        internal static async Task <bool> MatchTreeDumpFromLayoutUpdateAsync(string dumpID, string uiaId, TextBlock textBlock, IList <string> additionalProperties, DumpTreeMode mode, string dumpExpectedText)
            // First find root
            DependencyObject current = textBlock;
            DependencyObject parent  = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

            while (parent != null)
                current = parent;
                parent  = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

            DependencyObject dumpRoot = current;

            // if UIAID is passed in from test, find the matching child as the root to dump
            if (uiaId != null)
                var matchingNode = FindChildWithMatchingUIAID(current, uiaId);
                if (matchingNode != null)
                    dumpRoot = matchingNode;

            string dumpText = VisualTreeDumper.DumpTree(dumpRoot, textBlock /* exclude */, additionalProperties, mode);

            if (dumpText != dumpExpectedText)
                return(await MatchDump(dumpText, dumpID));
        private async Task MatchTreeDumpFromLayoutUpdateAsync()
            // First find root
            DependencyObject current = m_textBlock;
            DependencyObject parent  = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

            while (parent != null)
                current = parent;
                parent  = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(current);

            DependencyObject dumpRoot = current;

            // if UIAID is passed in from test, find the matching child as the root to dump
            if (m_uiaID != null)
                var matchingNode = FindChildWithMatchingUIAID(current);
                if (matchingNode != null)
                    dumpRoot = matchingNode;

            String dumpText = VisualTreeDumper.DumpTree(dumpRoot, m_textBlock /* exclude */);

            if (dumpText != m_dumpExpectedText)
                await MatchDump(dumpText);
 public async static Task<bool> DoesTreeDumpMatchForRNTester(DependencyObject root)
     string json = VisualTreeDumper.DumpTree(root, null, new string[] { }, DumpTreeMode.Json);
         var obj = JsonValue.Parse(json).GetObject();
         var element = VisualTreeDumper.FindElementByAutomationId(obj, "PageHeader");
         if (element == null)
             return false;
         var value = element.GetNamedString("Text");
         var pageName = new Regex(@"[<|>]").Replace(value, "");
         var match = await MatchDump(json, GetMasterFile(pageName), GetOutputFile(pageName));
         return match;
         Debug.WriteLine("JSON ERROR:\n" + json);