/// <summary>
        /// Use this method when drawing a solution that belongs an analysis
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _solution)
            // initialize Graphics3D object
            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds)
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            foreach (ILayer layer in _solution)
                CylinderLayer cylLayer = layer as CylinderLayer;
                if (null != cylLayer)
                    foreach (Vector3D pos in cylLayer)
                            new Cylinder(pickId++, _analysis.CylinderProperties, new CylPosition(pos, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P))

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos)
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, _analysis.InterlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - _analysis.InterlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - _analysis.InterlayerProperties.Width)
                        , interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw
            if (_showDimensions)
                if (_showDimensions)
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                        , Color.Black, false));
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                        , Color.Red, true));
        public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _dt)
            DataCase dtCase = _dt as DataCase;
            if (null != dtCase)
                Box b = new Box(0, ToCase(dtCase));
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(dtCase.OuterDimensions));
            DataBox dtBox = _dt as DataBox;
            if (null != dtBox)
                Box b = new Box(0, ToBox(dtBox));
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(dtBox.Dimensions));
            DataPallet dtPallet = _dt as DataPallet;
            if (null != dtPallet)
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(ToPallet(dtPallet));
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Sharp3D.Math.Core.Transform3D.Identity);
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(dtPallet.Dimensions));
            DataInterlayer dtInterlayer = _dt as DataInterlayer;
            if (null != dtInterlayer)
                graphics.AddBox(new Box(0, ToInterlayer(dtInterlayer)));
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(dtInterlayer.Dimensions));

            DataPalletCap dtPalletCap = _dt as DataPalletCap;
            if (null != dtPalletCap)
                PalletCap palletCap = new PalletCap(0, ToPalletCap(dtPalletCap), Sharp3D.Math.Core.Vector3D.Zero);
                graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(dtPalletCap.Dimensions));

            DataCylinder dtCylinder = _dt as DataCylinder;
            if (null != dtCylinder)
                Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder(0, ToCylinder(dtCylinder));
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            // sanity check
            if (null == _solution) return;
            InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties = _analysis.InterlayerProperties;
            // draw pallet
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
            pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickid = 0;
            for (int iLayerIndex = 0; iLayerIndex < _solution.LayerCount; ++iLayerIndex)
                bool hasInterlayer = false;
                double zInterlayer = 0.0;
                BoxLayer blayer = _solution.GetBoxLayer(iLayerIndex, ref hasInterlayer, ref zInterlayer);

                if (hasInterlayer && (null != interlayerProperties))
                    // instantiate box
                    Box box = new Box(pickid++, interlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - interlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - interlayerProperties.Width)
                        , zInterlayer);
                    // draw
                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                    graphics.AddBox(new Pack(pickid++, _analysis.PackProperties, bPosition));

                if (_showDimensions)
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                        , Color.Black, false));
                        new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                        , Color.Red, true));
        /// <summary>
        ///  Use this method when solution does not refer an analysis (e.g. when displaying CaseOptimizer result)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Draw(Graphics3D graphics
            , CasePalletSolution solution
            , BoxProperties boxProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties)
            // draw pallet
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties);
            pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            foreach (ILayer layer in solution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, boxProperties, bPosition));

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos && null != interlayerProperties)
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, interlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (palletProperties.Length - interlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (palletProperties.Width - interlayerProperties.Width)
                        , interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw

            // always show dimensions
            BoxLayer bLayer = solution[solution.Count - 1] as BoxLayer;
            double palletHeight = solution[solution.Count - 1].ZLow + (null != bLayer ? bLayer.Thickness(boxProperties) : 0.0);

