        public Image DrawBarList(BarListImpl bl, BarInterval bi, Color up, Color down)
            bl.DefaultInterval = bi;
            Bitmap   sl = new Bitmap(w, h);
            Graphics g  = Graphics.FromImage(sl);

            high = Calc.HH(bl);
            low  = Calc.LL(bl);
            decimal range        = high - low;
            int     pixperdollar = range != 0 ? (int)(h / range) : 0;
            int     pixperbar    = bl.Count != 0 ? (int)(w / (decimal)bl.Count) : 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < bl.Count; i++)
                Bar b = bl[i, bi];
                Pen p = new Pen(b.Close >= b.Open ? up : down);
                g.DrawLine(p, i * pixperbar, h - (int)((b.Low - low) * pixperdollar), i * pixperbar, h - (int)((b.High - low) * pixperdollar));
        void Chart_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (bl != null)
                highesth = Calc.HH(bl);
                lowestl  = Calc.LL(bl);
                barc     = bl.Count;
            if ((bl == null) || (bl.Count == 0))
            // setup to draw
            Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black);

            g = e.Graphics;
            Form f = (Form)sender;

            // get title
            Text = Title;
            // get window
            r = ClientRectangle;
            // get number of pixels available for each bar, based on screensize and barcount
            pixperbar = (((decimal)r.Width - (decimal)border - ((decimal)border / 3)) / (decimal)barc);
            // pixels for each time stamp
            const int pixperbarlabel = 60;
            // number of labels we have room to draw
            int numbarlabels = (int)((double)(r.Width - border - ((double)border / 3)) / pixperbarlabel);
            // draw a label every so many bars (assume every bar to star)
            int labeleveryX = 1;

            // if there's more bars than space
            if (barc > numbarlabels)
                labeleveryX = (int)Math.Round(((double)barc / numbarlabels));
            // get dollar range for chart
            decimal range = (highesth - lowestl);

            // get pixels available for each dollar of movement
            pixperdollar = range == 0 ? 0 : (((decimal)r.Height - (decimal)border * 2) / range);

            Color fgcol = (f.BackColor == Color.Black) ? Color.White : Color.Black;

            // x-axis
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(fgcol), (int)(border / 3), r.Height - border, r.Width - border, r.Height - border);
            // y-axis
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(fgcol), r.Width - border, r.Y + border, r.Width - border, r.Height - border);

            const int minxlabelwidth = 30;

            int lastlabelcoord = -500;

            for (int i = 0; i < barc; i++)
                // get bar color
                Color bcolor = (bl[i].Close > bl[i].Open) ? Color.Green : Color.Red;
                p = new Pen(bcolor);
                    // draw high/low bar
                    g.DrawLine(p, getX(i), getY(bl[i].Low), getX(i), getY(bl[i].High));
                    // draw open bar
                    g.DrawLine(p, getX(i), getY(bl[i].Open), getX(i) - (int)(pixperbar / 3), getY(bl[i].Open));
                    // draw close bar
                    g.DrawLine(p, getX(i), getY(bl[i].Close), getX(i) + (int)(pixperbar / 3), getY(bl[i].Close));
                    // draw time labels (time @30min and date@noon)

                    // if interval is intra-day
                    if (bl.DefaultInterval != BarInterval.Day)
                        // every 6 bars draw the bartime
                        if ((i % labeleveryX) == 0)
                            g.DrawString(bl[i].Bartime.ToString(), f.Font, new SolidBrush(fgcol), getX(i), r.Height - (f.Font.GetHeight() * 3));
                        // if it's noon, draw the date
                        if (bl[i].Bartime == 1200)
                            g.DrawString(bl[i].Bardate.ToString(), f.Font, new SolidBrush(fgcol), getX(i), r.Height - (float)(f.Font.GetHeight() * 1.5));
                    else // otherwise it's daily data
                        // get date
                        int[] date        = Calc.Date(bl[i].Bardate);
                        int[] lastbardate = date;
                        // get previous bar date if we have one
                        if ((i - 1) > 0)
                            lastbardate = Calc.Date(bl[i - 1].Bardate);
                        // if we have room since last time we drew the year
                        if ((getX(lastlabelcoord) + minxlabelwidth) <= getX(i))
                            // get coordinate for present days label
                            lastlabelcoord = i;
                            // draw day
                            g.DrawString(date[2].ToString(), f.Font, new SolidBrush(fgcol), getX(i), r.Height - (f.Font.GetHeight() * 3));
                        // if it's first bar or a new month
                        if ((i == 0) || (lastbardate[1] != date[1]))
                            // get the month
                            string ds = date[1].ToString();
                            // if it sfirst bar or the year has changed, add year to month
                            if ((i == 0) || (lastbardate[0] != date[0]))
                                ds += '/' + date[0].ToString();
                            // draw the month
                            g.DrawString(ds, f.Font, new SolidBrush(fgcol), getX(i), r.Height - (float)(f.Font.GetHeight() * 1.5));
                catch (OverflowException) { }

            // DRAW YLABELS
            // max number of even intervaled ylabels possible on yaxis
            int numlabels = (int)((r.Height - border * 2) / (f.Font.GetHeight() * 1.5));
            // nearest price units giving "pretty" even intervaled ylabels
            decimal priceunits = NearestPrettyPriceUnits(highesth - lowestl, numlabels);
            // starting price point from low end of range, including lowest low in barlist
            decimal lowstart = lowestl - ((lowestl * 100) % (priceunits * 100)) / 100;
            // original "non-pretty" price units calc
            //decimal priceunits = (highesth-lowestl)/numlabels;
            Pen priceline = new Pen(Color.BlueViolet);

            priceline.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot;

            for (decimal i = 0; i <= numlabels; i++)
                decimal price = lowstart + (i * priceunits);
                g.DrawString(price.ToString("C"), f.Font, new SolidBrush(fgcol), r.Width - border, getY(price) - f.Font.GetHeight());
                g.DrawLine(priceline, border / 3, getY(price), r.Width - border, getY(price));