/// <summary> /// Performs a random tarnsition between the two pictures. /// </summary> public void transitionPictures() { // We randomly choose where the current image is going to // slide off to (and where we are going to slide the inactive // image in from)... int iDestinationLeft = (m_Random.Next(2) == 0) ? Width : -Width; int iDestinationTop = (m_Random.Next(3) - 1) * Height; // We move the inactive image to this location... SuspendLayout(); m_InactivePicture.Top = iDestinationTop; m_InactivePicture.Left = iDestinationLeft; m_InactivePicture.BringToFront(); ResumeLayout(); // We perform the transition which moves the active image off the // screen, and the inactive one onto the screen... Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(1000)); t.add(m_InactivePicture, "Left", 0); t.add(m_InactivePicture, "Top", 0); t.add(m_ActivePicture, "Left", iDestinationLeft); t.add(m_ActivePicture, "Top", iDestinationTop); t.run(); // We swap over which image is active and inactive for next time // the function is called... PictureBox tmp = m_ActivePicture; m_ActivePicture = m_InactivePicture; m_InactivePicture = tmp; }
public void Move(PlayingCard card, Point position) { var t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(500)); t.add(card, "Left", position.X); t.add(card, "Top", position.Y); t.run(); }
private void FadePicBoxes(float xOpacity, float plusOpacity) { var fade = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(400)); fade.add(pictureBoxX, "Opacity", xOpacity); fade.add(pictureBoxPlus, "Opacity", plusOpacity); fade.run(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the "Swap" button is pressed. /// </summary> private void cmdSwap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // We swap over the group-boxes that show the "Bounce" and // "Throw and Catch" transitions. The active one is animated // left off the screen and the inactive one is animated right // onto the screen... // We work out which box is currently on screen and // which is off screen... Control ctrlOnScreen, ctrlOffScreen; if (gbBounce.Left == GROUP_BOX_LEFT) { ctrlOnScreen = gbBounce; ctrlOffScreen = gbThrowAndCatch; } else { ctrlOnScreen = gbThrowAndCatch; ctrlOffScreen = gbBounce; } ctrlOnScreen.SendToBack(); ctrlOffScreen.BringToFront(); // We create a transition to animate the two boxes simultaneously. One is // animated onto the screen, the other off the screen. // The ease-in-ease-out transition acclerates the rate of change for the // first half of the animation, and decelerates during the second half. Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(1000)); t.add(ctrlOnScreen, "Left", -1 * ctrlOnScreen.Width); t.add(ctrlOffScreen, "Left", GROUP_BOX_LEFT); t.run(); }
private void LabelMain_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { Transition T = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(400)); T.add(this, "ForeColor", Color.Silver); T.add(LabelMain, "ForeColor", Color.Silver); T.run(); }
private void AssistantGoUp() { //debug.Visible = true; Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(500)); t.add(this, "Top", ScreenHeight/3); t.add(MicPanel, "Top", ScreenHeight/3*2-Mic.Height-10); //t.add(MessagePanelz, "Height", this.Height - 200); hidden = false; t.run(); t.TransitionCompletedEvent += new EventHandler<Transition.Args>(t_TransitionCompletedEvent); }
private void AnimateShowFormTrigger() { this.Show(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(100)); int tempY = this.Location.Y; this.CenterToScreen(); int centerY = this.Location.Y; this.Top = tempY; t.add(this, "Top", centerY); t.add(this, "Opacity", 1.0); t.run(); }
public void SlideOut() { this.Location = new Point(FindForm().Width, 66); this.Visible = true; this.BackColor = Color.Silver; this.BringToFront(); var t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(400)); t.TransitionCompletedEvent += ShowTransitionCompletedEvent; t.add(this, "Left", 15); t.add(this, "BackColor", Color.White); t.run(); }
public void Ask(string question) { if (question == "quit") { HideAssistant(); Application.Exit(); } if (asked == 3) { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(500)); t.add(MessagePanelz, "Top", MessagePanelz.Location.Y - 290); t.run(); asked = 0; } DisplayQuestion(question); try { string uriString = "http://infini-dev.com/WISA/WISA.php"; //post request to server and get response WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection PostParams = new NameValueCollection(); PostParams.Add("request", question); byte[] responseArray = myWebClient.UploadValues(uriString, "POST", PostParams); string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray); DisplayResponse(response); } catch { DisplayResponse("I'm sorry, I could not connect to the server"); } asked++; }
public void swipe(bool show = true) { this.Visible = true; Transition _transasition = new Transitions.Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(500)); _transasition.add(this, "Left", show ? 0 : this.Width); _transasition.run(); while (this.Left != (show ? 0 : this.Width)) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!show) { closed(new EventArgs()); _owner.Resize -= owner_Resize; _owner.Controls.Remove(this); this.Dispose(); } else { _loaded = true; ResizeForm(); shown(new EventArgs()); } }
