private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvDonations.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete donation " + txtDonationID.Text, "Donations maintenance", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Donations donations = new Donations(_clientid); string msg = donations.DeleteDonation(Convert.ToInt32(lvDonations.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text)); if (msg == "Successfully deleted donation") { lvDonations.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg, "Donation deletion"); } } } }
public void LoadDonations() { Donations = new Donations(_id); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Validate the required fields first if (txtFirstName.Text == string.Empty || txtSurname.Text == string.Empty || txtAddressLine1.Text == string.Empty || txtTown.Text == string.Empty || mskPostCode.Text == string.Empty || (txtHomePhone.Text == string.Empty && txtMobilePhone.Text == string.Empty)) { MessageBox.Show("All yellow entry fields plus one phone number must be entered"); return; } if (radDonationYes.Checked && (txtReference.Text == string.Empty || mskAmount.Text == string.Empty)) { MessageBox.Show("Amount and Reference fields must be completed for donation."); return; } Clients collClient = new Clients(); IEnumerable <Client> query; query = collClient.Where(s => s.Surname.ToUpper() == txtSurname.Text.ToUpper()).Where(s => s.AddressLine1.ToUpper() == txtAddressLine1.Text.ToUpper()); Client clientdupe = new Client(); try { clientdupe = query.First <Client>(); } catch (SystemException a) { //do nowt just avoid bug } if (clientdupe.ClientID > 0) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("A client is already registered at this address (" + clientdupe.FirstName + " " + (clientdupe.MiddleName == string.Empty ? string.Empty : clientdupe.MiddleName + string.Empty) + clientdupe.Surname + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "Continue saving this client?", "Client Additions", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } } client.TitleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.cboTitle.SelectedValue.ToString()) < 1 ? 5 : Convert.ToInt32(this.cboTitle.SelectedValue.ToString()); client.FirstName = this.txtFirstName.Text; client.MiddleName = this.txtMiddleName.Text; client.Surname = this.txtSurname.Text; client.AddressLine1 = this.txtAddressLine1.Text; client.AddressLine2 = this.txtAddressLine2.Text; client.Town = this.txtTown.Text; client.Postcode = this.mskPostCode.Text; client.HomePhone = this.txtHomePhone.Text; client.MobilePhone = this.txtMobilePhone.Text; client.DateOfBirth = this.dtpDOB.Value; client.Email = this.txtEmail.Text; client.isActive = true; string msg = client.Add(); if (msg == "Successfully added client") { bDirty = false; if (rtbNotes.Text != string.Empty) { Notes collNotes = new Notes(client.ClientID, Notes.NoteType.Client); collNotes.AddNote(client.ClientID, rtbNotes.Text); } //now add in the attributes. for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.clbAttributes.Items.Count; i++) { client.Attributes[i].CheckedNew = this.clbAttributes.GetItemChecked(i); client.Attributes[i].LinkID = client.ClientID; client.Attributes[i].Update(Attribute.AttributeType.client); } if (radDonationYes.Checked) { Donations donations = new Donations(); msg = donations.AddDonation(client.ClientID, dtpPaymentDate.Value, Convert.ToDecimal(mskAmount.Text.ToString().Replace("£", "").Replace(" ", "")), txtReference.Text); if (msg != "Successfully saved donation") { MessageBox.Show("Client saved but there has been a problem saving the donation - you can add the donation in the Client Edit form" + Environment.NewLine + msg, "Client Addition"); this.Close(); } } MessageBox.Show("Successfully added Client", "Client Addition"); this.Close(); } }