        /// <summary>
        /// Nudge the tree to create a zig-zag effect (so that the tree isn't dead straight)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trunk">A trunk particle</param>
        private void TrunkNudgeBehaviour(Particle2D trunk)
            // subtle x nudgings
            if (rnd.NextDouble() < zigzagTrunkPercentage)
                // rotate the growing vector by a random zigzag strength factor
                trunk.Direction = trunk.Direction.Rotate(LineairScaleTo(rnd.NextDouble(), -zigzagTrunkStrength, zigzagTrunkStrength));

            if (trunk.Direction.Y < 1)
                trunk.Direction.Y += 0.1f;

            if (trunk.Direction.Y > 1)
                trunk.Direction.Y = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Describes the branching and general behaviour of a branch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="branchingPercent"></param>
        /// <param name="branch"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        private void BranchingBehaviour(float branchingPercent, Particle2D t, int depth)
            if (rnd.NextDouble() < branchingPercent)//* (Math.Pow(0.5f, depth)))
                // 90 * 2 ^ depth-1
                // [-90, 90] degrees => depth =1
                // [-45, 45] degrees => depth = 2
                // [-22.5,
                double narrower = (Math.Pow(branchNarrowing, depth));

                // create a branch
                Vector2D initialDirection = t.Direction.Rotate(rnd.Next(-Math.PI * narrower, Math.PI * narrower));

                Particle2D branch = new Particle2D()
                    Location  = t.Location,
                    Direction = initialDirection,
                    // the life is based on the the life where it's splitting from (branch or trunk) but reduce the life of the new branch by a factor
                    MaxLife = (int)(t.Life * branchSizeDecrease),
                    Life    = (int)(t.Life * branchSizeDecrease),
                    Color   = branchColor,
                // define the behaviour of the branch
                branch.Behaviour = b =>
                    // branches should sprout leaves

                    // branches can branch again
                    BranchingBehaviour(branchingPercent, b, depth + 1);

                    // weight behaviour
                    if (applyWeightOnBranches)
                        b.Direction = new Vector2D(initialDirection.X, initialDirection.Y * LineairScaleTo((double)b.Life / (double)branch.MaxLife, -1f, 1f));        // +(2 * (((double)b.Life / (double)maxLife)) - 1);

 /// <summary>
 /// Describes the behaviour of spawning leaves on branches
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b"></param>
 private void LeavesBehaviour(Particle2D b)
     // if the branch doesn't have a lot of life left (based on the leaves percentage)
     if (b.Life < leavesPercentage * b.MaxLife)
         // create leaf particles
         for (int i = 0; i < leavesNrSpawned; i++)
             // leaves have no particular behaviour, they just grow until its life is done
             Particle2D l = new Particle2D()
                 Direction = new Vector2D(rnd.Next(-1f, 1f), rnd.Next(-1f, 1f)),
                 Location  = b.Location,
                 Color     = leavesColor,
                 Life      = leafLife,
                 MaxLife   = leafLife
        /// <summary>
        /// Describes how a trunk splits
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trunk">The trunk particle</param>
        private void TrunkSplittingBehaviour(Particle2D trunk)
            // trunk split
            if (rnd.NextDouble() < trunkSplitPercentage)
                // spawn a branch of the trunk in a direction random between [-pi, pi]
                Vector2D newDirection = trunk.Direction.Rotate(rnd.Next(-Math.PI, Math.PI));

                Particle2D secondTrunk = new Particle2D()
                    Location  = trunk.Location,
                    Direction = newDirection,
                    Color     = trunk.Color,
                    // reduce its max life with the specified decrease
                    Life      = (int)(trunk.Life * trunkSplitSpawnLifeDecrease),
                    MaxLife   = (int)(trunk.Life * trunkSplitSpawnLifeDecrease),
                    Behaviour = trunk.Behaviour

                // if the trhunk if going down, flip it (trunks don't grow down)
                if (secondTrunk.Direction.Y < 0)
                    secondTrunk.Direction.Y *= -1;

                // reduce the original trunk's life (because splitting has a cost)
                trunk.Life = (int)(trunk.Life * trunkSplitOrigLifeDecrease);
                // mirror the new trunk direction to give to the original trunk
                trunk.Direction = new Vector2D(-newDirection.X, newDirection.Y); //trunk.Direction.Rotate(-Math.PI / 2 * rnd.NextDouble());

                // again, check if it's going down and if so flip it
                if (trunk.Direction.Y < 0)
                    trunk.Direction.Y *= -1;