        public static (string, string, string, string, string) PlayATurn(string deckXml, string aliveXml, string deadXml, string boardXml, string tileXml)
            Parser parser = new Parser();
            ToXml  toXml  = new ToXml();

            List <Tile> deck = parser.ListOfTileParse(deckXml);

            Tile tile = parser.TileParse(tileXml);

            List <(string, List <Tile>, bool)> aliveInfo = parser.ListOfSplayerParse(aliveXml);
            List <Player> alive            = new List <Player>();
            List <Player> dragonQueue      = new List <Player>();
            bool          addToDragonQueue = false;

            foreach ((string, List <Tile>, bool)playerInfo in aliveInfo)
                Player player = new Player(new RandomPlayer("player"), playerInfo.Item1);

                player.Hand = playerInfo.Item2;

                // fancy or because you want to add all players behind the player with dragontile to dqueue
                if (playerInfo.Item3 || addToDragonQueue)
                    addToDragonQueue = true;

            // have to add players to dragonQueue if they have to be there multiple times
            foreach (Player p in alive)
                int playerHandCount = p.Hand.Count;
                // the first player technically has 1 more tile, it's just being played
                if (p.Color == alive[0].Color)
                int playerInDragonQueueCount = 0;

                // check how many times the player is in the dragonQueue
                foreach (Player dragonPlayer in dragonQueue)
                    if (p.Color == dragonPlayer.Color)

                if (playerHandCount + playerInDragonQueueCount < 3)

            // run this again, just making sure -- player has 0 tiles and is playing a tile
            foreach (Player p in alive)
                int playerHandCount = p.Hand.Count;
                // the first player technically has 1 more tile, it's just being played
                if (p.Color == alive[0].Color)
                int playerInDragonQueueCount = 0;

                // check how many times the player is in the dragonQueue
                foreach (Player dragonPlayer in dragonQueue)
                    if (p.Color == dragonPlayer.Color)

                if (playerHandCount + playerInDragonQueueCount < 3)

            List <(string, List <Tile>, bool)> deadInfo = parser.ListOfSplayerParse(deadXml);
            List <Player> dead = new List <Player>();

            foreach ((string, List <Tile>, bool)playerInfo in deadInfo)
                Player player = new Player(new RandomPlayer("player"), playerInfo.Item1);

            Board board = parser.BoardParse(boardXml);

            Server server = new Server(deck, alive, dead, board, dragonQueue, Server.State.safe);

            var results = server.PlayATurn(deck, alive, dead, board, tile);

            string deckResultXml = FormatXmlWrapper(toXml.ListofTiletoXml(results.Item1));

            int dragonQueueIndex = -1;

            if (server.dragonQueue.Count > 0)
                // find player who has the dragontile
                Player dragonTileHolder = server.dragonQueue[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < alive.Count; i++)
                    if (alive[i].Color == dragonTileHolder.Color)
                        dragonQueueIndex = i;

            string aliveResultXml = FormatXmlWrapper(toXml.ListofPlayertoXml(results.Item2, dragonQueueIndex));
            string deadResultXml  = FormatXmlWrapper(toXml.ListofPlayertoXml(results.Item3, -1));
            string boardResultXml = FormatXmlWrapper(toXml.BoardtoXml(results.Item4));
            string maybeListofSplayerXml;

            if (results.Item5)
                maybeListofSplayerXml = FormatXmlWrapper(toXml.ListofPlayertoXml(results.Item6, -1));
                maybeListofSplayerXml = "<false></false>";

            return(deckResultXml, aliveResultXml, deadResultXml, boardResultXml, maybeListofSplayerXml);