//This will determine the size of you panel //77 - is to remove the header and footer //50 - is for top position. You can change it depending on your design public void swipe(bool show = true) { this.Visible = true; Transition _transasition = new Transitions.Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(500)); _transasition.add(this, "Left", show ? 0 : this.Width); _transasition.run(); while (this.Left != (show ? 0 : this.Width)) { Application.DoEvents(); } if (!show) { closed(new EventArgs()); _owner.Resize -= owner_Resize; _owner.Controls.Remove(this); this.Dispose(); } else { _loaded = true; ResizeForm(); shown(new EventArgs()); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates and immediately runs a transition on the property passed in. /// </summary> public static void run(object target, string strPropertyName, object destinationValue, ITransitionType transitionMethod) { Transition t = new Transition(transitionMethod); t.add(target, strPropertyName, destinationValue); t.run(); }
private void SetErrorMessageOpacity() { if (_presenter.HasError) { // Todo - is this the prob? maybe single log trasition var t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Acceleration(1000)); t.add(PBOX_WarningIcon, "Opacity", 1.0F); t.add(LBL_Error, "Opacity", 1.0F); t.run(); //Transition.runChain(_ErrorTransition); } else { _NoErrorTransition.run(); } }
public void Activate() { _presenter = new ConfigCameraStabModel(MainV2.comPort); presenterBindingSource.DataSource = _presenter; var delay = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(2000)); var fadeIn = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(800)); fadeIn.add(PBOX_WarningIcon, "Opacity", 1.0F); fadeIn.add(LBL_Error, "Opacity", 1.0F); _ErrorTransition = new[] { delay, fadeIn }; _NoErrorTransition = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(10)); _NoErrorTransition.add(PBOX_WarningIcon, "Opacity", 0.0F); _NoErrorTransition.add(LBL_Error, "Opacity", 0.0F); //setup button actions foreach (var btn in Controls.Cast<Control>().OfType<Button>()) btn.Click += HandleButtonClick; _presenter.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == "HasError") { SetErrorMessageOpacity(); } }; _presenter.PropertyChanged += CheckCommandStates; LNK_wiki.MouseEnter += (s, e) => FadeLinkTo((LinkLabel)s, Color.CornflowerBlue); LNK_wiki.MouseLeave += (s, e) => FadeLinkTo((LinkLabel)s, Color.WhiteSmoke); SetErrorMessageOpacity(); // Fix for mono bug where binding sources do not respect INPC notifications on POCOs if (MainV2.MONO) { _presenter.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => presenterBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } _presenter.Load(); }
public ConfigMount() { InitializeComponent(); PBOX_WarningIcon.Opacity = 0.0F; LBL_Error.Opacity = 0.0F; var delay = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(2000)); var fadeIn = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(800)); fadeIn.add(PBOX_WarningIcon, "Opacity", 1.0F); fadeIn.add(LBL_Error, "Opacity", 1.0F); _ErrorTransition = new[] { delay, fadeIn }; _NoErrorTransition = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(10)); _NoErrorTransition.add(PBOX_WarningIcon, "Opacity", 0.0F); _NoErrorTransition.add(LBL_Error, "Opacity", 0.0F); //setup button actions foreach (var btn in Controls.Cast<Control>().OfType<Button>()) btn.Click += HandleButtonClick; LNK_wiki.MouseEnter += (s, e) => FadeLinkTo((LinkLabel)s, Color.CornflowerBlue); LNK_wiki.MouseLeave += (s, e) => FadeLinkTo((LinkLabel)s, Color.WhiteSmoke); SetErrorMessageOpacity(); if (MainV2.cs.firmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduPlane) { mavlinkComboBoxTilt.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelap))); mavlinkComboBoxRoll.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelap))); mavlinkComboBoxPan.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelap))); } else { mavlinkComboBoxTilt.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelac))); mavlinkComboBoxRoll.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelac))); mavlinkComboBoxPan.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(Channelac))); } }
private void buttonBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(400)); t.TransitionCompletedEvent += HideTransitionCompletedEvent; t.add(this, "Left", FindForm().Width); t.add(this, "BackColor", Color.Silver); t.run(); }
private void ShowAssistant() { MicPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(((ScreenWidth / 3) - MicPanel.Width) / 2, Mic.Location.Y + 10); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(500)); t.add(this, "Top", ScreenHeight - 150); hidden = false; t.run(); }
