Class() public method

public Class ( System baseType, string name ) : TypeGen
baseType System
name string
return TypeGen
        public static void ClassImpl(AssemblyGen ag, bool impl)
            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
            TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
                CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    // test calling virtual member directly on a literal
                    // g.Local(Operand.FromObject(3).Invoke("GetHashCode"));

                    // test special case where the value type target doesn't implement the virtual function
                    var value = g.Local(Test);
                    g.Assign(value, ag.ExpressionFactory.New(Test));
                    g.WriteLine("Hash code of {0} is {1}", value, value.Invoke("GetHashCode"));

                if (impl)
                    g = Test.Public.Override.Method(typeof(int), "GetHashCode");
 public static void GenOriginalTest(AssemblyGen ag)
     ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
     TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
         CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
             var value = g.Local(typeof(int), 3);
             g.WriteLine("Hash code of {0} is {1}", value, value.Invoke("GetHashCode"));
        // example based on the MSDN Versioning Sample (versioning.cs)
        public static void GenVersioning(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
            TypeGen MyBase = ag.Public.Class("MyBase");
				MyBase.Public.Virtual.Method(typeof(string), "Meth1").GetCode()

				MyBase.Public.Virtual.Method(typeof(string), "Meth2").GetCode()

				MyBase.Public.Virtual.Method(typeof(string), "Meth3").GetCode()

			TypeGen MyDerived = ag.Class("MyDerived", MyBase);
				// Overrides the virtual method Meth1 using the override keyword:
				MyDerived.Public.Override.Method(typeof(string), "Meth1").GetCode()

				// Explicitly hide the virtual method Meth2 using the new
				// keyword:
				// remark: new is not supported/required in RunSharp
				MyDerived.Public.Method(typeof(string), "Meth2").GetCode()

				// Because no keyword is specified in the following declaration
				// a warning will be issued to alert the programmer that 
				// the method hides the inherited member MyBase.Meth3():
				// remark: this warning is not supported in RunSharp
				MyDerived.Public.Method(typeof(string), "Meth3").GetCode()

				CodeGen g = MyDerived.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var mD = g.Local(exp.New(MyDerived));
                    var mB = g.Local(mD.Cast(MyBase));

        // example based on the MSDN Properties Sample (person.cs)
        public static void GenPerson(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            TypeGen Person = ag.Class("Person");
				FieldGen myName = Person.Private.Field(typeof(string), "myName", "N/A");
				FieldGen myAge = Person.Private.Field(typeof(int), "myAge", 0);

				// Declare a Name property of type string:
				PropertyGen Name = Person.Public.SimpleProperty(myName, "Name");

				// Declare an Age property of type int:
				PropertyGen Age = Person.Public.SimpleProperty(myAge, "Age");

				CodeGen g = Person.Public.Override.Method(typeof(string), "ToString");
					g.Return("Name = " + Name + ", Age = " + Age);

				g = Person.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
					g.WriteLine("Simple Properties");

                    // Create a new Person object:
                    var person = g.Local(exp.New(Person));

					// Print out the name and the age associated with the person:
					g.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);

					// Set some values on the person object:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(person.Property("Name"), "Joe");
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper1 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(person.Property("Age"), 99);
					g.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);

					// Increment the Age property:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper2 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.AssignAdd(person.Property("Age"), 1);
					g.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);
        // example based on the MSDN Structs Sample (struct1.cs)
        public static void GenStruct1(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            CodeGen g;

			TypeGen SimpleStruct = ag.Struct("SimpleStruct");
				FieldGen xval = SimpleStruct.Field(typeof(int), "xval");

				PropertyGen X = SimpleStruct.Public.Property(typeof(int), "X");
					g = X.Setter();
						g.If(g.PropertyValue() < 100);
							g.Assign(xval, g.PropertyValue());

				g = SimpleStruct.Public.Method(typeof(void), "DisplayX");
					g.WriteLine("The stored value is: {0}", xval);

			TypeGen TestClass = ag.Class("TestClass");
				g = TestClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var ss = g.Local(SimpleStruct);
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(ss.Property("X"), 5);
					g.Invoke(ss, "DisplayX");
        // example based on the MSDN Events Sample (events1.cs)
        public static void GenEvents1(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
		    TypeGen ChangedEventHandler, ListWithChangedEvent;

		    using (ag.Namespace("MyCollections"))
				// A delegate type for hooking up change notifications.
				ChangedEventHandler = ag.Delegate(typeof(void), "ChangedEventHandler").Parameter(typeof(object), "sender").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "e");

