public CellGroup getMaxSensors() { List <int> sensorsCount = new List <int>(); foreach (CellGroup tempClus in changePosClus) { sensorsCount.Add(tempClus.clusterNodes.Count()); } int maxCount = 0; foreach (int i in sensorsCount) { if (maxCount < i) { maxCount = i; } } CellGroup foundMax = new CellGroup(); foreach (CellGroup tempClus in changePosClus) { if (tempClus.clusterNodes.Count == maxCount) { foundMax = tempClus; } } changePosClus.Clear(); return(foundMax); }
public static CellGroup getClusterWithID(int findID) { CellGroup getCluster = new CellGroup(); foreach (CellGroup findCluster in PublicParameters.networkCells) { if (findCluster.getID() == findID) { // Console.WriteLine("Searching in {0}", findCluster.getID()); getCluster = findCluster; // Console.WriteLine("Returning"); return(findCluster); } } // Console.WriteLine("Returned"); // if (!foundCluster) //{ // throw new System.ArgumentException("Cluster not found", "original"); // } // else // { return(getCluster); // } }
private void changeClusterPosition() { List <CellGroup> clusterList = PublicParameters.networkCells; double avg = CellGroup.getAverageSensors(); for (int x = 0; x < clusterList.Count(); x++) { CellGroup oldCluster = PublicParameters.networkCells[x]; Point oldClusterLocation = oldCluster.clusterLocMargin; int oldNodesCount = oldCluster.clusterNodes.Count; if (oldNodesCount < avg) { //Consider changing the cluster //Construct 8 clusters and compare between each of them //Construct the 8 clusters by adding them to a temporary list in ReCheck for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { CellGroup tempCluster = new CellGroup(oldClusterLocation, oldCluster.getID()); //Console.WriteLine("Old Position X: {0} Y: {1}", tempCluster.clusterPoint.X, tempCluster.clusterPoint.Y); tempCluster.incDecPos(i, (0.334)); // Console.WriteLine("New Position X: {0} Y: {1}", tempCluster.clusterPoint.X, tempCluster.clusterPoint.Y); tempCluster.findNearestSensorRecheck(false); } CellGroup maxCluster = new CellGroup(); maxCluster = maxCluster.getMaxSensors(); maxCluster.findNearestSensorRecheck(true); } } }
private void reBuildTree(int rootID) { int clusterCount = PublicParameters.networkCells.Count(); startFromCluster(CellGroup.getClusterWithID(rootID), true); for (int i = 0; (BFSvisited.Count == 0) || (i < clusterCount - 1); i++) { if (BFSvisited.Count() > 0) { CellGroup parent = BFSvisited.Dequeue(); Queue <CellGroup> childrenQue = new Queue <CellGroup>();// parent.childrenClusters; foreach (CellGroup child in parent.childrenClusters) { childrenQue.Enqueue(child); } int childrenCount = childrenQue.Count(); for (int q = 0; q < childrenCount; q++) { startFromCluster(childrenQue.Dequeue(), false); } } else { break; } } }
private void removeSmallCells() { List <CellGroup> clusterList = PublicParameters.networkCells; getAfterAverage(); double avg = AfterSmallAverage; // Math.Abs(Cluster.getAverageSensors()); avg--; List <CellGroup> removeThese = new List <CellGroup>(); for (int x = 0; x < clusterList.Count(); x++) { CellGroup oldCluster = PublicParameters.networkCells[x]; int oldNodesCount = oldCluster.clusterNodes.Count; if (oldNodesCount < avg) { //PublicParameters.networkClusters.Remove(oldCluster); removeThese.Add(oldCluster); } } foreach (CellGroup clus in removeThese) { PublicParameters.networkCells.Remove(clus); } }
//Assign cluster IDs here private void addIdsToSensorA(CellGroup cluster) { foreach (Sensor sensor in cluster.getClusterNodes()) { sensor.inCell = cluster.getID(); //Console.WriteLine("Sensor {0} is in {1}", sensor.ID, cluster.getID()); } }
public void displayTree() { CellGroup root = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(rootClusterID); root.clusterLevel = 1; setLevel(root); saveLevels(); //printLevels(); }
public void setLevel(CellGroup node) { if (node.childrenClusters.Count > 0) { foreach (CellGroup child in node.childrenClusters) { child.clusterLevel = node.clusterLevel + 1; setLevel(child); } } }
