} // GenerateTestCasesTable internal void GenerateReport(string fileName) { TimeSpan testTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - TestSessStartTime; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(sb); HtmlTextWriter w = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); w.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Body); WriteLine(w, "TPM Test Report", HtmlTextWriterTag.H1); WriteLine(w, "Start Time: " + TestSessStartTime.ToString("F")); WriteLine(w, "Duration: " + testTimeSpan.TotalMinutes.ToString("F2") + " min"); bool failed = CumulativeFailures.Count != 0; bool aborted = AbortedTests.Count != 0; bool warnings = CumulativeWarnings.Count != 0; string title; if (failed) { title = "Some tests FAILED" + (aborted ? " or were ABORTED" : "") + (warnings ? " and there were WARNINGS" : ""); } else { title = "All Tests PASSED" + (warnings ? " with WARNINGS" : "") + (aborted ? (warnings ? " and" : " but") + " some were ABORTED" : ""); } WriteLine(w, title, HtmlTextWriterTag.H1); WriteLine(w, "Total Substrate.Assertions Checked = " + TotalNumAsserts); // ================ FAILING CASES SECTION ========================== GenerateTestCasesTable(CumulativeFailures, "Failing Cases", w); // ================ ABORTED CASES SECTION ========================== if (AbortedTests.Count != 0) { WriteLine(w, "Aborted Cases", HtmlTextWriterTag.H2); WriteLine(w, "Tests aborted because of commands not implemented by " + "the target TPM, or blocked by OS."); BeginTable(w, "Test Case", "Abort Reason"); foreach (var item in AbortedTests) { WriteTableRow(w, item.Key, GetAbortReasonMessage(item.Value)); } EndTable(w); // table } // ================ WARNINGS SECTION ========================== GenerateTestCasesTable(CumulativeWarnings, "Warnings", w); // ================ COMMAND STATS SECTION ========================== WriteLine(w, "Command Statistics", HtmlTextWriterTag.H2); WriteLine(w, "Total TPM Commands Executed = " + TotalNumCommands); BeginTable(w, "Command Code", "Successes", "Failures", "Average<br>Success<br>Time, ms", "Average<br>Failure<br>Time, ms", "Error Codes", "Calling Tests"); var sortedStats = CumulativeCmdStats.OrderBy(item => item.Key.ToString()); // item.Value.NumSuccess //var sortedStats = CumulativeCmdStats; foreach (var item in sortedStats) { CommandStats stat = item.Value; string avgSuccessTime = stat.NumSuccess == 0 ? "-" : String.Format("{0:F1}", stat.SuccessExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds / stat.NumSuccess); string avgFailureTime = stat.NumFailures == 0 ? "-" : String.Format("{0:F2}", stat.FailureExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds / stat.NumFailures); WriteTableRow(w, item.Key, stat.NumSuccess, stat.NumFailures, avgSuccessTime, avgFailureTime, Globs.ToString(stat.FailureResponses, ", ", "-"), Globs.ToString(stat.CallerTests, ", ", "-")); } EndTable(w); // commands not executed - List <TpmCc> notExecuted = new List <TpmCc>(); foreach (var c in CommandInformation.Info) { int num = sortedStats.Sum(y => (y.Key == c.CommandCode) ? 1 : 0); if (num == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Not executed:" + c.CommandCode.ToString()); } } // ================ TEST ROUTINE STATS SECTION ========================== WriteLine(w, "Test Routine Statistics", HtmlTextWriterTag.H2); int totalTestRoutineCount = this.TestRoutinesStats.Sum(item => item.Value.NumAborted + item.Value.NumFailed + item.Value.NumSuccess); WriteLine(w, "Total Test Routines Executed = " + totalTestRoutineCount); BeginTable(w, "Test Name", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Aborted", "Average<BR>Time, s"); var sortedTestStats = TestRoutinesStats.OrderBy(item => item.Key.ToString()); foreach (var item in sortedTestStats) { TestStats stat = item.Value; int n = stat.NumSuccess + stat.NumFailed + stat.NumAborted; if (n == 0) { continue; } string avgTime = String.Format("{0:F2}", (double)stat.TotalExecutionTime / n / 1000); WriteTableRow(w, item.Key, stat.NumSuccess, stat.NumFailed, stat.NumAborted, avgTime); } EndTable(w); w.RenderEndTag(); // Body File.WriteAllText(fileName, sb.ToString()); }