				// A class that works just like ArrayList, but sends event
				// notifications whenever the list changes.
				ListWithChangedEvent = ag.Public.Class("ListWithChangedEvent", typeof(ArrayList));
					// An event that clients can use to be notified whenever the
					// elements of the list change.
					EventGen Changed = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Event(ChangedEventHandler, "Changed");

					// Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes
					CodeGen g = ListWithChangedEvent.Protected.Virtual.Method(typeof(void), "OnChanged").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "e");
						g.If(Changed != null);
							g.InvokeDelegate(Changed, g.This(), g.Arg("e"));

					// Override some of the methods that can change the list;
					// invoke event after each
					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Method(typeof(int), "Add").Parameter(typeof(object), "value");
                        var i = g.Local(g.Base().Invoke("Add", new[] { g.Arg("value") }));
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Method(typeof(void), "Clear");
						g.Invoke(g.Base(), "Clear");
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

					g = ListWithChangedEvent.Public.Override.Indexer(typeof(object)).Index(typeof(int), "index").Setter();
						g.Assign(g.Base()[g.Arg("index")], g.PropertyValue());
						g.Invoke(g.This(), "OnChanged", st.Field(typeof(EventArgs), "Empty"));

			using (ag.Namespace("TestEvents"))
				TypeGen EventListener = ag.Class("EventListener");
					FieldGen List = EventListener.Field(ListWithChangedEvent, "List");

					// This will be called whenever the list changes.
					CodeGen g = EventListener.Private.Method(typeof(void), "ListChanged").Parameter(typeof(object), "sender").Parameter(typeof(EventArgs), "eventArgs");
						g.WriteLine("This is called when the event fires.");

					g = EventListener.Public.Constructor().Parameter(ListWithChangedEvent, "list");
						g.Assign(List, g.Arg("list"));
						// Add "ListChanged" to the Changed event on "List".
						g.SubscribeEvent(List, "Changed", exp.NewDelegate(ChangedEventHandler, g.This(), "ListChanged"));

					g = EventListener.Public.Method(typeof(void), "Detach");
						// Detach the event and delete the list
						g.UnsubscribeEvent(List, "Changed", exp.NewDelegate(ChangedEventHandler, g.This(), "ListChanged"));
						g.Assign(List, null);

				TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
					// Test the ListWithChangedEvent class.
					CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                        // Create a new list.
                        var list = g.Local(exp.New(ListWithChangedEvent));

                        // Create a class that listens to the list's change event.
                        var listener = g.Local(exp.New(EventListener, list));

						// Add and remove items from the list.
						g.Invoke(list, "Add", "item 1");
						g.Invoke(list, "Clear");
						g.Invoke(listener, "Detach");
		// example based on the MSDN Structs Sample (struct2.cs)
		public static void GenStruct2(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            TypeGen TheClass = ag.Class("TheClass");
				TheClass.Public.Field(typeof(int), "x");

			TypeGen TheStruct = ag.Struct("TheStruct");
				TheStruct.Public.Field(typeof(int), "x");

			TypeGen TestClass = ag.Class("TestClass");
				CodeGen g = TestClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "structtaker").Parameter(TheStruct, "s");
			        ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
			        g.Assign(g.Arg("s").Field("x"), 5);

			    g = TestClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "classtaker").Parameter(TheClass, "c");
			        ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
			        g.Assign(g.Arg("c").Field("x"), 5);

			    g = TestClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var a = g.Local(TheStruct);
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper4 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    var b = g.Local(exp.New(TheClass));

				    ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(a.Field("x"), 1);
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper2 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(b.Field("x"), 1);
					g.Invoke(TestClass, "structtaker", a);
					g.Invoke(TestClass, "classtaker", b);
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper3 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.WriteLine("a.x = {0}", a.Field("x"));
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper1 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.WriteLine("b.x = {0}", b.Field("x"));
        // example based on the MSDN Operator Overloading Sample (dbbool.cs)
        public static void GenDbBool(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
            TypeGen DBBool = ag.Public.Struct("DBBool");
				// Private field that stores -1, 0, 1 for dbFalse, dbNull, dbTrue:
				FieldGen value = DBBool.Field(typeof(int), "value");