            // show dimensions
            graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(solution.BoundingBox, Color.Black, false));
            graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(solution.LoadBoundingBox, Color.Red, true));
 public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
     // ### draw pallet
     if (graphCtrlPallet == ctrl)
         PalletProperties pp = SelectedPallet;
         Pallet pallet = new Pallet(pp);
         pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
         DimensionCube dc = new DimensionCube(pp.Length, pp.Width, pp.Height) { FontSize = 6.0f };
     // ### draw case definition
     else if (ctrl == graphCtrlBoxesLayout)
         // ### draw case definition
             // get selected solution
             CaseOptimSolution solution = SelectedSolution;
             if (null == solution) return;
             // instantiate case definition viewer
             CaseDefinitionViewer cdv = new CaseDefinitionViewer(SelectedSolution.CaseDefinition, SelectedBox, BuildCaseOptimConstraintSet());
             cdv.Orientation = SelectedSolution.PalletSolution.FirstCaseOrientation;
         catch (Exception ex)
     // ### draw associated pallet solution
     else if (ctrl == graphCtrlPalletLayout)
             // get selected solution
             CaseOptimSolution solution = SelectedSolution;
             // get selected box
             BoxProperties boxProperties = SelectedBox;
             // get selected pallet
             PalletProperties palletProperties = SelectedPallet;
             if (null != solution && null != boxProperties && null != palletProperties)
                 Vector3D outerDim = solution.CaseDefinition.OuterDimensions(boxProperties, BuildCaseOptimConstraintSet());
                 BoxProperties caseProperties = new BoxProperties(null, outerDim.X, outerDim.Y, outerDim.Z);
                 CasePalletSolutionViewer.Draw(graphics, solution.PalletSolution, caseProperties, null, palletProperties);
         catch (Exception ex)
 public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
     if (ctrl == graphCtrlPallet)
         PalletProperties pp = CurrentPallet;
         Pallet pallet = new Pallet(pp);
         pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
         DimensionCube dc = new DimensionCube(pp.Length, pp.Width, pp.Height) { FontSize = 6.0f };
     else if (ctrl == graphCtrlSolution)
         if (null == CurrentSolution) return;
         CasePalletSolutionViewer sv = new CasePalletSolutionViewer(CurrentSolution);
        private void AppendPalletElement(PalletProperties palletProp, XmlElement elemAnalysis, XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            string ns = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI;
            if (null == palletProp) return;
            // pallet
            XmlElement elemPallet = xmlDoc.CreateElement("pallet", ns);
            // name
            XmlElement elemName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("name", ns);
            elemName.InnerText = palletProp.Name;
            // description
            XmlElement elemDescription = xmlDoc.CreateElement("description", ns);
            elemDescription.InnerText = palletProp.Description;

            AppendElementValue(xmlDoc, elemPallet, "length", UnitsManager.UnitType.UT_LENGTH, palletProp.Length);
            AppendElementValue(xmlDoc, elemPallet, "width", UnitsManager.UnitType.UT_LENGTH, palletProp.Width);
            AppendElementValue(xmlDoc, elemPallet, "height", UnitsManager.UnitType.UT_LENGTH, palletProp.Height);
            AppendElementValue(xmlDoc, elemPallet, "weight", UnitsManager.UnitType.UT_MASS, palletProp.Weight);
            AppendElementValue(xmlDoc, elemPallet, "admissibleLoad", UnitsManager.UnitType.UT_MASS, palletProp.AdmissibleLoadWeight);

            // type
            XmlElement elemType = xmlDoc.CreateElement("type", ns);
            elemType.InnerText = palletProp.TypeName;
            // --- build image
            Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(new Size(512, 512));
            graphics.CameraPosition = Graphics3D.Corner_0;
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProp);
            pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(palletProp.Length, palletProp.Width, palletProp.Height));
            // ---
            // view_pallet_iso
            XmlElement elemImage = xmlDoc.CreateElement("view_pallet_iso", ns);
            TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
            elemImage.InnerText = Convert.ToBase64String((byte[])converter.ConvertTo(graphics.Bitmap, typeof(byte[])));
            XmlAttribute styleAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("style");
            styleAttribute.Value = string.Format("width:{0}pt;height:{1}pt", graphics.Bitmap.Width / 4, graphics.Bitmap.Height / 4);
            // save image
            SaveImageAs(graphics.Bitmap, "view_pallet_iso.png");
        private void ProcessViewItem(viewItem vItem)
            Graphics3DImage graphics = InitializeImageFromViewParameters(vItem.viewParameters);
            // load case
            BoxProperties bProperties = LoadCaseById(null, _root.data.items.library_cases, vItem.itemId);
            if (null != bProperties)
                graphics.AddBox(new Box(0, bProperties));
                if (vItem.viewParameters.showDimensions)
                    graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(bProperties.Length, bProperties.Width, bProperties.Height));