internal void GenerateWLKReport(ref int Run, ref int Fail, ref int Success, bool PassFailedTests) { foreach (TestCaseInfo c in CumulativeFailures) { string parmsText = ""; // >>> write parms if (c.Parms != null) { foreach (Object o in c.Parms) { if (o is TestCaseInfo) { // Formerly this parameter contained an exception object, // information from which is now encapsulated in 'c'. continue; } else if (o is Enum) { parmsText += Enum.GetName(o.GetType(), o) + " : "; bool first = true; Enum e = o as Enum; Array values = Enum.GetValues(o.GetType()); foreach (Enum v in values) { if (e.HasFlag(v)) { if (!first) { parmsText += " | "; } else { first = false; } parmsText += Enum.GetName(o.GetType(), v); } } } else if (o is byte[]) { parmsText += Globs.HexFromByteArray((byte[])o); } else { parmsText += o.ToString(); } parmsText += "<p>"; } } else { parmsText = "<br>"; } string details = c.Message + "\n" + c.Location + "\n" + "Parameters:\n" + parmsText + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.RngSeed) ? "" : "To reproduce use option: -seed " + c.RngSeed + "\n"); details.Replace("\r", ""); string errorText = c.TestCase.Replace(":", " : ") + ";\n" + details; // c.StackTrace.Replace("\r", ""); WriteToWLKLog(errorText, TestResult.Failed, PassFailedTests); } // ================ ABORTED CASES SECTION ========================== foreach (var item in AbortedTests) { string errorText = "TestCaseInfo:" + item.Key + " aborted because: " + GetAbortReasonMessage(item.Value); if (item.Value.reason == AbortReason.BlockedCommand) { WriteToWLKLog(errorText, TestResult.NotRun, PassFailedTests); } else { WriteToWLKLog(errorText, TestResult.Failed, PassFailedTests); } } // ================ COMMAND STATS SECTION ========================== Log.Comment(string.Format("Total TPM command count: {0}", TotalNumCommands)); string successfulCommands = "Commands executed: "; var sortedStats = CumulativeCmdStats.OrderBy(item => item.Key.ToString()); //var sortedStats = CumulativeCmdStats; foreach (var item in sortedStats) { CommandStats stat = item.Value; successfulCommands += item.Key + " (" + stat.NumSuccess + ") "; } Log.Comment(successfulCommands); WriteToLog(successfulCommands); // commands not executed - List <TpmCc> notExecuted = new List <TpmCc>(); foreach (var c in CommandInformation.Info) { int num = sortedStats.Sum(y => (y.Key == c.CommandCode) ? 1 : 0); if (num == 0 && TestCategorizer.CommandDefinedForMinTpm(c.CommandCode)) { Log.Comment("Command " + c.CommandCode + " not executed."); } } // ================ TEST ROUTINE STATS SECTION ========================== int totalTestRoutineCount = this.TestRoutinesStats.Sum(item => item.Value.NumAborted + item.Value.NumFailed + item.Value.NumSuccess); var sortedTestStats = TestRoutinesStats.OrderByDescending(item => item.Value.NumFailed); foreach (var item in sortedTestStats) { if (item.Value.NumFailed == 0) { break; // no more failures } WriteToWLKLog(string.Format("{0} failed.", item.Key), TestResult.Failed, PassFailedTests); Fail++; } sortedTestStats = TestRoutinesStats.OrderByDescending(item => item.Value.NumSuccess); foreach (var item in sortedTestStats) { if (item.Value.NumSuccess == 0) { break; // no more failures } Verify.IsTrue(true, item.Key); WriteToLog("{0} passed.", item.Key); Success++; } foreach (var item in sortedTestStats) { TestStats stat = item.Value; if (stat.NumSuccess == 0 && stat.NumFailed == 0) { Log.Result(TestResult.NotRun, string.Format("{0} not run.", item.Key)); Run++; } } }
internal void TestCompleted(TestContext ctx) { double testTime = (DateTime.Now - ctx.CurTestStartTime).TotalMilliseconds; string TestName = ctx.CurTestMethod; TestStatus status = ctx.CurTestStatus; Debug.Assert((status & ~(TestStatus.OK | TestStatus.Aborted | TestStatus.Failed)) == 0, "No test status set"); lock (TestRoutinesStats) { if (!TestRoutinesStats.ContainsKey(TestName)) { TestRoutinesStats.Add(TestName, new TestStats()); } TestStats s = TestRoutinesStats[TestName]; s.TotalExecutionTime += (int)testTime; if (status == TestStatus.OK) { s.NumSuccess++; } else { // Multiple failure statuses are possible in case the test used // restart feature. if ((status & TestStatus.Failed) != 0) { s.NumFailed++; } if ((status & TestStatus.Aborted) != 0) { s.NumAborted++; } } } lock (CumulativeCmdStats) { // Merge in statistics accumulated in the test context during this // test run. TotalNumCommands += ctx.NumCommands; TotalNumAsserts += ctx.NumAsserts; foreach (var kv in ctx.CmdStats) { TpmCc cc = kv.Key; CommandStats stat = kv.Value; if (!CumulativeCmdStats.ContainsKey(cc)) { Debug.Assert(stat.CallerTests.Count == 0); stat.CallerTests.Add(ctx.CurTestMethod); CumulativeCmdStats.Add(cc, stat); } else { CommandStats cumulStat = CumulativeCmdStats[cc]; cumulStat.NumSuccess += stat.NumSuccess; cumulStat.NumFailures += stat.NumFailures; cumulStat.FailureResponses = new SortedSet <TpmRc>( cumulStat.FailureResponses.Union(stat.FailureResponses)); cumulStat.SuccessExecutionTime += stat.SuccessExecutionTime; cumulStat.FailureExecutionTime += stat.FailureExecutionTime; if (!cumulStat.CallerTests.Contains(ctx.CurTestMethod)) { cumulStat.CallerTests.Add(ctx.CurTestMethod); } } } } }