				// Private constructor. The value parameter must be -1, 0, or 1:
				CodeGen g = DBBool.Constructor().Parameter(typeof(int), "value");
					g.Assign(value, g.Arg("value"));

				// The three possible DBBool values:
			    FieldGen dbNull = DBBool.Public.Static.ReadOnly.Field(DBBool, "dbNull", exp.New(DBBool, 0));
				FieldGen dbFalse = DBBool.Public.Static.ReadOnly.Field(DBBool, "dbFalse", exp.New(DBBool, -1));
				FieldGen dbTrue = DBBool.Public.Static.ReadOnly.Field(DBBool, "dbTrue", exp.New(DBBool, 1));

				// Implicit conversion from bool to DBBool. Maps true to 
				// DBBool.dbTrue and false to DBBool.dbFalse:
				g = DBBool.ImplicitConversionFrom(typeof(bool), "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");
					g.Return(x.Conditional(dbTrue, dbFalse));

				// Explicit conversion from DBBool to bool. Throws an 
				// exception if the given DBBool is dbNull, otherwise returns
				// true or false:
				g = DBBool.ExplicitConversionTo(typeof(bool), "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");
					g.If(x.Field("value") == 0);

					g.Return(x.Field("value") > 0);

				// Equality operator. Returns dbNull if either operand is dbNull, 
				// otherwise returns dbTrue or dbFalse:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.Equality, DBBool, DBBool, "x", DBBool, "y");
			        var x = g.Arg("x");
                    var y = g.Arg("y");
					g.If(x.Field("value") == 0 || y.Field("value") == 0);

					g.Return((x.Field("value") == y.Field("value")).Conditional(dbTrue, dbFalse));

				// Inequality operator. Returns dbNull if either operand is
				// dbNull, otherwise returns dbTrue or dbFalse:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.Inequality, DBBool, DBBool, "x", DBBool, "y");
			        var x = g.Arg("x");
                    var y = g.Arg("y");
					g.If(x.Field("value") == 0 || y.Field("value") == 0);

					g.Return((x.Field("value") != y.Field("value")).Conditional(dbTrue, dbFalse));

				// Logical negation operator. Returns dbTrue if the operand is 
				// dbFalse, dbNull if the operand is dbNull, or dbFalse if the
				// operand is dbTrue:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.LogicalNot, DBBool, DBBool, "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");
					g.Return(exp.New(DBBool, -x.Field("value")));

				// Logical AND operator. Returns dbFalse if either operand is 
				// dbFalse, dbNull if either operand is dbNull, otherwise dbTrue:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.And, DBBool, DBBool, "x", DBBool, "y");
			        var x = g.Arg("x");
                    var y = g.Arg("y");
					g.Return(exp.New(DBBool, (x.Field("value") < y.Field("value")).Conditional(x.Field("value"), y.Field("value"))));

				// Logical OR operator. Returns dbTrue if either operand is 
				// dbTrue, dbNull if either operand is dbNull, otherwise dbFalse:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.Or, DBBool, DBBool, "x", DBBool, "y");
			        var x = g.Arg("x");
                    var y = g.Arg("y");
					g.Return(exp.New(DBBool, (x.Field("value") > y.Field("value")).Conditional(x.Field("value"), y.Field("value"))));

				// Definitely true operator. Returns true if the operand is 
				// dbTrue, false otherwise:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.True, typeof(bool), DBBool, "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");
					g.Return(x.Field("value") > 0);

				// Definitely false operator. Returns true if the operand is 
				// dbFalse, false otherwise:
				g = DBBool.Operator(Operator.False, typeof(bool), DBBool, "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");
					g.Return(x.Field("value") < 0);

				// Overload the conversion from DBBool to string:
				g = DBBool.ImplicitConversionTo(typeof(string), "x");
                    var x = g.Arg("x");

					g.Return((x.Field("value") > 0).Conditional("dbTrue",
						(x.Field("value") < 0).Conditional("dbFalse",

				// Override the Object.Equals(object o) method:
				g = DBBool.Public.Override.Method(typeof(bool), "Equals").Parameter(typeof(object), "o");
						g.Return((g.This() == g.Arg("o").Cast(DBBool)).Cast(typeof(bool)));

