private void DrawHeader(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, DateTime start, string dateTimeFormat) { Area monthHeader = new Area(g, new Rectangle(x, y, width, 20)); monthHeader.Text = start.ToString(dateTimeFormat); monthHeader.TextColor = SystemColors.AppWorkspace; monthHeader.Font = base.Font; monthHeader.TextFlags = System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.Top | System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis; monthHeader.Draw(); }
protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if (_onGotFocus) { LoadCharts(); _onGotFocus = false; } try { e.Graphics.Clear(SystemColors.Window); _bars.Clear(); // draws title and options string title; if (_chart1Start != DateTime.MinValue && _chart1End != DateTime.MinValue) title = spanish ? ("Temporada en curso de " + _athleteOrTeamName) : (_athleteOrTeamName + "'s current season"); else title = spanish ? ("No hay ninguna temporada en curso para " + _athleteOrTeamName) : ("No " + _athleteOrTeamName + "'s running seasons have been created yet"); System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, title, new Font("Georgia", 10, FontStyle.Bold), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, 70), SystemColors.InfoText); string options = spanish ? "F1 - Ayuda, S - Guardar imagen" : "F1 - Help, S - Save as image"; System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, options, new Font("Georgia", 9), new Rectangle(this.Width - 400, 5, 400, 50), SystemColors.GrayText, System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.Right); // creates chart1 area, if season running, draws chart _chart1 = new Area(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(CHART_X, 90, this.Width - CHART_X - CHART_X, 210)); if (_chart1Start != DateTime.MinValue && _chart1End != DateTime.MinValue) { int months = MonthsDifference(_chart1Start, _chart1End); double minutesChart1 = _chart1End.Subtract(_chart1Start).TotalMinutes; int x = _chart1.Bounds.X + BARS_X; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x, _chart1.Bounds.Y - 30), new Point(x, _chart1.Bounds.Height)); } DateTime start = _chart1Start; for (int i = 0; i < months; i++) { TimeSpan ts = start.AddDays(DateTime.DaysInMonth(start.Year, start.Month)).Subtract(start); int monthWidth = GetWidth(ts, _chart1, minutesChart1); DrawHeader(e.Graphics, x, _chart1.Bounds.Y - 20, monthWidth, start, "MMMM"); start = start.AddMonths(1); x += monthWidth; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x, _chart1.Bounds.Y - 20), new Point(x, _chart1.Bounds.Height)); } } // draws info row int y = 25; for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++) { Area row = new Area(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(_chart1.Bounds.X, _chart1.Bounds.Y + y, 65, 25)); row.Text = TrainingItem.ToString((TrainingEvent)i, spanish) + ": "; row.TextFlags = System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.Right; row.TextColor = Color.Gray; row.Font = base.Font; row.Draw(); y += 25; } // draws bars List<TrainingItem> sessions = new List<TrainingItem>(); foreach (TrainingItem item in _items) { if (ItemInChart(item, _chart1Start, _chart1End) && item.Type != TrainingEvent.TrainingNote) { Area itemArea = new Area(e.Graphics, item.Bounds); int itemX = GetBarX(item, _chart1, _chart1Start, minutesChart1); int itemY = 0; int itemW; int itemH = 20; if (item.Type == TrainingEvent.TrainingSession) // sessions last an entire day in order to be more visible in the chart { DateTime sessionStart = new DateTime(item.StartDate.Year, item.StartDate.Month, item.StartDate.Day, 0, 0, 0); DateTime sessionEnd = new DateTime(item.EndDate.Year, item.EndDate.Month, item.EndDate.Day, 23, 59, 0); itemW = GetWidth(sessionEnd.Subtract(sessionStart), _chart1, minutesChart1); } else itemW = GetBarWidth(item, _chart1, minutesChart1); switch (item.Type) { case TrainingEvent.Season: itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y; itemArea.Text = (spanish ? "temporada " : "season ") + item.StartDate.Year.ToString(); if (item.EndDate.Year != item.StartDate.Year) itemArea.Text += "/"+item.EndDate.Year.ToString(); break; case TrainingEvent.Macrocycle: itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y + 25; itemArea.Text = item.Text; break; case TrainingEvent.Mesocycle: itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y + 50; itemArea.Text = item.Orientation != null ? item.Orientation : ""; break; case TrainingEvent.Microcycle: itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y + 75; itemArea.Text = item.Orientation != null ? item.Orientation : ""; break; case TrainingEvent.TrainingSession: int intersections = GetIntersectionsCount(sessions, item); if (intersections > 5) continue; itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y + 100 + 5 * intersections + intersections * (25 - intersections - 5); //itemY = _chart1.Bounds.Y + 100 + intersections * 25; sessions.Add(item); itemH -= intersections * 3; itemArea.Text = ""; break; } item.Bounds = new Rectangle(itemX, itemY, itemW, itemH); itemArea.Bounds = item.Bounds; GetItemColor(item, itemArea); itemArea.Font = base.Font; itemArea.TextFlags |= System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis; itemArea.Draw(); itemArea.Tag = item; _bars.Add(itemArea); } } // creates chart2 and chart3 area _chart2 = new Area(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(CHART_X, _chart1.Bounds.Y + _chart1.Bounds.Height + 70, this.Width - CHART_X * 2, this.Height / 6)); _chart3 = new Area(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(CHART_X, _chart2.Bounds.Y + _chart2.Bounds.Height + 60, this.Width - CHART_X * 2, this.Height / 6)); // draws chart2 & chart3 title string title2 = spanish ? "Últimas sesiones realizadas dentro de la temporada en curso:" : "Latest training sessions performed (shown in monthly and weekly view charts)"; System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, title2, new Font("Georgia", 10, FontStyle.Bold), new Rectangle(0, _chart2.Bounds.Y - 90, this.Width, 70), SystemColors.InfoText); // draws chart2 double minutesChart2 = _chart2End.Subtract(_chart2Start).TotalMinutes; int x2 = _chart2.Bounds.X + BARS_X; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x2, _chart2.Bounds.Y - 30), new Point(x2, _chart2.Bounds.Y + _chart2.Bounds.Height)); } DateTime start2 = _chart2Start; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { TimeSpan ts = start2.AddDays(DateTime.DaysInMonth(start2.Year, start2.Month)).Subtract(start2); int monthWidth = GetWidth(ts, _chart2, minutesChart2); DrawHeader(e.Graphics, x2, _chart2.Bounds.Y - 20, monthWidth, start2, "MMMM"); start2 = start2.AddMonths(1); x2 += monthWidth; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x2, _chart2.Bounds.Y - 20), new Point(x2, _chart2.Bounds.Y + _chart2.Bounds.Height)); } } // draws info rows // draws bars sessions = new List<TrainingItem>(); foreach (TrainingItem item in _items) { if (ItemInChart(item, _chart2Start, _chart2End) && item.Type == TrainingEvent.TrainingSession) { Area itemArea = new Area(e.Graphics, item.Bounds); int itemX = GetBarX(item, _chart2, _chart2Start, minutesChart2); int itemW = GetBarWidth(item, _chart2, minutesChart2); int itemH = 30; int intersections = GetIntersectionsCount(sessions, item); if (intersections > 5) continue; int itemY = _chart2.Bounds.Y + 5 * intersections + intersections * (30 - intersections - 2); sessions.Add(item); itemH -= intersections * 3; //itemArea.Text = item.Objective!=null?item.Objective:(spanish?"Objetivo sin definir": "Objective not defined yet"); item.Bounds = new Rectangle(itemX, itemY, itemW, itemH); itemArea.Bounds = item.Bounds; GetItemColor(item, itemArea); itemArea.BorderColor = Color.Black; itemArea.Draw(); itemArea.Tag = item; _bars.Add(itemArea); } } // draws chart3 double minutesChart3 = _chart3End.Subtract(_chart3Start).TotalMinutes; int x3 = _chart3.Bounds.X + BARS_X; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x3, _chart3.Bounds.Y - 30), new Point(x3, _chart3.Bounds.Y + _chart3.Bounds.Height)); } DateTime start3 = _chart3Start; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { TimeSpan ts = start3.AddDays(1).Subtract(start3); int dayWidth = GetWidth(ts, _chart3, minutesChart3); DrawHeader(e.Graphics, x3, _chart3.Bounds.Y - 20, dayWidth, start3, "dd MMMM"); start3 = start3.AddDays(1); x3 += dayWidth; using (Pen p = new Pen(SystemColors.AppWorkspace)) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, new Point(x3, _chart3.Bounds.Y - 20), new Point(x3, _chart3.Bounds.Y + _chart3.Bounds.Height)); } } // draws bars sessions = new List<TrainingItem>(); foreach (TrainingItem item in _items) { if (ItemInChart(item, _chart3Start, _chart3End) && item.Type == TrainingEvent.TrainingSession) { Area itemArea = new Area(e.Graphics, item.Bounds); int itemX = GetBarX(item, _chart3, _chart3Start, minutesChart3); int itemW = GetBarWidth(item, _chart3, minutesChart3); int itemH = 30; int intersections = GetIntersectionsCount(sessions, item); if (intersections > 5) continue; itemH -= intersections * 3; int itemY = _chart3.Bounds.Y + 5 * intersections + intersections * (30 - intersections - 2); sessions.Add(item); itemArea.Text = item.Objective != null ? item.Objective : (spanish ? "Objetivo sin definir" : "Objective not defined yet"); item.Bounds = new Rectangle(itemX, itemY, itemW, itemH); itemArea.Bounds = item.Bounds; GetItemColor(item, itemArea); itemArea.Font = base.Font; itemArea.TextFlags = System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl | System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.WordBreak | System.Windows.Forms.TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis; itemArea.Draw(); itemArea.Tag = item; _bars.Add(itemArea); } } } } catch { } }