private void CreateRetourManagement() { if (_retourManagement != null) { return; } if (_reservationManagement != null || _empruntManagement != null) { if (_reservationManagement != null){ Controls.Remove(_reservationManagement); Controls.Remove(_empruntManagement); } if (_reservationManagement != null) { _reservationManagement.Dispose(); _reservationManagement = null; } if (_empruntManagement != null) { _empruntManagement.Dispose(); _empruntManagement = null; } } _retourManagement = new RetourManagement(this) {Location = new Point(panel1.Width + 20, 56)}; var t1 = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(1000)); t1.add(this, "Width", _dashboardWidth + _retourManagement.Width + 10); t1.add(lblBibliothequeTitle, "Left", _lblBibliothequeTitleLocationX + _retourManagement.Width + 10); t1.add(cmbBibliotheque, "Left", _cmbBibliothequeLocationX + _retourManagement.Width + 10); Controls.Add(_retourManagement); t1.run(); }
void AnimateMenuPanel() { //Util.Animate(menuPanel, Util.Effect.Slide, 100, 0); this.Refresh(); menuPanel.BringToFront(); // Left border and bottom left cornerborder would get overlapped otherwise LeftBorderPanel.BringToFront(); BottomLeftCornerPanel.BringToFront(); #region Animation if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { if (menuPanel.Left == -menuPanel.Width - 1) { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(300)); t.add(menuPanel, "Left", 1); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(300)); t.add(menuPanel, "Left", -menuPanel.Width - 1); t.run(); } } else { if (menuPanel.Left == -menuPanel.Width) { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(300)); t.add(menuPanel, "Left", 0); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(300)); t.add(menuPanel, "Left", -menuPanel.Width); t.run(); } } #endregion }
void AnimateController() { if (currentCameraLabel.Top == 0) { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Acceleration(350)); t.add(cameralistDropDownButton, "Top", -cameralistDropDownButton.Width); t.add(currentCameraLabel, "Top", -currentCameraLabel.Width); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(500)); t.add(cameralistDropDownButton, "Top", 0); t.add(currentCameraLabel, "Top", 0); t.run(); } }
void ToggleNoInternetPanel() { // avoid border overlapping TopBorderPanel.BringToFront(); TopLeftCornerPanel.BringToFront(); TopRightCornerPanel.BringToFront(); if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { if (this.Size != Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size) { if (nointernet_panel.Top == 0) { nointernet_panel.Show(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", 31); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", 0); t.run(); } } else if (nointernet_panel.Top == -nointernet_panel.Height) { nointernet_panel.Show(); TopBorderPanel.Hide(); TopLeftCornerPanel.Hide(); TopRightCornerPanel.Hide(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", 0); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", -nointernet_panel.Height); t.run(); } } else { if (nointernet_panel.Top == 0) { nointernet_panel.Show(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", 30); t.run(); } else { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(450)); t.add(nointernet_panel, "Top", 0); t.run(); } } menuPanel.BringToFront(); titlebar.BringToFront(); //if (nointernet_panel.Visible == true) SetTitlebarColor(nointernet_panel.BackColor, Color.White); //else SetTitlebarColor(GetTitlebarColoring(), Color.White); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the "Drop and Bounce" button is pressed. /// </summary> private void cmdDropAndBounce_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // We animate the button to drop and bounce twice with bounces // of diminishing heights. While it does this, it is moving to // the right, as if thrown to the right. When this animation has // finished, the button moves back to its original position. // The diminishing-bounce is not one of the built-in transition types, // so we create it here as a user-defined transition type. You define // these as a collection of TransitionElements. These define how far the // animated properties will have moved at various times, and how the // transition between different elements is to be done. // So in the example below: // 0% - 40% The button acclerates to 100% distance (i.e. the bottom of the screen) // 40% - 65% The button bounces back (decelerating) to 70% distance. // etc... IList<TransitionElement> elements = new List<TransitionElement>(); elements.Add(new TransitionElement(40, 100, InterpolationMethod.Accleration)); elements.Add(new TransitionElement(65, 70, InterpolationMethod.Deceleration)); elements.Add(new TransitionElement(80, 100, InterpolationMethod.Accleration)); elements.Add(new TransitionElement(90, 92, InterpolationMethod.Deceleration)); elements.Add(new TransitionElement(100, 100, InterpolationMethod.Accleration)); int iDestination = gbDropAndBounce.Height - cmdDropAndBounce.Height - 10; Transition.run(cmdDropAndBounce, "Top", iDestination, new TransitionType_UserDefined(elements, 2000)); // The transition above just animates the vertical bounce of the button, but not // the left-to-right movement. This can't use the same transition, as otherwise the // left-to-right movement would bounce back and forth. // We run the left-to-right animation as a second, simultaneous transition. // In fact, we run a transition chain, with the animation of the button back // to its starting position as the second item in the chain. The second // transition starts as soon as the first is complete... Transition t1 = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(2000)); t1.add(cmdDropAndBounce, "Left", cmdDropAndBounce.Left + 400); Transition t2 = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(2000)); t2.add(cmdDropAndBounce, "Top", 19); t2.add(cmdDropAndBounce, "Left", 6); Transition.runChain(t1, t2); }