				// Override the Object.GetHashCode() method:
				g = DBBool.Public.Override.Method(typeof(int), "GetHashCode");

				// Override the ToString method to convert DBBool to a string:
				g = DBBool.Public.Override.Method(typeof(string), "ToString");

			TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
				CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var a = g.Local(DBBool);
                    var b = g.Local(DBBool);
					g.Assign(a, st.Field(DBBool, "dbTrue"));
					g.Assign(b, st.Field(DBBool, "dbNull"));

					g.WriteLine("!{0} = {1}", a, !a);
					g.WriteLine("!{0} = {1}", b, !b);
					g.WriteLine("{0} & {1} = {2}", a, b, a & b);
					g.WriteLine("{0} | {1} = {2}", a, b, a | b);
					// Invoke the true operator to determine the Boolean 
					// value of the DBBool variable:
						g.WriteLine("b is definitely true");
						g.WriteLine("b is not definitely true");
        // example based on the MSDN User-Defined Conversions Sample (conversion.cs)
        public static void GenConversion(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

			TypeGen RomanNumeral = ag.Struct("RomanNumeral");
				FieldGen value = RomanNumeral.Private.Field(typeof(int), "value");

				CodeGen g = RomanNumeral.Public.Constructor().Parameter(typeof(int), "value");
					g.Assign(value, g.Arg("value"));

				// Declare a conversion from an int to a RomanNumeral. Note the
				// the use of the operator keyword. This is a conversion 
				// operator named RomanNumeral:
				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionFrom(typeof(int));
					// Note that because RomanNumeral is declared as a struct, 
					// calling new on the struct merely calls the constructor 
					// rather than allocating an object on the heap:
					g.Return(exp.New(RomanNumeral, g.Arg("value")));

				// Declare an explicit conversion from a RomanNumeral to an int:
				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ExplicitConversionTo(typeof(int), "roman");
			        ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;

			    // Declare an implicit conversion from a RomanNumeral to 
				// a string:
				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionTo(typeof(string));
					g.Return("Conversion not yet implemented");

			TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
				CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var numeral = g.Local(RomanNumeral);

					g.Assign(numeral, 10);

					// Call the explicit conversion from numeral to int. Because it is
					// an explicit conversion, a cast must be used:

					// Call the implicit conversion to string. Because there is no
					// cast, the implicit conversion to string is the only
					// conversion that is considered:

                    // Call the explicit conversion from numeral to int and 
                    // then the explicit conversion from int to short:
                    var s = g.Local(numeral.Cast(typeof(short)));

        // example based on the MSDN User-Defined Conversions Sample (structconversion.cs)
        public static void GenStructConversion(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            TypeGen BinaryNumeral = ag.Struct("BinaryNumeral");
				FieldGen value = BinaryNumeral.Private.Field(typeof(int), "value");

				CodeGen g = BinaryNumeral.Public.Constructor().Parameter(typeof(int), "value");
					g.Assign(value, g.Arg("value"));

				g = BinaryNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionFrom(typeof(int));
					g.Return(exp.New(BinaryNumeral, g.Arg("value")));

				g = BinaryNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionTo(typeof(string));
					g.Return("Conversion not yet implemented");

				g = BinaryNumeral.Public.ExplicitConversionTo(typeof(int), "binary");
			        ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;

			TypeGen RomanNumeral = ag.Struct("RomanNumeral");
				FieldGen value = RomanNumeral.Private.Field(typeof(int), "value");

				CodeGen g = RomanNumeral.Public.Constructor().Parameter(typeof(int), "value");
					g.Assign(value, g.Arg("value"));

				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionFrom(typeof(int));
					g.Return(exp.New(RomanNumeral, g.Arg("value")));

				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionFrom(BinaryNumeral, "binary");
					g.Return(exp.New(RomanNumeral, g.Arg("binary").Cast(typeof(int))));

				g = RomanNumeral.Public.ExplicitConversionTo(typeof(int), "roman");
			        ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;

			    g = RomanNumeral.Public.ImplicitConversionTo(typeof(string));
					g.Return("Conversion not yet implemented");

			TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
				CodeGen g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    var roman = g.Local(RomanNumeral);
					g.Assign(roman, 10);
                    var binary = g.Local(BinaryNumeral);
					// Perform a conversion from a RomanNumeral to a
					// BinaryNumeral:
					g.Assign(binary, roman.Cast(typeof(int)).Cast(BinaryNumeral));
					// Performs a conversion from a BinaryNumeral to a RomanNumeral.
					// No cast is required:
					g.Assign(roman, binary);
        // example based on the MSDN Indexed Properties Sample (indexedproperty.cs)
        public static void GenIndexedProperty(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            CodeGen g;
		    ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
            TypeGen Document = ag.Public.Class("Document");
				FieldGen TextArray = Document.Private.Field(typeof(char[]), "TextArray");  // The text of the document.

