private void bttnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Garage garage = new Garage(); Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(); TypeVehicle typeVehicle = new TypeVehicle(); garage.Number = Convert.ToInt16(lblNumber.Text); garage.Ubication = lblUbication.Text; garage.State = false; vehicle.Domain = maskDomain.Text; vehicle.Brand = txtBrand.Text; vehicle.Model = txtModel.Text; garage.Vehicle = vehicle; switch (cmbTypeOfVehicle.SelectedIndex) { case 0: { typeVehicle.Code = "1"; typeVehicle.Description = cmbTypeOfVehicle.SelectedItem.ToString(); break; } case 1: { typeVehicle.Code = "2"; typeVehicle.Description = cmbTypeOfVehicle.SelectedItem.ToString(); break; } case 2: { typeVehicle.Code = "3"; typeVehicle.Description = cmbTypeOfVehicle.SelectedItem.ToString(); break; } } garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle = typeVehicle; if (rentalCollection.IfDomainExists(maskDomain.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("This domain already exists."); } else { if (radBttnHour.Checked == true) { RentalHour rentalHour = new RentalHour(); rentalHour.Date = DateTime.Now; rentalHour.Garage = garage; rentalHour.Since = DateTime.Now; rentalCollection.Add(rentalHour); xmlRentals.GenerateXMLRentals(rentalCollection.GetAll()); clickedBttn.Text = clickedBttn.Text + " HOUR\n" + garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle.Description + " \n" + garage.Vehicle.Domain; } else { RentalMonth rentalMonth = new RentalMonth(); Movement movement = new Movement(); rentalMonth.Date = DateTime.Now; rentalMonth.Garage = garage; rentalMonth.Holder = txtOwner.Text; rentalMonth.DueDate = rentalMonth.Date.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt16(numMonth.Value)); rentalCollection.Add(rentalMonth); xmlRentals.GenerateXMLRentals(rentalCollection.GetAll()); movement.Concept = "MONTH: " + garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle.Description + " " + garage.Vehicle.Domain; movement.Amount = rentalMonth.CalculateAmount(); movement.Date = DateTime.Now; movement.ItsIncome = true; movement.User = user; movement.CashCount = null; movementCollection.Add(movement); xmlMovements.GenerateXMLMovements(movementCollection.GetAll()); MessageBox.Show("You have to charge " + movement.Amount + " to your client."); clickedBttn.Text = clickedBttn.Text + " MONTH\n" + garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle.Description + " \n" + garage.Vehicle.Domain; } garageCollection.Add(garage); clickedBttn.BackColor = Color.Red; Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void FormMenu_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { cashCountCollection.AddCashCountList(xmlCashCounts.GetCashCounts()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } xmlCashCounts.GenerateXMLCashCounts(cashCountCollection.GetAll()); try { rentalCollection.AddRentalsList(xmlRentals.GetRentals()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } xmlRentals.GenerateXMLRentals(rentalCollection.GetAll()); try { movementCollection.AddMovementsList(xmlMovements.GetMovements()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } xmlMovements.GenerateXMLMovements(movementCollection.GetAll()); int amountAlerts = 0; BindData(); DataGridViewColumn Column = dgvIncomes.Columns[3]; Column.Visible = false; Column = dgvOutcomes.Columns[3]; Column.Visible = false; try { foreach (Rental rental in xmlRentals.GetRentals()) { if (rental.Garage.State == false) { garageCollection.Add(rental.Garage); if (rental is RentalMonth) { RentalMonth rentalMonth = (RentalMonth)rental; TimeSpan dateAux = rentalMonth.DueDate - DateTime.Today; if (dateAux.TotalDays <= 5) { alerts.Add(rentalMonth); amountAlerts = amountAlerts + 1; } } } } foreach (Button button in groupGarages.Controls) { Rental rental = rentalCollection.SearchRentByNumber(Convert.ToInt16(button.Text)); if (rental != null) { if (rental.Garage.State == false) { button.BackColor = Color.Red; if (rental is RentalHour) { button.Text = button.Text + " HOUR\n" + rental.Garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle.Description + " \n" + rental.Garage.Vehicle.Domain; } else { button.Text = button.Text + " MONTH\n" + rental.Garage.Vehicle.TypeVehicle.Description + " \n" + rental.Garage.Vehicle.Domain; } rental = null; } } } if (amountAlerts > 0) { MessageBox.Show("¡ " + amountAlerts + " alquileres a punto de terminar! Revisar ¡Alertas! para más información."); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("¡Error cargando cocheras. Avisar a administrador! (Error 001 - XML)"); } }