public void ShowMenu(string menuName) { if (menuName.Equals(CurrentlyFocused.Name)) return; MetroMenuItem target = GetMenuItem(menuName); if (target == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Menu by the name of " + menuName + " could not be found.."); this.Invoke(delegate() { //-- Don't want this control resize as it's losing focus.. CurrentlyFocused.Control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top; //-- Should I also make it invisible? Will this improve performance? Since technically the control doesn't have //-- to be drawn.. //CurrentlyFocused.Control.Visible = false; //-- Make sure the control that will be focused is the same size as the parent. target.Control.Size = this.Size; //-- Definitely want this control to resize with the parent now - it's in focus! target.Control.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; if (target.MenuTransition == MetroMenuTransition.Instant) { target.Control.Left = 0; target.Control.BringToFront(); } else if (target.MenuTransition == MetroMenuTransition.EaseIn) { int direction = 1; if (MenuItems.IndexOf(target) < MenuItems.IndexOf(CurrentlyFocused)) direction = -1; target.Control.Left = this.Width * direction; target.Control.BringToFront(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(500)); t.add(target.Control, "Left", 0); t.add(CurrentlyFocused.Control, "Left", -this.Width * direction); t.run(); } }); CurrentlyFocused = target; }
private void ResizeDynamicWindow(Control objControl) { var t1 = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(1000)); t1.add(this, "Width", _dashboardWidth + objControl.Width + 10); t1.add(lblBibliotheque, "Left", _lblBibliothequeLocationX + objControl.Width + 10); t1.add(lblBibliothequeTitle, "Left", _lblBibliothequeTitleLocationX + objControl.Width + 10); t1.add(lblDtLastVisite, "Left", _lblDtLastLocationX + objControl.Width + 10); t1.add(lblDtLastVisiteTitle, "Left", _lblDtLastVisiteTitleLocationX + objControl.Width + 10); t1.run(); }
private void HideAssistant() { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Deceleration(500)); t.add(this, "Top", ScreenHeight-1); hidden = true; t.run(); MessagePanelz.Visible = false; DebuggerPanel.Visible = false; MessagePanelz.Height = 5; }
public void AnimateHideForm(EventHandler<Transition.Args> handler = null) { Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(100)); t.add(this, "Top", this.Location.Y + 48); t.add(this, "Opacity", 0.0); if (handler != null) t.TransitionCompletedEvent += handler; t.run(); }
public virtual void AnimateShowForm(EventHandler<Transition.Args> handler = null) { this.Show(); Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_EaseInEaseOut(100)); int tempY = this.Location.Y; this.CenterToScreen(); int centerY = this.Location.Y; this.Top = tempY; t.add(this, "Top", centerY); t.add(this, "Opacity", 1.0); if (handler != null) t.TransitionCompletedEvent += handler; t.run(); }
private void FadePicBoxes(Control picbox, float Opacity) { var fade = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(400)); fade.add(picbox, "Opacity", Opacity); fade.run(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the "Text Transition" button is pressed. /// </summary> private void cmdTextTransition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // We transition four properties simulataneously here: // - The two labels' text is changed. // - The two labels' colors are changed. // We work out the new text and colors to transition to... string strText1, strText2; Color color1, color2; if (lblTextTransition1.Text == STRING_SHORT) { strText1 = STRING_LONG; color1 = Color.Red; strText2 = STRING_SHORT; color2 = Color.Blue; } else { strText1 = STRING_SHORT; color1 = Color.Blue; strText2 = STRING_LONG; color2 = Color.Red; } // We create a transition to animate all four properties at the same time... Transition t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(1000)); t.add(lblTextTransition1, "Text", strText1); t.add(lblTextTransition1, "ForeColor", color1); t.add(lblTextTransition2, "Text", strText2); t.add(lblTextTransition2, "ForeColor", color2); t.run(); }
private static void FadeLinkTo(LinkLabel l, Color c) { var changeColorTransition = new Transition(new TransitionType_Linear(300)); changeColorTransition.add(l, "LinkColor", c); changeColorTransition.run(); }
private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ((OrdersView)owningView).Finalized -= new EventHandler<OrdersView.FinalizedEventArgs>(OrderRow_Finalized); SessionManager.Instance.MetaData.OrderTypes.ReleaseListeners(this); //Transition.run(this, "BackColor", Color.Red, new TransitionType_Flash(1, 100)); t = new Transition(new TransitionType_Flash(1, 50)); t.add(this, "BackColor", Color.Gray); t.TransitionCompletedEvent += new EventHandler<Transition.Args>(t_TransitionCompletedEvent); t.run(); }