				// Type allowing the document to be viewed like an array of words:
				TypeGen WordCollection = Document.Public.Class("WordCollection");
					FieldGen document = WordCollection.ReadOnly.Field(Document, "document");    // The containing document
                    var document_TextArray = document.Field("TextArray", m);	// example of a saved expression - it is always re-evaluated when used

					g = WordCollection.Internal.Constructor().Parameter(Document, "d");
						g.Assign(document, g.Arg("d"));

					// Helper function -- search character array "text", starting at
					// character "begin", for word number "wordCount." Returns false
					// if there are less than wordCount words.Sets "start" and
					// length" to the position and length of the word within text:
					g = WordCollection.Private.Method(typeof(bool), "GetWord")
						.Parameter(typeof(char[]), "text")
						.Parameter(typeof(int), "begin")
						.Parameter(typeof(int), "wordCount")
						.Out.Parameter(typeof(int), "start")
						.Out.Parameter(typeof(int), "length")
						ContextualOperand text = g.Arg("text"), begin = g.Arg("begin"), wordCount = g.Arg("wordCount"),
							start = g.Arg("start"), length = g.Arg("length");

                        var end = g.Local(text.ArrayLength());
                        var count = g.Local(0);
                        var inWord = g.Local(-1);
						g.Assign(start, length.Assign(0));

                        var i = g.Local();
						g.For(i.Assign(begin), i <= end, i.Increment());
                            var isLetter = g.Local(i < end && st.Invoke(typeof(char), "IsLetterOrDigit", text[i]));

							g.If(inWord >= 0);
									g.If(count.PostIncrement() == wordCount);
										g.Assign(start, inWord);
										g.Assign(length, i - inWord);

									g.Assign(inWord, -1);
									g.Assign(inWord, i);


					// Indexer to get and set words of the containing document:
					PropertyGen Item = WordCollection.Public.Indexer(typeof(string)).Index(typeof(int), "index");
						g = Item.Getter();
                            var index = g.Arg("index");

                            var start = g.Local(0);
                            var length = g.Local(0);

							g.If(g.This().Invoke("GetWord", document_TextArray, 0, index, start.Ref(), length.Ref()));
								g.Return(exp.New(typeof(string), document_TextArray, start, length));
						g = Item.Setter();
                            var index = g.Arg("index");
                            var value = g.PropertyValue();

                            var start = g.Local(0);
                            var length = g.Local(0);

							g.If(g.This().Invoke("GetWord", document_TextArray, 0, index, start.Ref(), length.Ref()));
								// Replace the word at start/length with the 
								// string "value":
								g.If(length == value.Property("Length"));
									g.Invoke(typeof(Array), "Copy", value.Invoke("ToCharArray"), 0,
										document_TextArray, start, length);
                                    var newText = g.Local(exp.NewArray(typeof(char),
										document_TextArray.ArrayLength() + value.Property("Length") - length));

									g.Invoke(typeof(Array), "Copy", document_TextArray, 0, newText,
										0, start);
									g.Invoke(typeof(Array), "Copy", value.Invoke("ToCharArray"), 0, newText,
										start, value.Property("Length"));
									g.Invoke(typeof(Array), "Copy", document_TextArray, start + length,
										newText, start + value.Property("Length"),
										document_TextArray.ArrayLength() - start
										- length);
									g.Assign(document_TextArray, newText);

					// Get the count of words in the containing document:
					g = WordCollection.Public.Property(typeof(int), "Count").Getter();
						ContextualOperand count = g.Local(0), start = g.Local(0), length = g.Local(0);

						g.While(g.This().Invoke("GetWord", document_TextArray, start + length, 0, start.Ref(), length.Ref()));


