"',20),0,8)+'-01' order by Convert(datetime,lTRIM(str(m_year))+'-'+ltrim(str(m_moon))+'-'+'01') desc) as bb order by Convert(datetime,lTRIM(str(m_year))+'-'+ltrim(str(m_moon))+'-'+'01')) as tunnel_mingxing union all select * from (select top 1 * from tunnel_mingxing where Convert(datetime,lTRIM(str(m_year))+'-'+ltrim(str(m_moon))+'-'+'01') =substring(Convert(varchar,'" + year + "-" + (moon.Length == 1 ? "0" + moon : moon) + "-01" + @"',20),0,8)+'-01' ) as tunnel_mingxing union all select * from (select top 4 * from tunnel_mingxing where Convert(datetime,lTRIM(str(m_year))+'-'+ltrim(str(m_moon))+'-'+'01') >substring(Convert(varchar,'" + year + "-" + (moon.Length == 1 ? "0" + moon : moon) + "-01" + @"',20),0,8)+'-01' ) as tunnel_mingxing "; DataSet ds = Tunnel.Data.DbHelperSQL.Query(tempSql); tmxxList = tmx.DataTableToList(ds.Tables[0]); foreach (Tunnel.Model.Tunnel_MingXing item in tmxxList) { if (item.m_year == Convert.ToInt32(year) && Convert.ToInt32(item.m_moon) == Convert.ToInt32(moon)) { dateStr += "<a href=?id=" + item.m_id + "><font color=\"red\" style=\"14px\" >" + item.m_year + "-" + item.m_moon + "</font></a> "; } else { dateStr += "<a href=?id=" + item.m_id + "><font color=\"black\" style=\"12px\" >" + item.m_year + "-" + item.m_moon + "</font></a> "; } } //Label1.Text = dateStr; }
public string showusername(object id) { Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber mbll = new Tunnel.BLL.Tunnel_menber(); return(mbll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(id)).m_name); }