        public static ExitCodes Reentry(string exitCodePath, string op, string[] args)
            ExitCodes exitCode  = ExitCodes.UnknownError;
            Exception exception = null;

                MethodInfo selected;
                foreach (MethodInfo mi in typeof(TestMemory).GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                    foreach (CustomAttributeData attr in mi.CustomAttributes)
                        if (attr.AttributeType == typeof(OpAttribute))
                            object[] attrArgs = new object[attr.ConstructorArguments.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < attrArgs.Length; i++)
                                attrArgs[i] = attr.ConstructorArguments[i].Value;
                            OpAttribute opAttr = (OpAttribute)attr.Constructor.Invoke(attrArgs);
                            if (String.Equals(op, opAttr.Op))
                                selected = mi;
                                goto Found;
                Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("Unknown command \"{0}\" passed to TestMemory.Reentry()", op));
                return(exitCode = ExitCodes.UnknownCommand);

                TestMemory test = new TestMemory(args);

                selected.Invoke(test, null); // pre-JIT/warmup
                System.GC.Collect(2 /*gen*/, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true /*blocking*/, true /*compacting*/);

                // Try to avoid GC to stabilize results for implementations caching workspaces via weak references.
                // compute maximum size for TryStartNoGCRegion(). Assume workstation GC (has lower limits)
                int ephemeralSegmentSize = (Environment.Is64BitProcess ? 256 : 16) * 1024 * 1024;

                CLRProfilerControl.AllocationLoggingActive = true;
                selected.Invoke(test, null);
                CLRProfilerControl.AllocationLoggingActive = false;


                return(exitCode = ExitCodes.Success);
            catch (Exception exception2)
                exception = exception2;
                return(exitCode = ExitCodes.Exception);
                // CLR Profiler doesn't pass exit code through - use a file to do so
                File.WriteAllText(exitCodePath, String.Concat((int)exitCode, Environment.NewLine, exception));
文件: Program.cs 项目: fsgeek/TreeLib
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // hook for reentrant invocation under profiler
            const int ProfilerCallbackArgCount = 3;

            if ((args.Length >= ProfilerCallbackArgCount) && String.Equals(args[0], TestMemory.CallbackCommandSwitch))
                string[] subArgs = new string[args.Length - ProfilerCallbackArgCount];
                Array.Copy(args, ProfilerCallbackArgCount, subArgs, 0, subArgs.Length);
                return((int)TestMemory.Reentry(args[1], args[2], subArgs));


            Options     options         = new Options();
            List <long> breakIterations = new List <long>();
            Dictionary <string, bool> stochasticEnables = InitializeEnables(StochasticTokens);
            Dictionary <string, bool> unitEnables       = InitializeEnables(UnitTestTokens);
            Dictionary <string, bool> perfEnables       = InitializeEnables(PerfTestDriver.CategoryTokens);

            options.seed = Environment.TickCount;
            bool[] disables = new bool[Tests.Length];
            options.perfGroup = PerfTestDriver.Group.Priority;
            for (int n = 0; n < args.Length; n++)
                string arg = args[n];
                if (arg.StartsWith("seed:"))
                    options.seed = Int32.Parse(arg.Substring(5));
                else if (arg.StartsWith("timelimit:"))
                    options.timeLimit = Int32.Parse(arg.Substring(10));
                else if (String.Equals(arg, "-all"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < disables.Length; i++)
                        disables[i] = true;
                else if (String.Equals(arg, "+all"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < disables.Length; i++)
                        disables[i] = false;
                else if (String.Equals(arg, "baseline"))
                    options.baseline = true;
                else if (String.Equals(arg, "failhard:"))
                    arg = arg.Substring(9);
                    if (Array.IndexOf(new string[] { "on", "yes", "true" }, arg) >= 0)
                        options.failHard = true;
                    else if (Array.IndexOf(new string[] { "off", "no", "false" }, arg) >= 0)
                        options.failHard = false;
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                else if (arg.StartsWith("break:"))
                else if (String.Equals(arg, "fullperf"))
                    options.perfGroup = PerfTestDriver.Group.Full;
                else if (HandledEnableDisable(arg, unitEnables, "unit", "Unit test", UnitTestTokens))
                else if (HandledEnableDisable(arg, stochasticEnables, "random", "Stochastic test", StochasticTokens))
                else if (HandledEnableDisable(arg, perfEnables, "perf", "Perf category", PerfTestDriver.CategoryTokens))
                    bool disable;
                    if (arg.StartsWith("+"))
                        disable = false;
                        arg     = arg.Substring(1);
                    else if (arg.StartsWith("-"))
                        disable = true;
                        arg     = arg.Substring(1);
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    int i = Array.FindIndex(Tests, delegate(KeyValuePair <string, TestMethod> candidate) { return(String.Equals(candidate.Key, arg)); });
                    if (i < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Specified test \"{0}\" not found", arg));
                    disables[i] = disable;
            options.breakIterations   = breakIterations.ToArray();
            options.stochasticEnables = new List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> >(stochasticEnables).ToArray();
            options.unitEnables       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> >(unitEnables).ToArray();
            options.perfEnables       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> >(perfEnables).ToArray();

            int exitCode = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Tests.Length; i++)
                if (!Tests[i].Value(options, !disables[i]))
                    exitCode = 1;

            if (Debugger.IsAttached)