				// Type allowing the document to be viewed like an "array" 
				// of characters:
				TypeGen CharacterCollection = Document.Public.Class("CharacterCollection");
					FieldGen document = CharacterCollection.ReadOnly.Field(Document, "document");   // The containing document
                    var document_TextArray = document.Field("TextArray", m);

					g = CharacterCollection.Internal.Constructor().Parameter(Document, "d");
						g.Assign(document, g.Arg("d"));

					// Indexer to get and set characters in the containing document:
					PropertyGen Item = CharacterCollection.Public.Indexer(typeof(char)).Index(typeof(int), "index");
						g = Item.Getter();
						g = Item.Setter();
							g.Assign(document_TextArray[g.Arg("index")], g.PropertyValue());

					// Get the count of characters in the containing document:
					g = CharacterCollection.Public.Property(typeof(int), "Count").Getter();

				// Because the types of the fields have indexers, 
				// these fields appear as "indexed properties":
				FieldGen Words = Document.Public.ReadOnly.Field(WordCollection, "Words");
				FieldGen Characters = Document.Public.ReadOnly.Field(CharacterCollection, "Characters");

				g = Document.Public.Constructor().Parameter(typeof(string), "initialText");
					g.Assign(TextArray, g.Arg("initialText").Invoke("ToCharArray"));
					g.Assign(Words, exp.New(WordCollection, g.This()));
					g.Assign(Characters, exp.New(CharacterCollection, g.This()));

				g = Document.Public.Property(typeof(string), "Text").Getter();
					g.Return(exp.New(typeof(string), TextArray));

			TypeGen Test = ag.Class("Test");
				g = Test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
					var d = g.Local(exp.New(Document, "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did peter piper pick?"));

                    // Change word "peter" to "penelope":
                    var i = g.Local();
					g.For(i.Assign(0), i < d.Field("Words").Property("Count"), i.Increment());
						g.If(d.Field("Words")[i] == "peter");
							g.Assign(d.Field("Words")[i], "penelope");

					// Change character "p" to "P"
					g.For(i.Assign(0), i < d.Field("Characters").Property("Count"), i.Increment());
						g.If(d.Field("Characters")[i] == 'p');
							g.Assign(d.Field("Characters")[i], 'P');

        // example based on the MSDN Delegates Sample (bookstore.cs)
        public static void GenBookstore(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
		    TypeGen book, processBookDelegate, BookDBLocal;

		    // A set of classes for handling a bookstore:
		    using (ag.Namespace("Bookstore"))
				// Describes a book in the book list:
				book = ag.Public.Struct("Book");
					FieldGen title = book.Public.Field(typeof(string), "Title");	   // Title of the book.
					FieldGen author = book.Public.Field(typeof(string), "Author");     // Author of the book.
					FieldGen price = book.Public.Field(typeof(decimal), "Price");      // Price of the book.
					FieldGen paperback = book.Public.Field(typeof(bool), "Paperback"); // Is it paperback?

					CodeGen g = book.Public.Constructor()
						.Parameter(typeof(string), "title")
						.Parameter(typeof(string), "author")
						.Parameter(typeof(decimal), "price")
						.Parameter(typeof(bool), "paperBack");
						g.Assign(title, g.Arg("title"));
						g.Assign(author, g.Arg("author"));
						g.Assign(price, g.Arg("price"));
						g.Assign(paperback, g.Arg("paperBack"));

				// Declare a delegate type for processing a book:
				processBookDelegate = ag.Public.Delegate(typeof(void), "ProcessBookDelegate").Parameter(book, "book");

				// Maintains a book database.
				BookDBLocal = ag.Public.Class("BookDB");
					// List of all books in the database:
					FieldGen list = BookDBLocal.Field(typeof(ArrayList), "list", exp.New(typeof(ArrayList)));

					// Add a book to the database:
					CodeGen g = BookDBLocal.Public.Method(typeof(void), "AddBook")
						.Parameter(typeof(string), "title")
						.Parameter(typeof(string), "author")
						.Parameter(typeof(decimal), "price")
						.Parameter(typeof(bool), "paperBack")
						g.Invoke(list, "Add", exp.New(book, g.Arg("title"), g.Arg("author"), g.Arg("price"), g.Arg("paperBack")));

					// Call a passed-in delegate on each paperback book to process it: 
					g = BookDBLocal.Public.Method(typeof(void), "ProcessPaperbackBooks").Parameter(processBookDelegate, "processBook");
                        var b = g.ForEach(book, list);
								g.InvokeDelegate(g.Arg("processBook"), b);

