        internal TranslationDictionariesReader(List <BamlString> bamlStrings)
            // hash key is case insensitive strings
            _table = new Hashtable();

            // we read each Row
            int rowNumber = 0;

            foreach (BamlString bamlString in bamlStrings)

                // field #1 is the baml name.
                string bamlName = bamlString.BamlFile;

                // it can't be null
                if (bamlName == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("EmptyRowEncountered"));

                // field #2: key to the localizable resource
                string key = bamlString.ResourceKey;
                if (key == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("NullBamlKeyNameInRow"));

                BamlLocalizableResourceKey resourceKey = LocBamlConst.StringToResourceKey(key);

                // get the dictionary
                BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary = this[bamlName];
                if (dictionary == null)
                    // we create one if it is not there yet.
                    dictionary     = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();
                    this[bamlName] = dictionary;

                BamlLocalizableResource resource;

                // the rest of the fields are either all null,
                // or all non-null. If all null, it means the resource entry is deleted.

                resource            = new BamlLocalizableResource();
                resource.Category   = bamlString.Category;
                resource.Readable   = (bool)BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(bamlString.Readability);
                resource.Modifiable = (bool)BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(bamlString.Modifiable);
                resource.Comments   = bamlString.Comments;
                // in case content being the last column, consider null as empty.
                resource.Content = bamlString.Content ?? string.Empty;

                // at this point, we are good.
                // add to the dictionary.
                dictionary.Add(resourceKey, resource);
        internal static List <BamlString> ExtractBamlStrings(Assembly assembly)
            InputBamlStreamList bamlStreamList = new InputBamlStreamList(assembly);

            List <BamlString> resultingList = new List <BamlString>();

            for (int i = 0; i < bamlStreamList.Count; i++)
                // Search for comment file in the same directory. The comment file has the extension to be
                // "loc".
//                string commentFile = Path.ChangeExtension(bamlStreamList[i].Name, "loc");
                TextReader commentStream = null;

                    //if (File.Exists(commentFile))
                    //    commentStream = new StreamReader(commentFile);

                    // create the baml localizer
                    BamlLocalizer mgr = new BamlLocalizer(
                        new BamlLocalizabilityByReflection(new Assembly[] { assembly }),

                    // extract localizable resource from the baml stream
                    BamlLocalizationDictionary dict = mgr.ExtractResources();

                    // write out each resource
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dict)
                        BamlLocalizableResourceKey key      = (BamlLocalizableResourceKey)entry.Key;
                        BamlLocalizableResource    resource = (BamlLocalizableResource)entry.Value;

                        resultingList.Add(new BamlString(bamlStreamList[i].Name, LocBamlConst.ResourceKeyToString(key), resource));
                    if (commentStream != null)

            // close all the baml input streams, output stream is closed by writer.

            // options.WriteLine(StringLoader.Get("Done"));

        private ArrayList __Columns; // An arraylist storing all the columns of a row

        internal ResourceTextReader(FileType fileType, Stream stream)
            __Delimiter = LocBamlConst.GetDelimiter(fileType);
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            __Reader = new StreamReader(stream);
        // private function dealing with naming

        // return the local output file name, i.e. without directory
        private static string GetOutputFileName(LocBamlOptions options)
            string outputFileName;
            string inputFileName = Path.GetFileName(options.InputFile);

            switch (options.InputType)
            case FileType.BAML:

            case FileType.EXE:
                inputFileName = inputFileName.Remove(inputFileName.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".resources.dll";

            case FileType.DLL:

            case FileType.RESOURCES:
                // get the output file name
                outputFileName = inputFileName;

                // get to the last dot seperating filename and extension
                int lastDot       = outputFileName.LastIndexOf('.');
                int secondLastDot = outputFileName.LastIndexOf('.', lastDot - 1);
                if (secondLastDot > 0)
                    string cultureName = outputFileName.Substring(secondLastDot + 1, lastDot - secondLastDot - 1);
                    if (LocBamlConst.IsValidCultureName(cultureName))
                        string extension = outputFileName.Substring(lastDot);
                        string frontPart = outputFileName.Substring(0, secondLastDot + 1);
                        outputFileName = frontPart + options.CultureInfo.Name + extension;

                throw new NotSupportedException();
        // constructor
        internal ResourceTextWriter(FileType fileType, Stream output)
            _delimiter = LocBamlConst.GetDelimiter(fileType);

            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("output");

            // show utf8 byte order marker
            UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(true);

            _writer      = new StreamWriter(output, encoding);
            _firstColumn = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">resoure text reader that reads CSV or a tab-separated txt file</param>
        internal TranslationDictionariesReader(ResourceTextReader reader)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            // hash key is case insensitive strings
            _table = new Hashtable();

            // we read each Row
            int rowNumber = 0;

            while (reader.ReadRow())

                // field #1 is the baml name.
                string bamlName = reader.GetColumn(0);

                // it can't be null
                if (bamlName == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("EmptyRowEncountered"));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlName))
                    // allow for comment lines in csv file.
                    // each comment line starts with ",". It will make the first entry as String.Empty.
                    // and we will skip the whole line.
                    continue;   // if the first column is empty, take it as a comment line

                // field #2: key to the localizable resource
                string key = reader.GetColumn(1);
                if (key == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(StringLoader.Get("NullBamlKeyNameInRow"));

                BamlLocalizableResourceKey resourceKey = LocBamlConst.StringToResourceKey(key);

                // get the dictionary
                BamlLocalizationDictionary dictionary = this[bamlName];
                if (dictionary == null)
                    // we create one if it is not there yet.
                    dictionary     = new BamlLocalizationDictionary();
                    this[bamlName] = dictionary;

                BamlLocalizableResource resource;

                // the rest of the fields are either all null,
                // or all non-null. If all null, it means the resource entry is deleted.

                // get the string category
                string categoryString = reader.GetColumn(2);
                if (categoryString == null)
                    // it means all the following fields are null starting from column #3.
                    resource = null;
                    // the rest must all be non-null.
                    // the last cell can be null if there is no content
                    for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++)
                        if (reader.GetColumn(i) == null)
                            throw new Exception(StringLoader.Get("InvalidRow"));

                    // now we know all are non-null. let's try to create a resource
                    resource = new BamlLocalizableResource();

                    // field #3: Category
                    resource.Category = (LocalizationCategory)StringCatConverter.ConvertFrom(categoryString);

                    // field #4: Readable
                    resource.Readable = (bool)BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(reader.GetColumn(3));

                    // field #5: Modifiable
                    resource.Modifiable = (bool)BoolTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(reader.GetColumn(4));

                    // field #6: Comments
                    resource.Comments = reader.GetColumn(5);

                    // field #7: Content
                    resource.Content = reader.GetColumn(6);

                    // in case content being the last column, consider null as empty.
                    if (resource.Content == null)
                        resource.Content = string.Empty;

                    // field > #7: Ignored.

                // at this point, we are good.
                // add to the dictionary.
                dictionary.Add(resourceKey, resource);