            // load pallet
            PalletProperties palletProperties = LoadPalletById(null, _root.data.items.library_pallets, vItem.itemId);
            if (null != palletProperties)
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
                if (vItem.viewParameters.showDimensions)
                    graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(palletProperties.Length, palletProperties.Width, palletProperties.Height));
            // load interlayer
            InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties = LoadInterlayerById(null, _root.data.items.library_interlayers, vItem.itemId);
            if (null != interlayerProperties)
                graphics.AddBox(new Box(0, interlayerProperties));
                if (vItem.viewParameters.showDimensions)
                    graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(interlayerProperties.Length, interlayerProperties.Width, interlayerProperties.Thickness));
            // load bundle
            BundleProperties bundleProperties = LoadBundleById(null, _root.data.items.library_bundles, vItem.itemId);
            if (null != bundleProperties)
                graphics.AddBox(new Box(0, bundleProperties));
                if (vItem.viewParameters.showDimensions)
                    graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(bundleProperties.Length, bundleProperties.Width, bundleProperties.Height));
            // load truck
            TruckProperties truckProperties = null;
            if (null != truckProperties)
                Truck truck = new Truck(truckProperties);
                if (vItem.viewParameters.showDimensions)
                    graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(truckProperties.Length, truckProperties.Width, truckProperties.Height));

            FinalizeImageFromViewParameters(vItem.viewParameters, graphics);
 public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
     if (graphCtrlPallet == ctrl)
         Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_palletProperties);
         pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
         DimensionCube dc = new DimensionCube(_palletProperties.Length, _palletProperties.Width, _palletProperties.Height) { FontSize = 6.0f };
        protected mesh CreatePalletMesh(PalletProperties palletProperties)
            // build pallet object
            Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties);
            // build list of boxes
            List<Box> listBoxes = pallet.BuildListOfBoxes();
            // build list of vertices / normals / UVs
            ulong vertexCount = 0, normalCount = 0, uvCount = 0, triangleCount = 0, boxCount = 0;
            string triangle_string = string.Empty;

            List<double> doubleArrayPosition = new List<double>(), doubleArrayNormal = new List<double>(), doubleArrayUV = new List<double>();

            foreach (Box box in listBoxes)
                foreach (Vector3D p in box.Points)
                    doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.X); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Y); doubleArrayPosition.Add(p.Z);
                foreach (Vector3D n in box.Normals)
                    doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.X); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Y); doubleArrayNormal.Add(n.Z);
                foreach (Vector2D uv in box.UVs)
                    doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.X); doubleArrayUV.Add(uv.Y);
                foreach (TriangleIndices tr in box.Triangles)
                    triangle_string += tr.ConvertToString(boxCount);
            mesh palletMesh = new mesh();

            // position source
            source palletPositionSource = new source() { id = "pallet_position", name = "pallet_position" };
            float_array farrayPosition = new float_array { id = "pallet_position_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayPosition.Count, Values = doubleArrayPosition.ToArray() };
            palletPositionSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common()
                accessor = new accessor()
                    stride = 3,
                    count = vertexCount,
                    source = "#pallet_position_float_array",
                    param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } }
            palletPositionSource.Item = farrayPosition;

            // normal source
            source palletPositionNormal = new source() { id = "pallet_normal", name = "pallet_normal" };
            float_array farrayNormal = new float_array { id = "pallet_normal_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayNormal.Count, Values = doubleArrayNormal.ToArray() };
            palletPositionNormal.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common()
                accessor = new accessor()
                    stride = 3,
                    count = normalCount,
                    source = "#pallet_normal_float_array",
                    param = new param[] { new param() { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "Z", type = "float" } }
            palletPositionNormal.Item = farrayNormal;