			// Using the Bookstore classes:
			using (ag.Namespace("BookTestClient"))
				// Class to total and average prices of books:
				TypeGen priceTotaller = ag.Class("PriceTotaller");
					FieldGen countBooks = priceTotaller.Field(typeof(int), "countBooks", 0);
					FieldGen priceBooks = priceTotaller.Field(typeof(decimal), "priceBooks", 0.0m);

					CodeGen g = priceTotaller.Internal.Method(typeof(void), "AddBookToTotal").Parameter(book, "book");
						g.AssignAdd(countBooks, 1);
						g.AssignAdd(priceBooks, g.Arg("book").Field("Price"));

					g = priceTotaller.Internal.Method(typeof(decimal), "AveragePrice");
						g.Return(priceBooks / countBooks);

				// Class to test the book database:
				TypeGen test = ag.Class("Test");
					// Print the title of the book.
					CodeGen g = test.Static.Method(typeof(void), "PrintTitle").Parameter(book, "book");
						g.WriteLine("   {0}", g.Arg("book").Field("Title"));

					// Initialize the book database with some test books:
					g = test.Static.Method(typeof(void), "AddBooks").Parameter(BookDBLocal, "bookDB");
                        var bookDb = g.Arg("bookDB");

						g.Invoke(bookDb, "AddBook", "The C Programming Language",
						  "Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", 19.95m, true);
						g.Invoke(bookDb, "AddBook", "The Unicode Standard 2.0",
						   "The Unicode Consortium", 39.95m, true);
						g.Invoke(bookDb, "AddBook", "The MS-DOS Encyclopedia",
						   "Ray Duncan", 129.95m, false);
						g.Invoke(bookDb, "AddBook", "Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless",
						   "Scott Adams", 12.00m, true);

					// Execution starts here.
					g = test.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                        var bookDb = g.Local(exp.New(BookDBLocal));

						// Initialize the database with some books:
						g.Invoke(test, "AddBooks", bookDb);

						// Print all the titles of paperbacks:
						g.WriteLine("Paperback Book Titles:");
						// Create a new delegate object associated with the static 
						// method Test.PrintTitle:
						g.Invoke(bookDb, "ProcessPaperbackBooks", (Operand)exp.NewDelegate(processBookDelegate, test, "PrintTitle"));

                        // Get the average price of a paperback by using
                        // a PriceTotaller object:
                        var totaller = g.Local(exp.New(priceTotaller));
						// Create a new delegate object associated with the nonstatic 
						// method AddBookToTotal on the object totaller:
						g.Invoke(bookDb, "ProcessPaperbackBooks", (Operand)exp.NewDelegate(processBookDelegate, totaller, "AddBookToTotal"));
						g.WriteLine("Average Paperback Book Price: ${0:#.##}",
        // example based on the MSDN Delegates Sample (compose.cs)
        public static void GenCompose(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            TypeGen myDelegate = ag.Delegate(typeof(void), "MyDelegate").Parameter(typeof(string), "string");

			TypeGen myClass = ag.Class("MyClass");
				CodeGen g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Hello").Parameter(typeof(string), "s");
					g.WriteLine("  Hello, {0}!", g.Arg("s"));

				g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Goodbye").Parameter(typeof(string), "s");
					g.WriteLine("  Goodbye, {0}!", g.Arg("s"));

				g = myClass.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
					ContextualOperand a = g.Local(), b = g.Local(), c = g.Local(), d = g.Local();

					// Create the delegate object a that references 
					// the method Hello:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(a, exp.NewDelegate(myDelegate, myClass, "Hello"));
					// Create the delegate object b that references 
					// the method Goodbye:
				    ITypeMapper typeMapper1 = ag.TypeMapper;
				    g.Assign(b, exp.NewDelegate(myDelegate, myClass, "Goodbye"));
					// The two delegates, a and b, are composed to form c, 
					// which calls both methods in order:
					g.Assign(c, a + b);
					// Remove a from the composed delegate, leaving d, 
					// which calls only the method Goodbye:
					g.Assign(d, c - a);

					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate a:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(a, "A");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate b:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(b, "B");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate c:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(c, "C");
					g.WriteLine("Invoking delegate d:");
					g.InvokeDelegate(d, "D");