/* * 1- Start from cluster center or randomly select a number with the median as the mean * 2- Get the children and add their parents var, then add them to the cluster root's children list * 3- add the cluster to the tempClusterGroup * 4- add the rootCluster to the visited list * 5- take variables from the visited list and search the children variable * 6- if the clusters have children add them to BFS visited * 7- else set them as leafNode untill BFSVisited is empty */ private void startFromCluster(CellGroup parent, bool isRoot) { double radius = PublicParameters.cellRadius; parent.isVisited = true; double offset = Math.Ceiling((radius + (radius / 2))); offset = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(offset, 2) + Math.Pow(offset, 2)); if (isRoot) { parent.parentCluster = null; rootCluster = parent; rootClusterID = parent.getID(); MobileModel.rootTreeID = rootClusterID; } PublicParameters.currentNetworkTree.Add(parent); foreach (CellGroup child in PublicParameters.networkCells) { if (!child.isVisited) { double distance = Operations.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(parent.clusterActualCenter, child.clusterActualCenter); // Console.WriteLine("Distance between {0} and {1} is {2}", parent.getID(), child.getID(),distance); //Think about the lines where x difference might be 0 if no change and less than half the radius if it changed its place //Also for Y if (distance <= offset) { //That means this cluster is a child so we add it and edit it's parent variable child.parentCluster = parent; child.isVisited = true; parent.childrenClusters.Add(child); } } } if (parent.childrenClusters.Count() > 0) { parent.isLeafNode = false; } else { parent.isLeafNode = true; } BFSvisited.Enqueue(parent); }
private void buildFromCenter(Canvas Canvase_SensingFeild) { double canvasHeight = Canvase_SensingFeild.ActualHeight; double canvasWidth = Canvase_SensingFeild.ActualWidth; CellGroup.getCenterOfNetwork(); double radius = PublicParameters.cellRadius; Point networkCenter = PublicParameters.networkCenter; networkCenter.X -= radius / 2; networkCenter.Y -= radius / 2; double xAxesCount = Math.Floor(canvasWidth / (radius + (radius / 2))); double yAxesCount = Math.Floor(canvasHeight / (radius + (radius / 2))); double pyth = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(canvasHeight, 2) + (Math.Pow(canvasWidth, 2)))); pyth = Math.Floor(pyth / (radius + (radius / 2))); assignID = 1; buildFromDirection("center", networkCenter, 1); buildFromDirection("right", networkCenter, xAxesCount / 2); buildFromDirection("left", networkCenter, xAxesCount / 2); buildFromDirection("up", networkCenter, yAxesCount / 2); buildFromDirection("down", networkCenter, yAxesCount / 2); buildFromDirection("upright", networkCenter, pyth / 2); buildFromDirection("upleft", networkCenter, pyth / 2); buildFromDirection("downright", networkCenter, pyth / 2); buildFromDirection("downleft", networkCenter, pyth / 2); buildUnderTop(); // changeClusterPosition(); removeSmallCells(); addIdsToSensorFinal(); addClustersToWindow(Canvase_SensingFeild); Tree tree = new Tree(Canvase_SensingFeild); tree.displayTree(); initAssignHead(); populateClusterTables(); }
/* private static void drawLines() * { * * int i = 0; * Queue<Cluster> visited = new Queue<Cluster>(); * Point start; * Point finish; * * start = rootCluster.clusterCenterComputed; * foreach (Cluster child in rootCluster.childrenClusters) * { * finish = child.clusterCenterComputed; * Line connection = new Line(); * connection.Stroke = Brushes.Black; * connection.Fill = Brushes.Black; * * connection.X1 = start.X; * connection.Y1 = start.Y; * connection.X2 = finish.X; * connection.Y2 = finish.Y; * sensingField.Children.Add(connection); * visited.Enqueue(child); * * } * * do * { * i++; * Cluster parent = visited.Dequeue(); * start = parent.clusterCenterComputed; * foreach (Cluster child in parent.childrenClusters) * { * finish = child.clusterCenterComputed; * Line connection = new Line(); * connection.Stroke = Brushes.Black; * connection.Fill = Brushes.Black; * * connection.X1 = start.X; * connection.Y1 = start.Y; * connection.X2 = finish.X; * connection.Y2 = finish.Y; * sensingField.Children.Add(connection); * visited.Enqueue(child); * } * } while (visited.Count > 0); * * * * } * * private static void updateTree() * { * * * * } * * public static void showTree() * { * Queue<Cluster> visitedNodes = new