            // uv source
            source palletPositionUV = new source() { id = "pallet_UV", name = "pallet_UV" };
            float_array farrayUV = new float_array { id = "pallet_UV_float_array", count = (ulong)doubleArrayUV.Count, Values = doubleArrayUV.ToArray() };
            palletPositionUV.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common()
                accessor = new accessor()
                    stride = 2,
                    count = vertexCount,
                    source = "#pallet_UV_float_array",
                    param = new param[] { new param() { name = "S", type = "float" }, new param() { name = "T", type = "float" } }
            palletPositionUV.Item = farrayUV;
            // insert sources
            palletMesh.source = new source[] { palletPositionSource, palletPositionNormal, palletPositionUV };

            // vertices
            InputLocal verticesInput = new InputLocal() { semantic = "POSITION", source = "#pallet_position" };
            palletMesh.vertices = new vertices() { id = "pallet_vertex", input = new InputLocal[] { verticesInput } };

            triangles trianglesPallet = new triangles() { material = "materialPallet", count = triangleCount };
            trianglesPallet.input = new InputLocalOffset[]
                                        new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="VERTEX", source="#pallet_vertex", offset=0}
                                        , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="NORMAL", source="#pallet_normal", offset=1}
                                        , new InputLocalOffset() { semantic="TEXCOORD", source="#pallet_UV", offset=2, set=0, setSpecified=true }

            trianglesPallet.p = triangle_string;
            palletMesh.Items = new object[] { trianglesPallet };

            return palletMesh;
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _solution)
            // initialize Graphics3D object
            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds)
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            foreach (CylPosition pos in _solution)
                graphics.AddCylinder(new Cylinder(pickId++, _analysis.CylinderProperties, pos));

            if (_showDimensions)
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                    , Color.Black, false));
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                    , Color.Red, true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw layers
        /// Images are used during report generation
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawLayers(Graphics3D graphics, bool showPallet, int layerIndex)
            if (null == _solution)
                throw new Exception("No solution defined!");

            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds) // -> if box ids are drawn, we do not draw pallet
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            CylinderLayer cylLayer = _solution.CylinderLayerFirst;
            if (cylLayer != null)
                foreach (Vector3D pos in cylLayer)
                    graphics.AddCylinder(new Cylinder(pickId++, _analysis.CylinderProperties, new CylPosition(pos, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P)));
            // flush
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw layers
        /// Images are used during report generation
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawLayers(Graphics3D graphics, bool showPallet, int layerIndex)
            if (null == _solution)
                throw new Exception("No solution defined!");

             if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds) // -> if box ids are drawn, we do not draw pallet
                 // draw pallet
                 Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                 pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            int iLayer = 0, iLayerCount = 0;
            while (iLayerCount <= layerIndex && iLayer < _solution.Count)
                ILayer layer = _solution[iLayer];
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));
            // flush
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method when drawing a solution that belongs an analysis
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _solution)
            // initialize Graphics3D object
            if (!graphics.ShowBoxIds)
                // draw pallet
                Pallet pallet = new Pallet(_analysis.PalletProperties);
                pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
            // load bounding box
            BBox3D loadBBox = _solution.LoadBoundingBox;
            BBox3D loadBBoxWDeco = _solution.LoadBoundingBoxWDeco;

            #region Pallet film : begin
            // draw film
            Film film = null;
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletFilm)
                PalletFilmProperties palletFilmProperties = _solution.Analysis.PalletFilmProperties;
                film = new Film(
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin,
                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis,
                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis,
                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0));
                film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Height * Vector3D.ZAxis,
                    HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Width),
                    UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(200.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1)));

            #region Pallet corners
            // *** pallet corners
            // positions
            Vector3D[] cornerPositions =
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMin.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
                , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMin.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z)
            // length axes
            HalfAxis.HAxis[] lAxes =
            // width axes
            HalfAxis.HAxis[] wAxes =
            // corners
            Corner[] corners = new Corner[4];
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletCorners)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    corners[i] = new Corner(0, _solution.Analysis.PalletCornerProperties);
                    corners[i].Height = Math.Min(_solution.Analysis.PalletCornerProperties.Length, loadBBox.Height);
                    corners[i].SetPosition(cornerPositions[i], lAxes[i], wAxes[i]);
            // *** pallet corners : end

