public void SerializeDeserilize() { // setup indication const string s = "IBM"; const string e = "NYSE"; const int t = 092500; const decimal h = 128.08m; const decimal l = 126.25m; const int v = 1; Indication i = new IndicationImpl(s, e, t, v, h, l); // verify it's valid Assert.IsTrue(i.isValid); // serialize it string msg = IndicationImpl.Serialize(i); // deserialize it somewhere else Indication ni = IndicationImpl.Deserialize(msg); // make sure it's valid Assert.IsTrue(ni.isValid); // verify it's the same Assert.AreEqual(i.Symbol, ni.Symbol); Assert.AreEqual(i.Exchange, ni.Exchange); Assert.AreEqual(i.Time, ni.Time); Assert.AreEqual(i.High, ni.High); Assert.AreEqual(i.Low, ni.Low); }
public static Indication Deserialize(string msg) { IndicationImpl i = new IndicationImpl(); string[] r = msg.Split(','); i._sym = r[0]; i._ex = r[1]; int t = 0; if (int.TryParse(r[2], out t)) i._time = t; bool v = false; if (bool.TryParse(r[3], out v)) i._validity = v; decimal d = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(r[4], out d)) i._high = d; if (decimal.TryParse(r[5], out d)) i._low = d; return i; }
void doquote(ref structSTIQuoteUpdate q) { Tick k = new TickImpl(q.bstrSymbol); = (decimal)q.fBidPrice; k.ask = (decimal)q.fAskPrice; = q.nBidSize / 100; k.os = q.nAskSize / 100; k.ex = GetExPretty(q.bstrExch); = GetExPretty(q.bstrBidExch); k.oe = GetExPretty(q.bstrAskExch); int now = Convert.ToInt32(q.bstrUpdateTime); = Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now); //int sec = now % 100; k.time = now; // we don't want to simply return on out-of-order ticks because it'll prevent processing // of the mdx messages further in this function. if (!IgnoreOutOfOrderTicks || (k.time > _lasttime)) { _lasttime = k.time; = (decimal)q.fLastPrice; k.size = q.nLastSize; // execute orders if papertrade is enabled if (isPaperTradeEnabled) ptt.newTick(k); // notify clients of tick if (!_imbalance || (_imbalance && k.isValid)) tl.newTick(k); } ///////////////////////// // MDX Processing ///////////////////////// if (q.nMdxMsgType == 1) { if (VerboseDebugging) debug(q.bstrUpdateTime + " Received Regulatory Imbalance for: " + q.bstrSymbol + " ValidIntradayMarketImb: " + q.bValidIntradayMktImb + " ValidMktImb: " + q.bValidMktImb + " Imbalance: " + q.nImbalance + " iMktImbalance: " + q.nIntradayMktImbalance + " MktImbalance: " + q.nMktImbalance); int time; if (int.TryParse(q.bstrUpdateTime, out time)) { Imbalance imb = new ImbalanceImpl(q.bstrSymbol, GetExPretty(q.bstrExch), q.nIntradayMktImbalance, time, 0, 0, 0); tl.newImbalance(imb); } } else if (q.nMdxMsgType == 2) { if (VerboseDebugging) debug(q.bstrUpdateTime + " Received Informational Imbalance for: " + q.bstrSymbol + " ValidIntradayMarketImb: " + q.bValidIntradayMktImb + " ValidMktImb: " + q.bValidMktImb + " Imbalance: " + q.nImbalance + " iMktImbalance: " + q.nIntradayMktImbalance + " MktImbalance: " + q.nMktImbalance); int time; if (int.TryParse(q.bstrUpdateTime, out time)) { Imbalance imb = new ImbalanceImpl(q.bstrSymbol, GetExPretty(q.bstrExch), 0, time, 0, 0, q.nIntradayMktImbalance); tl.newImbalance(imb); } } else if (q.nMdxMsgType == 3) { if (VerboseDebugging) debug(q.bstrUpdateTime + " Received Halt/Delay for: " + q.bstrSymbol + " Status: " + q.bstrHaltResumeStatus + " Reason: " + q.bstrHaltResumeReason); int time; if (int.TryParse(q.bstrUpdateTime, out time)) { HaltResume h = new HaltResumeImpl(q.bstrSymbol, GetExPretty(q.bstrExch), time, q.bstrHaltResumeStatus, q.bstrHaltResumeReason); for (int clientNumber = 0; clientNumber < tl.NumClients; clientNumber++) tl.TLSend(HaltResumeImpl.Serialize(h), MessageTypes.HALTRESUME, clientNumber); } } else if (q.nMdxMsgType == 4) { if (VerboseDebugging) debug(q.bstrUpdateTime + " Received Indication for: " + q.bstrSymbol + " ValidIndicators: " + q.bValidIndicators + " IndicatorHigh: " + q.fIndicatorHigh + " IndicatorLow: " + q.fIndicatorLow); int time; if (int.TryParse(q.bstrUpdateTime, out time)) { Indication ind = new IndicationImpl(q.bstrSymbol, GetExPretty(q.bstrExch), time, q.bValidIndicators, (decimal)q.fIndicatorHigh, (decimal)q.fIndicatorLow); for (int clientNumber = 0; clientNumber < tl.NumClients; clientNumber++) tl.TLSend(IndicationImpl.Serialize(ind), MessageTypes.INDICATION, clientNumber); } } }