public static void OnGUI() { #if DEBUG UI.Div(0, 25); var inventory = Game.Instance.Player.Inventory; var items = inventory.ToList(); UI.HStack("Inventory", 1, () => { UI.ActionButton("Export", () => items.Export("inventory.json"), UI.Width(150)); UI.Space(25); UI.ActionButton("Import", () => inventory.Import("inventory.json"), UI.Width(150)); UI.Space(25); UI.ActionButton("Replace", () => inventory.Import("inventory.json", true), UI.Width(150)); }, () => { } ); #endif UI.Div(0, 25); UI.HStack("Loot", 1, () => { UI.BindableActionButton(MassLootBox, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Area exit loot screen useful with the mod Cleaner to clear junk loot mid dungeon leaving less clutter on the map".green()); }, () => { UI.ActionButton("Reveal Ground Loot", () => LootHelper.ShowAllChestsOnMap(), UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(210); UI.Label("Shows all chests/bags/etc on the map excluding hidden".green()); }, () => { UI.ActionButton("Reveal Hidden Ground Loot", () => LootHelper.ShowAllChestsOnMap(true), UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(210); UI.Label("Shows all chests/bags/etc on the map including hidden".green()); }, () => { UI.ActionButton("Reveal Inevitable Loot", () => LootHelper.ShowAllInevitablePortalLoot(), UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(210); UI.Label("Shows unlocked Inevitable Excess DLC rewards on the map".green()); }, () => { UI.Toggle("Mass Loot Shows Everything When Leaving Map", ref settings.toggleMassLootEverything); UI.Space(100); UI.Label("Some items might be invisible until looted".green()); }, () => { UI.Toggle("Color Items By Rarity", ref settings.toggleColorLootByRarity); UI.Space(25); using (UI.VerticalScope()) { UI.Label($"This makes loot function like Diablo or Borderlands. {"Note: turning this off requires you to save and reload for it to take effect.".orange()}".green()); UI.Label("The coloring of rarity goes as follows:".green()); UI.HStack("Rarity".orange(), 1, () => { UI.Label("Trash".Rarity(RarityType.Trash).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Common".Rarity(RarityType.Common).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Uncommon".Rarity(RarityType.Uncommon).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); }, () => { UI.Space(3); UI.Label("Rare".Rarity(RarityType.Rare).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Epic".Rarity(RarityType.Epic).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Legendary".Rarity(RarityType.Legendary).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); }, () => { UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Mythic".Rarity(RarityType.Mythic).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Godly".Rarity(RarityType.Godly).bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); UI.Space(5); UI.Label("Notable".Rarity(RarityType.Notable).bold() + "*".orange().bold(), UI.rarityStyle, UI.Width(200)); }, () => { UI.Space(3); UI.Label("*".orange().bold() + " Notable".Rarity(RarityType.Notable) + " denotes items that are deemed to be significant for plot reasons or have significant subtle properties".green(), UI.Width(615)); }, () => { } ); } // The following options let you configure loot filtering and auto sell levels:".green()); }, #if false () => UI.RarityGrid("Hide Level ", ref settings.lootFilterIgnore, 0, UI.AutoWidth()), () => UI.RarityGrid("Auto Sell Level ", ref settings.lootFilterAutoSell, 0, UI.AutoWidth()), #endif () => { } ); UI.Div(0, 25); var isEmpty = true; UI.HStack("Loot Checklist", 1, () => { var areaName = ""; if (Main.IsInGame) { areaName = Game.Instance.CurrentlyLoadedArea.AreaDisplayName; var areaPrivateName =; if (areaPrivateName != areaName) { areaName += $"\n({areaPrivateName})".yellow(); } } UI.Label(, UI.Width(300)); UI.Label("Rarity: ".cyan(), UI.AutoWidth()); UI.RarityGrid(ref settings.lootChecklistFilterRarity, 4, UI.AutoWidth()); }, () => { UI.ActionTextField( ref searchText, "itemSearchText", (text) => { }, () => { }, UI.Width(300)); UI.Space(25); UI.Toggle("Show Friendly", ref settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterFriendlies); UI.Space(25); UI.Toggle("Blueprint", ref settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterBlueprint, UI.AutoWidth()); UI.Space(25); UI.Toggle("Description", ref settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterDescription, UI.AutoWidth()); }, () => { if (!Main.IsInGame) { UI.Label("Not available in the Main Menu".orange()); return; } var presentGroups = LootHelper.GetMassLootFromCurrentArea().GroupBy(p => p.InteractionLoot != null ? "Containers" : "Units"); var indent = 3; using (UI.VerticalScope()) { foreach (var group in presentGroups.Reverse()) { var presents = group.AsEnumerable().OrderByDescending(p => { var loot = p.GetLewtz(searchText); if (loot.Count == 0) { return(0); } else { return((int)loot.Max(l => l.Rarity())); } }); var rarity = settings.lootChecklistFilterRarity; var count = presents.Where(p => p.Unit == null || (settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterFriendlies && !p.Unit.IsPlayersEnemy || p.Unit.IsPlayersEnemy) || (!settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterFriendlies && p.Unit.IsPlayersEnemy)).Count(p => p.GetLewtz(searchText).Lootable(rarity).Count() > 0); UI.Label($"{group.Key.cyan()}: {count}"); UI.Div(indent); foreach (var present in presents) { var pahtLewts = present.GetLewtz(searchText).Lootable(rarity).OrderByDescending(l => l.Rarity()); var unit = present.Unit; if (pahtLewts.Count() > 0 && (unit == null || (settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterFriendlies && !unit.IsPlayersEnemy || unit.IsPlayersEnemy) || (!settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterFriendlies && unit.IsPlayersEnemy))) { isEmpty = false; UI.Div(); using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Space(indent); UI.Label($"{present.GetName()}".orange().bold(), UI.Width(325)); if (present.InteractionLoot != null) { if (present.InteractionLoot?.Owner?.PerceptionCheckDC > 0) { UI.Label($" Perception DC: {present.InteractionLoot?.Owner?.PerceptionCheckDC}".green().bold(), UI.Width(125)); } else { UI.Label($" Perception DC: NA".orange().bold(), UI.Width(125)); } int?trickDc = present.InteractionLoot?.Owner?.Get <DisableDeviceRestrictionPart>()?.DC; if (trickDc > 0) { UI.Label($" Trickery DC: {trickDc}".green().bold(), UI.Width(125)); } else { UI.Label($" Trickery DC: NA".orange().bold(), UI.Width(125)); } } UI.Space(25); using (UI.VerticalScope()) { foreach (var lewt in pahtLewts) { var description = lewt.Blueprint.Description; var showBP = settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterBlueprint; var showDesc = settings.toggleLootChecklistFilterDescription && description != null && description.Length > 0; using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { //Main.Log($"rarity: {lewt.Blueprint.Rarity()} - color: {lewt.Blueprint.Rarity().color()}"); UI.Label(lewt.Name.Rarity(lewt.Blueprint.Rarity()), showDesc || showBP ? UI.Width(350) : UI.AutoWidth()); if (showBP) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label(lewt.Blueprint.GetDisplayName().grey(), showDesc ? UI.Width(350) : UI.AutoWidth()); } if (showDesc) { UI.Space(100); UI.Label(description.StripHTML().green()); } } } } } UI.Space(25); } } UI.Space(25); } } }, () => { if (isEmpty) { using (UI.HorizontalScope()) { UI.Label("No Loot Available".orange(), UI.AutoWidth()); } } } ); }
public static void OnLoad() { KeyBindings.RegisterAction(MassLootBox, () => LootHelper.OpenMassLoot()); }