Queue<Cluster>(); * visitedNodes.Enqueue(Cluster.getClusterWithID(rootClusterID)); * Queue<Cluster> childNodes = new Queue<Cluster>(); * int level = 1; * Cluster node; * int previousParent = 1; * for (int i = 0; i < PublicParamerters.networkClusters.Count(); i++) * { * if (visitedNodes.Count == 0) * { * break; * } * else * { * * node = visitedNodes.Dequeue(); * Tree tree = new Tree(node.getID(), level, node.childrenClusters.Count()); * foreach (Cluster child in node.childrenClusters) * { * childNodes.Enqueue(child); * } * * if (previousParent != node.parentCluster.getID()) * { * level++; * } * * if (childNodes.Count > 0) * { * visitedNodes.Enqueue(childNodes.Dequeue()); * } * else * { * break; * } * if (previousParent != node.parentCluster.getID()) * { * previousParent = node.getID(); * } * * * * * * } * } * * * } * * } */ private void drawLines() { foreach (Level level in clusterLevels) { if (level.nodesCount > 0) { foreach (CellGroup node in level.nodes) { if (node.getID() != rootClusterID) { CellGroup parent = node.parentCluster; Point parentPos = getNode(parent).treeNodePos; node.treeParentNodePos = parentPos; } } } } foreach (Level level in clusterLevels) { if (level.nodesCount > 0) { foreach (CellGroup node in level.nodes) { if (node.getID() != rootClusterID) { Point parentPos = node.treeParentNodePos; Point nodePos = node.treeNodePos; parentPos.X += 25 / 2; parentPos.Y += 25; nodePos.X += 25 / 2; Line connection = new Line(); connection.Stroke = Brushes.Black; connection.Fill = Brushes.Black; connection.X1 = parentPos.X; connection.Y1 = parentPos.Y; connection.X2 = nodePos.X; connection.Y2 = nodePos.Y; stack_panel.Children.Add(connection); } } } } }
private static void getAfterAverage() { double avg = Math.Abs(CellGroup.getAverageSensors()); avg -= 2; double i = 0; double y = 0; foreach (CellGroup cell in PublicParameters.networkCells) { double count = cell.clusterNodes.Count; if (count > avg) { i += count; y++; } } AfterSmallAverage = Convert.ToInt32(i / y); //AfterSmallAverage = Math.Abs(i); }
private void setInitialXVal(CellGroup parent) { int numberofChildren = parent.childrenClusters.Count; int startX = 0; if (numberofChildren > 0) { foreach (CellGroup child in parent.childrenClusters) { child.xValue = startX; startX++; TreeQueueReingfold.Enqueue(child); } } if (TreeQueueReingfold.Count > 0) { setInitialXVal(TreeQueueReingfold.Dequeue()); } }
private static void changeRootChildren() { CellGroup root = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(rootClusterID); foreach (CellGroup linked in root.clusterLinks.hasLinkwith) { if (linked.parentCluster.getID() != rootClusterID) { double offset = PublicParameters.cellRadius + PublicParameters.cellRadius / 2; double distance = Operations.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(linked.clusterActualCenter, root.clusterActualCenter); // if (distance <= offset) //{ CellGroup oldParent = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(linked.parentCluster.getID()); CellGroup child = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(linked.getID()); oldParent.childrenClusters.Remove(linked); child.parentCluster = root; root.childrenClusters.Add(linked); //} } } }
private static CellGroup getNode(CellGroup node) { CellGroup found = null; foreach (Level level in clusterLevels) { if (level.nodesCount > 0) { foreach (CellGroup compareNode in level.nodes) { if (compareNode.getID() == node.getID()) { found = compareNode; } } } else if (level.nodes[0].getID() == node.getID()) { found = level.nodes[0]; } } return(found); }
public static void changeTree(int nearClusterID) { if (nearClusterID != rootClusterID) { // PublicParamerters.currentNetworkTree.clusterTree.Clear(); // The near cluster will be come the new root CellGroup oldRoot = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(rootClusterID); CellGroup newRoot = CellGroup.getClusterWithID(nearClusterID); // oldRoot.clusterHeader.headerSensor.ClusterHeader.SinkAgent = null; //Edit the old root cluster's children & parent oldRoot.parentCluster = newRoot; oldRoot.childrenClusters.Remove(newRoot); //Edit the new root cluster's children & parent newRoot.parentCluster = null; newRoot.childrenClusters.Add(oldRoot); rootCluster = newRoot; rootClusterID = newRoot.getID(); MobileModel.rootTreeID = rootClusterID; changeRootChildren(); //Here we need to send to all the new headers the new parametrs in it // oldRoot.clusterHeader.headerSensor.CellHeader.hasSinkPosition = false; // oldRoot.clusterHeader.headerSensor.CellHeader.isRootHeader = false; // oldRoot.clusterHeader.headerSensor.CellHeader.ClearBuffer(); oldRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.TuftNodeTable.CellHeaderTable.hasSinkPosition = false; oldRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.TuftNodeTable.CellHeaderTable.isRootHeader = false; oldRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.ClearCellHeaderBuffer(); newRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.TuftNodeTable.CellHeaderTable.hasSinkPosition = false; newRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.TuftNodeTable.CellHeaderTable.SinkAgent = null; newRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.TuftNodeTable.CellHeaderTable.isRootHeader = true; // newRoot.CellTable.CellHeader.GenerateTreeChange(oldRoot.CellTable.CellHeader); CellFunctions.ChangeTreeLevels(); } }
private void buildFromDirection(String direction, Point startFrom, double count) { switch (direction) { case "center": CellGroup cluster = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster.findNearestSensor(false); if (cluster.isNotEmpty()) { addIdsToSensorA(cluster); assignID++; } break; case "right": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster0 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster0.incDecPos(1, i + 1); cluster0.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster0.isNotEmpty()) { // cluster0.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster0); assignID++; } } break; case "left": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster1 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster1.incDecPos(2, i + 1); cluster1.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster1.isNotEmpty()) { cluster1.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster1); assignID++; } } break; case "up": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster2 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster2.incDecPos(3, i + 1); cluster2.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster2.isNotEmpty()) { cluster2.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster2); assignID++; } } break; case "down": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster3 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster3.incDecPos(4, i + 1); cluster3.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster3.isNotEmpty()) { cluster3.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster3); assignID++; } } break; case "upright": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster4 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster4.incDecPos(5, i + 1); cluster4.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster4.isNotEmpty()) { cluster4.buildClustersunderTop = i + 1; cluster4.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster4); assignID++; } } break; case "downleft": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster5 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster5.incDecPos(6, i + 1); cluster5.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster5.isNotEmpty()) { cluster5.buildClustersunderTop = i + 1; cluster5.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster5); assignID++; } } break; case "upleft": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster6 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster6.incDecPos(7, i + 1); cluster6.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster6.isNotEmpty()) { cluster6.buildClustersunderTop = i + 1; cluster6.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster6); assignID++; } } break; case "downright": for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CellGroup cluster7 = new CellGroup(startFrom, assignID); cluster7.incDecPos(8, i + 1); cluster7.findNearestSensor(true); if (cluster7.isNotEmpty()) { cluster7.buildClustersunderTop = i + 1; cluster7.findNearestSensor(false); addIdsToSensorA(cluster7); assignID++; } } break; } }