/// <remarks/> public void UpdateTrophyAsync(string APIKey, Trophy oTrophy, object userState) { if ((this.UpdateTrophyOperationCompleted == null)) { this.UpdateTrophyOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnUpdateTrophyOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("UpdateTrophy", new object[] { APIKey, oTrophy}, this.UpdateTrophyOperationCompleted, userState); }
public MessageResponse UpdateTrophy(string APIKey, Trophy oTrophy) { object[] results = this.Invoke("UpdateTrophy", new object[] { APIKey, oTrophy}); return ((MessageResponse)(results[0])); }
/// <remarks/> public void UpdateTrophyAsync(string APIKey, Trophy oTrophy) { this.UpdateTrophyAsync(APIKey, oTrophy, null); }
private void ExecurePSNUpdate(string PSNID) { startstop.AccessPoint oAccessPoint = new startstop.AccessPoint(); psnapi.psn oPSN = new psnapi.psn(); // This gets the games based on the PSNID in the text box. psnapi.Game[] oGames = oPSN.getGames(PSNID); psnapi.psn oPSN2 = new psnapi.psn(); psnapi.psn oPSN3 = new psnapi.psn(); if (oGames !=null) { foreach (psnapi.Game oGame in oGames) { // Instead this should search to see if the game is already there and if not then do the add! startstop.MessageResponse oResponse = new startstop.MessageResponse(); oResponse = oAccessPoint.FindStatOverview("", oGame.Title, startstop.OverviewType.PS3); // It cannot be found if (!oResponse.Success) { #region Add the stat Overview startstop.StatOverView oOverview = new startstop.StatOverView(); oOverview.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; oOverview.Title = oGame.Title; oOverview.TypeOfOverview = startstop.OverviewType.PS3; oOverview.Description = oGame.Title; // the response should be updated here. oResponse = oAccessPoint.AddStatOverview("", oOverview); #endregion } if (oResponse.Success) { try { // It has been added or updated. // Now get a list of trophies psnapi.Trophy[] oTrophies = oPSN2.getListTrophies(oGame.Id); foreach (psnapi.Trophy oTrophy in oTrophies) { // Go through each one. // Add it to the list startstop.Trophy ssTrophy = new startstop.Trophy(); ssTrophy.Approved = true; ssTrophy.Name = oTrophy.Title; ssTrophy.Description = oTrophy.Description; startstop.MessageResponse _addTrophyResponse = oAccessPoint.UpdateTrophy("", ssTrophy); // Make sure it has been added okay. if (_addTrophyResponse.Success) { // Now we need to link the trophies startstop.TrophyDetailStatLink oLink = new startstop.TrophyDetailStatLink(); // This needs to be checked! // A few trophies have been returned linked to the incorect game. oLink.OverviewID = oResponse.ReturnID; oLink.TrophyID = _addTrophyResponse.ReturnID; startstop.MessageResponse _addLinkResponse = oAccessPoint.AssociateTrophyToStat("", oLink); } } #region award trophies // Now award trophies. // Just turning this off for now psnapi.Trophy[] oTrophiesAwarded = oPSN3.getTrophies(textBox1.Text, oGame.Id); foreach (psnapi.Trophy oTrophy in oTrophiesAwarded) { if (oTrophy.DateEarned.HasValue) { // We need to lookup the startstop user. startstop.MessageResponse _awardtrophy = oAccessPoint.AwardTrophyByName("", 1, oTrophy.Title, oTrophy.DateEarned.GetValueOrDefault()); } } #endregion } catch (Exception eX) { } } } } }