public Centroid(Centroid c) { // perform deep copy = new StringBuilder(c.getName()); this.vectorCnt = c.getVectorCnt(); this.centroidVector = new Dictionary <string, double>(c.getCentroidVector()); this.length = c.getLength(); }
static public double similarity(Centroid a, Centroid b) { Dictionary <string, double> vectorA = a.getCentroidVector(); Dictionary <string, double> vectorB = b.getCentroidVector(); double lengthA = a.getLength(); double lengthB = b.getLength(); double dotproduct = 0.0; // compute dot product of vectors A & B foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> kvp in vectorA) { // if both vectors have the key if (vectorB.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { dotproduct += (kvp.Value * vectorB[kvp.Key]); } } return(dotproduct / (lengthA * lengthB)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { StringBuilder dictpath = new StringBuilder(256); StringBuilder postingpath = new StringBuilder(256); // keyed on term returns dictionary with docIDs as keys for tf-idf Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > termdocmatrix = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> >(2000); int documentCnt = 0; // this is used to help with memory estimation char[] delim = { '+' }; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if (args.Length != 2) { System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid Parameters: <dictionaryfile.txt> <postingsfile.txt>"); return; } else { dictpath.Append(args[0]); postingpath.Append(args[1]); } int recordSize = 22; // read in dictionary and postings file // build term document matrix #region BuildTermDocMatrix StreamReader dictFile = new StreamReader(dictpath.ToString()); FileStream postingslist = new FileStream(postingpath.ToString(), FileMode.Open); string dictline = ""; // read in dictionary line by line (each line is a record of fixed length) while ((dictline = dictFile.ReadLine()) != null) { // 35 chars for term + ":" + 5 for df + ":" + 7 index into posting list string dictterm = dictline.Substring(0, 35).Trim(); dictline = dictline.Remove(0, 36); int docFreq = Int32.Parse(dictline.Substring(0, 5).Trim()); dictline = dictline.Remove(0, 6); int posting_index = Int32.Parse(dictline.Substring(0, 7).Trim()); //Console.WriteLine(dictterm + " : " + posting_index.ToString()); // the postings entries are in the order of the dictionary terms byte[] record = new byte[recordSize * docFreq]; postingslist.Read(record, 0, recordSize * docFreq); string record_as_string = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(record); int recordCnt = record_as_string.Length / recordSize; Dictionary <string, double> doctfidf = new Dictionary <string, double>(5); // split the records into pieces for (int i = 0; i < recordCnt; i++) { string tmprecord = record_as_string.Substring(0, 20); record_as_string = record_as_string.Remove(0, 22); string docID = tmprecord.Substring(0, 10).Trim(); double tfidf = Double.Parse(tmprecord.Substring(11, 9).Trim()); //Console.WriteLine("DocID: " + docID + " Tf-idf: " + tfidf.ToString()); doctfidf.Add(docID, tfidf); } termdocmatrix.Add(dictterm, doctfidf); } postingslist.Close(); dictFile.Close(); #endregion // build document vectors from term document matrix #region TermDocumentMatrix Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > documentvectors = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> >(200); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, double> > kvp in termdocmatrix) { //Console.WriteLine(kvp.Key); // kvp.Key is the term // subkvp.Key is the document ID // subkvp.Value is the tf-idf for the term foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> subkvp in kvp.Value) { //Console.WriteLine("DocID: " + subkvp.Key + " Tf-idf: " + subkvp.Value.ToString()); // this is not a new document vector if (documentvectors.ContainsKey(subkvp.Key)) { documentvectors[subkvp.Key].Add(kvp.Key, subkvp.Value); } else { // build new document vector documentvectors.Add(subkvp.Key, new Dictionary <string, double>()); documentvectors[subkvp.Key].Add(kvp.Key, subkvp.Value); } } } // free some memory termdocmatrix.Clear(); #endregion // build centroids (initially all documents are in trivial centroids) Dictionary <string, Centroid> centroids = new Dictionary <string, Centroid>(documentvectors.