        async void SetUserTrackCurrentLocation(double latitude, double longitude)
                //  trvMap.Children.Clear();
                // Get the cancellation token.
                _cts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                token = _cts.Token;
                // Get the location.

                Location location = new Location(latitude, longitude);

                //// Now set the zoom level of the map based on the accuracy of our location data.
                //// Default to IP level accuracy. We only show the region at this level - No icon is displayed.
                //double zoomLevel = 13.0f;

                //// Add the 10m icon and zoom closer.
                //if (trvMap.Children.Count == 0) {
                //    trvMap.Children.Add(_locationIcon10m);

                //MapLayer.SetPosition(_locationIcon10m, location);
                //zoomLevel = 15.0f;

                //// Set the map to the given location and zoom level.
                //trvMap.SetView(location, zoomLevel);

                // Now set the zoom level of the map based on the accuracy of our location data.
                // Default to IP level accuracy. We only show the region at this level - No icon is displayed.
                double          zoomLevel            = 17.0f;
                LocationIcon10m _locationUserIcon10m = new LocationIcon10m();
                Callout         callout = new Callout();

                callout.Text = "Tracker's Location";
                callout.Lon  = "Lon (λ): " + location.Longitude.ToString().Substring(0, 7);
                callout.Lat  = "Lat (φ): " + location.Latitude.ToString().Substring(0, 7);
                _locationUserIcon10m.DataContext = callout;

                foreach (var children in trvMap.Children)
                    if (children.GetType().Name == "LocationIcon10m")
                // Add the 10m icon and zoom closer.
                MapLayer.SetPosition(_locationUserIcon10m, location);
                // Set the map to the given location and zoom level.
                trvMap.SetView(location, zoomLevel);
            catch { }
        async Task SetCurrentLocation()
                // Get the cancellation token.
                _cts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
                token = _cts.Token;
                // Get the location.

                var asyncResult = _geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync();
                var task        = asyncResult.AsTask();

                var readyTask = await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(10000));

                if (readyTask != task)
                    SetMessage(MessageType.Error, "❎ Unable to find your location, trying again...");

                Geoposition pos = await task;
                //  MessageTextbox.Text = "";

                Location location = new Location(pos.Coordinate.Latitude, pos.Coordinate.Longitude);
                ProxyTracker.GetInstance().MyTrackLocation = new Services.TrackService.TrackLocation {
                    Latitude = pos.Coordinate.Latitude, Longitude = pos.Coordinate.Longitude
                // Now set the zoom level of the map based on the accuracy of our location data.
                // Default to IP level accuracy. We only show the region at this level - No icon is displayed.
                double zoomLevel = 13.0f;

                Callout callout = new Callout();

                callout.Text = "My Location";
                callout.Lon  = "Lon (λ): " + location.Longitude.ToString().Substring(0, 7);
                callout.Lat  = "Lat (φ): " + location.Latitude.ToString().Substring(0, 7);
                _locationIcon100m.DataContext = callout;

                foreach (var children in trvMap.Children)
                    if (children.GetType().Name == "LocationIcon100m")

                // Add the 100m icon and zoom a little closer.

                MapLayer.SetPosition(_locationIcon100m, location);
                zoomLevel = 17.0f;

                // Set the map to the given location and zoom level.
                trvMap.SetView(location, zoomLevel);
                //  txtMessage.Text = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                SetMessage(MessageType.Error, "❎ Location services is disabled on this computer");