            // draw solution
            uint pickId = 0;
            foreach (ILayer layer in _solution)
                BoxLayer blayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                if (null != blayer)
                    foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in blayer)
                        graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, _analysis.BProperties, bPosition));

                InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                if (null != interlayerPos)
                    InterlayerProperties currInterlayerProperties = (0 == interlayerPos.TypeId)
                        ? _analysis.InterlayerProperties : _analysis.InterlayerPropertiesAntiSlip;
                    Box box = new Box(pickId++, currInterlayerProperties);
                    // set position
                    box.Position = new Vector3D(
                        0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - currInterlayerProperties.Length)
                        , 0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - currInterlayerProperties.Width)
                        , interlayerPos.ZLow);
                    // draw

            if (_showDimensions)
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol1)
                    , Color.Black, false));
                    new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(Properties.Settings.Default.DimCasePalletSol2)
                    , Color.Red, true));

            // pallet corners
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletCorners)
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            // pallet cap
            if (_solution.HasPalletCap)
                PalletCapProperties capProperties = _solution.Analysis.PalletCapProperties;
                Vector3D pos = new Vector3D(
                    0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Length - capProperties.Length),
                    0.5 * (_analysis.PalletProperties.Width - capProperties.Width),
                    loadBBox.PtMax.Z - capProperties.InsideHeight);
                PalletCap cap = new PalletCap(0, capProperties, pos);
            // pallet film
            if (_solution.Analysis.HasPalletFilm)
            graphics.EnableFaceSorting = false;
        public void Draw(Graphics3D graphics)
            if (null == _truckSolution)
                throw new Exception("No trucksolution defined!");
            // draw truck
            Truck truck = new Truck(_truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.TruckProperties);

            // get pallet height
            CasePalletAnalysis analysis = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentAnalysis;
            double palletLength = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletLength;
            double palletWidth = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletWidth;
            double palletHeight = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletHeight;

            // get parent pallet solution
            CasePalletSolution sol = _truckSolution.ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution;

            // draw solution
            uint pickIdGlobal = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < _truckSolution.NoLayers; ++i)
                foreach (BoxPosition bPositionLayer in _truckSolution.Layer)
                    BoxPosition bPalletPosition = new BoxPosition(
                        new Vector3D(
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Y
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Z + palletHeight * i)
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionLength
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionWidth);
                    if (_showDetails)
                        // build transformation
                        Transform3D transformPallet = bPalletPosition.Transformation;

                        // draw pallet
                        Pallet pallet = new Pallet(analysis.PalletProperties);
                        pallet.Draw(graphics, transformPallet);

                        // draw solution
                        uint pickId = 0;
                        foreach (ILayer layer in sol)
                            BoxLayer bLayer = layer as BoxLayer;
                            if (null != bLayer)
                                foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in bLayer)
                                    graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, analysis.BProperties, BoxPosition.Transform(bPosition, transformPallet)));

                            InterlayerPos interlayerPos = layer as InterlayerPos;
                            if (null != interlayerPos)
                                BoxPosition iPos = new BoxPosition(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, interlayerPos.ZLow), HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P);
                                graphics.AddBox(new Box(pickId++, analysis.InterlayerProperties, BoxPosition.Transform(iPos, transformPallet)));
                        Box b = new Box(pickIdGlobal++, new BoxProperties(null, palletLength, palletWidth, palletHeight), bPalletPosition);

            // fluch
            graphics.UseBoxelOrderer = false; // can not use boxel orderer for full truck view -> too slow...
 public void Draw(Graphics3DControl ctrl, Graphics3D graphics)
     if (0 == cbType.Items.Count)
     PalletProperties palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, PalletTypeName, PalletLength, PalletWidth, PalletHeight);
     palletProperties.Color = PalletColor;
     Pallet pallet = new Pallet(palletProperties);
     pallet.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
     graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(PalletLength, PalletWidth, PalletHeight));