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, double> > kvp in documentvectors) { centroids.Add(kvp.Key, new Centroid(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); documentCnt++; } // free some memory documentvectors.Clear(); // For Information Only #region BuildAndCompareCorpusCentroid List <string> centroidKeys = new List <string>(centroids.Keys); Centroid forCorpus = new Centroid(centroids[centroidKeys[0]]); // this method preserves Centroid details // we used entry 0 to make the first entry for (int i = 1; i < centroidKeys.Count; i++) { forCorpus.addDocumentVectorToCentroid(centroidKeys[i], centroids[centroidKeys[i]].getVectorCnt(), centroids[centroidKeys[i]].getCentroidVector()); } double maxSim = -1; string maxName = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Centroid> kvp in centroids) { double sim = Centroid.similarity(kvp.Value, forCorpus); if (sim > maxSim) { maxSim = sim; maxName = kvp.Key; } } Console.WriteLine("Most Similar to Corpus: " + maxName + " with similarity: " + maxSim.ToString()); #endregion // so I need a matrix that is just an upper triangle matrix. Dictionary <string, double> similarities = new Dictionary <string, double>(2000); // centroids is the hash table of all centroids keyed on centroid name // So I can track how many similarity checks I do int cnt = 0; // Compute Initial Similarity Matrix (Upper Triangle Matrix with no Diagonals) #region InitialCompute List <string> cen = new List <string>(centroids.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < cen.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < cen.Count; j++) { cnt++; double sim = Centroid.similarity(centroids[cen[i]], centroids[cen[j]]); similarities.Add(cen[i] + " + " + cen[j], sim); } } // for each centroid go along by row then column #endregion Console.WriteLine("Number of Initial Similarity Calculations: " + cnt.ToString()); #region DetermineMostAndLeastSimilar // Run through initial similarity scores seeking out the largest and smallest double mostSimVal = -1; string mostSimName = string.Empty; double leastSimVal = 2; string leastSimName = string.Empty; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> kvp in similarities) { if (kvp.Value > mostSimVal) { mostSimVal = kvp.Value; mostSimName = kvp.Key; } if (kvp.Value < leastSimVal) { leastSimVal = kvp.Value; leastSimName = kvp.Key; } } Console.WriteLine("Most Similar Documents: " + mostSimName + " with similarity: " + mostSimVal.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Least Similar Documents: " + leastSimName + " with similarity: " + leastSimVal.ToString()); #endregion #region ClusterAllDocuments while (centroids.Count > 1) { // so I know who I'm joining string maxI = string.Empty; string maxJ = string.Empty; double maxValue = -1; // Find max Similarity foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> kvp in similarities) { if (kvp.Value > maxValue) { maxValue = kvp.Value; string[] names = kvp.Key.Split(delim); maxI = names[0].Trim(); maxJ = names[1].Trim(); } } Console.WriteLine("Merging: " + maxI + " and " + maxJ + " of similarity: " + maxValue.ToString()); if (String.Compare(maxI, string.Empty) == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Emptry String detected, centroids in system:" + centroids.Count.ToString()); break; } // New Centroid -- When creating Centroid with Centroid it preserves the VectorCount and Such Centroid centroid_x = new Centroid(centroids[maxI]); centroid_x.addDocumentVectorToCentroid(centroids[maxJ].getName(), centroids[maxJ].getVectorCnt(), centroids[maxJ].getCentroidVector()); // when you merge two centroids the weight of the centroid being added is reduced completely... // need to consider fixing (luckily this will be abstracted away // Remove Ones I just merged from the list centroids.Remove(maxI); centroids.Remove(maxJ); // Remove all references in similarlity Table List <string> valuesToRemove = new List <string>(2 * documentCnt); foreach (string k in similarities.Keys) { string[] names = k.Split(delim); string name_i = names[0].Trim(); string name_j = names[1].Trim(); if (String.Compare(name_i, maxI) == 0 || String.Compare(name_i, maxJ) == 0 || String.Compare(name_j, maxI) == 0 || String.Compare(name_j, maxJ) == 0) { valuesToRemove.Add(k); } } // Clean out Similarity Values foreach (string r in valuesToRemove) { similarities.Remove(r); } // Calculate New similarity of everyone against new Centroid foreach (string k in centroids.Keys) { double sim = Centroid.similarity(centroids[k], centroid_x); cnt++; similarities.Add(centroids[k].getName() + " + " + centroid_x.getName(), sim); } // add new centroid to x centroids.Add(centroid_x.getName(), centroid_x); } #endregion Console.WriteLine("Final Number of Similarity Calculations made: " + cnt.ToString()); DateTime stop = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Total time: " + (stop - start).ToString()); }